388 평점
4M Mehni's Misc Modifications [1.2-1.4]
즐겨찾기 해제
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
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1.214 MB
2020년 9월 14일 오전 5시 08분
2023년 6월 23일 오전 4시 31분
변경 사항 11개 ( 보기 )

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4M Mehni's Misc Modifications [1.2-1.4]

Adds various settings to customise your RimWorld experience.

- Bugfixes for vanilla issues
The game gives up on sending you manhunter packs once you reach a certain size. No more!

- Extend the time for pawns to undraft themselves
Stay where I put you!
Ever had colonists auto undraft themselves while positioning them? Not anymore.

- Change the threshold at which pawns retreat
Raiders flee at 50% by default. That's boring. Let's randomise the flee threshold.
Want a bigger challenge? Turn off fleeing entirely. Want a laid back game? Set it lower!
Want unpredictability? There's a slider for however much randomness you can suffer.
PS: doesn't work with those kamikaze groups which will fight until last person standing.

- Get an alert when the Nutrient Paste Dispenser can't be used
Pawns won't eat Nutrient Paste for some reason? Odds are there's a chunk blocking access to the interaction spot. 4M gives you a warning if this is the case.

Information improvements
- Show what pawns are in a relationship when assigning beds
- Show more info on plant yield (Thanks XeoNovaDan!)
- Show DPS info for all (modded) weapons (Thanks XeoNovanDan!)
- Disable messages for dying animals - who cares about Chicken #357 dying?
- Confirmation dialog before starting if currently viewed colonist isn't selected for embark
- Better raider visibility. No more ninja mechanoids! All hostiles will have their label draw in red, whether they're a raider, mechanoid or hostile animal. (Removed in 1.4, please use Atomic Patches - Hostile Labels instead)
- Chased refugees will give a full headcount of their raid.
- Add item information buttons at item filter.

Various (AI) tweaks and settings
- Never roll pacifists again.
- Set a custom filth rate for humans. (Removed in 1.3)
- Don't interact with animals just before their naptime.
- Animals marked for taming are less tasty to your guard-trained predators. ("Bad bear! I said tame the turtle, not eat it!")
- Increase the size of Herd Migrations. Bring on the herd!

Mods for modders
- Remove the 6 second cooldown on workshop submissions
- Devmode spawn tweaks. Pick the stuff and quality for the item you wish to spawn.
- Remove the 999 messages limit. Because sometimes you want to get spammed. (Removed in 1.3)

Most things in the mod are optional which can be configured or turned off.

Programmed by Mehni, XeoNovaDan, simplyWiri, Miyuri and Kaedys.
Chinese translation by HawnHan and Miyuri.
Japanese translation by Miyuri.
Preview image by Dianne. Check out her stuff here!
Many thanks to all kind mod developers at the official Discord server[discord.com]!

Github page: https://github.com/ZXfkSIE/4M-Mehni-s-Misc-Modifications
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2023년 11월 2일 오전 4시 05분
고정됨: Errors, bugs and glitches here, please!
2020년 9월 14일 오후 5시 51분
고정됨: 中文翻译意见贴 / 日本語翻訳への意見
댓글 187
Videogameplayer 2024년 7월 11일 오전 1시 46분 
I will miss the DPS stat on ranged weapons but I wish you well Miyuri and thanks for sharing the fruits of your labour :steamthumbsup:
Evilservant6 2024년 5월 2일 오전 9시 52분 
1.5 someone?
GULÉ🏠 2024년 4월 30일 오전 2시 10분 
Could someone please update this mod or make a fork? It's seriously a must-have for me!!! 😭
megabot 2024년 4월 18일 오후 12시 15분 
you overestimate the intellect of some people on the internet and in real life lmao
Admiralthrawnbar 2024년 4월 16일 오후 8시 55분 
Did you somehow miss the comment directly before your own stating exactly that?
Hugh Mann 2024년 4월 16일 오후 1시 03분 
I take it that this has been discontinued and a 1.5 update wont be made?
Miyuri  [작성자] 2024년 3월 16일 오전 5시 21분 

I permanently quit the modding of 4M since I have been tired of the eternal raids, which were generated without considering the productivity of those factions at all. You can fork the source codes from my Github page and make your own. Be sure to contact Mehni at the RimWorld Discord server first.
tide{S}haper industries 2023년 11월 2일 오전 4시 04분 
Coming through from troubleshooting;

The setting 'Disables Pacifists' has the potential to break (hardlock due to error-spam) the game if used in combination with another game-rule (ideo, gene, faction, xenotype) that enforces/expects a pawn being a pacifist. I'd recommend AT THE VERY LEAST to add some information about that to the setting!

This are longstanding issues with how the basegame generator works and can even cause the whole worldgen to break if it happens to a worldpawn getting stuck in a logic dilemma. Most likely not relevant for this mod, since it only affects rolling player-pawns (I hope at least) - but variations of this issue can affect NPC factions as well. Thus user AND modder should prevent using dichotomic and enforced rules being put onto pawn-generation.

For more information; feel free to ping me (@tideshaper / @waveshaper) over on the Rimworld Discord. o7
Admiralthrawnbar 2023년 7월 9일 오후 7시 23분 
Question, why was the ability to remove the debug message limit removed in 1.3? I've had a terrible time trying to track down the cause of a crash because it's unpredictable and my debug log is always full by the time it happens, and from my desperate searching this mod (and the various other forks none of which are updated to 1.4) are the only ones that have ever implemented this
Miyuri  [작성자] 2023년 6월 23일 오후 10시 30분 
@Negative Ramos
Jesus. I only changed the code related to DPS showing.
It must have nothing to do with your bug.