

62 ratings
Automachef levels answers (in pictures)
By Taahoma
A (picture) guide for Automachef to succeed the campaign levels.
It will be updated little by little, while I am going further and further with the game.
If you require more explanations, comment or message me.
Edit: Addition LVL 22 and 23 (09.04.2023), LVL 24 (10.04)
My first guide ever so I am sorry if things are weirdly worded or formatted (plus English is not my first language).

I know people can do better than me on each of these levels but right now, I couldn't find solution that showed only pictures. I always found videos of walkthrough.
I am not trying to have 100% efficiency for all levels, but merely completing the three checks.

Some basic rules that I often follow:
- By recipe, I attached an Order Reader to all the dispensers necessary. (For example, for a BLT, one Order Reader will be connected to the lettuce, bacon, bread (to deliver 2 slices per new order) and tomato.)
- Try to reduce Energy Consumption by associating another Order Reader to Preparations stations (Assemblers, Grills, etc.)
-Try to make as short as possible.
These are not respected all the time but I try to stick to it.

I also tried to make clear the links between the Order Readers and what it is attached for you.

If you need more explanations about the level resolution, please ask.

It will be uploading more when I achieve each levels. Thanks for your patience.

NB: the guide is not pretty on the phone, please check it on a bigger screen. The coding for presentation is not the most advanced so.. yeah. Sorry about it.
Level 1
So on that note, here for level 1.

Level 2
Level 3

Thanks to Neekow, I present the solution for also a 100% clearing:
Right grill stay on for 14s on new order
Rest is classic speed and work for new order (if connected)

Level 4

Notes for the Order Readers:
Everything else is kept as normal: 5s delivery for the dispensers and Normal operation mode for Assembler and grill/fryer.

Hope it helps!
Level 5

Thanks to Valmoer:
Level 5 : I managed to get a 100% efficiency rating while having a near-identical setup to yours : by placing the "extra" order Reader on "shutting off" all of the remaining food processors & fryer for the Bacon Fries (which are really the rare order in that level), I manage to squeeze out a bit of energy economy, which I can "invest" on High Speed-mode Assemblers, as the extra-time gained through them is just as much time not wasted, at the very end's Rush, powering all the rest for "nothing".

Another solution from dragongal35 (Thank you very much!):
Level 6

Thanks to Neekow, I present the solution for also a 100% clearing:
Grill is on when BTS or burger is waiting
Rest is classic speed and work for new order (if connected)
Level 7
EDIT (23.08.24): Thanks to [BLK] Telu, we have another solution which provides 100% efficiency by doing what the robot asks of us.
See below what was shared:

Level 7, 100% efficiency with a buffer like asked by the robot.

Burger Assembler on high speed

Bottom left : Meal + Fries "On while order is pending
Potatoes dispenser : 8 sc

Bottom right : Take fries 1 time if there is a fries order (can be replaced by dumb robot arm)

Center :
- Take fries 1 time if there is a meal order (can be replaced by dumb robot arm)
- Do 1 for the burger ingredient

Top left : Do 1 for the fried chicken ingredients


For this level, getting everything was pretty challenging.
1) For being able to get under 125 ingredients, it is necessary to speed up every production.
But because of this, the Energy Used is sky rocketting.
2) So make sure to link them to Order Readers so they activate only when required.
3) Also, make your path as short as possible.

The Robot is giving the advice to use a Cooler but in fact it is not necessary.
At the exit of the fries preparation, connect a dumb arm to pick up if it's a Fries Order, and another one for the Dopamine order.
That should help you achieving the three checks.
Level 8
Tip on the power mode:
Grills (both of them): normal
Assemblers (both of them): low power

Level 9
Not the best of scores but did work nicely.

Thanks to Gomzinator, there is a 100% score!

Also another solution thanks to DarkIron26:
all the machine settings are on default
Level 10
With more difficulties come greater challenges... duh.
I succeedly checked the 3 boxes but I am sure there is still a better way to do.

I thought about a system that would create fries for every boxes and arms taking the item when an order is coming in. But, the problem was I kept loosing reputation by not serving the Heart Stopper Meal (HSM). So here the advice:
- Focus on the Heart Stopper Meal.
It need to have full speed on its lane and a a special fries lane on its own so you can double the amount of fries made.

Problem is that it raises the amount of Energy used.
Maybe by reducing the power on the Salad lade, we can even everything out?
There is still enough money to add some Order Readers to cut down power where not needed. OR to replace the heat conveyers by grills.
Enjoy finding your best method!

Thanks to Neekow, I present the solution for also a 100% clearing:
Grills and Fryers are set ON on new order
Everything else in classic speed
The trick is the top left packer is set to do Dopamine Meal AND Heart Stopper Meal (So bottom fries are triggered by both recipes)
Level 11
Lots of readers... everywhere!
Just connect them by recipes to save ingredients and electricity.

Level 12
Thanks to Morgaln, we have the answer of this level.

I quote the suggestion:
"I put everything I could on powersave.
The ingredients for breaded chicken and side salad got dispensed every 12 seconds each. Everything on the burger and fries line only got activated when an order came in."

The plan offered works also perfectly fine as you can see below.

Level 13
It is not the best efficiency but at least it has the 3 checks...
The key is to have two robot-arms that will be programmed with an OR to deliver to the restaurant or the take out accordingly to the type of order.

Level 14
What a mess.
Control every grill and fryers with a reader so you avoid fire. There is not enough space for putting lots of damage control robots.
Have the same patty deliver for both burgers with a smart arm taking controlled by an OR to take according to the order.

Level 15
Build each lane separately with their own OR for dispensers and for the grill/assemblers.
Don't forget that pomps are necessary between the tanks and mixers or assemblers.
No need to put anything in high speed.
Use as much as Advanced Dispensers as your budget can.
That should do the trick.

Level 16
Still need some tunning as I only have two checks at the moment.
Here the pictures nonetheless until it is bested:

Success for the 100% by Gomzinator:


Burger Assembler: High Speed
Salad Assembler: Normal
Both Grills: Power Saving
Frymatic 3000: Power Saving

Potato dispenser: 5 sec

For Salad making:
Tomato dispenser: 7 sec
Carrot dispenser: 7 sec
Lettuce dispenser: 5 sec
Raw Chicken dispenser: 2 sec

For the Burger:
Raw Patty dispenser: 3 sec
Burger Bun dispenser: 9 sec
Tomato dispenser: 9 sec
Mushroom dispenser: 5 sec

  • OR 1

  • OR 2 (shared with Salad, same as Burger-OR1)

  • Computer (R0 : Burger)

  • Code :
cmp V0 0 jne endInit SetLimit: mov 18 V0 OneMore: add V0 1 V0 endInit: CheckOrder: cmp R0 0 jeq main CheckLimit: cmp V0 1 jeq main AddTime: add V1 270 V1 add V2 150 V2 add V3 0 V3 dec V0 main: out O0 V1 out O1 V1 out O2 V1 out O3 V2 dec V1 dec V2 dec V3


  • OR 1 (shared with Burger, same as Salad-OR2)

  • OR2

  • Computer (R0 : Salad)

  • Code:
cmp V0 0 jne endInit SetLimit: mov 22 V0 OneMore: add V0 1 V0 endInit: CheckOrder: cmp R0 0 jeq main CheckLimit: cmp V0 1 jeq main AddTime: add V1 300 V1 add V2 210 V2 add V3 60 V3 dec V0 main: out O0 V1 out O1 V2 out O2 V2 out O3 V3 dec V1 dec V2 dec V3

Level 17
Not 100% of efficiency but has the three checks.
The robot tells you the solution: use the advanced readers for the drive thru.

Level 18
Level 19
Oh my...
It is not perfect BUT it works.
I guess with more OR, we can raise de Efficiency. I was a bit lazy for it.

The whole plan and score:

A slight close-up in two parts:
Level 20
Thanks to HLGRM, we get a 100% for this level 20 with 95% efficiency.


"So I just used "simple" components except smart arms on the grills and advanced assemblers. Everything runs on normal mode.
There are 3 order machines to control the dispensers, 3 for the arms to put the dishes on the right circuit and 2 (optional) repeaters to increase efficiency.
It has a idle power of ~14 kW and a max of ~53 kW so not even close to 80."
Level 21
It is very messy but if you follow the basic way I do, you shouldn't have any trouble to complete it with three checks.

So as usual:
- Shortest path possible
- Put a OR for each dispenser and if possible fryer and/or assembler.
- No need for advanced dispensers. Keep your money and power low.

There is a way to achieve 100% of efficiency I believe, but I let you work on it yourslef! Post your results in the comments if you succeed and I'ill update the level with your credits :)

Level 22
It's been a long time, but I managed to progress a little.
This level 22 has been a nightmare for me and it took me 2 years to complete.
I finally suceeded today so here are the very detailed way to do.

A few advice if you want to try by yourself first, without looking at the solution:
- Place an OR for each dispenser to deliver the necessary amount for 1 single order.
- Add ORs to the Assemblers or friers/grills if you are using too much energy.
- Don't forget you need a pump between the Storage Tank and the Liquid Mixer, as you do between the Liquid Mixer and the Assembler.
- This level asks for delivering Hot Wings / Loaded Cheese Fries / and a set with these two items + Texas Burger, so think about selecting the single dish AND the set in your ORs.
- A Long Arm (Purple) is faster than a Dumb Arm (Blue) or a Smart Arm (Orange). When using a Robotic Arm to select a single dish from the conveyor belt, be sure to use the Long Arm.
- We are introduced to the teleporter, but it is not necessary. I didn't use any in this level.

The screen does not fit everything... so hum, here in parts:

Spicy BLT

Fancy Salad

Southern Meal - All

Here are the different lines for each part of the Meal:

Southern Meal - Loaded Cheese Fries

The Long Arm at the top of the kitchen is taking the fries when the item is ordered. If not, the loaded cheese fries will go directly to the packaging machine.

Southern Meal - Hot Wings

At some point during the game, a crave for Hot Wings starts. Because of that, I decided to let a direct path from the Assembler of the Hot Wings to the Delivery area. A purple Long Arm, however, is taking Hot Wings to the Packaging for the Southern Meal when an order comes up (special OR for it to perform the action Once when the Meal is ordered).

Southern Meal - Texas Burger

Because of my disposition, another arm does the same for the Texas Burger. I believe that moving things around could make it so you don't have to. Well...

And here you go.
I hope it is helpful enough. I can add the pics for each OR if needed.
Good luck.
Level 23
I'm on fire (no pun intended) for this game today.

Level 23 came with its little challenge but when you know there are teleporters, you know you should use them.

Usual notes and directtive line to complete this level:
- OR for dispensers
- Create separately all lines for each meal. Then, connect two to the left side (Restaurant), and two to the right side (Take Out). Add at the exit of each Meal Packaging machine a Long Arm (purple) that will pick up a dish under conditions set by a dedicated OR. The teleporter must be sending the meal to the other side which is not connected.
A more precise explanation will be with the Heart Stopper Meal. Check it if the above is too unclear (I won't blame you)
- This level is clearly not for 100% Efficiency...

Now let's go to the explanation of each lines.

Heart Stopper Meal
What is highlighted here is the Fries Maker.
I put this line on the very left, connected to the delivery point for the Restaurant.
Now, when an order comes for Take Out, the Long Arm (purple) is set to perform its operation once, and it will grab the Heart Stopper Meal and put it in the Teleporter.
On the other side, close to the delivery point for TakeOut, the other teleporter is places, with a Dumb Arm (blue, here highlithed) to place the meal on the conveyor belt. And voila.
Repeat for each, connecting accordingly.

Helicopter Meal

Jet Age Meal

Not so Unhealthy Meal

Good luck.
Level 24
An easy level.
The advice would be to put an OR for the dispensers AND the utilities that use electricity (grills, assemblers, etc)

Level C1

This special level asks for coding the big computer thingy.
I am bad at computing so I asked someone to do for me.

Another solution has been found by Rhydster and do not use the computer to complete it:
Level C2
Level S1
Little note: Everything in High Speed BUT the Fries fryer AND the Plain burger grill.

Level S2
The robot is asking you to help him because his kitchen is not working.
Nothing easier! Shorten everything and make the fryer be shared by the fries and the fried chicken.
Et voilà !

Luna Wildpawe 31 May @ 4:11pm 
Level 16 code gives error
Taahoma  [author] 23 Feb @ 7:46am 
Amazing! I'll add it soon to the guide!
Xordaii 21 Feb @ 6:20pm 
Can't post pics because my game is on Epic, but this person figured out 100% code for C1:
Taahoma  [author] 29 Dec, 2023 @ 3:03am 
Great job!! I will be adding your answer to the guide :)
Rhydster 26 Dec, 2023 @ 5:55am 
Just did Level C1, you don't need the computer! Just set assemblers to high speed and bam.
I managed to get lower budget, lower power usage and 1% higher efficiency than you without it ;)
🐭 22 Dec, 2023 @ 2:51am 
Jesus christ, no wonder I was struggling with level 16. This game's difficulty curve is just all over the place. :demoneye::unhappy_mouth::demoneye:
Taahoma  [author] 24 Aug, 2023 @ 4:21am 
Thank you for your addition!!
[BLK] Telu 16 Aug, 2023 @ 6:07pm 
Level 7, 100% efficiency with a buffer like asked by the robot.

Burger Assembler on high speed

Bottom left : Meal + Fries "On while order is pending
Potatoes dispenser : 8 sc

Bottom right : Take fries 1 time if there is a fries order (can be replaced by dumb robot arm)

Center :
- Take fries 1 time if there is a meal order (can be replaced by dumb robot arm)
- Do 1 for the burger ingredient

Top left : Do 1 for the fried chicken ingredients
Taahoma  [author] 22 May, 2023 @ 5:12am 
@Blue: Try to connect the Long Arms with a special OR (I forgot the name of the White and Orange one). One Arm must take the hot wings, the other takes the burger and they do this special action "only once per new order".
KeaTheXII/TTV 21 May, 2023 @ 2:15am 
Hot wings-southern meal is failing. Those long arms takes extra hot wings into packing machine, so I can't deliver enough hot wings