Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3

33 ratings
废土 3 / Wasteland 3 成就攻略
By RS5-DiDi

On Your Own our commanding officer was killed in action. It's your mission now.

Fixer Upper You found the Kodiak.

No-Show You never made it to Colorado Springs.

The New Law You established a new Ranger HQ in Colorado.
到达 Ranger HQ,并与里面的计算机完成对话。

The Needs of the Many You saved the shipment of power armor from the Scar Collectors.
触发 Heads or Tails 任务后,选择拯救 Arapaho Caravan

Hoon Hero You dealt with Erastus Dorsey before he could harm the Hoon family.
触发 Heads or Tails 任务后,选择拯救 Hoon Homestead
该成就与 Double the Fun 有密切关联,请留意

No Time for Distractions You allowed the Hoons to be murdered and the power armor to be stolen.
Heads or Tails 任务失败。
走出大地图,接受任务后马上回去 Downtown Colorado Springs

Valor's End You killed Valor Buchanan.
杀死 Valor Buchanan
Valor Buchanan 的血量不足100,当你到达 Denver Ruins 里的 Sacred Server Room,就能遇到他。开枪前记得存档,然后直接射杀吧。射杀后记得回报无线电已经击毙才完成成就。

Stolen Valor You arrested Valor Buchanan.
逮捕 Valor Buchanan
为此你要不惜向 Mother Nancy RelianceGipper 组织以及整个 Denver Ruins 的全部人民进行开战。这是一场很漫长且非常艰难的战斗。
除此之外,可以选择直接破坏服务器,然后他们就群龙无首,让 Godfisher 帮派来占领。Valor Buchanan 就能够随意处置了。
还有一种办法,就是把 God-President Reagan 发送到 Ranger HQ 以挟持人质能够供应燃油。

Won One for the Gipper You overwrote Valor Buchanan's mind with God-President Reagan.
Valor BuchananGod-President Reagan 附身。
以上3个成就与 Valor Buchanan 均有冲突,请备份存档

Caged Psycho You arrested Victory Buchanan.
逮捕 Victory Buchanan

Victory Over Victory You killed Victory Buchanan.
杀死 Victory Buchanan
而等 Clarence 人头落地后选择攻击的话,那么则是自己开枪剧情杀。后续的对话内容也会不同。

Un-Lib-erated You arrested Liberty Buchanan.
逮捕 Liberty Buchanan
Liberty Buchanan 共计9999血。如果有 Nerd Stuff 10,有敌方的机器人当友军2回合,比较容易些。

Give Me Liberty, Or... You killed Liberty Buchanan.
杀死 Liberty Buchanan


A New Home You unlocked all the major room upgrades to Ranger HQ.
完成 Full House 任务。
这是一个长线任务,需要到各个地方招募各种人才加强你的 Ranger HQ
  • Med Bay
    Downtown Colorado Springs 里,
    1. 完成 Top Doc 任务,招募 Dr. Parker 医生;
    2. 完成 Don't You Be My Neighbor 任务,招募 Irv 克隆人科学家;
    3. Denver Ruins 里的 Machine Commune 救出 V.I.C.I. 并说服其加入(高声望,否则 First Aid 6),招募 V.I.C.I.

  • Brig
    Downtown Colorado Springs 里,
    1. 完成 Cornered Rats 任务,招募 Hope Emerson

  • Armory
    Downtown Colorado Springs,完成 Big Trouble in Little Vegas 任务里,
    1. 逮捕/杀死 Faran Brygo,招募 Inspector Delgado
    2. Faran Brygo 合作,招募若干路人脸。

  • Mess Hall
    Bizarre 里,
    1. 完成 My Body Requires This 任务,招募 Masato

  • Garage
    1. 完成 Thicker Than Water 任务,招募 Randy Gett
    2. 完成 Unwelcome Guests 任务,不逮捕 Mama Cotter,招募 Bobby, Jesse, Jimmy;或者逮捕 Mama Cotter,招募若干路人脸。

  • Museum (不在任务范围内)
    完成 Bizarre 一系列任务后回来 Downtown Colorado Springs
    1. 在地图中间的博物馆门外找到 Junko Murayama 对话,招募 Junko Murayama

如果在 My Body Requires This 任务里需求技能等级不够的话,这些东西可以获取硬币道具,多拿几个也可以拿到任务道具。

Back in the Sack You collected all STDs in the Wasteland.
选择完成此成就前,不要选择在 Big Trouble in Little Vegas 任务里 逮捕/杀死 了头领 Faran Brygo
先拾取大量被尿的雪球Yellow Snowball,往你的某个队友身上扔,直到出现5个buff,然后前往 Little Vegas 里,同一个人与性服务员进行互动并获取buff,即可完成。

Restraint You resisted temptation and never opened the Mysterious Case.
Sans Luxe Apartments 里小房间 Apartment 6Lockpicking 4 撬锁后会遇到 Satoshi

对话后会给一个锁上的箱子 Mysterious Briefcase。不要打开。

直到游戏流程最后,处置 Liberty Buchanan 的生死后,离开该地时必定会再次遇到 Satoshi,选择把箱子交给他即可。

Double the Fun You brought Billy and Jean all the way to the end of the game.
Heads or Tails 的任务里,需要选择拯救 Hoon Homestead 并顺利完成。这只双头羊动物在里面。让它跟随,并保持不死,直到通关。

Pre-Apocalyptic Tourist You sat through Quarex' entire museum tour.
Bizarre Interior 里左上角有一个Museum,与 Quarex 对话并让他为你导游介绍(tour)。
若与 Charley Knowes 一起进攻并占领 Bizarre,虽然能够救他,但没法完成成就了。

Quid Agit?! You found the Provost.

如图,在 Warrens 区域里探索。你需要用喷火器、手雷或者火箭发射器摧毁大门上的冰块,开门需要 Lockpicking 7
该成就与 lluminati 有密切关联,请留意

I, Human You convinced the Machine Commune that humans can be trusted.
当你来到 Denver Ruins 里的 Machine Commune 会见机器终端时,会对你之前所有与机器人/合成人相关的互动行为进行评估,包括猎杀 October 11,路上维修/杀死一些机器终端,等等。若取得信任则完成成就。
  • 刚进场地遇到 Greet-O 要表现友好;
  • 在飞机残骸里与 SAL 对话并表示喜爱它的行为;
  • 到达机场里面,和 PICO 玩游戏,但不要教导它,骇入系统什么的(这会使得它厌恶人类,或者自爆);
  • Little Sparrow 做成人运动;
  • 称赞 Indigo Rouge 的绘画;
  • 修理 Vendomatic,对话时不要选择打折扣;
  • 对话 Tinker 并表示合成人与游骑兵之间的战争已经结束了;
  • Vivisecto 治愈游骑兵队员,并且购买 Cyborg Tech Control UnitCyborg Unity 类装备;
  • 找到并救出 V.I.C.I.,让它加入游骑兵队伍;
  • 没有猎杀 October 11
尽管 October 11 的影响较大,只要在当地的友好行为足够多,一样能够和平解决。

Bunker Buster You set off Morningstar's self-destruct mechanism.
你的选择让 Morningstar 自爆。
Call to Action 任务触发点位于 Denver Ruins 下方,接受任务后会解锁 Union Station 地点。
进去后,不要按照他的指示去做,在最后的选择里不要选 Finish removing Morningstar from the vehicle

Morningstar You answered Morningstar's call and gave him a new home.
你的选择让 Morningstar 重生。
选择救助 Morningstar 并装上你的车辆载具 Kodiak

Everyone Lives You saved all the hostages in Aspen.
拯救了 Aspen 地区里的 Little Hell 所有人质。
这个成就要求条件比较苛刻,总共5个人质。与 Riley Woodson交谈后,开始解救人质。
  1. 位于 Guest Suites,需要 First Aid 1 以及 Lockpicking 1,治愈 Rook
  2. 位于 Guest Suites,需要 Mechanics 8,骇掉陷阱,解救 Violet ReedPriscilla Reed
  3. 位于 Sauna,需要 Mechanics 7,关闭毒气罐,解救 Estin Ward
  4. 位于 Cold Storage,解救 La Loca
PS: 在刚进的入口处救出 Hardee knox,完成该地区任务后回到 Broadmoor Heights 与其对话获得感谢,在大地图瞎逛后出发对话,开启一个能够获取吐司机最后一个材料的地区 Knox Bison Ranch

Illuminati You uncovered the darkest of conspiracies.
保持 The Provost 不死。
然后来到地图左边的地方叫 "Snowed Inn" Resort 的地方,修理吐司机获取 Owl of Minerva (有人说修理一定数量的吐司机也会获得),开启地图最北部的地区 Mysterious Cave,进去探索即可。
The Provost 会从此离队。为了做成就和全队获得属性 Perception +1,还是要一个伤害不俗但经常不在战斗区域乱跑的小帮手自行考虑。

What's In This Thing? You ate a Clown Burger.
当你来到 Yuma County Speedway,往下走来到 Godfisher Windfarm,与 Rosly Briskett 对话才能触发成就。单独吃同名物品是无法触发成就的。
对话是强制触发的,记得提前保存。选择 Okay, We'll try a Burger,导致全员中毒即可。

Dead Red You defeated Angela Deth and stopped a coup.
完成 Yuma County Speedway 的所有任务并离开后,对话选择支持 The Patriarch

New Colorado Order You deposed the Patriarch and liberated Colorado from his rule.
完成 Yuma County Speedway 的所有任务并离开后,对话选择反对 The Patriarch

November Reigns Team November and the Rangers have taken over Colorado.
  • Hundred FamiliesMarshals 的声誉达到 Loved
  • 说服 Sheriff Daisy 支持游骑兵的一方(要对话到表达她的想法为止);
  • 说服 Gideon Reyes 让他成为游骑兵的政治顾问(political advisor) (要对话到表达她的想法为止,这货会说:我的建议是我没听到你想谋反);
  • 恢复燃油供应;
之后,完成 Yuma County Speedway 的所有任务并离开后,
  • Angela Deth 的对话中了解到游骑兵获得了 Patriarch's MarshallsHundred Families 的支持,并提出了一种兵不血刃的方式;
  • 选择赞同她的计划,然后回去 Ranger HQ 整理队伍;
  • Patriarch 嘴炮(我不要奖励了,你完蛋了,你滚去坐牢吧;我留在这并且送物资回去)。

Rookie You beat the game on the easiest difficulty.

Wastelander You beat the game on the normal difficulty.

Ranger You beat the game on the hard difficulty.

Supreme Jerk You beat the game on the hardest difficulty.

The Marshal Darius Kwon has offered to join your party.
初始3级,在 Ranger HQ 开启队员整理功能后可加入。

The Gunslinger Lucia Wesson has offered to join your party.
初始3级,在 Downtown Coloardo Spring 接受 Cornered Rats 任务后可加入,完成任务才正式成为游骑兵。

The Hobo Scotchmo has offered to join your party.
初始8级,招募相关人员,让 Ranger HQMess Hall 正常运转。装修完毕后就会遇到。

The Warlord Ironclad Cordite has offered to join your party.
初始12级,在 Old Survivalist Bunker 里救出即可。

The Hard-Head Fish-Lips has offered to join your party.

The Psychopath Victory Buchanan has offered to join your party.
初始18级,在 Aspen 一路过关斩将到最后,一直对话,不射杀,不逮捕,最后可以选择招募。

The Scientist Pizepi Joren has offered to join your party.
初始17级,在 Aspen 里对话 The Gift 让她回来,然后处理 Victory Buchanan 的生死后在出口处便可招募。

Jodie Bell 不算进成就的同伴。
初始5级,成功救出后,需完成 Big Trouble in Little Vegas 任务后返回 Ranger HQ 即可招募。

Fire it Up You killed an enemy with fire damage.

Oops You accidentally downed one of your own squad members.

Heads Up You threw a snowball at an NPC or party member.
PS: 神器,无限使用,且必定让敌人进入 冰冻 Frozen 状态。

Roadkill You give hit-and-run a new meaning.

Badda Bing You blew up 6 enemies with a single explosive attack.
一次爆炸攻击(火箭发射器/投掷爆炸物) 击杀共6个敌人。
比较容易完成的地点,接受 Wolfe's Hunt 任务后,在 Downtown Colorado Springs 里的 Colorado Heritage Museum,不干架等敌人走上门近身肉搏,原地一发火箭或者高伤害的投掷爆炸物。完事后记得读档。

PS: 需要Attack October 11 后让所有展览机器人进入敌对状态。

Boomstick You killed 4 enemies at once with a single shotgun attack.
这个成就貌似有点描述错误,我是在使用了霰弹枪的Strike技能 Torrent Strike 才蹦出成就。
比较容易完成的地点,接受 Wolfe's Hunt 任务后,在 Downtown Colorado Springs 里的 Colorado Heritage Museum,站好位置消耗敌人的血量直到你的霰弹枪能够确保一击必杀。

PS: 需要Attack October 11 后让所有展览机器人进入敌对状态。

Gooification You liquefied an enemy with energy damage.

Cold Reception You shattered a frozen enemy.
使用能造成 冷冻属性伤害Cold Damage 的武器杀死 冷冻Frozen 敌人。

Expedition You discovered every location on the World Map.

貌似不需要获得主线以及所有隐藏地区。当我解开主线最后一个地区 Yuma County 后,成就便完成了。

Chop Shop Champ You upgraded your vehicle to the highest level.
完成 The Psychopath 任务后,返回 Ranger HQ 购买 Dominator Chassis 车辆载具配件并装备。

Tricked Out You obtained all vehicle upgrades.
获取车辆载具 Kodiak 的所有配件。不包括外观。

Bawk! You assembled Poultron.
收集4只 Cyborg Chicken
Garden of the Gods
Broadmoor Heights
Sans Luxe Apartments
Apartment 1 里有一个锁着的门,需要5级的 Mechanics 启动发电机
Old Survivalist Bunker
每只 Cyborg Chicken 会占用一个位置,所以每找到一只就要回 Ranger HQ 南方的养鸡场,会自动解散。
鸡场原本就已经存在一只小鸡,集齐4只,在完成 Aspen 区域任务回到 Ranger HQ,防守基地的时候,便会召唤 鸡你太美

Toaster Expert You truly earned your toaster repair diploma.
Molded Gold Toaster Case
Hoon Homestead
Gold Infused Mica Sheeting
Paint Mine
Gold Insulated Power Cord
Broadmoor Heights
Gold Plated Nichrome Wire
Bi-metallic Gold Alloy Filament
Knox Bison Ranch
收集完毕后会开启新地区 Toaster Repair Academy,进去和桌子交互即可。

Menagerie You tamed at least one of every type of animal companion.

My Pretties You amassed a collection that would terrify a toy shop owner.

Answering Machine You found all the cassette tapes left around Colorado.

Book Learnin' You found every lore book in the game.
收集所有 Lore Book

Mastery You ou reached level 25.

Mod Master You installed 4 weapon mods on a single weapon.

Body Builder You got modded, and can now install cyborg parts.
Denver Ruins 里的 Machine Commune 可以找到一个医疗机器人,

在对话选择里,花 $ 1024 金钱获取该部件,使用它即可。

Wasteland Reaper You killed every living person in Downtown Colorado Springs.
杀死 Downtown Colorado Springs 地区里的所有人。

Scorpitron Slayer You took down a Scorpitron, in proud Ranger tradition.


  1. 新角色保证拥有 Leadership 2
  2. 完成开局地图
  3. 探索 Ranger HQ
  4. 探索 Downtown Colorado Springs
  5. 探索 Garden of the Gods
  6. 探索 Little Vegas
  7. 探索 Machine Shop
  8. 探索 Sans Luxe Apartments
  9. 再次探索 Little Vegas,并杀死 Faran Brygo
  10. 探索 Broadmoor Heights
  11. 选择拯救 Hoon Homestead
  12. 回到探索 Arapaho Caravan
  13. 探索 Bizarre Exterior 外围全部
  14. 探索 Bizarre Interior
  15. 探索 Gett Family Homestead
  16. 探索 Monster Army Bunker
  17. 回来 Downtown Colorado Springs,探索 Old Survivalist Bunker
  18. 探索 Clown Museum
  19. 探索 Denver Ruins
  20. 探索 Machine Commune
  21. 探索 Union Station
  22. 探索 Department of Energy Site
  23. 探索 Aspen
  24. 探索 Little Hell
  25. 探索 Yuma County Speedway
  26. 探索 Godfisher Windfarm
  27. 探索 Scar Collector Mine
  28. 完成三大派系各自的任务,探索 Yuma County Speedway 的总部
  29. 全收集
┣ Menagerie - 动物大全
Menagerie You tamed at least one of every type of animal companion.

Major Tomcat
Animal Whisperer 1
Strike Rate +2%
Billy and Jean
Animal Whisperer 1
Critical Damage x0.1
Hoon Homestead,任务 Heads or Tails 触发后请立刻前往
Young Bison
Animal Whisperer 9
Critical Resistance +5%
Knox Bison Ranch,在 Asppen 里救出 Hardee Knox,后续触发任务 Hard Knox Life 后才能进入该区域
Animal Whisperer 2
Critical Chance +3%
Downtown Colorado Springs
Animal Whisperer 3
Combat Speed +0.1
Downtown Colorado Springs
Animal Whisperer 1
Experience Bonus +3%
Garden of the Gods
Animal Whisperer 1
Initiative +10%
Garden of the Gods
Animal Whisperer 1
Leadership Range +3m
Garden of the Gods
Waste Wolf
Animal Whisperer 5
Sneak Attack Damage +5%
Bizarre Exterior
Polly the Parrot
Animal Whisperer 7
Evasion +5%
Bizarre Exterior,也可以选择花钱买
Animal Whisperer 4
Con +15
Clown Museum
Mountain Goat
Animal Whisperer 4
Critical Damage x0.1
Gett Family Homestead
Animal Whisperer 4
Detection Time +0.5 Seconds
Machine Commune
Animal Whisperer 6
Melee Damage Bonus +10%
Machine Commune
Animal Whisperer 5
Penetration +2
完成 Machine Commune 区域的任务回到 Denver Ruins 马上遇到,或者是 Department of Energy Site
Animal Whisperer 4
Critical Damage x0.1
Union Station
Growler Cub
Animal Whisperer 7
Armor +2
Honey Badger
Animal Whisperer 10
Downed Time +1
Massacre Site

┣ Answering Machine - 磁带收集
Answering Machine You found all the cassette tapes left around Colorado.

  1. Brygo Radio Call Recording 重点注意
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Little Vegas
    任务 Big Trouble in Little Vegas 中选择杀死 Faran Brygo 而不是逮捕他或者是和他同流合污。

  2. Recording from Alastair Hoon 重点注意
    Hoon Homestead
    在任务 Heads or Tails 选择 Hoon Homestead,这时的地堡是完整的,可以获得该磁带。

  3. Good Luck
    开局地图Ambush Site
    遇到 Jodie Bell 旁边的箱子。

  4. The Automated Chauffeur
    Ranger HQ
    车库内,需要 Lockpicking 2

  5. Soldier's Note
    Ranger HQ
    遇到 Del Hackett 旁边的箱子,需要 Lockpicking 1

  6. New Tour Introduction, Version 1
    Downtown Colorado Springs
    博物馆内,需要 Lockpicking 3Mechanics 3

  7. An Interrogation
    Downtown Colorado Springs
    一个在警局里被锁上的房间,需要 Lockpicking 4
    一个在 Broadmoor Heights,需要 Lockpicking 4

  8. Bellamy Test #110
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Garden of the Gods
    一个被锁的区域内,需要 Mechanics 2

  9. Workout Tape
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Little Vegas
    King of Hearts 的房间中的箱子里。

  10. Joker's Wild
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Little Vegas
    Joker 的房间中的箱子里。

  11. Private Do Not Play
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Machine Shop

  12. Evidence!
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Sans Luxe Apartments

  13. The Gangster's Guide to Diction
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Little Vegas
    在酒台后方的室内,需要 Lockpicking 2

  14. Robots and Rangers For Real
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights

  15. Percvial Wesson Recording
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights
    地图下方的房子,需要 Lockpicking 6

  16. Strike Back Pirate Radio with Brad Conway
    Arapaho Caravan
    一个地堡内,需要 Lockpicking 5

  17. Quotes of Manners
    Bizarre Exterior

  18. Bizarre Under Assault
    Bizarre Exterior

  19. Children of the Cabbage
    Bizarre Exterior

  20. Noodles Ad
    Bizarre Interior

  21. Quarex Tape
    Bizarre Interior

  22. Payasos Mission
    Bizarre Interior -> Warrens

  23. Original Inhabitants
    Bizarre Interior -> Warrens

  24. Kidnappers in Trouble
    Gett Family Homestead
    房间内的一个尸体上,开门需要 Lockpicking 7

  25. The Wolf's Mask
    Monster Army Bunker

  26. A New Well
    Denver Ruins
    雕像下方小房间内,需要 Lockpicking 5

  27. SysAdmin Logs
    Denver Ruins
    白宫内一个 Subsystem II 终端下方的废料中,需要 Lockpicking 4 开门进去。

  28. Book of Bonzo
    Denver Ruins

  29. Reliance's Manifesto
    Denver Ruins

  30. What Came Before?
    Denver Ruins

  31. What Comes After?
    Denver Ruins

  32. Mourning the Music
    Denver Ruins

  33. Serious Argument with Satisfactory Resolution
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune

  34. A Proposal
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune
    Vivisecto 附近的一个箱子里。

  35. Pico's Playtesting
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune

  36. You Won't Believe Your Eyes!!
    Union Station

  37. Reagan Vehicle Development
    Union Station
    Morningstar 房间内的柜子里。

  38. Marie Soto Lecture
    Department of Energy Site

  39. Aspen Radio Ad 2

  40. Aspen Radio Ad 1
    不进房子大门,上旁边二楼进门,第一个房间的柜子里,门和柜子都需要 Lockpicking 6

  41. Opie Survives
    就在上边房间的隔壁房间的保险柜里,门需要 Lockpicking 7,保险柜需要 Lockpicking 9

  42. Aspen is Under Attack
    Aspen -> Little Hell

  43. Marriage Counseling
    Aspen -> Little Hell

  44. Vic & Breathers
    Aspen -> Little Hell
    最里面 Victory Buchanan 的房间的一个箱子里。

  45. Yuma County Speedway Race
    Yuma County Speedway
    地图右方的广场上一个货车里,需要 Lockpicking 8

  46. Godfisher Kiting Ritual
    Yuma County Speedway

  47. Alaska Surprise Jingle
    Godfisher Windfarm

  48. Risky Briskett's Recipe
    Godfisher Windfarm

  49. Windfarm Engineering Report
    Godfisher Windfarm

  50. Cosmonaut Logs
    Scar Collector Mine
    地图左上角的一个保险柜里,需要 Nerd Stuff 10

  51. Demolition Derby
    Yuma County Speedway
    在最后的 Liberty Buchanan 的房间内的柜子里,需要 Lockpicking 6

┣ Book Learnin' - 书籍收集
Book Learnin' You found every lore book in the game.

  1. Dorsey Prisoner's Note 重点注意
    Ranger HQ -> Downtown Colorado Springs
    完成第一个图的任务后,会回到 Ranger HQ,并且强制触发对话。这个时候需要 Leadership 2 把囚犯关押至 Downtown Colorado Springs。当任务需要玩家前往该地方时,会发现他已经自杀了,对话相关人员会获得该物品。

  2. Slaver's Note 重点注意
    Ranger HQ

  3. Old Journal 重点注意
    Ranger HQ
    中心区域,一个锁着的桌子里找到,需要 Lockpicking Lv 2
    如果来到 Broadmoor Heights 会遇到 Miriam Knox,和她对话有交出书籍的选项,不要选择。

  4. Encyclopedia Robotica 重点注意
    Ranger HQ

  5. Godfisher Holy Book 重点注意
    入侵并消灭所有的 Godfisher,从一个尸体上获得。

  6. Orders from Ranger Command
    开局地图 Ambush Site

  7. The Gospel of Nick (No, Not That Nick, The Other Nick)
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Garden of the Gods

  8. The Clown's Guide to Paints, Makeup and Acid
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Sans Luxe Apartments
    一个房间内,需要 Lockpicking 5

  9. The Gospel of Nicholas
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights

  10. Payaso Letter
    Bizarre Exterior
    野外一个工厂内,需要 Lockpicking 5

  11. Farmer's Diary
    Bizarre Exterior

  12. Jabjab's Joke Book
    Bizarre Interior -> Warrens
    在一个仓库里,需要 Lockpicking 5

  13. Ditso's Letter
    Bizarre Interior -> Warrens

  14. The Sensuous Toaster
    Monster Army Bunker
    一个吐丝机内,需要 Toaster Repair 5

  15. Monster Army Note
    Monster Army Bunker
    西边房间箱子里,需要 Lockpicking 7

  16. A Letter from Aunt Ellen
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights -> Old Survivalist Bunker
    一只 Cyborg Chicken 旁边的箱子里。

  17. Official-Looking Letter
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights -> Old Survivalist Bunker

  18. Bunker Pamphlet
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Broadmoor Heights -> Old Survivalist Bunker

  19. Stoll's Burden
    Clown Museum

  20. Mutilated Diary
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune
    V.I.C.I. 旁边的土堆里。

  21. Note from November 13th
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune
    V.I.C.I. 旁边的尸体里。

  22. Redacted Orders
    Department of Energy Site

  23. Foreman's Log

  24. Everybody SH1TS!
    Aspen -> Little Hell

  25. Patient Report: Saul Buchanan
    Aspen -> Little Hell
    最里面 Victory Buchanan 的房间的一个箱子里。

  26. The Distinguished Annals of Toaster Repair, Vol. XIV
    Toaster Repair Academy

┣ Tricked Out - 车辆部件收集
Tricked Out You obtained all vehicle upgrades.

  • Chassis
    • Defender Chassis
      任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Deliverer Chassis
      任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Dominator Chassis
      任务 The Psychopath 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。

  • Vehicle Armor
    • Light Vehicle Plating
      任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Medium Vehicle Plating
      任务 The Zealot 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Insulated Vehicle Plating
      Denver Ruins 中的 Machine Commune 的自动贩卖机 Vendomatic 2000! 可以买到。
    • Alloy Vehicle Plating
      Monster Army Bunker 中找到。
    • Impact Vehicle Plating
      Denver RuinsMachine Commune 回来后在机器人 Mobile Gift Shop 可以买到。
    • Heavy Vehicle Plating
      完成任务 The Psychopath 后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。

  • Turret
    • Rhino Cannon
      任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Helix Turret
      任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Payaso Turret
      Clown Caravan 中消灭敌人的车辆后获得。
    • Railgun
      任务 The Zealot 中选择逮捕 Valor Buchanan,完成后获得。(是的逮捕,和杀掉或者转移冲突)
    • Plasma Spitter
      Tellurium Mine 洞穴里,打爆里面的炮塔并获取。
    • Nitro-Ray
      任务 Disappeared,在 Paint Mine 里选择杀掉 Wind-That-Tangles
    • Fullborer
      任务 The Zealot 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
    • Magneto Cannon
      Department of Energy Site 中一个箱子里。
    • Clearcutter
      Hoon HomesteadAngela Deth 会面后,在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。

  • Mortar
    • Cluster Bomb
      任务 The Psychopath 中选择逮捕 Victory Buchanan,后在 Patriarch's Palace 找到。
    • Caltrop Launcher
      Wastelander RefugeesReputation 达到 Liked,在世界地图中的一个商店里获得。
    • Goat Cannon
      Cannibal Jamboree 中一个箱子里。
    • Shockwave

  • Utility
    • Electronic Countermeasures
      GippersReputation 达到 Liked,在世界地图中的一个商店里获得。
    • Rad Shield
      Department of Energy Site 中一个箱子里。
    • Turbocharger
      Cannibal Jamboree 中一个箱子里。

  • Defender Chassis (Chassis)
    任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Deliverer Chassis (Chassis)
    任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Light Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Rhino Cannon (Turret)
    任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Helix Turret (Turret)
    任务 Full House 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。

  • Payaso Turret (Turret)
    Clown Caravan 中消灭敌人的车辆后获得。

  • Alloy Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    Monster Army Bunker 中找到。

  • Insulated Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    Denver Ruins 中的 Machine Commune 的自动贩卖机 Vendomatic 2000! 可以买到。
  • Impact Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    Denver RuinsMachine Commune 回来后在机器人 Mobile Gift Shop 可以买到。

  • Medium Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    任务 The Zealot 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Fullborer (Turret)
    任务 The Zealot 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Railgun (Turret)
    任务 The Zealot 中选择逮捕 Valor Buchanan,完成后获得。(是的逮捕,和杀掉或者转移冲突)

  • Plasma Spitter (Turret)
    Tellurium Mine 洞穴里,打爆里面的炮塔并获取。

  • Nitro-Ray (Turret)
    任务 Disappeared,在 Paint Mine 里选择杀掉 Wind-That-Tangles

  • Magneto Cannon
    Department of Energy Site 中一个箱子里。
  • Rad Shield (Utility)
    Department of Energy Site 中一个箱子里。

  • Goat Cannon (Mortar)
    Cannibal Jamboree 中一个箱子里。
  • Turbocharger (Utility)
    Cannibal Jamboree 中一个箱子里。

  • Dominator Chassis (Chassis)
    任务 The Psychopath 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Heavy Vehicle Plating (Vehicle Armor)
    任务 The Psychopath 完成后在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。
  • Cluster Bomb (Mortar)
    任务 The Psychopath 中选择逮捕 Victory Buchanan,后在 Patriarch's Palace 找到。

  • Clearcutter (Turret)
    Hoon HomesteadAngela Deth 会面后,在 Ranger HQ 可以买到。

  • Shockwave (Mortar)

  • Caltrop Launcher (Mortar)
    Wastelander RefugeesReputation 达到 Liked,在世界地图中的一个商店里获得。
  • Electronic Countermeasures (Utility)
    GippersReputation 达到 Liked,在世界地图中的一个商店里获得。
┗ My Pretties - 布偶收集
My Pretties You amassed a collection that would terrify a toy shop owner.

  1. Radical Rachel (Explosive Damage Bonus +5.0%)
    Ranger HQ

  2. Keen Karen (Perception +1)
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Garden of the Gods

  3. Maneater Maury (CON +15)
    Bizarre Exterior

  4. Lethal Lance (enetration +1)
    Bizarre -> Monster Army Bunker

  5. ♥♥♥♥♥♥' Fred (Damage vs. Humans +5.0%)
    Downtown Colorado Springs -> Makeshift Hospital of the Old Survivalist Bunker
    Lockpicking 8

  6. Cruel Cory (Damage vs. Animals +5.0%)
    Denver Ruins
    Lockpicking 4

  7. Electric Emmett (Energy Damage Bonus +5.0%)
    Denver Ruins -> Machine Commune

  8. Nervous Nancy (Seconds Detection Time+0.5)
    Department of Energy Site

  9. Zen Zoey (Hit Chance +2.0%)
    Snowed Inn

  10. Purist Patty (Damage vs. Mutants +5.0%)
    Abandoned Oil Well

  11. Hearty Henry (Healing Bonus +10.0%)

  12. Ferocious Francesca (Melee Damage +5.0%)
    Aspen -> Little Hell

  13. Quick Quaid (Sneak Attack Damage +5.0%)
    Knox Bison Ranch

  14. Angry Aaron (Crit Resistance +5.0%)
    Godfisher Windfarm
    Lockpicking 6

  15. Hyper Heather (Initiative +5.0%)
    Yuma County Speedway
    Explosives 8

DLC 1 - The Battle of Steeltown
All in the Family You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.
刚进地图,发现商人上边有2个NPC ArchieEdith,跟他们谈话多次即可。

Blue's Back You welcomed Blue back to Steeltown.

CEO You resolved the conflict in Steeltown, leaving Markham in charge.

Expert Nut Handler You toggled a nut back and forth 10 times.

Heady You used Secret Head for its intended purpose.

Killing Machine You settled Steeltown's problems without using a disruption weapon to knock an enemy out.

Oh Hey, Bros You found the strange mushroom shack.

Perfect Pacifist You settled Steeltown's problems without killing any workers or Ghost Gang members.

Ryan Shame You wiped out the Ryan family line.

Steeltown Defiant You defended Steeltown from the gangs of the plains.

Workers United You resolved the conflict in Steeltown, leaving Crow in charge.

You Had One Job You tricked Keith into getting roasted by the fire jets.

DLC2 - Cult of the Holy Detonation
Living Night Light You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Candy You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Clone 2: Genetic Boogaloo You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Flawless Espionage You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Like, Totally Shroomin' Out, Man You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Super Secret Sabotage Sauce You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

No Bezoar Left Behind You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Necessary Evil You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

K.E.G. Tapper You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Kumbaya You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

Lightning In a Bottle You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.

God Killer You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows.
大地图上的商店只会出现一次,不要见到就点。一个区域对应一个阵营,阵营声望达到 Loved 还能够获得很不错的装备。



  • Automatic Weapons
    Heads or Tails 的任务中,选择救 Hoon Homestead 会成为任务奖励报酬,反之在该地的某一个箱子里找到。
  • Big Guns
    Patriarch's Palace 里他的孩子 Victory 的房间里找到。
  • Brawling
    Downtown Colorado SpringsGarden of the Gods 中找到。
  • Melee Combat
    "Snowed Inn" Resort 找到。
  • Small Guns
    Yuma County SpeedwayGodfisher Windfarm 中找到。
  • Sniper Rifles
    Union Station Morningstar 的房间里找到。
  • Animal Whisperer
    Denver RuinsMachine Commune 找到。
  • Explosives
    Arapaho Caravan 的一个地堡里找到。
  • First Aid
    Broadmoor HeightsOld Survivalist Bunker 里找到。
  • Sneaky $hit
    Downtown Colorado SpringsLittle Vegas 里找到。
  • Weird Science
    AspenLittle Hell 里找到。
  • Lockpicking
    获得监狱看守人后,在 Ranger HQ 监狱处获得。
  • Nerd Stuff
    Department of Energy Site 里找到。
  • Mechanics
    在 的 Machine Shop 里找到。
  • Survival
    AspenOpie 购买。
  • Toaster Expert
    解决了 Bizarre 的问题,并且邀请 Ananda Rabindranath 来到 Ranger HQ,回去并找他购买。
  • Armor Modding
    Denver Ruins,拥有 Weapon Modding 4 和商人对话选择对应选项并夸奖可获得。
  • Weapon Modding
    Tellurium Mine 的任务,干掉全部机器获得。
  • Barter
    Tellurium Mine 里找到。
  • Hard Ass
    BizarreWarrens 里一个次要任务奖励报酬。
  • Kiss Ass
    Broadmoor Heights 的教堂里找到。
  • Leadership
    AspenLittle Hell 的最后的房间中找到。

罗蕾莱lorelei 28 Feb, 2022 @ 12:04pm 
I want to eat your baby 22 Nov, 2021 @ 7:29am 
Wasabi Wayne 10 Mar, 2021 @ 2:37am 
补充一个 Colorado Spring那边叶总会任务旁边有一堆小偷 杀掉他们头目会掉个什么东西 具体不记得了 你去找那个 台湾 Jones 她会给你半价什么的
K总 14 Sep, 2020 @ 6:41pm 
RS5-DiDi  [author] 11 Sep, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
Mr.Rogue 11 Sep, 2020 @ 4:00pm 
Mr.Rogue 9 Sep, 2020 @ 1:51pm 
WickV 8 Sep, 2020 @ 1:19am 