Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

102 人が評価
12.090 KB
2020年9月6日 18時53分
2021年4月24日 22時15分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


Uncaps Strength, Dexterity, Focus, Plated Armor, Poison (in niche cases), Block, Energy, and maximum orb slots. Do you need numbers this high? No. But maybe you want them anyways.

(Poison was capped to 9999 only on initial application to an enemy without poison, which won't matter in the vast majority of circumstances.)
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2022年2月8日 15時37分
I don't understand how im supposed to run this mod
45 件のコメント
Techno 8月11日 15時38分 
Can someone please help I cant seem to get the mod working as it doesnt appear in the modlist when opening STS modded
四之宫银花 7月17日 16時03分 
lutheshinything 4月26日 11時52分 
aw :(
Alchyr  [作成者] 4月25日 19時21分 
probably not, too lazy
lutheshinything 4月25日 14時31分 
hi!!!! i was wondering if theres like ever ever going to be a little update in which its going to be possible to toggle which values can be uncapped? since the mod is very interesting but i dont really like playing with unlimited orb slots for example
Alchyr  [作成者] 2023年11月29日 14時48分 
if maximum orb slots aren't uncapped, probably it's if you also have hubris, as hubris does something similar for its relic that increases maximum orb slots

results in a bit of incompatibility
penguin 2023年11月29日 10時10分 
I have this mod and I just realized the maximum orb slots aren't uncapped for me for some reason
pgames-food 2023年6月19日 11時09分 
ah ok, yeah (though it can be quite useful on some of the bosses, getting a boost, especially when they have like 80 million HP) :lunar2019grinningpig:
MartinFox 2023年6月19日 4時48分 
Hi @pgames-food, there are vanilla relics such as shuriken and kunai. Gaining strength/dexterity on card play is too overpowered as far as I can see. In my opinion, finding synergy rather than depending on specific relic is more robust.
pgames-food 2023年6月8日 8時59分 
hi forkgithub, are you using any relic like metronome or something similar (which increases your dexterity/attack after each card played?) ive been using uncapped ever since i saw it, and it has been really cool to help me against the infinite/endless modes and really powerful Lord Bosses from it. (and from shadow verse which has some tough boss battles too) :)