Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

223 vurderinger
how to the being the doing trapper the trapper
Af Badussy Blaster
in the guide you are picking the trapper in dead by dyalight and trapping the suvivors as the trapper
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picking the trapper in the menyu
if you want to play as the ttrapper you need:
dead bye daylights video game
the trapper

when you play the game press the killer button and then select the trapper like the screenshot i just took

playing as the rapper in the video game
i made a mistake in the title and i dont know how to change it so pretend that the trapper is eminem

in order to qeue for a game as the trapper you need to press the ready button in the bottom of the computer screen

if you see the survivors like so, you have succesfully qeued for a game as the trapper but they all had desisive strike so i got really really mad and playd some pixle gun 3d on my ipad instead(im am really good at pixle gun 3d)

step 3 get the suvivors with your sword
the trapper has a sword like in minecraft pocket edition, i also have miecraft pocket edition on my ipad but i play pixle gun 3d alot more because it has guns

if you see a sivior you can hit them with your sword and then they run away and hide so i cant find them and then i leave becasue they are all hiding so i go on pixle gun 3d instead

you can also use youre traps to trap sivivors so they cant hide and then you put them on a hook but that bit is scary so if i do it while my mum is in the room she tells me to turn it off so i have too leave and she turns the computer off :(

i hate my mum she is called janice in real life and she yells at me alot and i hate her ,,my name is steven in real life aswell (it sounds like steve which is one of the suvuvors in the game)
i watch someone called otsdarva he plays the trapper alot too
he is spanish and he plays the trapper and he is very good at him i watch him all the time because then i try to do the things he does and they work sometimes

morale of the story is that if you want to play trapper you have to do all of the things i just sed in the guide i just made and it will work sometimes

adveance d secret trapping technice (i dont know how do you spell technince)
apparently there are thing s called addons and when i told nicholas from my school about them he called me a loser again because i didnt know what they were and he did and i hate nicholas because he puts jel in his hair and you can see his huge ugly fourhead and his hair looks always like it looks wet LOL

so now im going to make a top ten guide on my favrit addons:
10. the trapping sack (it is a PE kit bag and it lets you carry an d exctra trap but i cant pick the other ones up anyway so its abit bad)
9. the red one where its like a chocloate bar( idk why i choose this one it looks really cool but i only have 1 and i dont want to use it)
8.this one looks like a bottle and it says it has oil in it but (it dosent do anything i think but i like bottles they are cool i take one too school everyday because sometimes i get really thirsty )
7.its like 4 springs and i have a spring at home it is metal and it looks really cool so i hope its the same in dad by daylights
i dont want to do anymore right now and anyway its my bedtime now so ill see you all tommororow


adventced trapping technique (i learnt how to spell it yay)!!!! parting 2
hello trapping natoin, im continiining the tier list of trappeing items for the rapper

numero 6; the homing stone, its like a chocolate bar again and i like hoclate
numbing 5: the padding jaws, idk what it does but i get more coins when i win so i use it all thr time! :))))
nubber 4 : agittation, i lnow its not a adobe but it is still cool it looks like a scary face and that is cool and epic

i have to go to my dads house today so i have to go bye bye, see you all later trapping national
the finial advance trapping techniques (holey moley its the last 3!!!!!!!!!)
yo yo yo what is up trapper squad, i have made a biiiig desision and right now im gonna make the LAST 3 tarping addons:

numbor 3: the waxxing brick, i think this one would like white choliate in real life and one time i had white choclate and it was very nice i had it at my dads house his name is martin in real life hes really nice to me
numba 2: the bloody coil, the bloody coil sounds like a scary name because blood is scary and when i used it once and the traps were being weird cos they was trapping people all by themselfes which is really weird i think its a bug
NUMBER ONE!!!! OMG: ok so basically it s called the fastning tools and it looks like a scary weapon and when i used it one time i could put my traps down in 0.000000000000001 seconds!!!! this is epic trapping squad sp thats why i chosed it for number 1

the deathlinger has a gun and he shoots it like pixle gun 3d so thats really cool guns are cool
pyrimid head has an egypt on hid head and and a BIIIG SORD, so thats really cool but i dont know whjat he does so i dont play him that much

im going to make another guide but it might not be as good as this one when i grow up i want to play video games for a living did you know thats a real job?

i am sorry i have been gone, this new guy in my shcool name ed brian called me a sweaqr word and it has been a hard time for me
but dont worry i will add more the to the plageu guide and start to play deads by daylite again :) and mayber a new guide !?!?!?!?!?! 0_0, i will try to be more presnent on the intertnet trappoier nation. love uo <3
69 kommentarer
senjimonster 15. aug. 2023 kl. 8:01 
purple wax and purple second coil for maximum time to kill
(i do not have purple wax or coil but i have green coil and yellow wax so that good)
Diablito Kawai 3. okt. 2022 kl. 16:59 
Colorful Comrade 24. apr. 2021 kl. 16:05 
FrogLover153 2. nov. 2020 kl. 2:20 
I-iiii kinda wanted o know how to trap survivors as a survivor b-b-b-b-b-b-b--b-uuttt-tt-t-t i want to know how tot smack them as well as a killer, thanmks to you i downloaded pixel strike 3d but how do you hook survivors there? Can you do how to shack survivors as a bing bong bong bong boi? I wanna see hot to bong the bong BING BONG
Badussy Blaster  [ophavsmand] 1. nov. 2020 kl. 14:04 
FrogLover153 19. okt. 2020 kl. 2:07 
it's okay trapper main! hope you're doing well :) and thanksss for your amazing work i can demoflorgon now and trap the rap
Badussy Blaster  [ophavsmand] 18. okt. 2020 kl. 15:06 
im sorry ive been not doing anything, my computer has been acting up >:( ive been very anrgy and cross >>::::((((((

i will poast the plagu guide soon ☻☻☻ ☻☻☻☻
tim 23. sep. 2020 kl. 11:34 
Cannolinator 22. sep. 2020 kl. 20:33 
this guide is brilliant. it's the most in-depth, comprehensive guide out there right now for trapper the rapper on the crapper. truly remarkable, outstanding, and breathtaking. i have properly learned how to being the doing trapper the trapper better thanks to this. dont EVER let your mom stop you from rapping sivivors, she'll never understand. love you
76561197960272467 14. sep. 2020 kl. 19:55 