132 ratings
Minoriko's Guide to Missions
By Aurora Yukihime
Got a question about how to complete a mission? Check out solutions here!
Introduction - "Uuugh. I have to do it to complete my great mission."
Said Sanae Kochiya, from Undefined Fantastic Object, the 12th main game in Touhou Project.

Welcome to Minoriko's (Me-nori koh) Guide to Missions. Plain and simple, we're here to talk missions. Each section, besides this one, will reveal everything you need to know to hack targets for missions, what happens while you do it, and what happens when you're done.

A small disclaimer: This guide was not created to tell about storyline missions. It is only for missions given by the Uplink Internal Services System, with the exception of Arunmor's missions. None of the mission descriptions will include methods using Revelation.

Let's get started. Follow me!
Mission Listing
In this list will be every mission type you will encounter as you progress in Uplink Rating.

  • Manipulate a Single File (Targets Early-Game ISMs)
  • Change an Entry in a Government Database (Targets Government systems)
  • Destroy a Life (Targets Government systems, banks, and Late-Game ISMs)
  • Send Financial Info to a Client (Targets banks)
  • Manipulate Multiple Files (Targets Late-Game ISMs, Central Mainframes, and LANs)
  • Destroy a System (Targets Central Mainframes)
  • Perform a Passive Trace (Yes)
  • Illegally Transfer Funds (Targets multiple banks at once)

Every section of this guide offers all of the following:
  • ALL mission names that Uplink will give you
  • Required Uplink agent level, Neuromancer statistic effects, and Uplink agent level required for accepting.
  • Software and Hardware (mainly memory space and processor power) requirements
  • Minoriko's signature "step-by-step with screenshots" walkthrough for every mission type!

Missions are repeated a lot, so you will become very used to these missions. Learn them well. Let's begin.
Manipulate a Single File
Manipulate a Single File missions either involve copying or deleting files. They require a rank of 'Beginner' or 'Confident' to be seen, target Early-Game Internal Services Machines (ISMs) usually with a Level 1 Monitor. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 2 or 3.

Copy Mission Titles
  • Gain Access to a rival system and steal research files.
  • Steal important data from a rival companies file server.
  • Access a remote system and copy important data files.
  • Any of the above with the extension "The file will be encrypted." in the BBS and the email.

Destroy Mission Titles
  • Find and destroy crucial data on a mainframe.
  • Break into a rival computer system and sabotage files.
  • Hack into a computer and delete key files.

For these missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0 (Higher is supposedly better, but I like 2.0)
  • Log_Deleter v1.0 (4.0 is recommended, but Early-Game ISMs are dumb)
  • COPY: File_Copier v1.0
  • DESTROY: File_Deleter v1.0
  • COPY: Sometimes you need a low level Decrypter (v 1.0 - 4.0 usually.)

Here's how you do it: (All guides assume you have already accepted the mission)

Copy a Single File
After you have accepted the mission from the Uplink BBS, you will recieve an email. From this email, we can determine many things:
  • Our target is the I-Squared Plc ISM
  • We have to copy the file, I-s-data-51050
  • The file is not encrypted (it will explicitly say so)
  • The file takes up 2gq of space on our machine
  • We will be paid 1700 Credits
So bounce through some systems. I highly recommend this bounce for early game usage - all the starter systems and all of the ARC Access Terminals. You can add the terminals through InterNIC. After this, hit Connect.
You will arrive at this login screen. You aren't being traced yet, which gives you a few seconds to prepare. First, so you can monitor the status of the trace on your connection, run your Trace_Tracker. This is an invaluable tool that can save your butt if used correctly.
After this, we will be running Password_Breaker. To use this tool, run it, and then click on the "Code" box in the login box. You do not have to specify a password, for it will automatically attempt to hack "admin". This doesn't matter to us for now. So go ahead and click the box to get crackin'.~
Immediately your connection starts being traced. You can view the status of the password being broken by viewing the box with the spinning letters, which is automatic. To make it go faster, look at the Task Manager (shown in the screenshot) and click the arrow for Password_Breaker until the bar is full. If you also need ot monitort the progress on your trace, it is shown in the lower right corner of the screen. Keep the frequency of the beeps from the Trace_Tracker in mind - the faster it is, the less time you have.
Immediately hit 'Proceed' once your Password_Breaker automatically closes.
Inside, you will see many features of an ISM. Here's an explantion of what each menu does:
  • File Server - The storage for all the files in the system. This is your target.
  • View Records - Lists the information for all the accounts on the system.
  • View Links - A tiny InterNIC for the company; this views all of I-Squared Plc's servers.
  • Admin - Don't worry about this yet.
Go into the File Server.
Run your File_Copier. How this program works is that it uses your Processor and Modem, when a file is selected, to download the file to your machine. Similar to the Password_Breaker, it can be sped up using the Task Manager.
Click the file specified in the email. Keep in mind that the file is no longer in the File_Copier after the connection is terminated.
After this, hit the picture of the floppy disk in the lower left corner of the screen. This is your Memory Banks page; your local file storage. Click an empty space on here with the File_Copier to copy the file onto your Gateway. After the file is copied, disconnect.
Once back at the Gateway screen, connect to InterNIC and break the admin password (don't worry about a trace - InterNIC does not actively or passively trace you). Then hit 'View Logs'.

These are the "traces" you have left when you connected to the server. This is easy to clean up, all you need is a Log_Deleter! Here's a list of which versions work on what:
  • Log_Deleter v1.0: Only works on early-game ISMs; Any other server will undelete and trace you through this log. Your log says "[Log Deleted]" after deletion.
  • Log Deleter v2.0: Same as above? I forgot, to be honest. There is a distinct blank where your log was after deletion.
  • Log Deleter v3.0: This will cover for all systems except for Government, high-security systems, and banks. Your Log_Deleter will change the text of your log to read the text of another user's log, which looks weird to smart passive tracers.
  • Log Deleter v4.0: The ultimate Log_Deleter. This utopian software makes it so your log is deleted, it's text removed, and a log beneath it is stacked on top of it. Not even the banks can trace you through this.
For this, a Log_Deleter v1.0 works fine. Delete and then open your email.
Now it's time to get paid. Hit "Reply", then in the area where it says 'File: Not Selected'. click it and select the file we copied. Then hit 'Send'. You will get an email seconds later congratulating you on your success.

Destroy a Single File
This guide assumes you have read on how to Copy a Single File, shown above.
Collect the information from this email and connect to the specified system. You can tell it is a 'Destroy a File' mission because it explicitly says so. File size does not matter to you. Break past the security and get to the File Server.
Now to learn about the File_Deleter! The File_Deleter is similar to the File_Copier, except that it only relies on the processor and requires one click. The File_Deleter will indiscriminately delete any file you click with it. Be careful when dragging this tool around.
Select the file you need to delete with the File_Deleter. Then poof, it's gone.~. Disconnect -
- and clear your logs. To reply to the email, just hit reply and send. There is nothing to attach.
Change an Entry in a Government Database
Change an Entry in a Government Database missions involve logging into Government systems and accessing a database, searching for a person, and changing their record. They require a rank of 'Novice' to 'Confident' to be seen, and target Governement databases that vary in security.
  • International Academic Database - Level 1 Monitor with a Login Screen. (Uplink rating of 3)
  • International Social Security Database - Level 1 Monitor and Proxy with a Login Screen. You must disable or bypass the proxy to access records and system logs. (Uplink rating of 4 or 5)
  • Global Criminal Database - Level 1 Monitor and Proxy with a Login screen and an Elyptic-Curve Encryption Cypher. Both the login and cypher must be solved to log in. (Uplink rating of 5)

Academic Missions
  • Improve our associates' academic standing.
  • Help us prove a fellow employee is over-rated.
  • Generate a University Degree for a friend.
  • Qualifications required for wealthy professional.

Social Security Missions
  • Create part of a new identity.
  • Falsify a Social Security Document.

Criminal Missions (For Criminal Missions, please see the 'Ruin a Life - Frame a User for Computer Crimes' Section. They just fit better there.)

For Academic and Social Security Missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0 (from now on, please~)
  • SOCIAL:HUD_ConnectionAnalysis v1.0
  • SOCIAL: Monitor_Bypass v1.0 or higher
  • SOCIAL: Proxy_Bypass v1.0 or higher
  • ALTERNATIVE SOCIAL: If you can't afford the above three, you can use Proxy_Disable v1.0

Here's how you do them:

Academic Missions
Upon accepting a mission, you will get one of the two types of emails: Degree or Credential. Both require a complete hack to the International Academic Database (IAD); the only difference being what you will replace. I will explain more when it is relevant. First however -
- Connect to the IAD!
It's likely you don't have enough tools besides the HUD_ConnectionAnalysis so far. Because of this, you may hack the IAD using any username. However, if you do have more money at this point, see the International Social Security Database section for a dirty trick involving a certain username and Monitor Bypass. However, it is good to get into the habit of hacking only the 'readwrite' account on Government Servers.
Break any account, and you'll enter the Main Menu. You have two options, to Search Records and View Logs. View Logs isn't what we need to look for (it's grayed out because of the account I hacked), so go to Search Records.
Open your email and look at the name of the person you're looking for. In the mox that reads 'Enter Name Here', hit backspace and type the person's name, which is Gareth Doyle in this case. Once done, hit Ok.
You will cycle through all the record of people until you reach Mr. Doyle's. In the screenshot, I point to the areas of interest for both mission types. You are doing one of two things:
  • Regarding Gareth Doyle's Mission - You will be adding a 'Other Qualification'. Add it to the appropriate section, dictated from the email.
  • Regarding Duncan Lindsay (the other email at the start of this guide), you will be adding a University Degree. In 'Graduate Qualifications', the format is [Degree], Class [Number] (i.e. Philosphy, Class 1)
  • Same as the University Degree type, but you are only changing the class number of the only present degree.
Once you have made your change, commit. You will see this box. Reply and clear your logs.

Social Security Missions
Similar to the Academic Missions, the email tells you exactly what to change to a database entry. The only difference is what you are changing and what database you are using.So bounce to the International Social Security Database (ISSD).
Before proceeding, ensure you have a Proxy Bypass or Disbable of at least Level 1.

Now here's where we get to the dirty trick I mentioned earlier. If you don't already have them, you will require a HUD_ConnectionAnalysis and a Monitor Bypasser. If you are using a Proxy Disable, start the password breaker as soon as your active trace begins.
Apply your bypassers. They will ignore the security, such as the Monitor (the thing that traces you) and the Proxy (the thing that makes you unable to access logs, files, and database entries). You can disable the proxy, but there is no disabling the Monitor. Type 'readwrite' in the username . This will allow you to access the database, but give you non-administrative access (Level 2: Can change things, but not access any admin tools (security, logs, etc.)) as to not alert the Monitor. You will not be traced when hacking the password, for the Monitor Bypass blocks that. Once you have broken 'readwrite''s password, enter. And find your guy under Search Records.
Look down and right. 'No Traces'?! No Traces. This trick works for all three of the government databases.

Here's the trick in review: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226381388

Anyway, the email tells you to change Paul Timms' status to 'Deceased'. Look where it says 'Personal Status' and change it, whatever it may be, to Deceased. This is the only thing that needs to be changed.
Commit, disconnect, clear logs, reply.
Ruin a Life - Global Criminal Database (Part 1)
NOTE: If you're coming here from Change an Entry in a Government Database, the GCD Missions and the section "Uplink Level 5 Missions" are what you are looking for. After checking out that section, it will be advisable to move on to 'Send Financial Info to a Client'

Ruining Lives requires log modification and the use of the Global Criminal Database to discredit hackers and innocent people alike. Standard Global Criminal Database missions require a rank of 'Intermediate' to be seen, have a Level 1 Monitor, and a Level 1 Proxy with an Elyptic-Curve Encryption Cypher and a Login Screen. Advanced Ruin a Life missions require a rank of 'Knowledgable' to 'Uber-Skilled' to be seen. These missions target the Global Criminal Database, International Banks, and Late Game ISMs - all of which vary in security.
  • GCD - Level 1 Monitor and Proxy; Password Verification and an Elyptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
  • International Banks - Level 5 Monitor and Proxy; Password Verifcation, Voice-Print Identification, and an Elyptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
  • Late Game ISMs - Monitor, Proxy, and Firewall with varying levels

GCD Missions
  • Help to stop a hacker from ever working again. (Uplink Level 5)
  • Help to discredit one of our rivals. (Uplink Level 5)
  • Clear a criminal record. (Uplink Level 5)
  • ADVANCED - Highly skilled agent required for removal job. (Uplink Level 7)
  • ADVANCED - Frame a user for computer crimes. (Uplink Level 9)

  • Frame a user for destruction of data. (Uplink Level 9)
  • Frame a man for bank fraud. (Uplink Level 10)

For GCD and Non-GCD, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
  • Monitor/Proxy/Firewall Bypass v5.0
  • Recommended to have more than 200Ghz of Processor Power due to lack of a high trace length and presence of Cyphers.
  • GCD/BANK NON-GCD: Decypher v3.0
  • NON-GCD: Log_Modifier v1.0
  • NON-GCD: File_Deleter v1.0

Here's how you do it:

Uplink Level 5 GCD Missions
NOTE: You may use Proxy_Bypasser/Disable v1.0 and a Monitor_Bypass v1.0 if you're low in level. Also note that these missions are both Help to stop a hacker from ever working again. (Uplink Level 5), Help to discredit one of our rivals (Uplink Level 5), and Clear a criminal record. (Uplink Level 5).
For a basic GCD hack mission, you'll recieve an email like this. It will include mention of the Global Criminal Database, the mission type (Discredit or Clear Record), and the target.
So connect to the GCD, apply your bypassers, and stop. You will notice a different log-in screen.

You now have two things to hack before you may proceed; the Password Verfications we have been doing, and an Elyptic-Curve Decryption Cypher. A standard rule from now on - always hack anything that isn't the password first, for later systems will begin to trace upon hacking those. Select the Cypher box.
You will see a box with numbers cycling. Your goal is to make all of these numbers stop on 0. To do this, you will need the Decypher (v3.0 is the fastest and the only version most guides support). Run the Decypher, and select the box with the numbers.
This may take a while if you're low in level, for the Decypher's speed is dependant on your processor. This section of the guide is using the stock GatewayALPHA Uplink gives you, so it's really slow.

Once completed, proceed and hack the Password Verfication with 'readwrite'.
The same Main Menu as always, except for an administrative option for Security. This can be used to disable a Proxy from the inside, if for some reason you couldn't from the outside. In Onlink, this can be a way to save RAM.
After searching for our target, Duncan Pearce, we should arrive here. Unlike other Government Systems, this system doesn't have an obvious 'Commit' button. While discrediting, hitting 'Add' is 'Clear History' while clearing a record is commiting, so be careful. To add a conviction, type in the box I labeled with the conviction as specified in a Discredit email and hit 'Add'. To clear a history, simply hit 'Clear History'. Ignore the Authorize Arrest button, we'll be using that later.
After doing what you needed to do; disconnect, reply, and clear logs. The GCD is the first system you will face in the game that will disavow you upon the completion of a Passive Trace. Clear your logs with a Log_Deleter v4.0!

Highly skilled agent required for removal job and Frame a User for Computer Crimes (Levels 7 and 9)

NOTE: This guide assumes you have read the above section on Level 5 GCD Missions.
Upon accepting this mission, you will recieve a very short email. You are to incriminate a man using any means available. The game doesn't tell you this now, but there are a few ways to complete this mission:

  • Change a Criminal Record Mission - Hack into the GCD and add at least three convictions to a record, with at least one including the word "Parole". This is your only option for Removal.
  • Frame a User for Fraud - If you have access to the target's IP address, from another mission or as a given, you can use this IP to change logs to lead to that computer instead of your Gateway. You may only choose this if you are given the 'Frame a User for Computer Crimes' mission.

    We will explore the second method not in this section, but the next one. Obviously, to begin the GCD method, connect to the GCD and head on over to - as the email says - Paul Jackson's entry.
    There are some requirements for an arrest: The target must have at least three total convictions, and one of which must include the word 'parole' (the convictions can be anything, as well as the parole statement; A, B, and Parole are suitable for an arrest)
    Remember what I said before about that authorize arrest button? Well, you get to use it here. Hit it!
    If you have met all the requirements, you will get this notice that the target will be arrested in three hours. So head on over to the Uplink ISS and watch the news, you couch potato you.
    After three hours - or three seconds with fast forward - you should see a headline like this. The article varies if the person is either a civilian, a new Uplink agent, an experienced agent, a high ranking agent, or a top agent.
    And you can see the status change in the Agent Ranking from the Uplink ISS.

    Rest assured. As far as I know, it is impossible for you to be targeted by a GCD mission.
Ruin a Life - Beyond GCD (Part 2)
These missions are by far the most annoying in the game. It requires a SUCCESSFUL completion of a Passive Trace to complete. Because of this, it is also the most dangerous mission genre - for it only takes one Log_UnDeleter v1.0 (luckily, the computer doesn't use this on your logs) to blow your cover. Also, it takes the longest time to complete due to the unpredictable nature of the Passive Trace.

You get paid very well though.

So you don't have to scroll up, here is a review on what the Non-GCD missions require:

  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
  • Proxy/Firewall Bypass v5.0 (Why block the monitor when you want to get a Passive Trace to go off? After all, the longer the Active Trace goes - the shorter the Passive Trace)
  • Log_Modifier v1.0
  • DATA: File_Deleter v1.0

Mission Titles
  • Frame a user for destruction of data. (Uplink Level 9)
  • Frame a man for bank fraud. (Uplink Level 10)

And their targets:
  • International Banks - Level 5 Monitor and Proxy; Password Verifcation, Voice-Print Identification, and an Elyptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
  • Late Game ISMs - Monitor, Proxy, and Firewall with varying levels

Note: These missions require a very short bounce path. Here's some tips on making an effective short bounce path:

  • Minimize Passive Trace time - When making your small bounce path, be sure to avoid bounces you have an account for. Having no account makes for a faster trace, a user's login information makes it slower, and a bounce point is made the slowest when you have access to an administrator account. However,
  • Don't screw yourself - Make your Passive Trace time long enough to do what you need to do. I would advise taking no more than one bounce with an account (admin or user) to give you time for DoD missions.
  • Avoid Banks and Gov Systems - Due to the security measures they have, avoid the banks and government servers to make your Passive Trace time shorter
  • Mind the Gap - Minimize your bounce path to 4-6 bounces.
  • Beware of Dead-Ends - You cannot bounce through PCs, Voice-Phone Systems, or systems you have recently shut down with Revelation or the Console.
  • Always remember to Modify or Delete your logs immediately - you will not have the time you usually do to change your Logs.
Here's how you do it:

Frame a man for bank fraud
If you are unlucky enough to get one of these missions, here's what the mission email looks like. You are given a target and the person you are framing's IP address.

Connect to the target, which is the Biogenics Associates International Bank, in this scenario.
The method of doing these missions can either require a lot of effort, or barely any at all. My method uses barely any at all. Upon connecting, do not apply your Monitor Bypass. This will be useful in the next step, which is going to the Admin Menu.
Banks are equipped with a Password, Voice-print ID, and a Cypher. However, we are only interested in starting an Active Trace. What does bypassing the monitor do? Prevents an active trace. Get it now? Select any option and begin to hack it, this guide will assume you selected the Admin Password.
Start the Password Breaker.

Wait a few seconds...listen to your Trace Tracker tweet...

Then read the picture, around 50%, the big yellow letters: "DISCONNECT FAST!"
Run to InterNIC, and open your Log_Modifier v1.0 on the relevant incriminating log, your Connection Routed log.

A window should appear over your log with three boxes.
  • Log Type (button switch) - This determines the type of log produces (Bounce, Connection, Password, Accessed File, etc.) This should remain a Bounce log
  • From (REQUIRES BOUNCE LOG TYPE) - Set this to your target's IP. In our scenario, this is Aston Barry's Personal Computer at 241.373.35.360.
  • To (REQUIRES BOUNCE LOG TYPE) - Do not change this: This is the IP of your second hop, whatever it may be.

Then, comes the most fun part of the mission:
Waiting for the arrest. This is when you wait for the Passive Trace to complete.

Go ahead and do other missions while you wait. This will take a while.

Frame a user for destruction of data

This is your mission email, similar to the Bank Fraud's email.

Now, Destroy Multiple Files on the target computer. I would recommend using a Monitor Bypass, if your processor power is below 1000Ghz.

When you are done, run to InterNIC -
- and modify the logs, then -
You wait.

It sounds like an easy Destroy Database mission, but it's really not. However, these missions are more likely to be successful than the Bank Fraud missions.
Send Financial Info to a Client
Send Financial Info to a Client missions either involve hacking a bank account, which have no administrative access. They require a rank of 'Intermediate' to be seen, target International Banks which usually have a Level 5 Proxy and Monitor. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 5.

Mission Titles
  • Client interested in financial data on an enemy.
  • Find Financial Details of one of our associates.

For these missions, you must have the following tools. Hacking bank accounts aren't too difficult, but have a fairly fast trace if left without a Monitor Bypasser.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0 (Higher is supposedly better, but I like 2.0)
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
  • Monitor/Proxy Bypass 5.0.
  • AT LEAST 200Ghz of processor power if left without bypassers, due to a fast trace.

Here's how you do it:
The email will tell you exactly what variable you have to look for in the bank account: Balance or Loan. However, it is a fact that the variable for loans is usually 0.
Always check and see if this is the case, to avoid a fairly easy hack. This would of been correct, but I will perform the hack anyway so that you guys can learn as well!
Connect to the bank, as dictated by the email.
You will start off at the Main Menu. This is public, and you have no trace as you are doing nothing illegal yet. The 'About Us' section can be used to get contact information to an administrator (useful later), 'Create an Account' can be used for bounce points in a Positive Neuromancer playthrough, 'Manage an Existing Account' is where you will go to do these misisons and to 'Illegally Transfer Funds', and the Administration section is only used for Bank Hacking. Select to Manage an Existing Account.
You will arrive at a login screen. Open your ConnectionAnalysis and apply your Proxy and Monitor bypass. Then, check your email and enter the account number of the target in the 'Name' section and use your Password_Breaker on the 'Code section.

I needed money for a Monitor Bypass and didn't have one at this time, which can be a case to you. If it is the case, I would recommend expanding your bounce length before beginning.
Once the account is hacked, you will arrive at the Account Menu. Because of our current mission type, we only need to check the 'View Account' or 'Loans' section.
Inside the 'View Account' section, you will see something like this. Look where it says Loans and remember/write down that number. This number will be in your reply to your email.
If you are using the Loans section, look here.
When sending your reply, be sure to include the number in your message (This can be as simple as hitting 'Reply' and then typing [Balance/Loan size, which is 0 in this case). Disconnect, clear logs.
Manipulate Multiple Files
Manipulate Multiple Files missions either involve copying or deleting a large amount of realted files. They require a rank of 'Intermediate'' to be seen, target Late-Game Internal Services Machines (ISMs) with a high level monitor, proxy, and firewall. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 5-7.

Copy Mission Titles
  • Copy large and secure corporate database.
  • Copy proprietary source code database.
  • Steal valuable scientific research documents.
  • Break into high security system and steal customer records.

Destroy Mission Titles
  • Destroy corporate data of a rival company.
  • Destroy customer records on a sales system.
  • Destroy rival software in development.

For these missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
  • Monitor/Proxy/Firewall Bypasser v5.0
  • COPY: File_Copier v1.0
  • COPY: Decryptor v7.0 (it's likely you have 15k to spare at this point)
  • COPY: It is recommended to have a lot of disk space; most missions require around 100Gqs. If your Gateway cannot hold that much, it is an option to take multiple trips.
  • DESTROY: File_Deleter v1.0

If any mission asks you to manipulate files on a Central Mainframe, move on to section 'Destroy a System'. if any mission asks you to manipulate files on a LAN, check out my LAN guide: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221591422&insideModal=1

Here's how you do it:

Destroy Multiple Files
These emails simply state to destroy the database, and include a link to either a Late Game ISM, Mainframe, or LAN. We will only be doing Late Game ISMs in this section. Connect to the ISM, apply bypassers, break the password. Remember that 'Administration' button I told you about in 'Manipulate a Single File'? Click that!
Here, you see the administrative tasks that are available in an ISM. 'View Logs' is like the logs from InterNIC, but there's no point in worrying about them here (yet). 'Security' can be used to disable security from the inside, similar to the Security feature from the GCD. Lastly, 'Console' can be used similar to a Windows/Linux command prompt.
I went to Security first, for I didn't have either the Monitor or the Firewall bypassers at the time. With at least the Proxy bypassed, you can click on the line that states the security name to disable it. By now, the monitor is already tracing you, so don't worry so much about that. I'm just here to disable the firewall and the proxy.
Once you have made sure your Proxy and Firewall have been bypassed, click on 'Console'. Above, I have screenshotted the results of the 'help' command so you have a command reference. If you need additional help, check out my guide on using the Console: [LINK]
Run the console commands 'cd usr' 'delete' 'disconnect' in that order. Don't worry about disconnecting, for the last command will do it for you. Clear your logs, and go to the Uplink Internal Services System.
Once inside, login to the system and go to 'News Server'. Fast forward until either 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, or 0:00. These are the most common times for the News to update. Once you see a relevant article appear, such as the one highlighted, you can reply to the email. The employer will check for this article, and will then give you the credits for having completed the mission. The employer will not believe you until the hack is in the news.

Copy Multiple Files

Copying a database is similar to destroying a database, except with a few extra steps and – obviously – copying instead of deletion.
You will get an email like this upon accepting a mission. Do note that these missions do tend to target LANs a lot, so I stocked up on missions to demand all the money immediately from to get the tools. If you want to know more about LAN hacking, check out my LAN guide at the top of this section.
Now, connect to the LAN. Unlike a central mainframe, you do not have to bounce through an internal system (ex. ARC CM must be hacked through an ARC system). After entering the LAN, open up your HUD_LanView and navigate through the LAN.

If you are short on money, all you need is HUD_LanView, LAN_Probe, and LAN_Spoof for most Manipulate Multiple Files missions.
I showed my path on how to hack this specific LAN. I have also included a second path for quick reconnection, as it is likely that you will be repeatedly disconnected attempting to copy a database.

After the LAN hack, you should be able to connect to the Main Server. Keep in mind that the main server has both a Voice-Print ID and a Password Verification, so be prepared to hack both immediately...
...for the system administrator will log in seconds after accessing the Main Server, even with a Monitor Bypass.

While copying files, take a moment to check up on your Trace Tracker and LANView to see the progress of the admin. Once he is above the Main Server for a few seconds, you will be disconnected. This is not an active trace. In the event that happens, clear your logs and try again.
But more on the files. You are interested in the files with a unique file name such as 'Beta-corp-1', the mission files are usually numbered and have 'corp' or another obvious filename that would make you think "Mission!". Copy only those to your memory banks.

After a while, you should obtain all of the needed files. Disconnect, and then look back at your email.
Note that your email also has a link to a file server. DIRECTLY connect to it, no bounces - it will just waste your time, and there are no traces. You cannot hack the server anyway, as you have to be given a username and password to enter. Autofill the ID and enter to see an empty file bank. Copy all of your files into it.
Just copy them all in there.
It is likely, and almost guaranteed, that your files will be encrypted. To solve this, buy a decrypter from Uplink ISS and use it on the files. These were all Level 7, so I use a Level 7 Decrypter.

Once all the files are inside and decrypted, reply to the email and congradulate yourself for probably completing your first LAN hack.
Destroy a System
Destroy a System missions involve removing a system from the internet and destroying all of it's data. They require a rank of 'Skilled'' to be seen and target Central Mainframes, with a Monitor, Proxy, and Firewall with varying levels. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 6 or 7.

All Mission Title(s)
  • Elite agent required for destruction of a computer system.

For these missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • Voice_Analyzer v2.0 (trust me: it's better)
  • Storyline only: Decypher v3.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis v1.0
  • Monitor/Proxy/Firewall Bypasser v5.0
  • 1Gq of Memory Space (for Voice 2.0)
  • File/Log_Deleter Path: Recommended to have 200Ghz Processor or higher

Here's how you do it:

You will get this email after accepting the mission. Their format is always the same, the only variable being the company that owns the Central Mainframe. However, you are only given the link to the computer. Attempt to connect to it and your connection will be denied. How do you get around this? Connect to InterNIC.
We're not here to erase our logs - we're here to add a system to our links. Head over to Browse. Once there, you will see a screen similar to the Gateway screen with all the links. In the 'Filter' area, search for our company: Enzyme Technology.
You should have a few systems as a result. Usually, you'll find Access Terminals if the company has a rather large LAN. You will always find an ISM and a Public Access Server (PAS). To find more sensitive links, such as the LAN and Central Mainframe IPs, you must hack the ISM. Add the PAS link to your links by hitting the + button, and directly (a bounce is not necessary) connect to it.
The PAS will produce a screen with the phone numbers of the Managing Director and the Administrator of the company. The Administrator is what you are after. Hit the + button next to his name, and directly connect to it. You will need a Voice_Analyzer for this next step to be useful.
Upon connecting, you will automatically attempt to call the Administrator. During this time, run your Voice_Analyzer. This software is used to record the voice of the Administrator to use it for voice authorizations, as shown later.
Once the administrator has hung up, your can now disconnect or save the sample to your memory banks. In order to do the latter, click on the Voice_Analyzer v2.0 and move it like you would a File_Deleter/Copier. Select an empty space in your memory banks, and it will save. After this, disconnect and open your world map.
Here is when your connection path will matter. Load your routine connection, but be sure to have your last hop be a system owned by Enzyme Technology. For this, I made my last bounce be the Enzyme Technology PAS. If done incorrectly, you will arrive to a Failure to Connect screen.
If done correctly, you will arrive at the Login Menu for the system. Hack the Voice first, for the Password Verification will begin the trace (with a Bypassed Monitor) the moment it is hacked.
Hit the play button at the bottom of the Voice_Analyzer to play the recording of the admin's voice. If, by any chance, you have lost the recording, disconnect and repeat the relevant section of this guide. Once the recording is finished, and you played back the correct voice, you will be given access to continue on.

Hack the password verification and then hit Proceed.
There are two ways to coninue from here.
  • File/Log_Deleter Path - Involves using the File_Deleter and Log_Deleter tools to delete everything, and then using the Console to delete the system files and shutdown. This is great to use when you have a fast trace, but requires CPU power to be fast.
  • Console Path - Involves using only commands in the console to delete everything. Easy to access, but takes a long time. To see this method, see my Console guide. http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=239138767

This guide will be using only the File/Log_Deleter Path. Select the File Server.
Use your File_Deleter to delete everything in this directory.
Use your Log_Deleter to delete all the logs relevant to your IP, 573.241.729.901. This step really isn't necessary at all, and is really just to ensure you have a clean first hop.
From here, you must use the Console to continue. Type the following commands to destroy one last directory and shutdown the system:
  • cd sys
  • delete
  • shutdown
After you see the line 'System shut down complete', you may disconnect if your trace is about to terminate, like how mine was about to. You can check and see if the system really did go down by attempt to reconnect to it.
You should see this screen if you were successful.
Now return to the News Server an- what the hell is this? Apparently a passive trace from an Early-Game ISM from the past. Oh well, nothing added to my record. Continiuing.
*ahem* Return to the News Server and fast forward until you recieve this article. You can tell which one it is by what company it is referring to. If and only if you have waited for this article to arrive, you can then reply to the email and recieve your credits.
Perform a Passive Trace
Perform a Passive Trace missions involve hacking several systems, guided by access logs, to counterhack someone who has hacked your employer's system. They can also involve hacking into a bank account and analyzing logs to trace a transfer back to another bank account. Both require extensive knowledge of logs. They require a rank of 'Experienced' or 'Professional' to be seen, and can target all systems. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 7 or 9.

Mission Titles
  • Trace a hacker who recently broke into our systems. (System Trace)
  • Trace an unauthorised money transfer. (Bank Trace)

For these missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you. Tools may vary for all System Traces, for you never know what you have to hack next.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis v1.0
  • Firewall/Monitor/Proxy Bypasser v5.0
  • SYSTEM: Voice_Analyzer v2.0
  • SYSTEM: Decypher v3.0
  • SYSTEM: IP_Lookup v1.0
  • SYSTEM: Log_Undeleter v1.0

There are two possible ways for this mission to be conducted: A System Trace and a Bank Trace. Obviously, a bank trace is through an International Bank, while a System Trace will go through an ISM or a CM.

An email example for a System Trace is provided above, for it will not be included in this guide.For an example of a System Trace (very rare), see my guide on RevelationCorev0.7: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221993810

For an example of a Bank Trace, read on!

Perform a Bank Trace
Your email will look like one of these. These missions are very rare and I was not fortunate enough to recieve one during the writing of this guide. Instead, I made one of my own.

The email simply says to enter the account specified, note the statement that is the closest to the time given by the email, and find out who owns the account the money was transferred to.
Here's how you do it. We will be connecting to the Realware Plc International Bank, into the account of Benjamin Comrie, account number 3626324.
Hack the account. Once inside, view the statements.
Here, you will need the IP_Lookup tool. Run the software, and then backspace to remove the 'Enter IP', then type the IP for our relevant log, the first one.

The IP will be that of a bank. Once you have noted the bank, also note the account number. You can simply write this down. Disconnect -
and connect to the bank you identified in the statement.
Hack the password of the account you were given. Make sure you have your guard up for an Active Trace, if you don't have your Monitor Bypass on.

Once inside, head over to the Account Info.
Here, you will see that the person you are looking for is Paul Jackson. Disconnect from the bank, and reply to the email with this name somewhere in your reply to complete the mission.
Illegally Transfer Funds
Illegal Transfer of Funds missions involve hacking a bank account and transferring the credits from the account to another. They require a rank of 'Experienced' to be seen, target International Banks equipped with any level Proxy and Monitor. These missions have an Uplink Rating of 7. From the Uplink ISS, these missions are relatively simple. However, the most difficult mission in the game is using the same steps - except targeting your account. A guide on both will be provided.

Mission Titles
  • Our Esteemed colleague wishes to make a donation (Uplink Level 7)
  • UNNAMED - Steal Credits from a Bank

For these missions, you must have the following tools, though more can help you.
  • Password_Breaker v1.0
  • Trace_Tracker v2.0 (Higher is supposedly better, but I like 2.0)
  • Log_Deleter v4.0
  • HUD_ConnectionAnalysis v1.0
  • Proxy/Monitor Bypasser v5.0
  • UNNAMED: Time Machine

Here's how you do both missions:

Your email will be confusing to read at first. In the picture, I have color coded what I underlined to make it simpler for you to read. Using the first IP and account number, hack that account.

It's likely that in your first few attempts at this mission you will try to hack the target bank with the target-transfer account. It takes practice.

If you are not performing the Uplink ISS mission and are hacking for money, this step will instead be finding an account with a lot of money in it. A great source would be a bank account from a Perform a Passive Trace Mission.

Go East, young man.

Upon making the icon for this guide, I kind of messed up the picture that would be above this line of text. What you do though is hit connect, then go to 'Manage Existing Account' and use the Password Breaker, which will bring you to -
- this screen. Select 'Transfer Money'.
On this screen, you're prompted with a few text boxes. They're pretty self-explanatory. I have done more color-coded outlining with the email open to make it easier for you to read.

If you are not performing the Uplink ISS mission and are hacking for money, instead fill out the Transfer form with your target account's (owned by you) bank IP and account number. I will advise transferring to an account owned by you in the same bank, so you do not have to disconnect to delete one of your relevant logs.
After hitting Proceed, and you are performing the mission, you are done. Reply to your email and clear your logs. People have said that the mission will not be complete if you reply after deleting your log, but I have purposefully deleted my log first and then replied to see that it still worked. This is a myth, as far as I know.

However, if you are not doing the mission and are doing this hack for money, your mission has just began. Quickly, go to this account's main menu and select 'View Statements' and delete your transfer log. Then connect to your target bank account and delete it's statement. Then you must delete your InterNIC log. Sounds easy right? You have thirty seconds, and it is a disavowment if you are not quick enough.[/b][/i] Keep in mind that you only have to delete the InterNIC log if you are performing the Uplink ISS mission.

After deleting all three logs, and thirty seconds has passed and your passive trace miraculously fails, you will recieve an email increasing your Uplink Rating to 'Mage', from 'Beginner'.
Get used to these missions. You will be performing a lot of them in a playthrough of Uplink.

Many of you have been wondering when this guide will be completed. It's nice to finally announce that I have finally completed this guide. Enjoy! And I do hope you enjoyed Minoriko's Guide to Missions.
TexasRancor 6 Jan, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
Thank you for your help!:steamthumbsup:
Tenta 22 Apr, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
The best guide for this game I've ever seen ! :csgostar::csgostar::csgostar::csgostar::csgostar:
Jackochainsaw 29 Nov, 2021 @ 2:38pm 
This is a great guide. I realise I'm playing this in 2021, but I appreciate your effort. I bought this game back in 2013 and can't believe how old it is (2001). Still a fun game.
Aim3D 16 May, 2021 @ 12:33am 
Thanks for this Minoriko, it's a big help. :steamthumbsup:
Aurora Yukihime  [author] 28 Jan, 2020 @ 12:50pm 
Ruin a Life - Beyond GCD (Part 2) has the computer fraud section, featuring a mission where you need to frame someone for deleting a database. It's quite similar to the bank one and a typical Destroy Database mission, except of course you'll need to change the logs like in the bank fraud mission.
TheMole132231 11 Jan, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
Just noticed you said you were going to cover Framing people for Computer Fraud in the next section but then only covered Bank Fraud. Are there any further steps missing?
glencoe2004 9 Sep, 2018 @ 4:44pm 
For the Voice-Print Identification thing, i've found that you can start playback and pause the game, wait for the recording to play back, unpause, and it will unlock while saving a couple of seconds.
Aurora Yukihime  [author] 22 Feb, 2018 @ 9:56pm 
Lots of delays. I didn't expect the 40-hour work weeks. #ImJustPartTimeMan
Harokai 22 Feb, 2018 @ 9:48pm 
Looks like you had a Onlink guide in production, was editing and taking screenshots, what happened?

I am playing Onlink 0.2.5, if you need any help, just say.
RealPeterM 23 Sep, 2017 @ 7:55pm 
With the "Frame A Man For Bank Fraud" missions, I can't seem to get the person arrested but I can do the "Frame a User For Destruction Of Data" perfectly fine.