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FF7 Best Materia Combos:
Eaydiny 님이 작성
Best Materia Combos:
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Final Attack + Phoenix
This is the classic. Most people know about this one, but it doesn’t make it any less useful. If your character dies, they’ll summon Phoenix and resurrect your whole team. This is a popular strategy for beating Ruby Weapon, who dismisses two of your team members if they don’t start out dead. So, in response, you start with two team members dead and one party member equipped with this materia combo and you duel him until he kills you and then blammo, party-wide full heal.
Quadra Magic + Ultima or MP Absorb + Ultima
This is the ultimate crowd-clearing materia combo. Very few random encounters in the game survive this. What you actually want to do is have Quadra Magic + Master Magic and then MP Absorb + your favorite spell. Ultima is a good one because it does a lot of damage and it’s super expensive to cast. With this combo you can cast Ultima every battle to instantly win, and never run out of MP. But, keep in mind you can go nuts with this. With W-Magic, that’s 8 free ultimas. Nothing survives that. You can pile a ton of different added effects onto one spell, usually Ultima, Comet, etc — Added Cut, MP Absorb, HP Absorb, Quadra Magic, MP Turbo, etc. With that in mind, a dedicated mage can become pretty powerful and can do almost KotR level damage every turn without having to watch the ridiculous animation.
Added Effect + Contain on Weapon
This adds a chance to inflict Confuse, Stop and Petrify to all your physical attacks. There are other materia combos that inflict more statuses, but these are the top tier statuses to inflict, and the only one that may be better (Hades) is better used on your armor to make you immune to almost all status effects. Hades does inflict more statuses, but it doesn’t inflict Petrify, and Stop + Petrify is better than Stop + every other status except Petrify.
Added Effect + Hades on Armor
If you use this combination, you’ll be immune to almost every status effect in the game. This is a big bonus for your mage, or however many characters you can manage to get a copy of Hades onto. Status effects are no bueno, so becoming immune to them without having to equip a ribbon is a huge benefit.

Added Cut + Deathblow
If your character has a 255% Hit weapon (like Vincent), Deathblow always connects. This is a popular combo for those characters, as it basically gives you 3x damage per round, almost on par with 4x Cut. I don’t like it quite as much as piling Quadra Magic and Added Cut onto a single spell, but it’s still a good combo.
All + Any Spell
This is not the strongest combo, but it’s the earliest combo and it’s incredibly useful throughout the game, so it’s worth mentioning purely to give credit to this massive workhorse combination. It’s one of the best materia combos in FF7 because of its reliability and versatility. You’re going to be using it all game.
Counter + Mime
With all the zany combinations you can make with the best materia in FF7, in all likelihood, the last thing your characters did is better than a standard attack. Therefore Counter + Mime tends to result in whatever devastating move you’ve just performed getting reproduced. Unless it was a limit break, then your character will just do a little dance. What you want to keep in mind is that your character will counter each time this combo appears on them. Just cast 4x Ultima with Quadra Magic? Well, if you have counter+mime 8 times on the next character, the enemy is going to eat 32 Ultimas now.
Support Materia + Master Command
This is important to mention, because you’re going to be tempted to try to pair support materia with Double Cut/4x Cut, but you can’t. However, if you pair support materia with Master Command and then equip Double Cut, you’ll get the support effect on 4x Cut for some reason. One popular combo is HP Absorb + Master Command + 4x Cut to fully heal yourself every time you attack. I would not recommend that you combine Counter with Master Command as you’ll occasionally counter with Throw + a randomly selected weapon
Choco/Mog And Added-Effect
The Choco/Mog is the first Summon materia players will receive in Final Fantasy VII and it may be one of the most underrated spells on the game. It has many great materia combinations in the game but pairing it with the Added-Effect materia may be the most useful.

This pairing, when attached to a weapon, gives players a good chance of hitting the Stop Spell if the materias are sufficiently leveled. The Choco/Mog grants the player the Stop Spell long before obtaining the Time materia which is available much later in the game.
Magic Counter And Restore
The Magic Counter materia is one of the most effective and useful go-to support materias in Final Fantasy VII. It can be obtained as a prize after winning the Chocobo racing S Class or the Northern Cave later in the game.
Getting the Magic Counter materia up to level 4 will increase its effectiveness to 100% and combining it with the Restore materia will mean that every time the player is hit the characters will automatically heal themselves.

Sneak Attack And Slash-All
The Sneak Attack materia is a Support spell that allows the player’s characters to catch their enemies by surprise with the first attack. It’s a great way to get a drop on difficult enemies in the field and can make the many random battles in the game a much less tedious affair. Combine the Sneak Attack materia with the Slash-All materia and players can end the battle in one hit. The Slash-All materia can be found in the Ancient Forest when leveled up the character it is equipped to will attempt Flash which is capable of hitting enemies with Instant Death.
Knights Of The Round Plus Healing
The HP Absorb materia can be found in Wutai Village where Yuffie is encountered. It’s a support materia that can be linked to offensive spells like magic attacks and summons. The caster will get their health restored to around 10% of the damage dealt.

So when combined with Knights of The Round and MP Turbo, more damage can be dealt as well as regaining significant amounts of HP with every slash from a Knight. This combination will come in very handy with high-level bosses that can inflict a lot of damage.

Bahamut Zero X4 Summon Attack
The Quadra Magic is a support-based materia that needs to be linked/combined with casting spells so they can be used four times in succession. Unfortunately, the biggest drawback of using Quadra is that with every successive attack the damage is cut in half unless the MP Turbo materia is equipped.

The Quadra can't be combined with the Knights of the Round, but it can be combined with Bahamut Zero, the dragon's most powerful form and arguably the second most powerful summon in the game.
Knights Of The Round X2 Summon Attack
The Knights of The Round summon is the most powerful attack spell in Final Fantasy VII. The materia can be obtained by either breeding a Gold Chocobo to reach the hidden island or as a reward from the Kalm Traveller after defeating the Emerald WEAPON.

The summon spell is capable of destroying most enemies with a single casting. However, if combined with the W-Summon and Mime support materias then players will be capable of casting the spell twice in a row.
Final Attack And Phoenix Revive X4
The Final Attack support materia that can be obtained from the Battle Square in the Gold Saucer theme park by winning the special battle. It can be linked to all magic and summon materia and will use the selected materia’s ability as a death counter.

A very useful combination is linking the Final Attack with the Phoenix summon which not only restores downed party members but casts the Phoenix Flame. Furthermore, attaching Quadra and a mastered Phoenix summon, will result in four flame attacks
Ultima Magic X4 Plus Final Attack
The powerful Ultima materia can be given as a reward at the North Corel for successfully stopping the coal train when Cid temporarily takes the lead role. Or the materia can be purchased for 50,000 Gil from the same villager.

Ultima at mastered level becomes even more powerful when combined with Quadra and Final Attack. It can work as both as a devastating counter for knocked-out party members and as offensive magic. The Ultima automatically targets all enemies and combined with Quadra hits four times. It' also worth adding an MP Turbo for extra damage.
Level 2 Comet X16
The Comet Materia which can be found in Forgotten City above the Fish Room is non-elemental attack magic that, at a base level, does five times the damage of normal magic attacks. In addition, a level-2 Comet Materia will automatically hit all enemies four times in a row.

Comet will become even more devastating when combined with Quadra Magic. This devastating link-up will hit enemies a total of sixteen times. If players attach an MP Absorb too this will cut down MP loss significantly
Level 2 Double Cut X28
The Double Cut Materia is a command-type magic power that grants the characters with the ability to hit enemies twice in one turn. At level 2 it upgrades to the 4X-Cut and depending on how powerful the character is they can deal a ton of damage in one turn – potentially 9999 damage at maximum level.

If players combine this with seven sets of mastered Mime materia linked to the mastered Counter Materia one potentially hit the enemy 28 times in a row for close to 280,000 damage points.
Knights Of The Round X7
Knights of The Round is the most destructive Summon Materia in Final Fantasy VII. It’s a long animation that displays 13 knights individually dealing lots of damage to the enemies. However, enduring the lengthy animation is worthwhile as it can be cast the spell seven times in one turn.

To accomplish this, players need to attach seven Magic Counter materias with six Mime materias, and the HP ↔ MP materia. If the materia has been mastered then it is possible to do over 900,000 damage points in one single turn.
Omnislash For A Million Damage Points
Omnislash is Cloud’s most powerful Limit Break and thanks to a discovery by the YouTuber 4-8Productions it can be combined with materia for the most powerful attack in the game. Combining 8 sets of mastered Mime materia linked to 8 sets of mastered Counter materia players can deal over a million damage points in one turn if Cloud is fighting with maximum stats.

Gamers just need to hit their opponent with one Omnislash then allow them to hit retaliate in order for Cloud counter with 8 rounds of Omnislash for a million damage hit points. That’s enough to defeat all the WEAPONS and bosses in the game in one single turn.
댓글 4
darkstar48507 2023년 9월 19일 오후 1시 27분 
i went with magic counter + Bahamut Zero, Bahamut Zero + Quatra Magic, magic counter + Knights of the Round, a bout 6 other regular counters, in all it was about a 24-26 counter attack
mobmh2 2022년 9월 26일 오후 5시 23분 
A powerful combo, but somewhat involved, involves the lowly Fire materia. You need several Fire Materia that allow you to cast Fire 3, master works fine. Now pair those with counter, all, quandra magic, added cut, MP absorb, MP Turbo, HP absorb, and if you want, steal as well. The result is a fire storm effect that is almost on par with Ultima+MP Turbo+Quandra magic, and easier to do. Enemies strong to fire? Switch to Ice, earth, or lightning. Comet works fine too, and doesnt need an All materia.
sandbull72 2021년 1월 13일 오후 11시 12분 
i always loved having master command + hp absorb and using 4x cut.
NØNE/Dragon 2021년 1월 12일 오후 4시 41분 
A useful combo is Comet or KOTR + Steal as Well. As each hit is a steal attempt. Combine that with the Sneak Glove accessory for better steal rate.