Shadow Warrior Classic Redux

Shadow Warrior Classic Redux

92 ratings
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux basic guide
By Hyperchaotic
This is a basic guide to Shadow Warrior. It contains information about weapons, enemies and items.
Story and main character
Lo Wang. Master ninja assassin for 20 years. A shadow warrior. Shadow warriors are the best of the best, and Lo Wang was the best of the shadow warriors. Every top company in Japan had a shadow warrior...a protector, a negotiator, a cleaner.
Lo Wang worked for Zilla Enterprises, a conglomerate with control in every major industry. Too much control. Power corrupts, and Master Zilla's corporation was corrupted to the core.
Lo Wang discovered Master Zilla's demonic scheme to rule Japan, using creatures summoned from the dark side. A man of honor, Lo Wang quit. But one as powerful as Wang either must be on your side, or no one's side. Master Zilla unleashes his creations for their first test: to kill a single man, a shadow warrior... Lo Wang.
Fists of Fury
Lo Wang can use his powerful fighting skills at close range to punch the life out of his foes. Just don't pound on anything too hard.

Can be used to slice right through the lower ninjas. A very powerful weapon for short range attacks and conserving ammo.

You can throw three of these deadly little razors at a time. If you get low on ammo, look at surrounding walls and see if you can retrieve loose shurikens from there via the USE key.

Quad Barrel Riot Shotgun
This deadly weapon has two firing modes. In the first mode, you shoot a concentrated blast via one barrel that will knock an enemy off his feet. In mode 2, you switch to using all 4 barrels of devastation. At close range you can dispatch nearly anything. But be warned. The farther you are from an enemy, the wider the spread, making this weapon less effective.

Armed with your high speed machine gun, you become even more deadly than before. But find a second Uzi and you can wield two at the same time, literally cutting your enemies to shreds. But power comes at a cost, as you will eat up ammo at a much faster rate.

Rocker Launcher
In the normal mode, you shoot typical explosive rockets that will cause a great deal of damage. Once you find the Heat Seeker Card, your next 5 rockets will have heat seeking abilities (press 5 to toggle modes). Once you possess a Nuke, you can access the third firing mode. which after selected will start a countdown, after which you can fire. When you set off a Nuke, make sure to have very nearby cover, or you will glow.

Grenade Launcher
This weapon launches out a 40mm explosive shell that will bounce 3 times then explode. It is ideal for dealing death in hard to reach places like ledges, or around corners. It has a very large radius area of damage, so don't be too close when it detonates.

Sticky Mines
Perhaps the sneakiest weapon in Lo Wang's arsenal, this is a small explosive device surrounded by sharp spikes, which will allow it to 'stick' to nearly any surface. Once attached to a floor, wall, ceiling, or even an enemy, there is a 3 second priming timer. Once this timer is set, the bomb will detonate when it's motion detectors sense something near. Just stick one on an enemy and watch the fun.

Rail Gun
A top secret weapon and still classified, the Rail Gun will shoot a piece of metal at near light speed, propelled from a magnetic field. This weapon will penetrate multiple enemies, making it powerful and very useful in certain situations.

Guardian Head
This head is collected from a particular enemy you kill. Sometimes he will lose his head and you can grab it and use its special attacks. The way you manipulate his attacks is by inserting fingers into different holes in the back of his fractured skull. Each finger will yield a different attack. One attack is a stream of burning fire balls, that will catch enemies on fire. The second mode will release a huge circle of fire balls incenerating anything in its path. These magical fire balls can even go through walls, making it ideal for rooting out that camper in a room in multiplay. The third mode will emit a wall of flaming napalm that will destroy anything in its path.

Ripper Heart
This is another weapon you can get from a fallen enemy. The ape-like 'Rippers' in the game will rip your heart out when they kill you, so it is only fitting that you can turn that power against them. You will squeeze the bloody dripping heart for a devastating attack.
Fortune Cookies
Gives you a +50 health boost. You can have up to a maximum of 200.

Small Medkit
Gives you a +20 health boost. You can have up to a maximum of 100.

Nuclear Warhead
This counts as its own ammo, and no missiles are required for use. You can only have one at a time. This is used in mode three of the Rocket Launcher. When you fire this baby make sure that you have some cover to get behind.

Heat Seeker Card
This card will allow your next 5 missiles to heat seek an opponent. This is used in mode two of the Rocket Launcher.

Armor Vest
Gray in color, takes your armor count to 50.

Kevlar Armor
Red in color, takes your armor count to 100.

Portable Medkit
This carries a maximum of 100% of additional health. When you are low on health, you can select this to bring your health back up to 100%. The amount used to do this will be subtracted from the amount stored in the Medkit. A shortcut to selecting and activating the Medkit is available by pressing the letter "M" during game play

Night Vision Goggles
When used, this makes enemies glow bright green. This is necessary to see some of the characters who you can not normally see otherwise. You can only have one of these at a time, and has a game play shortcut by pressing the letter "N".

Repair Kit
When used, you can repair one broken vehicle or other broken device you may encounter during game play. To use get in the broken vehicle and press the USE key.

Small razor sharp talons of metallic death. You throw the Caltrops on the floor, and they lie there. If someone steps on them, they take some damage, and they will cry out in pain. You can get 9 Caltrops to a box (3 uses). Three Caltrops are thrown per use. The game play shortcut key is "C".

Smoke Bomb
Using this will render you partially invisible for a few seconds. You can only have one at a time. The game play shortcut key is "Q".

Flash Bomb
Using this will blind nearby opponents and enemies for a few seconds. You can have up to two of these at a time. The game play shortcut key is "F".

Gas Grenade
Using this will cause the grenade to spray green noxious gas, damaging any opponent or enemy who gets too close (will hurt you as well). You can have one of these at a time. The game play shortcut key is "G".
Evil Ninjas
Brown Evil Ninja - Can do all player actions (climb, duck, hide behind boxes). Shoots an uzi or throws shurikens. Will commit suicide.
Red Evil Ninja - Will do everything his brown cousin does, plus he can shoot small rockets at you, as well as shoot uzis. This ninja does not waste his time with shurikens.
Shadow Ninja - The most fearsome of the lot, this ninja uses the ancient skills to stay nearly invisible. He can blast you with two type of magic napalm, one being a wall of fire. Beware, because this ninja is also skilled in the use of Flash Bombs. Once blinded, you will have little chance of survival.
Orange Ninja - These ninjas have the added ability to shoot heat seeking rockets at you. Very nasty in open areas. You can kill them and sometimes get a heat seeker card for your own rocket.
Gray Ninja - These ninjas have been upgraded with the ability to launch grenades at you. Considering the blast radius of grenades, these guys are particularly nasty. You can collect more grenades when you kill them.

These unskilled asian workers pose little threat from long distances, but fear them at short range. They carry a wooden crate filled with TNT and will make kamikaze runs at you when you get close enough. You can use their explosive nature to destroy other enemies as well.

♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ghost
Not content with attacking you once, some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will spawn a specteral ghost after they make their great sacrifice. These apparitions will float around phasing in and out of existence, taking time out to heave nasty gobs of bloody goo at you.

Ripper - These large gorilla like creatures are very strong. They will leap at you from long distances, or from below. They can cling to walls above you, waiting to drop at any moment. Or they will charge you at full speed and start ripping at your flesh. You will not survive long if they are not dealt with. You can sometimes kill one and use their HEART as a weapon.
Giant Ripper - This variety of Ripper is brown in color, much larger and much stronger that his grey counterpart. Be afraid if you meet one in a dark room.

These denizens of the deep look like normal KOI until you get close and notice the rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Alone they pose little threat, but in schools, you better make a run for dry ground.

These overgrown yellow jackets will do minor damage to you, but beware a swarm of them. They are extremely fast and erratic moving, making them hard to hit, and will continually sting away at your health.

Accursed Head
These reddish demonic heads will be either buried in the ground up to the top of their skulls, of just floating in mid air awaiting your arrival. Once you get close, they will attack in several ways via explosion, flash bomb, spewing out caltrops or other nastiness. They prey on the careless adventurer who does not look where they are going.

You may encounter some of these cute little creatures along your way. What you do with them is your business.

Baby Rippers
These are smaller / faster versions of their parents, only they move much faster and will spit a greenish gooey substance all over you. They are very hungry and need food to grow.

These 10 foot tall 'guardians' are very tough indeed. You will need many shotgun blasts to bring one down. As if that's not bad enough they can shoot fire balls from their eyes that deal a lot of damage. At close range they will switch to using a sword that will cut you to pieces very quickly. These guys are best dealt with at long distances. (You can sometimes kill them and then use their HEAD as a weapon.)

Female Warrior
She can do many of the things the base ninja can do, but she is much more deadly. Carrying a crossbow, she will shoot bolts in your direction at high speed. She can also loft sticky mines your way, making it very difficult to stay in one place. Treat these ladies with some respect.

Wanton Mercenary and Guardian
Enemies of the WD expansion pack are the re-skins of Evil Ninja and Guardian with same attacks. They're look like humans and they have new different voices/sounds.
Serpent God
This is a four armed evil snake like creation of Zilla himself. He can shoot devastating energy bolts from his eyes, and when attacked, will spawn a circle of exploding accursed heads. These heads will launch themselves at you in order to protect their evil master. Be very prepared for battle when you meet a Serpent God.

This giant nightmare of a Sumo wrestler will meet you with a vengeance. His mass alone will cause damage as he stomps on the ground, sending shock waves your way. Getting too near will yield a Sumo hand clap that will do great damage and leave you disoriented. There are other attacks you will have to discover on your own.

Master Zilla
Master Zilla is the final boss of the game. Master Zilla, though merely human, rules his evil Zilla Enterprises empire from the safety of a virtually indestructible samurai cybersuit. Inside his titanium alloy carapace, Master Zilla commands a powerful arsenal. He shoots multiple heat-seeking missiles from his stretched fingers; fires metal projectiles at piercing speeds, with the aid of his helmet-mounted rail gun; and, finally, he's also able to spray uzi fire with the built-in machine gun.

Hung Lo
Hung Lo is the main boss of the Twin Dragon expansion pack. He is Lo Wang's twin brother, with whom he was separated in early childhood. Hung Lo becomes a dark person whose goal is to destroy the world. Similar to Master Zilla, he uses the creatures from the "dark side", criminal underworld and Zilla's remnants to further his goals. Also, he is augmented with cybernetic implants and powerful weapons.
Cheat codes or cheats are text strings which enable power-ups, increased health or other bonuses (or detriments) which affect the gameplay favoring the player. This also makes the game unfair, and many people frown on others using cheat codes to beat the game, considering it the "easy way out".
REMEMBER! Game with cheats is boring.
When playing the game push the ''T'' key. Type the code and push enter.

All Weapons - swgimme
Changes the screen resolution - swres
Cheat Mode on - swgreed
Clear saved game files - clear
Clipping OFF. You can walk through walls. - swghost
Creates "" debugging file - dumpsounds
Invulnerability - swchan
Loads another .CFG file - config
Loops CD track endlessly - cd loop <track number>
Plays a sound - sound<number>
Plays CD music - cdon
Plays CD track once - cd play <track number>
Quits the game - swquit
Restart the current stage - swstart
Reveals the entire map for the stage you are at - swmap
Rocket launcher will shoot bunnies - swtrix
Saves the map - swsave
Shows your framerate and location info - swloc
Go to Episode A/Mission B. You enter a number where the A and B should be. - swtrekAB
Stops CD music - cdoff
Win the Pachinko game for an item - winpachinko
Hyperchaotic  [author] 28 Jan, 2015 @ 3:48am 
Thank you, Arghanty!
Arghantyl 20 Jan, 2015 @ 10:23pm 
super guide
Hyperchaotic  [author] 15 Dec, 2014 @ 11:55am 
Dear players! Guide was updated with expansion pack enemies and bosses.
DADDY DEREK 19 Sep, 2014 @ 1:58pm 
Well yeah, but there there's also nothing about the riddle.
I mean, I looked it up on YouTube, but I still don't understand it at all =S
Hyperchaotic  [author] 19 Sep, 2014 @ 1:47pm 
Yep, but my guide isn't about it. Check secrets guide.
DADDY DEREK 17 Sep, 2014 @ 1:23pm 
Hey, do you also know how to solve the first puzzle in Code of Honor?
Hyperchaotic  [author] 13 Sep, 2014 @ 4:17am 
NP ^^