Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior

311 ratings
Beginner's Janitorial Guide
By Osmium
Viscera Cleanup Detail is an amusing look at real life consequences applied to a fictional fighting game. I found that there was little to no information available online as to how to actually play this title, so after working it out for myself I decided to make a short guide detailing how to become a master of the custodial arts and leave the building looking spotless.
As a freelance cleaner for the poor villain who owns this private collection of artifacts you have three tools at your disposal, which are selected with the 1, 2, and 3 keys:

  • 1) Mop - Your means of cleaning up blood. Left click several times to wipe up even the most stubborn of stains. When it has soaked up too much blood it will need to be rinsed off, either in the fountain at the beginning of the level or in a bucket.
  • 2) Gloved Hands - Left click to pick up loose items like body parts, shell casings, broken glass, weapons, etc. Right click to release the item that you're holding.
  • 3) Blood / Clutter locator - Left click to switch modes, right click to turn the device on and off. Blue radar mode is for blood and the green mode is for loose items. The locator emits a steady beep that gets faster when you get near an area that needs your attention. This tool is handy when you've cleaned up most of the mess but still need to track down the last little bit of blood or trash to finish your job properly. Money does not count as clutter as far as this tool is concerned.
Environmental Objects
There are several handy devices placed around the level that are there to help you clean more effectively.
  • Incinerator - There's two of these, one in each room. Each incinerator has a door on the front and the back that has to be opened. Anything that you can pick up with your hands can be destroyed in one of these furnaces. Throw everything in here, with the exception of money, of course.

  • Personal Trunk - This blue trunk is where you're supposed to store any cash that you find lying around. Left click on the lid to open it and left click on the body to drag it around. Right click releases your grip on it. You unlock an achievement if you find all $2,000,000 in the game.

  • Bucket Dispenser - These devices produce an endless supply of buckets out of thin air. Like the incinerators, there's one in each major area. Buckets save time by allowing you to clean your mop without going all the way back to the waterfall area at the beginning.

  • Punchclock - This little display at the beginning of the level is how you finish your job. It is to the left of the door in the water fountain area. There will be two prompts after the first screen asking you if you're sure that you want to leave. If the place is still messy there will be a message remarking that you're leaving unfinished. If you've cleaned up every bit of gore and clutter there will be a different message on the screen telling you that your job is done, as well as unlocking an achievement. This screen also tells you how much cash you've collected in your trunk.

  • Lights - These little electrical lamps activate when you pick them up. They can be handy for spotting small bits of clutter in dark areas. Be careful when placing them down, however, as they can break if dropped carelessly.

    Crates - There are a number of yellow crates around the level, in addition to a crate dispenser. They can save you trips to the incinerator by allowing you to carry several items at the same time. You need to exercise caution when using them, however. Dumping a dozen katanas, some guns and a severed head inside one will lead to problems when you try to move it. If a lot of small objects are bouncing around in a confined space, the physics engine can cause them to chaotically shoot out the top. If the item that bounces out was a body part, that creates yet another bloody mess to clean up. If a bullet casing bounces out, there is a chance that it will land somewhere that it is difficult to get to. Many people found them to be very handy, but in my game they were a little too buggy to be useful. I spent more time picking up after crate related physics disasters than the crates would have saved.
Tips & Tricks
  • Don't underestimate the cleansing power of fire. Burn everything except money. Broken statues, bullet casings, body parts, crates, used buckets and katanas all burn the same.
  • Dispose of body parts before mopping up blood. If you step on body parts and kick them around, they leave blood splotches all over your freshly mopped floor.
  • There's one bundle of cash on a display case by the first incinerator. All of the others should be found if you thoroughly clean up the rest of the level. There's another guide on steam for cash locations.
It took me about 3 hours to finish this game the first time around. Knowing what I know now, it could probably be done in an hour or so. Just try to imagine how long it'd take to clean up after every mess the protagonist makes in Shadow Warrior. It'll give you a new perspective on the true unsung heroes of first person shooters, the janitors.
Osmium  [author] 14 Mar, 2023 @ 10:08pm 
@ZombaeDeadPool Probably not. This game has undergone several major updates and changes since I wrote it 9 years ago and I haven't played it since then. I can give my best guess though. As long as an item isn't broken, it doesn't count as clutter to be cleaned up. An example of this from the original release were the portable lamps. If they hadn't been touched or were on, they didn't need to be burned. If you accidentally dropped one and it broke, it became garbage for the incinerator. If you break the radio (if that's even possible) then burn it. Otherwise clean everything else but the spare broom & radio and see if you get the 100% completion exit message.
Obey The Rules or Die 14 Mar, 2023 @ 10:27am 
lol, do i need to burn the 2nd broom and the radio that plays the music too?
Blockamall 20 Jun, 2022 @ 6:46pm 
broom is kinds just a worse mop, but you can kinda just sweep stuff about with it
Miteusz 20 Sep, 2018 @ 6:23am 
I checked that, using Sniffer, left mouse button is for blood and right mouse button is for loose items.

Btw. what is broom supposed to do?
Osmium  [author] 4 Feb, 2018 @ 11:17pm 
@BraveCat I've gotten that question enough that I'll have to update the guide soon. They didn't used to be there. You can record it in your Report Form screen. It's one of the options in the punchclock.
BraveCat 4 Feb, 2018 @ 9:32pm 
i never know what to do with nametags, do i just put them in my janitors trunk like the money?
Schneider 16 Jan, 2018 @ 8:08pm 
Instant regret hit me after I burned all of the money...
CoffeeKitty 29 Dec, 2017 @ 9:30am 
the broom is also good for piling up trash
Honorable Discharge 1 Dec, 2017 @ 8:40am 
Cleared it as 77% in 50 minutes. I thought just removing the blood and body parts was enough.
PunkSteve 12 Nov, 2017 @ 12:40am 
Hi, great guide. :ss13ok::cybereye:
I'm just wondering, are the USB's on the floor good for anything other than the incinerator?