

54 ratings
For Your Thoughts - All 66 Coins Guide
By Shizuku's Toilet
This guide will be showing you where every coin is. Including Screenshots and a brief sentence on where the coin is in relation to the Screenshot.

This guide will be for those that don't want to exploit a glitch to get all 66 coins.

  • Do not kill the Architect until after they open the Elevator in Sohn District, otherwise you can't get to some Coins. (They drop Architect Credentials to open a few doors. They are only obtainable from killing them).
  • Do not activate the Tram Switch in Ikari Walkways or you can't reach a Coin.
The Embassy - 6 Coins
Open secret door left of Victim that closes door, up lift, turn right and open secret door. Coin is in there.

From last coin, go down hole next to Occult Station, follow pathway to end, turn on Quantum Light, jump over and walk to end. Coin is on the walkway.

Past your first Victim, over the gap, through the secret door, and up the lift, Coin is in corner.

Outside in Space, On one of the Pillars.

Past Space door, go into corner where there is a secret elevator, use the INB key and the coin is in there.

High Ateliers, in room with Extendable bridge, in secret door.
Observatory - 4 Coins
Top floor, right-side, climb lifts, get onto the rafters, on opposite side edge.

From the rafters, take the lift in the middle and there are 2 coins here.

From the Breach, go down the nearest stairs and follow round until you see a ledge to drop down, drop down to the bottom and it's round the side.

Port Issoudun - 7 Coins
From first Breach entering from Observatory, secret door ahead, Coin inside.

In Secret Door right in front of Underworld Gate.

In area with Ranged Corrupted, Secret Elevator and Silo Key, There is a Button that opens a Secret Door, The Coin is inside.

In the room with the Broken Bridge, Secret door to the side, Coin is inside.

From the bridge above the Broken Bridge, there are platforms across the room, at the end is the Coin.

From the last Coin, follow the path to a Secret Door, through that and at the end of the room is the Coin.

From the last Coin, there is a Secret Elevator, take all the lifts up into a room, the Coin is inside.
Arcology - 7
A Coin will be awarded after opening door to Mind Vessel Station

Between Breach and Bridge, there is a drop down area with Quantum Light platforms, make way down, cross back over the bridge gaps, then take Lifts down to bottom platform. Coin is there.

Through Sohn District Door, Up to Bridge with several ranged Victims, there is a platform which can be accessed by moving along the edges of the bridge beams, dropping down onto the platform there should be a little cubby near the end of the long platform, drop down into there for the Coin.

Continuing on towards Sohn District, near the Door Link up, there will be a room full of destructable cubes, behind a Secret Door in that room is the Coin.

Accessible after coming from Sohn District area by dropping down platforms near Tram.
Take the Elevator to 3rd Floor, Coin is on right side halfway from elevator and Eye Code Inputs.

Take the Elevator to 2nd Floor, take the new path until you reach the room with several Victims, a Daemon, and a Shrine. There should be a Button behind a Pillar at the bottom of the stairs, opposite side of the room to the Secret Door. The button will open the Secret Door, Coin is inside, in the back right corner. (The Door is Timed, so it's best to kill the enemies first).

From the last Coin, there is another button to open the other Secret Door, drop down the hole and mind the Burst Pipes shooting out Fire, the next drop down the coin should be there.
From Breach with Huge Body pile, go left and hug wall until you reach a Secret Door. Coin is inside.

After progressing through, there should be another Secret Door behind a pile of bodies. Enter, then jump down hole. Follow along, up lift, Coin is there.

Progressing through some more, there should be an area with a couple windows with foliage. Opposite should be a Secret Door, head inside and there is a Coin near the Link-up Door.

After entering the Elevator that the Architect opens and goes in, progress until you drop down into the area with the Victims and the Tongue-Beast. Go right and look for a gap in the wall on the right. The Coin should be tucked in there.

Continuing on until the Architect stops for breath. Open the Secret Door and on the right is the Coin.

After Killing the Architect, go left and jump down and open the door with the Credentials. The Coin is on the right.

Right at the Top of the Area you access with the Ministry Credentials, around the building is a cubby with the Coin inside.

Alma Mater Atrium - 7
From the Breach, go left towards the Ring Elevator, the Coin is underneath the stairs up to the Control Room.

After the Consumer Boss, in Union Park, on the top ledge past the Artillery, there is a Beast in a little rock cubby, the Coin is inside. (Same ledge as the Gnome Easter Egg).

In the Athaeneum, after the Preying Hostess boss, go to the top of the main stairs, go left in the Crescent Shaped Bookshelves, the far door on the right. The coin is inside on the bench on the right as you go in.

Coming from Acrcology Underside, after taking the elevator and activating the Eye Tower, take the Elevator back up, and the Coin will be just outside the door that leads to a hallway.

Carry on through until you reach a junction, turn right, and at the end turn left. There is a Secret Door there, the Coin is inside on the left.

After the Second Archon Knight Boss, past the Artillery, on the left the Coin is there.

From Alma Mater, through the single door behind a Breach in one of the main rooms, take the stairs down, jump through the window, jump onto the other roof, then drop down onto the ledges, follow them and jump towards the Condos, the Coin is on the Ledge.
Arcology Underside / Space - 7
From the Breach, go left towards the area with the Tree, there will be a Secret Door on the left of that bit, the Coin is inside.

From the Breach, go left and take the stairs on the left, into the room on the right and the Coin is on the Table.

From the Breach, go left and take the stairs on the left, then left over the bridge into the middle room, the Coin is under the stairs behind the boxes.

From the Breach, go ahead into the right Doorway, there is a pile of Destructible Boxes, The Coin is in the Pile.

Outside in Space, follow through until you get to the rooom with the first enemies, clear it, then go out the other end, turn left and up the lift. Follow the walkways to the end and there is a Coin.

From the last Coin, jump onto the long Lift, continue round and on the far right there is a walkway that leads behind the building. Follow that along towards the Artillery, continue past it out onto another walkway, partway along is the Coin.

Continuing on from the last Coin, go into the next room, drop down all the way, and out the door, right side, along the walkway is the Coin.
Alma Mater - 7
Entering in from Alma Mater Atrium after the Archon Boss, go through the area until you reach the stairs curling down into another room, a Secret Door is between the bottom of the stairs, the Coin is inside on the right.

From the last Coin, there is another Secret Door, go inside and the Coin is on the left.

In the big room, go into the middle of it and down a hallway dead-end is a Coin.

On either side of the Uthos Boss Elevator, there are Secret Doors, the one of the right is closest to the Coin inside.

All the way down Alma Mater, or Entering from Alma Mater Atrium 3 Doors which were near the 2 Artilleries, from the Breach, go left and up the stairs behind the Structure is the Coin.

Inside the INB Vault, at the back behind the pillar is the Coin.

Inside the room with the Occult Station and Prodigal Spawn Altar. On the left as you walk into the room. (Thank you Malqua for the location and screenshot!)
In the Broken Tram as you progress through the level is the Coin, next to the Breach.

From the Broken Tram, take the stairs and on the where there should be a little cubby with a Button on the wall, get there and go left down the Lift and on the left is the Coin.

From the Broken Tram, there are walkways below that you can drop down to, go through the door and follow the path until you reach a bridge with a dead body. The Coin is next to the body.

From the Broken Tram, go up the stairs and follow the bridge across and turn left, go into the room on the left, then right and on the left is a Lift, take it and at the end of the walkway is the Coin.

Progressing through, ignore the Artillery Boss room, into the other room and all the way up and up the Lift, go down another Lift and you get to the area before the Black Hole Room, opposite the Lift is another Lift, go up the Lift, and at the end is the Coin.

After the Artillery Boss, go up the walkway and continue going up, then drop down onto the Tramway, go to the edge away from the enemies, the Coin is there.

Return back to the Artillery Boss room, go the same way as before, but as you reach a room with the stairs and Secret Door, open the Secret Door and a Coin is on the Left inside.
Arisen Dominion - 7
As you progress from the Breach from the Embassy, whilst going through to open the gates, there is a hidden Secret Door after the room with many pillars, enter and on the right is the Coin.

From the Main Hall with the Seal inputs, from the room you first enter, go left at the crossroads, and before you enter the room, follow along the left and there should be a Secret Door, which is different than usual, enter and in the room is a Coin.

From the last Coin, on the First Table in the next room is the Coin.

From the Main Hall with the Seal inputs, head towards the Blue Sun Room with all the Arisen. Head up the stairs and go right, into the room with 2 Beasts at opposite ends, go right and into the Secret Door, the Coin is on the right.

From the last Coin, drop down the ledges, and walk over Falling Block Puzzle (If you walk along the edges they don't drop). At the end is the Coin.

On the 2nd Floor, before heading down to the lowest floor, along the right there is a Secret Door. On the right is the Coin.

On the Lowest Floor, heading back up there is a Secret Door next to a Lift, inside there is a Healing Upgrade Station, go down the lift and near the edge is the Coin. (I didn't see it, so just walk around a bit)

Final Notes
This is my first guide, so any criticism is welcome. Feel free to message me if you are unsure where some of them are!
Rasghul 25 May, 2021 @ 12:29am 
jc64730: You can still collect it. All you need is a controller. Start a new character with controller, hit esc, enter with your main (you can control it with kb+mouse). Help your new character reach the tram by wrecking 3 bosses and a couple of enemies on the way and collect your coin. I did it that way.

You can collect EVERYTHING you missed with this trick. Good luck.
Shizuku's Toilet  [author] 26 Apr, 2021 @ 11:11pm 
Kramit The Frog: unfortunately I've never had him be invincible and ignore my attacks.
RedBrigade 26 Apr, 2021 @ 9:28pm 
Thanks, Yuki. I eventually got it by launching my running jump from a little further back and then angling towards the platform as I jump.
Kramit The Frog 26 Apr, 2021 @ 6:17pm 
Any solution for not being able to attack and thus kill the Architect?
Shizuku's Toilet  [author] 26 Apr, 2021 @ 4:58pm 
RedBrigade: If you're referring to the Quantum platform in The Embassy, I think the way I did it was to aim more towards the ledge of the platform rather than going for the wall it hangs onto.

jc64730: Unfortunately yes, you are out of luck. You can't move the tram back and will have to start another playthrough. :(

Hope these solutions helped!
jc64730 26 Apr, 2021 @ 12:54pm 
So if I activated the tram button in ikari walkways without knowing to get that coin first, am I just shit outta luck, and have to start over or something?
RedBrigade 25 Apr, 2021 @ 8:27am 
How on earth do you make the jump to the quantum platform to get the coin in Embassy?
Every time I jump my dude bangs his head on the ceiling and falls to his death.
Kramit The Frog 9 Feb, 2021 @ 11:48am 
Have I made a mistake somewhere? I cannot attack the architect and whenever I say I will kill him he just laughs me off.
Schtroumpf grognon 23 Jan, 2021 @ 6:59pm 
I only got the achievement after crafting something, not directly after picking up the last coin. Thx to Storm-Atronach first comment! Very good guide :)
Storm-Atronach 13 Sep, 2020 @ 5:41am 
Maybe worth mentioning that i only got the achievement after crafting something, not directly after picking up the last coin.