Dota 2
Dark Guise of the Coy Guardian
Heroes: Slardar
Slots: Back
Utility: Imported
Special: Spring2014
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19 jan, 2014 @ 15:05
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For the Spring2014 event:As the maxim goes, "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy." Slardar, never one for subtlety, took the saying far too seriously. Finding himself embroiled in the koi mages' plot to rob the sunken cities, Slardar devised a plan worthy of a fish. He captured, stunned and skinned one of the mages, transforming their flesh into armor that made him look like his enemies. Legend reports that the mages didn't even have a moment to raise arms in defense before a camouflaged Slardar crushed every last one of their order. He still wears the koi piece occasionally to warn would-be-thieves of the dark lengths to which he will go to protect the cities of the deep.