Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to play Sniper like a Professional
By vai macaco vem macaco
Go and open your TF2 now, What's the most played class you'll see?
Sniper, Sniper is the answer.
But take a look at their playstyles, Is it good or is it bad?
Bad as ****
Now if you wanna avoid this playstyles and be better and better than them, Let me guide you through a hole new world of Sniping.
Basic introduction to the guide
Now the sniper as many say is not an easy class to play, Neither to fight with.
They are right, Since lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of skill are required to correctly play this class.
Enough bulls*it, lets get right into the guide.

Knowing the class and getting the ladies

The sniper is a very situational class, This means you wont be using it everytime, The best time to use it when medics are missing and your team is losing
Because medics are useless and sniper is the best class in the world,
1 Sniper = 12 Medics
It's quite hard to have 12 medics, Thats why we have snipers.
Also if your team is losing, the Sniper is the one who is going to carry the game.

Why is he that good?

Sniper is able to kill and headshot people with his rifle, even if it's not his rifle that makes him that powerfull.
He is able to help his team and still kill the enemy team, His Jarate can stop people from facing their burning fate, His SMG can help to kill Spies.
You won't get any better class than this big monster.
Your arsenal
It is clear the Sniper is awesome, but to be that awesome he requires his Arsenal, But what arsenal makes him powerfull enough to carry the game?
I'll go through his weapons, not all obviously, i'll go into the most known and important ones, Showing you if you should avoid or use it.

The Sniper rifle

By far the most used one, Even if it is default, people still LOVE this beast.
Use only if your team is losing

The Black Sniper rifle

You really wanna use it since it's amazing and OP.
It can headshot more than 1 person, and it makes it one of the best weapons in the game.
If you do not have this weapon, uninstall the game.

The Ass-Am-Gee

You really wanna use that weapon when medics are missing, this is the best weapon in the game, it is even more powerfull than the sniper rifle, if not the best the most weapon with multiuse, now why is it so good?
  • It has awesome looking muzzle and clip
  • It remembers a Call of Duty weapon, so it's good
  • It can kill hidden evil spies
  • It has tons of damage


It is the best choice if the enemy team is trolling with more than 5 or 6 spies, Also the Pyro's worst enemy, since you can throw it on your friends, saving them from burning, but still covering them into your own majestic celestial urine
It's also a good idea if you're thirsty in the battlefield

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell

Also one of the BEST choices you can make, it saves you from being violated on your back by a dirty spy.
If the spy stabs you with it, he is fu****

The Pan

Who said this is Demopan only?
  • It has awesome looking grip and colours
  • It is good if you're hungry in the battlefield, just cook something
  • It can kill heavies
  • It has tons of damage
Your look
You can't just go in the battlefield with the default clothes, as a Sniper, it's your job to be fashion and have lots of swag, otherwise people will think you're noob and not experienced, but that's ok, I'll guide you on the best clothing for the Sniper

Classy tophat

It is the best hat in the game, it makes noobs rage when you kill them, it shows you're really good at the game and makes you get all the ladies.
You have to use it, otherwise you're just a little boy using some random weapons.

Google glasses

The best way to destroy your enemy, is knowing your enemy- Kim Jong Un

With that in mind, lets take a look at the googles itself, why is it so good?
The most played class in the whole TF2 is the Pyro, so let's say it's a little hard to actually find a game with no pyros.
The pyros alongside the spies are your worst enemy
This quote teaches us that knowing our enemy, we can crush it faster, the googles allow you to view what the pyro views, not even commenting that the googles are classy, futuristic and stylish.

Gold hershey's

It shows you are experienced, when you joined the game.
Literally stylish and intimidating.

Now that we know what we should look like and act like, Pick a weapon of choice that is included in "Your arsenal" section, Get a cool look, and head into the battle.
If this guide does not work for you, i highly suggest you to try another class, because this works, and you're trolling if it doesn't work.
Use the guide like a wise man, and kill the enemies
󠀡 8 Jan, 2020 @ 3:42pm 
GOLD HERSHEY'S:yellowwizard:
knob twiddler 21 Jan, 2014 @ 10:17pm 
"magic celestial urine"
christian 20 Jan, 2014 @ 7:39am 
gibus is overrated
not a gud guide 2/90
compulsive thinker 19 Jan, 2014 @ 3:09pm 
Quarren King of Q 19 Jan, 2014 @ 5:38am 
LAZER PENGUIN 18 Jan, 2014 @ 10:18pm 
Its perfect!!!!!! :D