Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Fuel Economy/Range Calculator
Vehicles: Air, Sea, Creative, Land
Tags: v0.10.33
File Size
13.927 KB
27 Jul, 2020 @ 10:49am
1 Aug, 2020 @ 7:18am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Fuel Economy/Range Calculator

This small microcontroller can be used to get fairly accurate realtime estimates of vehicle range based off of speed and fuel use.

It does this by storing data (fuel use per second) for a set length of time, and averaging all the data points to generate an accurate estimate of fuel consumption per second. It then uses this value along with the current speed of the vessel and the remaining amount of fuel to give range (in kilometers).

This solves an issue seen in other fuel economy/range calculators where the fuel level change fluctuates rapidly because of the vessels movement, resulting in rapidly changing ranges. Because it is constantly gathering data, as the fuel use changes it will slowly adjust the calculated range.

To use in your creation, simply drop it in and connect a speed sensor (ideally set to horizontal mode), and fuel tank levels (has 2 inputs to support two separate tanks, but more tanks can be added easily) to the microcontroller, and connect the range output to whatever display suits you.

After placing it in your creation, select the length of time that data will be stored for use in the range calculation. Shorter time periods will cause the output to respond faster to changes in fuel economy, but be slightly less accurate in the long run, and fluctuate more rapidly. I recommend setting it for at least 10 seconds of data. Longer lengths of time will be more accurate but change more slowly. Use the largest setting if you don't plan on changing throttle very often (ideal for larger ships doing long trips).

Comment below with any questions!

Feel free to use in your creations, but if you put it on the workshop please give credit!

Thanks and enjoy!
Lena_the_Dreadful 5 Jun, 2023 @ 1:49pm 
does this still work?
rogervanbommel 1 Feb, 2021 @ 7:15am 
suntan 6 Nov, 2020 @ 7:10am 
Working great as designed thanks for making this.