Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story

Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story

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Weapon Suggestion guide
By [STA] Cheeto
There are weapon upgrades, but not all weapons are created equal..
While Rebel Story's gameplay is pretty great for a SHMUP, I found its weapons and upgrades to be lackluster.

Not all weapons, or upgrades, are created equal. I have listed the weapons and their usefulness to prevent you from experiencing the horror that is replacing your weapon with the wavegun.

If there is enough demand, I can edit this guide into something a lot more readable--I just don't want to waste my time for the other 20 of you that will see it
Weapon Choices
Fountain Gun-massive spread, good damage, limited range (best for a score attack)
Occasionally exploding gun-massive boss damage, splits on hit sometimes (best for completing the game)
Huge Laser-good damage, immediate, directly in front, drastic speed reduction while firing
Tankcannon-good damage, okay spread on hit
Sniper blaster-good damage, single lemon
Shotgun-great damage, limited range, spread of lemons
Minigun-okay damage, directly in front, fast
Small laser-okay damage, immediate fire directly in front
Triple shot-triple lemon spread, each shot has okay damage
Dividing gun-occasionally exploding gun but far worse, guaranteed split
Blaster-single shot, single lemon
Wavegun-terrible damage, interesting but mostly useless spread