STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

91 ratings
REF CODES (And how to not get scammed)
By Cousin Okri
This guide is created specifically for new players, who may not be aware of how much precious the Referral Codes could be (and how they could get scammed). Hopefully, by reading this, you will avoid such a tragic fate.
Hello there!

Welcome, dear new Steam player to this fine establishment that this game (and this community) represent. I'm Klaithus Vile, former Wrath of the Emperor and commander of the Alliance, and I'm here to teach you how not to lose one of the most precious things that this game could offer you.

And I'm not referring to you, Vette

What is this thing I'm talking about? But the REFERRAL CODE, ofc.
Referral code? What the Nathema are you talking about?
The referral code is a code (duh) that allows you to reclaim some sweet gifts from the game, which includes:
  • 1x Quick Travel Pass (Allows you to go to the Fleet instantly)
  • 5x Minor XP Boost (25% extra XP per 1 Hour)
  • 1x Inventory Module (10 additional slots in the inventory)
  • You are able up to lv.50 without any time limit (and without any exp penalty)

Pretty good stuff, right? But what happens to the "friend" who's referral code you used? He will get:
  • A speeder
  • A pet droid
  • 500 Cartel Coins, +100 x every month you stay subscribed

I want you to notice the last perk because it's a massive reward. 500 cc allows a player to buy pretty expensive stuff (generally if you plan to sell them on the Galaxy Trade Market for credit), so you simply shouldn't accept the idea of giving them this rewards that easy.
But why? I get free stuff this way, so?
What if I tell you that you can get those free stuff + a good chunk of credits?
You heard me right. If you log in the game and read the chat, you will always findt someone willing to buy your referral for a good amount of credits (in between the Darth Baras jokes if you are on Dromund Kaas).

But there is a catch: a lot of players will play with the ignorance of community prices and offer you less than what you could get. So my advice is this:
The best place to check for referrals offers is the Fleet
Want an example? Just two weeks ago, when the game was not on Steam yet, plenty of people were offering 12.000.000 credits on starting planets for the Ref Code, while on the Fleet the price were starting from 12.000.000 up to 24.000.000 credits.

However, be warned. Some of these transactions are not safe (people will promise you creds, you click the referral code, and those sons of Hutts will disappear without giving you a penny), and you can't ask the support to fix these scams for you. So, even if the pile of credits is, indeed, tempting, please consider making such transactions only with trusted players.
Extra (Please check)
Here you can find links for other useful guides on how to use the Referral code, and also how the economy behind this code works.

Just a clarification: despite my tone being a little harsh, perhaps, I am not condemning referral code exchange. Yes, this game has a good amount of scammers, as other MMORPG, but there are also plenty of traders who try their best to make a profit without trying to duck new players. It's already hard, for those poor bastards, to be treated as honest sellers, please do not think that some rotten apples corrupted the entire tree without any chance of recovery.

If you have made this far, I would like to thank you first. I'm a veteran player of this game, and there are very few things in here that awake my Dark Side more than scammers and sharks. If you want to help me, just as I did to you, you can do the following things (in any order and quantity):

  • Vote on this guide, so it will stay visible longer, helping more players like you not to get scammed.
  • Comment if you found some inconsistency, improvement ideas, or just to spam some Star Wars memes (Dew it!)
  • Buff Vette's lekku.
  • If you want to help me in-game, as thanks for this guide (and the others I will probably make), you can send me anything trough the mail (credits, pets, crystals, a sedative for my wife Jaesa... seriously, send help). I am Klaithus Vile (Empire) or Moontain Dew (Republic) on the Darth Malgus server.
  • Have fun in the game, and after you become (hopefully) a little bit more seasoned, do help other new players in the same way I hope I'm doing right now.
  • If, even after reading all of this guide in its entirety, you would prefer to simply help me by clicking my referall code, here you have it:
    Be warned: If you click on my referall code it's gonna be a way to say "thanks" for my work, do not expect me to buy it from you. I'm not a trader, just a player who enjoys the game from time to time and, as such, I'm not interested in starting a "business" there. So, please do remember what I wrote before: the referall code can give you a good pile of credits to start; if you click on my ref code, you are going to gift it to me, not selling it.

May the Force be with you.
Cousin Okri  [author] 4 Sep, 2021 @ 8:51am 
Just so you know, "shark" is a term used in many MMORPGs to define a type of scammer that purposefully sets a low price on (another player) item to acquire it thanks to said second player (usually a new one) ignorance of the market set price.
I was not referring to the fish (which should be obvious , since this guide was created to warn about other's people doing a nono, not PETA warning that those sea doggos are dangerous exactly as almost any other carnivores when provoked, and provoked only).
nimnev1 4 Sep, 2021 @ 5:49am 
"...more than scammer and sharks..."
what humans think sharks are doing: "I killed them all. Not just the man, but the woman and childern too!"
what sharks actuly do: "We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers"
seriosly, sharks allmost never attack humans and when they do its because they think they are fish.
Cousin Okri  [author] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 11:50pm 
Sadly this is a problem that afflicted the game since the dawn of times (no joke), and it's from Bioware side. There is no solution to this day about this problem, that affects some accounts at random, sadly: some say it will be fixed from Bioware (and this came from a response made in 2016), some say you have to log out and log in and then try again, some say you need to challenge the other player to a Kaggath and the winner will force the other to click the link... as for today, no one has a solution that works 100%.
TacticalGoose 22 Dec, 2020 @ 10:16am 
Hello, just wanted to inform you that your own referral code/link just gives me an error when trying to use it. I tried the code from another person and it worked, perhaps there's something amsst.
Cousin Okri  [author] 5 Aug, 2020 @ 9:17pm 
Credits are not real in-game money, and neither are CC: you COULD go and sell them for a paypal transfer, but that's illegal for the terms of the game. But there plenty of ways to use the CC without making a profit, if someone wants to do that (plenty guildmaster invest their CC\credits they acquire into fueling their guild: heck, Stroke_My_Wookie does a free giveaway of credits and items every year: isn't that a nice thing?
Cousin Okri  [author] 5 Aug, 2020 @ 9:14pm 
It is actually not. As another player said (And I quote):
"The referral link is an nearly limitless source of item shop currency, and each subscriber only has 1 first time click, and 1 repeat click every 90 days.

Using a link has an opportunity cost associated with it, and if you aren't honest about that, you are taking advantage of the player using your link.

Its ok not to pay someone to click the link.

Its *not* okay to let them click away millions of credits without warning them."
anry_demort 5 Aug, 2020 @ 10:37am 
This post is misleading players. The system of referral links is absolutely transparent and understandable. It is described on the official website of the game and in the steam discussions. Trying to get real money for small in-game bonuses doesn't look very nice. Anyone who can read letters can read about the free preferend status. The best thing
it works for former subscribers.
Nakoyaki 29 Jul, 2020 @ 10:08am 
I've used a legit ref code on my other preferred account (my steam account is f2p) so I can continue my Fallen Empire campaign, but when I see the mission start screen it still tells me to subscribe, so do I need to buy subscription again?
Parko 28 Jul, 2020 @ 3:42pm 
Well I should have read this in more depth. Just scammed out of 20 mil...
CJ 27 Jul, 2020 @ 11:13am 
What with the influx of new people to the game, really happy that someone made a guide to ref codes.