Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

199 ratings
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Easter Eggs and Secrets
By dapperViper
This is a guide through all the easter eggs of VtM:Bloodlines.

Some of these are very apparent when you play but some may have been missed.

Also, beware there may be spoilers.
Malkavian Only Easter Eggs
1: There's a quest in which you do Lacroix a favor by convincing a food critic to write a bad review about a restaurant.
If you are Malkavian, you can convince him that he is eating maggots.
When you speak to the food critic and convince him, there is a line of dialogue saying how that "happened in a movie once". This movie is, of course, The Lost Boys which features a similar maggot eating scene.

2: All guns are called 'boom-sticks' by the Malkavians. It's quite apparent that reference is from the film Army of Darkness where Ash, played by Bruce Campbell, calls his shotgun 'boomstick'.
The Army of Darkness film was a continuation of the original Evil Dead series. The last in the original trilogy.

3: A Malkavian character will recognize the Taxi driver as the father of all vampires in the prelude to the final battle, leading to a fair amount of hilarity. This is foreshadowed in some of the answers a Malkavian character gives to the driver when talking to him to get a ride.

4: The Malkavian character addresses both Therese and Jeanette as daughters of Janus.
Janus was an ancient Roman deity known as the two-faced god. He is depicted with two faces because he looks to the future and past and he is the god of beginnings and transitions and also of gates, doors, passages, endings and time.
Therese and Jeanette are, in fact, one Malkavian with a split-personality.

This, of course is because of the Malkavian '6th sense'. It's known by many names but the most prevalent ones are the Madness Network, Cobweb and Tapestry.
It's a psychic link shared by all vampires of the Malkavian clan.
Malkavians unconsciously tap into it and have knowledge that they wouldn't normally.

In a fourth wall breaking moment, the Malkavian character says "...tell this to whoever is playing me!", hinting toward the fact that he/she is unconsciously aware of his/her game character position.

5: When Romero tells you not to get bitten by zombies, a Malkavian answers with, "Why? Does it cause zombie status? Because I'm out of holy water." This is a reference to the Final Fantasy series in which "zombie" is a status effect your characters can be inflicted with and the cure for it is the item "holy water". To which of course, Romero answers 'No, but it hurts like a ♥♥♥♥♥'.

6: The news broadcast that can be heard when switching on the TV in the player's haven contains a hilarious exchange for a Malkavian. At one point when the Malkavian returns to the haven, the newscaster will actually talk to him, prompting actual dialog.

7: The news broadcast that can be heard when switching on the TV in the player's haven
changes the broadcasts when the player is Malkavian. For example, after any vampire deals with the people in the beach house the news will be that the police suspects a drug deal gone wrong.
However, if a malkavian deals with the situation the news will be how the police is suspecting that this was the work of vampires and adding a little more hilarity to the situation the reporter actually talks to the player asking 'Hey, have you seen any vampires?'

8: A Malkavian can actually have a conversation with a stop sign. It never answers of course, but all it has to say is all over it. 'STOP'. To which the Malkavian answers with a 'I go where I please' or 'You stop!'
Nosferatu Easter Eggs
1: The character of Mitnick, the Nosferatu hacker, is named for famed real-life hacker Kevin Mitnick.

2: When playing Nosferatu, if one attempts to talk to the Russian gangster that Venus sents you to deal with results in him shouting 'Baba Yaga!' and going hostile.
Baba Yaga is a creature in Slavic mythology, though it refers only to a female being.
Baba Yaga is believed to be an ugly sorceress.
General Easter Eggs
1: In the house on the beach there is a game paused on the TV that shows one of the large monsters from the sewers in the game along with a vampire who is re-loading an Anaconda.

2: There's a reference to the movie The Three Amigos. There's a book called "The Art of The Quickdraw by Ned Nederlander". Ned Nederlander is the character played by Martin Short in the film, who is said to be the fastest draw in the world.

3: There's a penny arcade in the Santa Monica pier, which includes a non-working Pitfall, a "BloodQuest" coin-op and a Call of Duty pinball machine.

4: While being imprisoned by the Fu Syndicate and forced to take part in their experiments, you are put up against a group called the Belmont Team. This refers to the video game Castlevania, in which the family of vampire hunters, with few exceptions, all have the surname Belmont and must fight Dracula.

5: In the Fu Syndicate again, another experiment was called Van Helsing experiment. In this experiment a human was brandishing a cross to test if the myth of vampires being repelled by holy symbols was true. The reference is the title. Professor Van Helsing was a key character in Bram Stokers novel Dracula in which he helped the main characters combat the vampire Count Dracula.

6: This easter egg is connected with a Malkavian one.
The one that asserts that the Taxi driver is caine. The game hints towards the end that Jack's friend who drives the Taxi is Caine, the father of all vampires, no matter what your clan is. This is made more credible by the fact that the characters speech files are kept in a directory titled "Caine".

7: In the Hollywood graveyard, there is a man named Romero who is hired to put down zombies that rise from the grave and attempt to escape the graveyard. This is a reference to George Romero famous director of zombie films such as Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead et cetera. The situation in the whole bears resemblance to the Dellamorte Dellamore, an Italian zombie film, as its main character does the same job.

8: There's a reference to the vampire detective series Forever Knight. Sebastian LaCroix, the Camarilla Prince of Los Angeles, is named after Lucien LaCroix, the powerful vampire antagonist of the series.

9: The story of the haunted Ocean House Hotel, involving a man going mad and killing his wife and children, resembles that of the Overlook hotel, written by Stephen King in his novel The Shining. Seeing that the children were two, one could argue that it wasn't based on Jack Torrance, but Delbert Grady. Grady was the previous caretaker before Jack took over in the Kubrick film. Which may mean that Jack may move in.....

10: There's a Lacuna Coil poster In the protagonists haven in Santa Monica, hanging above the bed. Lacuna Coil are an Italian gothic metal band who's hit single Swamped is featured in one of the game's clubs, ending credits, and soundtrack.

11: Reference to the film The Fog. The Elizabeth Dane is also the name of the ghost ship featured in the movie.

12: There is an obvious reference to the Legend of Zelda series. On the laptop in the same appartment building as Mercurcio, the header reads "Grumble grumble It's a secret to everyone". This was in the first game where Link could find moblins that said this quote and gave free rupees.

13: In level 2 of the LA parking garage, "Troika Boyz" is spray painted as graffiti on a wall.

14: At one point in the game when talking with LaCroix, there's a reference to the Bush Administration when playing as a Brujah.

15: In the end of the game, when you are in the cab getting ready for the "final battle", if you go to Mercurio, and ask him about people, you can ask him about Troika Games and how they know too much about the Vampire society and must be eliminated.

16: In Hollywood, theres a Troika billboard, it says "Troika games Play Obey" A subtle nod to the movie They Live.

17: There's a reference to Count Chocula, the cartoon vampire spokesman for chocolate cereal. In the internet cafe "Ground 0" theres an email saying "if you haxxor the code you can unlock clan chocula!!!"

18: The news broadcast that can be heard when switching on the TV in the the player's haven contains a reference to H. P. Lovecraft.
The anchorman speaks of a squid-like creature found at the shore of Providence, Rhode Island.
This is an obvious reference to Lovecraft's birthplace and the Cthulhu mythos.

19: In the "Deb Of Night" radio show they make a reference to "Troika Games" and to the "Transformers". There's a guy who calls to the show and starts talking about vampires, or to be exact, about Kindred and accurately describes their society.
As you go closer to the end there is another call made by Andrei, the Tzimisce and right away he starts talking about Gehena on the radio show ending his call with 'These are the final nights'.

20. Something that dawned on me while watching the original Evil Dead from 1981. The tone, wording and overall feel of the recorded diary of Professor Raymond Knowby is surprisingly similar to Dr. Alistair Grout's method of coping with his embrace and subsequent involvement in Kindred politics. Granted, it's more likely a reference to Dr. Seward from Dracula but it's still a happy coincidence at the very least.
The picture was found via wikimedia

Uploaded by user Jean-no
Hedera Helix 10 Apr @ 9:37am 
'15: In the end of the game, when you are in the cab getting ready for the "final battle", if you go to Mercurio, and ask him about people, you can ask him about Troika Games and how they know too much about the Vampire society and must be eliminated.'

Well, Troika bancrupted soon (2005) after release of VtM game (2004). I don't know many details, but now I am starting to wonder...
leftyer 23 Sep, 2023 @ 9:42pm 
Baba Yaga is also canonically real and a Nosferatu in VtM lore
水面 26 Aug, 2023 @ 11:51am 

Knox says that Malkavians are "Hannibal Lecter crazy," a reference to the character of the same name from The Silence of the Lambs.

During the Carson and Gimble quest, Malkavians can say "Heeeere's Johnny!" when they meet Carson, a reference to the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Carson even directly name-drops it after.

During the serial killer questline, Malkavians can ask the homeless man if he heard "the name of the Ichabod's buddy," a reference to Ichabod Crane from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and specifically that both are killed by decapitation.
水面 26 Aug, 2023 @ 11:49am 
During Venus' quest, she explains that David has been writing about a secret society of monsters living among humans, and when she asks if that sounds familiar, a Malkavian PC can guess it's about the Bush administration.

The hostess at the Chinese restaurant has her cellphone gossip changed if you're a Malkavian, with her conversations starting with lines like "The dread father returns?!"

Heather's dialogue changes if you're a Malkavian. She says she "caught a huge fresh fish" when she lures a guy back to your apartment, and "Let your wrist cry your love" when asking for more blood, among others.

Malkavian PCs refer to Mercurio as the "Fleet-Footed God," a reference to Mercury, the messenger of the gods and Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hermes. They refer to Jezebel as "The wicked queen," referencing the biblical Jezebel. They call Arthur Kilpatrick the Key Master, probably a reference to Ghostbusters.
breadboi96 15 Aug, 2023 @ 2:34am 
This maybe added by the Unofficial patch but when I was recently storming Ventrue tower as a Malkavian, I got to the part where Lacroix taks to you through a possesed soldier and I could hear the old "all your base are belong to us" remix from back in the day. The audio I was hearing was this:
Samwizeganja 16 May, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
You can find an email might be in plus patch about a small california game studio called troika games that knows of the underworld but they shouldnt be a problem
Lil Doc 10 Jan, 2023 @ 11:28am 
as a malkie when talking to damsel "paul is dead...not a rumour" the beatles rumour that paul had died

"Get Out" in the hotel is a reference to 'amnityville horror'
Lil Doc 3 Jan, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
Although debatable, I believe that the actress' tomb in the graveyard is a reference to Veronica Lake (swan...lake..yanno)
JustV 31 Oct, 2022 @ 7:40pm 
You ought to add the "And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides" the Doomsayer says in Santa Monica. This is a lyric in the song "The Dead Flag Blues" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

Easter egg i noticed on my play through, it caught me for a loop. Godspeed You! isn't exactly a super popular band.
senkan 19 Jul, 2022 @ 6:19pm 
Not sure this would be called an Easter egg. But in a cave near the end there is a can of soda on the ground. The can says "Cock" and not "Coke".

Well I thought it was funny. :)