Space Engineers

Space Engineers

25 értékelés
[LKF] Brevis Mk. IV
Type: Blueprint
Címkék: ship, large_grid
1.834 MB
2020. júl. 13., 4:07
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[LKF] Brevis Mk. IV

1 Lunar készítette gyűjteményben
Lunar Kolony Fleet
36 elem
Brevis Mk. IV


The Brevis Mk III has served in the LKF fleet for over 25 years, a cheap, effective way of controlling asteroids and outposts. LKF decided it was time for an update. LKF engineers took a look at the Brevis' design, ultimately concluding that, while not a bad design, it was rather fragile, with all its main systems located in one area.

It was converted into a sleek, well armed and armoured strike corvette. featuring a jump drive now too, allowing it to travel in battle groups with the fleet.

The Brevis class is an extremely common sight around Luna, hundreds of examples have been produced. Now Mk. IV are being produced exclusively, although some Mk. III's still serve in the fleet, stationed at various outposts and blockading certain jump routes.

Brevis Mk. III's were LKF's front line corvette during the war with REC. With hundreds being fielded. Its main cannon and tough front armour proved a pain to REC forces. This led it to be recognized system wide, also being kept and modified by pirates and almost every faction in the system for some role.


The Brevis Mk. IV is a strike corvette and should be used as such. Almost as a blockade runner, jump in, full speed and fire everything before the enemy can react.

Being a corvette the Brevis cuts through fighters and small grids, but will struggle against any sort of larger vessels so keep this in mind.

The Brevis is armed with 6x interior turrets acting as PDC's and 3x nano rotors cannons. Each nano turret fires 100 more rounds a minute more than a large grid Gatling turret. This means it can screen fighters extremely effectively.

  • 40 metres long
  • 32.5 metres wide
  • 20 metres tall
  • 527 tons
  • 5212 PCU

3 megjegyzés
Theodor máj. 7., 12:40 
Looks really nice! Fun Fact: Brevis is Latin, and means "Short"
Yamato_kurusaki 2021. szept. 1., 11:48 
how do i make the turrets not shoot the ship its put onto?
Reavvr 2020. júl. 13., 5:04 
Wow nice work!