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How To Make Badge From Games That Are Banned
Bởi Yippie
This guide will help you to make badge while you cant
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Games that are banned often have comunity hub but some doesnt, i will talk about game Furry Girl 🐺 because this game was banned with other cool game without reason and after some time even comunity hub dispeared so what does this mean ? you cant craft badge even if you have cards ... it will throw you error -

But actually you can bypass this with little trick where you actually can craft badge again !
We will edit crafting little with code so we can craft anywhere, all we need is every card from that game we want to craft badge and special code. What are we gonna do is go to your inventory and click on any card from that game (thats how i do it) and when you see that card right click on any clickable button something like this -

You can see view badge progress right there but you arent gonna click that you are gonna right click it and press inspect and you should see something like this -

You will right click on item owner and you will edit it as html -

And then after you done it delete everything from what you selected and paste there this code
this code is pretty simple it is code for crafting badges but be carefull with what id of game you are putting there and what combination of numbers and your id -

<div class="gamecard_badge_craftbtn_ctn ">
<div class="badge_craft_button_ctn">
<div class="badge_craft_button" onclick="Profile_CraftGameBadge('','1045050','1','1', 1);">
<div>Craft Badge</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>

This is the code, as you can see there is id of game - 1045050 - and there are 3x number 1 and what does these 3 number 1s means ? well they are meaning what badge is it going to be if there are 1 1 1 it is gonna be foil badge if you put it like this 1 0 1 it is gonna be normal badge BUT be carefull
!!!! dont forget to delete my id and paste there your id of your profile !!!!

After you edit it so there will be your id right id of game and right set of numbers after your id you can paste it in that spot where you delete it with that html so it will look like this -

After you done it click away somewhere and if you look at your card, it should look like this -

There has been added craft badge button and if you done this right and got all cards you badge should start craft as normally it would start
Final Words
Thank you for reading this guide this really helps me and it even helps you i guess ? :D i hope i helped little, this was all discovered by me after i saw that steam blocked crafting for games that got removed comunity hub. If you have any questions please ask in comments. -Yippie