Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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11. Juli 2020 um 0:22
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The cut-throat auction game of bribing the canal overseer, Santiago, is finally here!

Instructions and Scripting
  • This is not a fully scripted mod, but all 7 phases are managed by the script to some extent.
  • Follow the instructions during each phase. You will still need to know the rules.
  • When you are done with a phase, press the Start Phase button to start the next phase.
  • If you want to know everything the script does, it is all printed in the chat log(maybe a bit too much).
  • Although there are money bags, you never need to grab any. You are automatically given income at the end of the round. Between phases your money is automatically broken up/down to make sure you have the right denominations for any amount.
  • End game scoring is done automatically with a fun animation.
  • Can be played without scripts if desired. Just don't click the button.

Description from BGG
Santiago is about cultivating and watering fields. To accomplish this, a number of tiles denoting various plantation types come into the game each round. The tiles are auctioned off such that each player gets one, and the tiles are then placed onto the game board along with an ownership marker that also indicates how plentiful the tile's yield will be. Whoever bid the lowest in each round gets to be the canal overseer and decides where a canal will be built that round. The other players may make suggestions to help the canal overseer decide, and back up their suggestions with money. The final decision is always wholly up to the overseer, though.

At the end of each round, players determine what the water supply situation looks like. Should a plantation not be sufficiently watered, its production drops dramatically; should it happen more than once, then that plantation may revert to fallow ground. At game's end, naturally only the cultivated land counts. Each plantation is counted according to type – the bigger the better. But since the ownership markers play a role as well, the same plantation can give drastically different points for different players.
Board Game Geek Page[]

Amigo Games[]

Other Game Recommendations
If you like fully scripted mods, Azul [Fully Scripted] plays pretty much like an official video game implentation. It features most expansions, randomized player boards, and even Computer AI.

If you are interested in another interactive game, Riverboat is a fantastic medium weight euro game with a phase mechanic similar to Puerto Rico.

Closing Comments
If you run into any issues or errors, please post the error message/issue. I'm also open to any suggestions.

Let me know in the comments what game mod I should do next.

Credit to Kendo353 for the Benson Table
1 Kommentare
Knaughx 21. Aug. 2021 um 21:46 