Rocket League

Rocket League

91 ratings
Toxicity without fear - A guide to avoiding the banhammer
By Gangster le Baba de la cité
This guide teaches how to bring traditional gaming toxicity to Rocket League without getting banned. You will also learn how toxicity can lead you to victory.
Quickchat, a powerful psychological weapon
In Rocket League, using the quickchat is the simplest way to destabilise oponents or express discontent about your teammates.
You can use quickchat for meaningful comments about a teammate missing a save or a shot, but you can also spam it without toxicity, with messages such as "Nooooo" or "Wow !" it to disturb weak-minded players.
Quickchat will not make you banned, doesn't make you use much brainpower and will not significantly disturb your gameplay, it really is a good tool, use it at will !
Writing your first words
Writing Rocket League chat can get you a game ban really quickly if you're not careful.
You need to understand how report system is working :
Reported messages are handled by bots, if they contain swear words you get a ban.
To avoid bans you can either not use swear words as insults, or alter swear words to avoid being parsed. The latter is risky because some variation of your swear word may get detected.
Thus, I would recommend being toxic without swear words, of course it doesn't diminish the level of toxicity you can reach.
And I believe non-english swear words will not be detected, make use of your language skills !

Also, I think you really shouldn't be reaching your keyboard to chat during gameplay, toxicity is part of gaming, but gaming is... gaming, and making an innocent teammate lose because you're arguing instead of playing doesn't feel right to me.
Only use the chat after scoring a nice goal or winning the game, it feels even better !
Reporting at your advantage
You've been playing well, thrown a few "What a save" but now a crybaby player is trashing the game ? Use the report system at your advantage !
Reporting a player being afk or own goaling for "unsportsmanlike conduct" will have no effect.
You're better getting the player to use swear words and report him for "verbal harassment" and you will be making Rocket League a better place !
Selection by toxicity - EZ path to victory
Destabilising the opponent team with your behavior is part of winning.
People getting disturbed by chat messages have a very low level of psychological resilience, and you will of course win way more easily with grown up people in your team than immature teammates crying because of a few "Wow !"
If you and your teammates have been "what a saving" in harmony after scoring sick shots, it's time to party up for a win streak !

finnegan 18 Jan, 2021 @ 8:56am 
Praise be, love being toxic
Ada 🍤 5 Sep, 2020 @ 11:17am 
obama bong 5 Sep, 2020 @ 9:15am 
Amazing, incredible guide. The only issue is that it looks as if it had been written on a phone - however, content is often more important than form, as it is in this case. 10/10
[455]Sheepy 31 Aug, 2020 @ 11:56am 
@L0rd 0f P0tat0es

It's fine, WWF isn't a sport anyway.
It's maybe a drama, potentially a thriller... Certainly a stage bound performance of acting "skills"

DISCLAIMER : This is by no means intended as toxicity.
Orugu 30 Aug, 2020 @ 11:44am 
Currently waiting off a month ban from this guide.
Manwich 29 Aug, 2020 @ 4:52pm 
Do the quick chats properly translate into comparable chinese bm? I feel like that needs to be confirmed since half the "players" in this game are actually chinese bots.
New Dad 27 Aug, 2020 @ 7:35pm 
Hardmode: NPC 26 Aug, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
"My way's not very sportsmanlike"
Andre the Giant, WWF championship bout 2020
Cammo Freak 20 Aug, 2020 @ 5:01pm 
I said "I am shit at this game." and got banned for 72 hours. 10/10
Keegan 15 Aug, 2020 @ 8:52am 
"People getting disturbed by chat messages have a very low level of psychological resilience"

This person says this while making a guide on how to be an absolute :lunar2019madpig: ingame, ironic.