369 ratings
A medieval salt mine - A journey to becoming a Chad
By Casual Cucumber
Mordhau has the salt warriors, N-word droppers and more. In this guide we take a look at the stereotypes and how to cope with the salt warriors from Mount Salt. I will help you on your way to becoming a CHAD, your true destiny.
Your Journey to becoming a CHAD
It was stated long ago by Jax and his fellow devs, that they would build a salt mine in medieval times. A mine filled with salt and small starving gamer children full of toxic pollution and energy drinks. And in this mine, they created a challenge, an image, a hope of the GIGA CHAD to rise above the common man. Perhaps you are the one to take on this challenge and begin your journey and ascend to the Chad status. Though I warn you, it is a difficult task and you will experience many challenges on the way. Meet players of unusual social skills and I will do my best to guide you on this path. A path that was maybe predetermined for you. The path of the Chad is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. I present to you, The Mine of Salt:

To visualize the great journey you are about to embark upon, I present to you a part of the holy diary Jax presented to me after I had travelled to the slope of Mount Salt. It was here the lord himself showed himself in his truest form, one we are not allowed to recreate because we truly can't do justice to the ploom he was wearing. Which is one of the reasons why ploomers are destined to never becoming a Chad but an imposter to fake the weak minded in the mine - much like the devil, he will try to stop your true journey to CHAD-HOOD. I present to you the image of your journey:

It was hard for my fellow disciples to understand the journey until this sacred image was gifted to me. Here you see the Salt Mine of Mordhau. It is hard to ascend beyond the deepest and darkest points in this mine. But you might have what it takes, otherwise your are destined to live in the worthless saltfilled life like so many before you have done.

*NOTE: For our less intellectual disciples that can't read pictures or feints I will explain it to you. The man above the cave is a CHAD, a GIGA CHAD. A man that rose above our common toxic salt filled player, and moved to something greater beyond anything you could possible imagine, since I have to explain this picture to you. Its quite simple actually.

What do we strive for - An ideal

Much like the bible, we Mordhau players strive for something. An image of the greater good, something unimaginable. Maybe a God in human form on the battlefield making havoc. No player is certain how he looks or what makes this mythical creatures special, perhaps you have seen one of these before and nobody believed you? Scientist have long searched for answers and have no name to possible capture all of the greatness in this creature. I refer to this ideal human body as the GIGA CHAD. how am I so wise? How do I know what a chad looks like and what HE is called? Well its quite simple.

Yes, my journey was long and hard. My path to becoming a GIGA CHAD started when I was in Chivalry and had to fight helicopters and beyblades. The fights were long and dumb but I ascended beyond to the slopes of Mount Salt. After completeting this first challenge, the lord Jax himself showed himself to me and said "If you will take on the Salt Mine of Mordhau, I promise no other person has to face the horrors you did in Chivalry.". I reluctantly agreed after the horrors I had seen, but I didn't know what the lord had in store for me yet, so it might be a better alternative for humankind.

He put me in the dark toxic energyfilled saltmine in the land of Mordhau. I have to admit this to you but I thought I was tricked by the lord and was being punished for my sacrifice. On my journey, I met many socially inept people. I took it on my shoulders to stop this addiction to salt, but little did I know of the mental challenge this presented to my fellow humans. After months of struggling with these humans with no chad energy, I gave up. Perhaps some humans were destined to lie in the pile of salt and pollution. Instead I wanted to set an example, so I began my ascension to becoming a GIGA CHAD. Only my true disciples will be able to ascend to the GIGA CHAD status, and if you're a true believer I will show you the way.

Now I am going to help you begin on your path to CHAD-Hood. First we are going to look at what you will encounter on your journey.
The stereotypes
We all have met this player. Fully decked out in black armour tint, purple clothing, cruel voice, swollo and a big floppy feather or on top of his crunchable head. There has been a change in recent times, so these ploomers can also be seen in another form: The Horny Boy imitating a cow. The word horny is meant to be taken literally as in horns!! you can discuss that other thing with your parents..

This player will do everything to win and he has dedicated his identity around winning in a video game. However, he can't handle losing and won't hestitate to start calling names and moaning about every single thing. If he wins, you are called a noob. If he loses you're a gambler. Its quite simple actually. The Mean Girls (yes the movie) of this game. How do we fight them? Its simple use a bow or equip a heavy hitting weapon and shoot/hit them in the back. Profit!?

The naked maulman aka. the feinter maulgang
The mega chad as they refer to themselves. This player runs around naked on the battlefield and will hit you in the back with his maul. His movement often only consist of feints and attacks to the face while facehugging. This playerbase is seperated in two players: Players getting raped their ass handed to them and players that know how to counter them.
Simple counter: Kick them when they go up to your face and attack, they often shocked about your audacity. Another solution is to have a dagger on your loadout and abuse maulmen when you see them.

The historical nerds fashion player
These players know fashion and they know how to look like a stylish pimp(not like those ploomers). These players have dedicated their time to research the historical periods of their armour and they are the real fashion police of Mordhau.

The Badmin
Powertripping players. In their natural habitat they often are seen running around with a handgun. If you want to play on their servers you have to let them win. If you find yourself getting kicked for being too good, that means you're closer to being a chad.

The Salt Overlords
After fighting your way through the normal salt players, we have the supreme salt overlords. These guys are so toxic that we don't want them in our game. For these, we have the reporting system.

The basic knight
These brand new players must be protected at all cost. This cute knight runs around the battlefield often blocking your blocks. These dangerous boys don't know what they are doing and neither do we. Unironically the hardest player to fight if you know what you are doing. Just lay back and let him kill you, its the easier way.

The spy
The lowest of the lowest Mordhau players. These people are some of the worst we can encounter. Abuses team colours and preying on new players and the unaware. I hate them and so do you. The only reasonable response to these players is to merciful hunt them down. Look at eachother and pretend to think he is on your team, THEN HIT HIM IN THE BACK. The last solution is for the weirdest crowd of players - press H on your keyboard and see your screen filled with team icons. However you must be crazy if you think this looks decent to play with.

The troll engineer or the real engineer
We Mordhau players have been blessed by the toolbox given to us from the holy Mordhau devs themselves. This gift can be used for good or evil, it is up to us to decide what to do with such immense power. Our truly intellectual players will gravitate to two alternatives with this toolbox (a part of the holy trinity, as it was stated in the diary of Jax, you can quote me on that). Our goodhearted players use it for good to help their team to victory on team game modes (spikes on Mountain Peak is still a great evil). But on the other spectrum we have the lowest players who will do anything to ruin my fellow mordhau players day. Please, for everything you hold dear kick this player from OUR game. If the first votekick was unsuccessful, a good alternative is to make him mad at you so he attack you and builds up team damage. Do what must be done Lord Ploomer, return this troll to the abyss and beyond.

As one of my disiples Storky said when he started his journey: "Spyes or saboteurs is the lowest cast of imbeciles". Let us just say you get negative chad energy when doing these kind of acts.

The complainer aka. Mr Whiney
This player will not be a challenge in combat or to your mental skills. He will complain about every small thing in the game that he thinks is broken. The truth is that he is wrong and is simply bad at the combat and have a hard time stepping out of his salt zone. Maybe its a stronger dose of pollution or a large intake of energy drinks - no matter the reason, he will complain. The only reasonable solution to this player is to either say "stop complaining and play the game" or one of the two classics: "Git gut" and "Mad cuz bad".

The Horse Rider
One of the greatest challenges on the battlefield of salt, you will encounter. My dear disciple, this is a challenge worthy of you if you aspire to become a Chad. You will encounter this dude in two forms. The Tryhard and the casual. The latter will occasionally take a horse just because he thought it might be fun and gets a few kills, these are not the problem for you. The tryhard is where your true skills will be put to the test. This player has dedicated his time to mastering horse riding and avoids risky horse plays. He will be a thorn in you and your teams side for the whole match. Normally I don't condone animal violence, but in this case we do. KILL ALL HORSES ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Depending on your chad energy you should use the spear, poleaxe or billhook to deal with these horse riding devils, you might even like the butcher perk to kill those horsies easier. You will often see dedicated pikemen running after these horse players. Truly a sight to behold.

The archer
Will be seen in two forms: The cute newbie and the veteran archer.
The cute newbie who just entered the game for the first time. There is a statistically higher chance that this cute player will shoot you if you're on his team. I don't condone any violence against this player. The only reasonable solution is to steal his bow and run away. The other archer form is much scarier.
The veteran archer will shoot you wherever you go and will be a decent combatant in melee. Treat this player with respect. But he is easy to counter: Use the pavise shield or the huntsman perk with a crossbow or another throwable. Complaining about archers deteriorates your chad energy so don't go down this path if you aspire to something greater.

The cosplayers
The cosplayers are often only seen in few primary forms: Gerald, John Snow, Shrek and Hitler (A weird combo, but who I am to judge). Often getting abused in chat for not wearing helmets or for being 'cringe'. They are mostly filler on the battlefield - stab them in the head and move on.

The stereotypes continued
Steam is making a limit of the holy words I am sharing, so here is a new section Angry Face emoji to continue our walktrough for your ascension.

The Catapult and Ballista players
The catapults and the ballista places are one of the locations where you can find the most salt in this Chad-less land we call Mordhau. Players who use these two devices fall into two groups: The Godly and the "Stop teamkilling me you ******* numb numb". The first one can dominate matches and get the highest scores on the team. You love to see him on your team but hate him when he is on the other side of the battlefield. The latter will end up killing 2 enemy players and one friendly and say "its a postive score for the team" in his little energyfilled voice while using the laugh voicelines. However, it doesn't matter whether the player is good or not - the salt level will be at an all time high after a few minutes. The salt level ends up with half of your team standing around the catapult/ballista and kicking each other off it and destroying the equipment. Don't engage in this behaviour, as it will stop your progress to CHAD-hood.

The Bard
As it was foretold by the lord, we always have to defend a good bard. The bard we all love will play good music and just chill around - He must be protected as we learned from the holy story: "The Giga Chad and the Bard" that you read. There is however bard imposters, these imposters will sit on objectives and actively seeking out combat with other players. These atrocities shall not go unnoticed, kill this fake bard and bring the respect back to the true bards on the battlefield.

The peasant
We all love the peasant on the battlefield. They often seen with a pitchfork, stones and a frying pan. They will always put a smile on your lips and they will fight to the death, often resulting in your death while memeing on you. These dung-covered peasant help brighten up the battlefield with their skills and humour. They are truly on the road to chad-hood and will often meet up at the dung covered peasant convention.

The naked monk/brawler aka. Mr fisticus
The naked player who runs around with his bare fist and the brawler perk. Some of them are just ploomers disguised as the brawlers trying to get some street credit. But some of these players are truly gifted, these boys will be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on you while laughing maniacally. Why do you need a weapon when you have hands of steel?

There and back again - The story of our Giga Chad's first steps in Chivalry
Deep in the land of Chivalry, a dark, sour toxic waste loomed threatening the good hearted knights. But the hearts of pre-sweat lords are easily corrupted. The waste and energy drinks spilled out in the land and grew. Salt piles grew around the country. The sweatlords bathed in it, they thrived on the toxicity - after all why shouldn’t they spin? One by one the sweatlords joined the mason order to spread salt in the land. But there were some who resisted. Deep in Stonehill, to the north, the Agatha supporters gathered to fight this looming threat to everything they loved. This is the most significant battle of our time, this is the battle where our greatest Chad was enlightened and took his first steps to becoming a Giga Chad.

The day was dark and you could taste the salt in the air. The Agatha king had decided to send out his men to meet the mason order outside his walls. The Agatha men had set up camps in the village to protect the peasants. The chad was resting with his face on the hilt of the sword that shone with a slight sparkle of light. There had been rumors of the dark arts the sweatlords had tinkered with; some rumors talked about hitting you while their back was turned, and some even mentioned a helicopter move or what was it they called it?.... Whatever it was, those rumors had to be fake. Why would Torn Banner not have done something if that was the case? He could feel the tickle in his fingers to get all the anticipation out of his body, and he couldn’t help feeling a little worried with these rumors. He felt the strong metal hand on his shoulders, calm yet fearful: “fear not brother for I am with you” the man said in a high noble voice. He looked up at his fellow Agatha brother and said “Thank you brother, what is your name?” he blurted out with a slight crack in his voice. A deep laugh came from within the visor of the knight “Its Sir Tim, my brother” the knight said with a smile. “Good to meet you” the chad said and mimicked the smile. “We are all worried, my brother, with these strange talks of combat moves, but as long as we hold together we will repel their attack and see another day” Sir Tim said as they exchanged nods of acknowledgement. A cry went out over the village: “Here they come!” they heard from one of the knights in their encampment.

So it begins. He could feel the tickle even more now. He stood up, pulled his visor down and took his stance beside Sir Tim. The leading commander of their unit took the front row of their line. If I should fall, it should be with one of my brothers, the chad thought. The small trickle of light from the clouds were gone, and the smell of salt and sweat was becoming stronger and stronger. The sweatlords from the mason order spilled out over the village slaughtering innocent peasants. He could hear them screaming “for the order” in their deep voices. By one of the houses at the edge of their encampment he saw a mason knight standing over a fallen Agatha brother; “Your wife provided better sport” he taunted before slamming his head with his maul. The chad felt the rage deep in his bones. The slaughtering, the taunting, the toxicity; it all came to his head. But in the back of his head he heard a calm voice “fear not brother, for I am with you”. It was Tim! Of course it was. He could feel the hand on his shoulder again, but when he looked it was there. Sir Tim stood proudly with his longsword and shield out, ready to face the sweatlords. I have to be better the chad thought, like Sir Tim. Before the first line of the sweatlords hit their line, the high pitched scream of an archer broke through the air “Retreat! To the castle”. The line of knights scrambled back to the castle gates, ready to face the enemy. Ready to be the last stand before the gates were broken down.

The smoke of the village filled the sky, the clouds became darker and not a single stream of light could penetrate the barrier from the clouds. Meanwhile the screams from dying men-at-arms and vanguards filled the air. The first groups of men from the Mason Order started to attack their line. “Here they come lads, charge!” the commanding knight bellowed in his noble voice. The Chad stormed out to the enemy with Sir Tim at his side. “Onward to the light brother” Sir Tim said before ramming into the first mason knight. The knight went down cursing but was quickly silenced by Tim and he moved to the next duel. The chad hacked the arm of a mason knight who tried to taunt him. He could hear another agatha knight bellow: “Onwards brothers to glory”. The thrill filled the chad, he was proud to stand with this lot against the sweatlords. The anticipation of a won battle filled the ranks as the mason knights began to retreat from the battlefield, before someone pointed at the sky. Confused murmurs filled the ranks. Something was spinning in the air, wild, was that a maul? No those rumors were not true, that would be impossible…. The chad was filled with worry and the same worry affected the other knights. Before the commander could get them under control, the über sweatlord slammed into the ground spinning and crunching two knights heads before moving on to the next. His spine worked in ways no one had seen before and the power he could get from that movement was incredible, the sound of whoosh and crunching filled the air with a mixture of salt and sweat. Just in that moment of thought, the über sweatlord had already taken two more heads.
Sir Tim moved in and closed the distance. He blocked the first maul hit and saw the next feint. Sir Tim managed to stab him in the arm, but the force from the maul continued and pounded him so hard in the chest that Tim felt to the ground. The blood tickled out from his visor as the über sweatlord stood laughing in his deep voice. No no noooooo, the chad couldn’t believe what he just saw. The thoughts streamed around in his head, how do you kill that which has no life? He thought. For you, my brother was the last thought that went through his head as he charged the sweatlord. He blocked the first spinning move and blocked his body feint. This is no place for mistakes but I have to be bold, he thought. As soon as the Sweatlord started swinging his maul again, the chad went for his attack. The chads attack hit the sweatlord in the arm, but the force from the maul sent the chad flying into the wall of the castle. He could feel the blood trickle down his brow as he laid flat on his back on the ground. So this is how it ends he thought as he looked at the sky. But in that moment a beam of light went through the clouds and down into the visor. "If you cannot succeed on the road to Giga Chadhood, no one will. I’ve given you a destiny to fulfill", a voice echoed in his head. The chad pulled himself up and started running towards the sweatlord. “Ha, I am almost trying” the sweatlord laughed. But before he could swing his maul again the chad kicked him in the chin with a flying kick. The sweatlord fell and the chad was over him. He started punching him in the helmet. He kept pounding and pounding on the helmet until there was nothing left, just an empty metal box with fluids.... It is done the chad thought and sat down to rest on the battlefield besides his fallen brother. “Done? You’ve just started” a voice in his head uttered.
The story of the Giga Chad and The Basic Knight
On the big road to Feitoria, the bard with his big round glasses, his big hat and his landsknecht clothes were walking together with the Giga Chad. They were travelling to the city to spread the news of the lord showing himself. “The humidity in this place is horrible” the bard said, “I feel like I am going to throw up any minute now”. “Ohh relax my good bard and play some good music to lighten up our mood” the Chad said. “I would love to my chad, but in this weather my strings are bound to break, and I don’t feel like having to answer to another saltlord for why I am playing out of sync” the bard groaned. “A fair point my bard, then we shall enjoy eachothers company”. And so they continued on the road until they heard a very strange sound from the side of the road. An eager scream came. The bard almost jumped out of surprise. “What abomination made that sound?” the bard said fearfully. The chad didn’t answer but stepped out of the road and found a basic knight lying in a hole. He was missing an arm, blood was streaming everywhere and he was screaming in his eager voice: “Help me brothers”. The chad stepped down into the hole: “Help me bard” the Chad said, and so they got the basic knight out of the hole and laid him on the road. The basic knight was almost unconscious and muttering to himself “all together. To arms men, to arms!”. The bard had a little smile on his lips. “They truly never stop fighting, even when they are dead” he exclaimed. “But let us get on our journey, he is not worth our time” and so the bard began to turn, but before he took his first step, the chad had put an arm on his shoulder. “We have to help him” the chad said and pulled the knight up on his shoulders and started walking on the road again. “But he is of no importance to us, he will simply drag us down. He is cannon fodder not someone to do anything of importance.” the bard argued. The Chad slowly stopped walking and looked the bard deep in the eyes. Ohh how he trembled whenever the chad had that look in his eyes. “A true Chad knows the importance of the new basic knight and appreciates his state of mind” the chad argued. But the bard cried out: “But what is this state of mind Chad? What do you mean?”. And the chad answered the bard as the lord would have: “Let the basic knight come to me, he already possesses much of what is required to become a chad. If he can’t seek the truth from me or my fellow Chads, he will be corrupted and end up as a sweatlord. The basic knight has a role to play in this salt land and I will guide him on the right path”. The bard shuttered. “I understand your love for the basic knight now, but you must admit he isn’t much help to us or the team with his arm missing and his lack of skill” the bard said in his high pitched young voice. “You’re missing the point, my brave bard. The basic knight knows how to have fun and charges fearlessly into battle while screaming. If we can keep him on this path, he will have the mind and skills to become a Chad. You see, we are all born with the basic set of skills that could help us on the path to chadhood, and the basic knight is closer than many of our experienced players in his mindset. But how he uses those newfound skills is not for us to decide, all we can hope is he will stick to the chad-code.” The Chad said in his magnificent voice. “Allright fine, let’s try to get this basic knight the help he need. I know there is an inn a few miles from here.” the bard agreed reluctantly even though he knew what was said to be true. He still had a hard time accepting the importance of this Knight.

And so they walked and walked while the knight was muttering in his pain. And on the crossroads between Castello and Feitoria they stumbled on the inn that the bard was talking about. “Now, I have only been here once, and the owner is an odd fellow. So you don’t want to upset him” the bard said. The inn looked very common: two floors, a basic door, a few windows and a stable. But there was something uncommon about the stables. At the base of the inn by the stables was a huge pile of salt and you could smell the sweat mixing together with the salt. This could only mean one thing, a sweatlord.

The bard tried to open the door to the inn but it wouldn’t budge, so he started knocking on the door. They stood there waiting a long time and finally the innkeeper showed himself. The door was opened and the innkeeper stood there in his pink spandex while holding his maul. “State your business” he said in a foppish voice. “We are seeking a room, some food and medical care for this unfortunate basic knight. You might remember me.” The bard said. “Ohh yea, I remember how bad you played on the lute” he laughed in his foppish voice. “You’re welcome as long as you don’t start playing on that lute again, you wouldn’t want to bother my other guests right now, would you?”. “Of course not” the bard said and walked into the inn. They were quickly hit with the fragrance of sweat, salt and energy drinks. The inn was rather small with a few tables. In the back someone sat and was sniffing something. Someone of importance, thought they weren’t sure who it was, they were certain he was well known in this land. In the middle of the inn a big and broad man wearing a plume was sitting. On his chest he wore a badge for the diamond rank, and he wore it like it meant something or had any significant meaning, ohhh how wrong he was. The basic knight turned to the chad while being slung over his shoulders and looked him in the eyes through his visor: “He was the one who chopped my arm off and left me to die”. The ploomer rose from his chair. “I can smell the ♥♥♥♥ from your trousers” he said in his cruel voice. The Giga Chad stepped up to the ploomer and stood head to head with this abomination. Everyone should know that it is a disgrace to the lord wearing a plume, we can’t replicate what he showed us in his form. “You should know the importance of the basic knight, sir Ploomer” the Giga Chad said. “He is worthless and the only significance he has is to boost my k/d” the ploomer exclaimed. The bard looked fearfully up at the Giga Chad trying to get eye contact, but the chads eyes were only watching the ploomer. “You shall apologize to the basic knight here, and pay for his medical care” the chad said. The ploomer laughed in his cruel voice and drew his executioner sword that was pimped on with his new expensive skin. But before he could move, there was a loud crunch. The ploomer never saw the maul from the Giga Chad and the innkeeper stood there laughing in his foppish voice. “Ohh how long have I longed for that noise” he laughed. The ploomers head was crunched in and he was laying on the floor with his shattered feathers and his brain. “If you let me keep his weapon, I shall heal this basic knight” the innkeeper said. “Agreed, but the bard has to play on his lute here tonight before we can continue on the road, he needs to train his skills a little more” the chad said with a glimpse in his eyes. And that night the inn was filled again with guests from the nearby towns since the sweatlord was no longer bothering them all. Everyone was dancing, drinking and talking and ohh how they celebrated. It was a sight I wish you had seen. The next day the bard and the Giga Chad continued on their journey to Feitoria, but they left a little note to the basic knight so he could find them if he desired to do so. If only he could read properly.
The Chad Code
Our prayers to Lord Jax was successful and he has helped us once again.
I have finally recovered some of the fragments from our holy sacred text guidelines from the Lord with his help of course.
The chad code is the guidelines we live by and should you ever stray from this path you are not a chad. People are full of imperfections, but a Chad is the perfect physical being - it is simply not possible for a true GIGA CHAD to stray from this path, as it was foretold by Lord Jax on the slopes of Mount Salt.

A chad is not defined by his playtime, but by his skills and mentality

A godly player is like a chad, only not as cool.

A chad will never show any sign of toxicity.

A chad will always show his outmost respect, friendliness and helpfulness to all players should they need it.

A chad will not act rude or look down on the people who haven't been enlightened yet. All we can do is show the road to chadness through our actions.

My prayers will continue in the hope that more of the sacred text will be recovered.

Pathos 29 Nov, 2023 @ 9:01am 
touch breast
Veruca Salt 27 Oct, 2023 @ 8:41pm 
HeaDCollector 18 Oct, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
lmaoo true chads spam insult and left click git good
❂RITTER SPORTLI®❂ 17 Oct, 2023 @ 6:01am 
Wow, this is so good! Enjoyed it very much.
Thank you for the fantastic work.:mhseymour::mhseymour::mhseymour:
Goblin bard 4 Oct, 2023 @ 3:54am 
you forgot solaire cosplayers
6mg Cinnamon Zyn 4 Sep, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
go the fuck outsdie you fucking loser
epicgamer360 31 Jul, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
Please stfu and play the game
Carlosdeb 28 Mar, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
A chad would kill a enemy bard standing in an objective? That's my main ethic dilemma here
QuitStalinAround 20 Mar, 2023 @ 8:32am 
that's a lot of words
ShuItachi 31 Jan, 2023 @ 10:04pm 