Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

평점이 부족합니다.
Comparison of 4 Control modes and the compatibility
PenguinO 님이 작성
The 4 different most common control modes exist for some reasons.
You cannot just yell at people who prefer different mode or system as stupid.
This guide will cover brief information with brief text and few figuration.
즐겨찾기 해제
These 4 control modes exist with the radio control stuff because there are usually 2 sticks on the remote transmitter.
The basic transmitter for R/C cars and boats has only 2 channels so each stick has only 1 movement input axis.
Swapping the side does not matter much.
(Ok, we have driver seat on the right side of the cars but cars of some foreign country have driver seat on the wrong left side.)

Now coming to 4 channel transmitter for aircraft which has 2 movement inputs on each stick.
Let me recall what is said in the short description.
PenguinO님이 먼저 게시:
You cannot just yell at people who prefer different mode or system as stupid.
Mode 1 separates primary aircraft control (pitch - roll) on separate stick to avoid pitch error when rolling.

Mode 2 has primary aircraft control (pitch - roll) on one stick as real aircraft which is preferred by pilots and sim pilots.

Mode 3 exists because airplane captain sits on the left so left hand on stick and right hand on throttle.

Mode 4 is just the opposite of mode 1

Well, usually any mode does not matter much when using dual small stick but PC pilots are usually with full range of flightstick or yoke, throttle controller and rudder pedals.
Things become more complicated because Stormworks is not an Airplane only game but any kinds of vehicles exist including ability to walk on feet as human.
So pushing flightstick forward to accelerate a boat is not so acceptable while having ADWS controls walking but using arrow keys to control boats and cars is also not so preferable.

Many people with Stormworks workshop vehicle experience might already noticed that some vehicles use completely different control mode/mappings or some use opposite/inverted controls.
This results as vehicle unusable or require control logic to be redone.
You cannot just force people to use same thing as yours.

Good things after arrival of lua and monitors, control mappings can be redone/reconfigured even after vehicle is spawned if the creator included such feature with the vehicle.

Example of using "2 MAN 4A6B Decoder v3.1"

This is not limited to using my concept kits and I'm not forcing everyone to use the kits.
It's how flexible a vehicle can provide.
Also, I don't charge people who use my instruments or concept kits stuff in their vehicles.
Just provide the link to stuff so other people don't have to rip vehicle into pieces to get the desired stuff.
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pieter.1992 2021년 6월 19일 오전 4시 23분 
i fly mode 2 on my real rc controller