Cities: Skylines
Μη επαρκής αριθμός βαθμολογιών
HUN 6L Two Way road (3L/2L+1P)
Μη αγαπημένο
Assets: Road
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25.923 MB
29 Ιουν 2020, 12:29
1 σημείωση αλλαγών ( προβολή )

Συνδρομή για λήψη
HUN 6L Two Way road (3L/2L+1P)

Grozunol's roads for own city
13 αντικείμενα
This is a road asset I made for my city.
It is based on Medium Road Grass Median. The ground model has only been modified.

The width of the lanes was resized and given its own texture.
Assymetric lane order, one side is 3 lane, other side 2 lane and 1 parking lane. Combining with HUN 6L Two Way road (2L+1P) can create right turning lane at crossroads.

Got a continuous dividing lane if a lower-order road connection is required without an intersection. This is just a graphic change that appears when a traffic light is turned off with TM: PE. The lane connector and junction restrictons must be used for proper operation.

The normal intersection was given a smooth layer of asphalt to make the road track appear continuous. This unfortunately obscures the pedestrian crossing painting, so you have to draw by hand with prop.

In the previous two versions, the appearance of asphalt is not good for some road types. Mainly Network Extensions 2 paths are affected.

UNDER DEVELOPMENT, to be used at your own risk.