587 ratings
How To Play Metal Gear Rising
By Kiaayo
Like most good character-action games, Metal Gear Rising is incredibly in-depth, but doesn't do a stellar job explaining every detail to you.
Thanks to Chip Cheezum for making this excellent video.
  • Watch that video.

  • No, go watch that video. Just watch it.

  • In-game, pause and go to Help. The first page will tell you all of the combos for the weapons you have equipped. Feel free to experiment, but they're all there, even the ones you purchase.

  • The second page will let you look at and choose your control scheme. Look at what all of the buttons do. Yes, there's a lock-on; yes, it's useful.

  • The first move you should purchase is Defensive Offense. If you killed UG Ray even a little bit quickly, you should have enough BP to afford it. It's your dodge, and you'll need it.

  • Blocking requires you to move in the direction of an incoming attack and press light attack AT THE SAME TIME. If you block at the last possible moment, you'll counter it. You can't counter yellow attacks, you'll have to be able to dodge those. If someone attacks you multiple times, you'll need to parry all of them. You can parry while you're still getting attacked.

  • When the screen goes blue and slows down, go into Blade Mode. Your slashes will do more damage when it's like that, and the game is expecting you to do it.

  • When you're in blade-mode, hit your light attack to do a generally horizontal slash, and heavy attack to do a generally vertical slash. When you move the blade manually, you don't have to swing to the opposite end of the stick, you just have to let it go back to neutral.

  • See that red box when you blade-mode a guy? If you hit that, you'll be able to pull out their spine and eat the juice, which will completely refill your health and energy.

  • If you blade-mode a guy and their arm is glowing, hit the green part to collect it.
If you're feeling fancy:
  • If you dodge while you're in the middle of a combo, you can keep the combo going where you left off after you've finished dodging.

  • If a move has a long cooldown animation, go into Blade Mode quickly to cancel out of it.
Reyngen. 15 May, 2021 @ 1:24am 
Guy below me obviously didnt watch the video
Starseed Gamer 11 Mar, 2019 @ 9:21am 
You sound kind of like a dick like your annoyed to make a guide for people seriously wtf is your issue? Dont make a guide if it bothers you that much making guides are for people who actually want to help its simple really.
樰膤桖袕雪 25 May, 2018 @ 7:39pm 
Esko 7 Apr, 2018 @ 8:38am 
one simple step, learn how to parry.
Igor_HellishGuy-c902 14 Aug, 2017 @ 10:03am 
well it was not so new for me, exept walking in blade-mode and blade cancleing, but here the thing where i thing that he is a bit wrong, when you want to hit a flying shit with no-autoaim rockets, in lock-on mode and press once on aim button it shoots just like in ground level only.
Big Sip 19 Apr, 2016 @ 12:58pm 
Guys, if you pause the game, and hit help, it gives you a full move list + controls.
Sweg 23 Dec, 2015 @ 10:51pm 
Nice guide. This game really doesn't explain crap, I learned how to dodge with defensive offense when fighting MG Excelsus.
dipo23 20 Nov, 2015 @ 11:13pm 
im using my xbox one controller, but when im playing the game is showing me the keyboard buttons, so i dont know what bottons to press on my controller
Azrael 27 Jan, 2015 @ 2:35pm 
Nice rundown on the essentials, fine for a player that comes back to the game after a while - I really forgot how to parry +doh!+
Will never understand why Kojima didn´t just integrate an in-game manual like everyone else seems to do nowadays. Combos alone won´t win you this game, I think we all can agree on that...
D. L. Whittet 13 Dec, 2014 @ 8:34am 
You can use your grenades and rocket launchers in your combos by tapping the button to fire the weapon instead of holding it. This will not disrupt your attack pattern and you can get even crazier. Use EMP grenades in your attacks helps a lot with the bigger stuff later on.