Flying Red Barrel - The Diary of a Little Aviator

Flying Red Barrel - The Diary of a Little Aviator

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A Flying Red Barrel Transcript
От Speachbyte и 1 сътрудника
Shows all the dialogue in the game in order as well as how to get different each line.
Major spoilers for the entire game.
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"People flying in the air? What baloney! If God had meant man to fly, He would have given him wings."

As though no such thing had ever been uttered, mankind has now gained its wings.

What people dreamed of as children is the reality of today.

Everyone reaches out for the sky together, carrying their wishes upon their wings.

With the rapid development of flight technology, an organization called the "Blue Sky Union" was established to maintain the order of the sky under law. People now call it "the Guild."

Ten years have passed since, and the Guild is at last about to put an end to the prolonged anarchy of the sky.

This is a story of one of the aviators living in that era.

Stage 1
Job #1 'Do Pirates Fly in the Sky?'

Blue Crow 1:

Peat: Hey, Red Barrel! Your flying’s terrible as always.

Marc: What do you want? I’m busy working.

Peat: You’re not suited for this job. Why not quit it already?

Marc: Mind your own business and get out of the way!

Peat (Shot down): Hmph, you’ve gotten better. See you again!

Peat (Shot down mid-sentence): Hey, I was still talking!

Peat (Spared): I’ll take care of this. You can just pack up and go home!

Marc: Hey, come back here!

Cloud of Seagulls (Shot Down Seagulls at start of stage):

Seagulls: Kwaaak!

Marc: Mr Seagull, I’m so sorry!

Mescal (Shot Down both Blue Crow and Seagulls or shot down Blue Crow quickly):

Mescal:You’d better stop bothering my dad!

Pirate: It’s not safe here, girl! You have to get out of here!

Mescal (Shot down After Pirates): Waaaah! She bullied me!

Marc: That was your punishment.

Pirate (Shot down after Mescal): What did you do to her, YOU BEAST?!

Marc: That was your punishment.

Tequila 1 (After Mescal):

Tequila: You won’t get away with what you’ve done to my precious daughter.

Marc: I just gave her the punishment she deserved for all the trouble she’d caused.

Tequila: Unforgivable! Prepare yourself, little Guildie!

Marc: I’ll beat you into a decent human being!

Tequila 1 (Spared Blue Crow):

Tequila: Here comes another dog of the Guild!

Marc: You’re causing everyone a lot of trouble. Stop whatever it is you think you’re doing!

Tequila: I like your confidence, but you crossed the line.

Tequila: I’ll sink you down to the bottom of the sea, just like that little punk from earlier!

Marc: You mean Blue Crow!? Oh no...

Tequila 1 (Low Score / Spare Seagulls, Listen to Peat):

Pirate: Captain! We got company from the Guild!

Tequila: Bwahahaha! You mean that funny little wine barrel?

Marc: You must be the one in charge of that ship. How come pirates are up here in the sky?!

Tequila: I’ll tell you why, li’l missus. Now that the sea’s all mine, I want the sky next.

Marc: You’re causing everyone a lot of trouble. Stop whatever it is you think you’re doing!

Tequila 2:

Pirates: Captain! Are you okay?!

Pirates (Shot down): Sorry Captain!

Tequila 3:

Tequila: So be it! Let me show you our greatest weapon...

Tequila: Go! Big Magnum!

Marc: Just give in already.

Tequila Shot Down:

Tequila (Shot down w/out destroying Big Magnum): Arrrgh! How could a lass like you beat me?!

Marc: Let that be a lesson to you! You’d better mend your ways, got it?

Pirates (If pirates were not shot on phase 3): Captaaaaain!

Marc: Let that be a lesson to you! You’d better mend your ways, got it?

Pirates: Captain, we won’t forget you...

Marc: Um, your captain’s afloat down there.

Tequila (Big Magnum Destroyed): Ugh! Fine, we surrender!

Tequila: I’m sure you can let us off with this… so long!

Tequila (Destroyed After Surrender): How dare you still shoot us, you fiend?!

Marc: Why would I let you go? Reflect on what you’ve done!

Tequila (Spared): You won this time, wine barrel girl!

Tequila: But I’ll be back to claim the sky again!

Marc: Hey, you haven’t learned anything from your defeat, have you?!
Stage 2
Job #2: 'Flight of the Monster Bird'


Fernet: Why, hello there. Are you still playing around in that stupid plane?

Marc: How rude. This is my job!

Fernet: Hmph! Shoot her down.

Butler: As you wish.

Fernet (Spared): You’d better get rid of that stupid plane and come visit me, okay?

Fernet (Shot Down Balloon): Geez! You’ll regret this!

Fernet (Destroyed): How dare you?!

Marc: You’re the one who started this!

Blue Crow Stage 2 (If Blue Crow was shot down in stage 1):

Peat: Red Barrel! Today’s the day you’re going to quit the Guild!

Marc: And now it’s you! What a day...

Peat (Shot down): I lost again… Why?!

Peat (Really shot down): What did I do to deserve this?!

Peat (Spared): Just listen to me and head back. It’s dangerous ahead!

Marc: Mind your own business!

Peat (Destroy extensions w/out damaging the hull): I just bought that equipment!

Marc: How could you load Blue Crow with all that heavy gear! Don’t you feel sorry for him?

Scholar 1:

Scholar: Seems like there’re plenty of dangers up here in the sky.

Marc: ...You’re being awfully calm.

Scholar (Shot down Peat and Fernet w/out getting hit): You have a lot of enemies don’t you?

Marc: It’s not my fault...

Fernet 2 (If Fernet was shot down/destroyed.):

Butler: You’re a bad influence on milady.

Marc: They’re back for more?!

Butler (Some Zeppelins Missed): A girl like you working as an aviator? How inappropriate.

Butler (All Zeppelins Destroyed): I apologize for my failure, milady...

Scholar 2:

Marc: Huh? It’s gotten cloudy, all of a sudden.

Scholar: Will we be okay? Maybe we should cancel our expedition.

Marc: We’ll be fine, no need to worry.

Scholar 3:

Marc: Woah, they actually exist!

Scholar: Fantastic! We finally got to see the cryptids that report mentioned.

Marc: ...I see propellers on them, though.

Marc: (What are those things? I’ve never seen anything like them…)

Scientist 1:

Marc: Wow, that one’s huge!

Scholar: Would you look at that! A giant flying cryptid!

Marc: You’re supposed to be a scholar! Observe that thing properly!

Scholar: What? That’s no fun...

Scientist: You’ve been sent by the Guild haven’t you!

Marc: That’s right!

Marc: This is a restricted area. You must have a permit to fly here!

Scientist: Gyahaha! They sure are selfish...

Scientist: Now that you’ve seen this plane of mine, I must send you to the bottom of the ravine!

Scientist 2 (Destroyed head in Phase 1):

Scholar: Woah, it caught on fire!

Marc: Get your head back in if you don’t wanna get burned!

Scientist: Gyaha! The Guild doesn’t have the skills to develop something like this, do they?!

Marc: We wouldn’t need that kind of thing!

Scientist 2 (Didn’t destroy head in Phase 1):

Scientist (Final Phase with multiple heads): Take a good look at my plane, and bring the sight as a souvenir to the afterlife!

Scientist: The Guild only makes toys, but I have created real wings!

Marc: Your plane just looks like a monster!

Scientist 2 (Destroyed rear wing in phase 2):

Marc: How come you’re flying in a dangerous place like this?

Scientist: Because you, the Guild, didn’t approve my plane design!

Scientist: I admit that prototype wasn’t able to fly far enough, but...

Scientist: This one’s much better!

Scientist Shot Down (After Many Heads Final Phase):

Scientist: Don’t ever forget how majestic my plane was!

Scientist: And how it really flew in the sky!

Marc: You must be disappointed it wasn’t a cryptid...

Scholar: Oh well, that happens a lot.

Scholar: Besides, I had fun!

Scientist Shot Down (After Headless Final Phase / Early):

Scientist: Th-this can’t be happening!

Marc: You must be disappointed it wasn’t a cryptid.

Scholar: Oh well, that happens a lot.

Scholar: Still a bit of a bummer, though.

Scientist Shot Down (Destroyed all wings):

Scientist: I’m falling agaaain!

Marc: ...It fell down.

Scholar: Should we bring that over to the Guild?

Marc: It’s way too big. I’ll just report it to them instead.
Stage 3 (Lone Rider*)
*Total stars are odd or fly to the top of the screen while Islay is on screen if even amount of total stars

White Cross 1:

Islay: Let’s get this job done with, shall we?

Marc: Copy that!

Job #3: 'Railway Chase'

Punks 1:


Marc: Stop the wagons!


Marc: ...Let’s do this, then.

Punk (Stopped): AHYAAH!

Punks 2:


Marc: More of them!

Punk (Stopped): AHYAAH!

Blue Crow Stage 3 (If spared in stage 1):

Peat: I told you to give up on this job!

Marc: Blue Crow?! You’re already done fixing him, huh.

Peat (Shot Down): Why can’t you just listen to me!

Peat (Spared): What?! White Cross is here too?

White Cross 2 (Hit 1 time or less):

Islay: How’s it going? Everything okay?

Marc: Yes, everything’s going A-OK.

Islay: Great, keep it up!

White Cross 2 (Hit 2 times or more):

Islay: Whoa, you look so beat up. Are you okay?

Marc: I'm not doing too hot...

Islay: No need to push yourself.

White Cross 2 (Encountered Blue Crow):

Marc: I’m sorry I’m late.

Islay: Blue Crow again? He never knows when to quit.

Islay: (And she never realizes what he thinks of her.)

Punks 3:


Marc: (How come every one of them is like this…)

Punk (Stopped): AHYAAH!

Lone Rider 1:

Marc: You! The big wagon over there! You have to stop!

Lone Rider: (?)

Lone Rider: Don’t follow me.

Lone Rider 2:

Marc: You guys should feel ashamed for causing so much trouble to other people!

Lone Rider: “You guys” ? You’re mistaken...

Lone Rider: I ride alone!

Lone Rider 3 (Do phases 1&2 without getting hit):

Marc: Accept your defeat!

Lone Rider: Hey now, stop with the jokes...

Lone Rider 4:

Lone Rider: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Guess I’m done for...

Punk: BOSS!

Lone Rider: You guys stay out of this!


Lone Rider: (...Thanks.)

Lone Rider End (Stopped):

Marc: You can’t move anymore, can you?

Lone Rider: Looks like I have to stop running now… huh.

Lone Rider: So long, my youth…!

Lone Rider End (Blown Up):

Lone Rider: ...You got me.

Lone Rider: Looks like I have to stop running now… huh.

Lone Rider End (Spared):

Lone Rider (spared): Adios!

Marc: Ugh! He’s too fast!

White Cross 3:

Islay (Stopped Lone Rider): Looks like our work here is done. Good job.

Marc: Yes! Let’s head back.

Islay (Blew up Lone Rider): Oh boy, I think you might’ve overdone it.

Marc: It’s because he wouldn’t stop...

Islay (Spared Lone Rider): Looks like I made it in time.

Marc: Sorry about that.

Islay: Mission accomplished. It’s time to get out of here.

Stage 3 (Merchant*)
*Total stars from stages 1 and 2 are even or fly to the bottom right of the screen during Islay 1 if odd amount of stars

White Cross 1:

Islay: Let's get this job done with, shall we?

Marc: Copy that!

Job #3: 'Railway Chase'

Marc: (So, I have to stop all of those trains, huh?)

Blue Crow Stage 3 (If spared in stage 1):

Peat: I told you to give up on this job!

Marc: Blue Crow?! You’re already done fixing him, huh.

Peat (Shot Down): Why can’t you just listen to me!

Peat (Spared): What?! White Cross is here, too?

White Cross 2 (Hit 1 time or less):

Islay: How's it going? Everything okay?

Marc: Yes, everything's going A-OK.

Islay: Great, keep it up!

White Cross 2 (Hit 2 times or more):

Islay: Whoa, you look so beat up. Are you okay?

Marc: I'm not doing too hot...

Islay: No need to push yourself.

White Cross 2 (Encountered Blue Crow):

Marc: I’m sorry I’m late.

Islay: Blue Crow again? He never knows when to quit.

Islay: (And she never realizes what he thinks of her.)

Merchant 1:

Marc: Hey you! Stop the train!

Merchant: You must be with the Guild. I appreciate your service, but...

Merchant: I will not stop this train! No, I won’t.

Giant Bat (Destroy every rock in the cave):

Marc: (What’s that sound?)

Marc: WOAH!

Marc (Giant Bat shot down): That was scary...

Marc (Giant Bat spared): What in the world was that...?

Merchant 2:

Marc: I got you!

Merchant: You’re still around? I admire your work ethic, but...

Merchant: I’ll have to shoot you down if you don’t leave me alone!

Merchant 3:

Marc: Stop the train now or I’ll have no mercy!

Merchant: If you want to play rough, we can play rough!

Merchant 4:

Merchant: You’re not bad.

Marc: If you think that, you’d better throw in the towel!

Merchant: Very funny.

Merchant: I know full well how brutal your organization is.

Merchant (Do very badly): Why don't you realize you can't stop me?

Marc: I can, and I will!

Merchant 4:

Marc: I’ve got you cornered!

Merchant: But I’m not done for yet!

Merchant (segments timed out): Why don’t you let me shoot you down already?

Marc: That’s no longer a train, it’s a tank!

Merchant (Any timed out):

Merchant: Geez, you really did a number on me.

Merchant: I’ll take my leave for now. In other words… fare thee well!

Marc: Geez, just do your business like normal people.

Merchant (All segments destroyed):

Merchant: Hahaha, that was thorough!

Marc: There’s no way I could leave your dangerous train alone!

Merchant: I will not forget about this! No, I won’t.

White Cross 3:

Islay: Looks like our work here is done. Good job.

Marc: Yes! Let’s head back.

Islay (Overkill): Oh boy, I think you might’ve overdone it.

Marc: It’s because he wouldn’t stop...

Stage 4

Guild Pilot: Today we’re going to put an end to the anti-Guild resistance movement once and for all.

Guild Pilot: This could be a tad too big of a job for you, little girl.

Marc: No, I can… do this.

Guild Pilot: All right, it’s go time!

Job #4: 'Battle Over the Rainy Lake'

Blue Crow Intro (If Blue Crow was Spared in Stage 2 or 3):

Peat: What’s wrong? You don’t sound like your usual energetic self.

Marc: Hey… Don’t you think there’s something strange about this mission?

Marc: Those guys are just refusing to join the Guild, aren’t they?

Peat: Who cares? I’m just here to raise my Guild evaluation!

Peat: Here they come! You’d better start focusing or they’ll shoot you down.

Rose Windmill 1:

Marc: How can they be going that fast in the rain?!

Sherry: Nice to meet you, I’m Rose Windmill.

Sherry: This is no place for a girl like you.

Marc: I’m a member of the Guild, too.

Sherry (Defeated): Change of plans.

Marc: Wait!

Rose Windmill 2:

Marc: Why are you going against the Guild?!

Marc: We’re just trying to make the skies safe for everyone!

Sherry: Seems like you’re a real hard worker...

Sherry: You know, I used to belong to the Guild too.

Sherry (Destroyed Fuselage): I guess I messed up.

Sherry: (White Cross has such a good little coworker.)

Marc (Destroyed Wings): Please stop doing this.

Sherry: No, I can still fight.

Rose Windmill 3 (If the wings were destroyed in Rose Windmill 2):

Marc: Why did you leave the Guild? And why are you against it now…?

Sherry: We just want to fly free.

Sherry: But the Guild is going to take that freedom away from us.

Sherry (Shot down): It’s my loss, huh.

Sherry: The Guild will betray you before too long… Keep that in mind.

Sherry (Spared): Tsk! My plane’s at its limits.

Grey Whale 1 (Sherry Shot Down):

Bourbon: You shot Windmill down, huh. Not bad for one so young.

Marc: I know you used to work for the Guild too!

Bourbon: Most of us are ex-Guild.

Bourbon: But that’s all in the past now...

Bourbon: We just want to fly in the sky the way we want.

Grey Whale 1 (Rose Windmill Spared):

Bourbon: Looks like you're fighting a hard battle.

Sherry: Be careful. She’s stronger than she looks.

Bourbon: Gotcha.

Grey Whale 2 (Rose Windmill Shot Down):

Bourbon: You’re tough...

Marc: You have to stop this! It’s like we’re fighting a war. I hate it!

Bourbon: Hah! It’s the Guild that started this all!

Bourbon: You’re with the Guild too, aren’t you?

Grey Whale 2 (Rose Windmill Spared):

Bourbon: The Guild is trying to make the sky their own.

Bourbon: All in the name of control.

Marc: Lies! What the Guild is trying to accomplish is to make the sky peaceful!

Bourbon: They’re just about to start their war.

Grey Whale 3:

Bourbon (Destroyed Hull): Man, to think I’d be stopped here...

Marc: Is the Guild… going to… start a war?

Bourbon: See for yourself.

Bourbon: Go back to town. It must be in chaos by now.

Bourbon (Destroyed engines*): Man, you totally got me… What a girl.

Marc: Is the Guild… going to… start a war?

Bourbon: See for yourself.

Bourbon: Seeing is believing, as they say.

*You can only get this if you shoot Grey Whale’s exhaust pipes during the phase you only get when you spare Rose Windmill.
Stage 4.5

Guild Pilot: Don’t do anything stupid. Stay on course, Red Barrel!

Marc: Get out of my way! I have to go see what’s happening in town!

Green Frog 1:

Marc: Green Frog!

Grain: That’s far enough, Red Barrel.

Grain: What you’re doing is treason against the Guild.

Green Frog Phase 2:

Marc: Are you trying to take control of the whole sky?

Grain: Yes, exactly.

Grain: Now with the resistance group finished, all that is left is to clean up inside the Guild.

Marc: Why would you do that?!

Green Frog Phase 3:

Grain: All guns at the ready...

Grain: FIRE!

Green Frog Shot Down*:

Marc: I’m so sorry! But I still have to keep going.

Grain (Bad Rankings): I never thought you’d defeat me.

Grain (Average Rankings): It’s your win. You may go on ahead.

Grain (Good Rankings): And you were so competent too. It really is a shame.

Grain (Good Rankings & destroy back engines): Well done, you and Red Barrel both.

*The dialogue is dependent on the rankings Grain gave you in previous stages.
Stage 5

Marc: Amazing… There are so many planes flying around.

Marc: I feel like I’m in a dream...

Job #5: 'Let the Dream Stay a Dream'

Stage 5 Allies:

(Note: This list goes from lowest to highest priority.)

Fernet (Blow up Fernet’s blimp in stage 2):

Fernet: You’re late. What took you so long?

Marc: It’s not safe here! You’d better get out of town!

Fernet: I’m not a coward who runs away when there are unauthorized planes flying above my house.

Fernet: I’ll do my thing, so you do yours.

Butler: Godspeed.

Blue Crow (Shoot Blue Crow down after listening to him in stages 1&2):

Marc: Blue Crow! Why are you here?

Peat: I’ll clear a path for you, so just keep going!

Marc: But if you do that, your dream will...

Peat: Heh. Now that it’s come to this, I have no regrets.

Marc: Thank you, I’ll go on ahead!

Peat: (...Besides, this has also been a dream of mine.)

Mescal (Shoot Down Mescal last in her fight, then shoot down Tequila without destroying Big Magnum):

Mescal: Hey Sis!

Tequila: I gotta say you have some nerve to pick up a fight with the Guild.

Marc: Did you come to help me!?

Tequila: Don’t get the wrong idea. This is my fight.

Tequila: Because the sky belongs to me!

Mescal: See ya!

White Cross (Get hit less than 2 times before meeting her in stage 3, spare Lone Rider, spare Rose Windmill):

Islay: I knew I’d find you here. You seem to still be in one piece.

Marc: White Cross, I’m… The Guild is...

Islay: Don’t let that bother you too much.

Islay: I figure it’s about time to put an end to this whole thing already.

Islay: Now go! Just like you, I have my own battle to fight.

(End of allies list)

Blue Crow The Second (Listen to Peat in stage 1, Shoot Equipment in Stage 2, Have rankings of 3 stars or above for every stage, 1cc):

Peat: Red Barrel, we’ll settle things between you and me now!

Marc: There’s no time for that, you idiot!

Peat (Shot down): Am I… done for here?

Marc: Oh, boy...

Flying Castle:

Malt: You’re the first one to get here, rookie!

Marc: Sir! What is that thing?!

Malt: This is the new symbol of the Guild.

Malt: With its power, I shall be in control of everything in the sky.

Marc: You need to stop it right now, or the town will be ruined!

Malt: Look at all those countless wings dancing around us in the sky.

Malt: The view from here is just like a dream.

Malt: Just enjoy the view, and then we’ll talk.

Flying Castle 2:

Malt: Looks like it wasn’t pure luck that brought you all the way here.

Marc: If you won’t stop, I’ll make you stop!

Malt: I acknowledge you as a full-fledged aviator.

Malt: Try and stop me, Red Barrel!

Flying Castle 2 (Miss any engine):

Malt: How are you doing, rookie? You seem to be having a hard time.

Marc: Right back at you!

Marc: Just one more push… You can do it. Let’s go, Red Barrel!

Flying Castle Finish:

Malt: This can’t be happening… The ten years I sacrificed to build this...

Marc: Sir… Why did you do this?

Malt: I saw it.

Malt: I saw how the sky lost its freedom as it fell under the control of the shapeless entity called “the Nation.”

Malt: I wanted to change that age. The age soon to come...

Marc: ...Sir.

Malt: The Guild may be finished, but it’s not too late yet.

Malt: Because my dream is still alive.

Golden Falcon (1cc and destroy all of Flying Castle's engines):

Marc: ...The castle is falling!

Malt: Well I’ll be… You actually did it.

Marc: Those golden wings… It’s the Guildmaster’s plane!

Malt: Here I come, rookie! My fight isn’t over yet!

Golden Falcon Finish:

Malt: I saw it.

Malt: I saw how the sky lost its freedom as it fell under the control of the shapeless entity called “the Nation.”

Marc: ...Sir.

Malt: Today’s sky was so beautiful. It was just like the paradise I had been dreaming of.

Malt: I am still seeing that dream.

Golden Falcon Finish (Shot Down Wings*):

Malt: The sun… It’s setting. That was a truly beautiful sky.

Malt: I wonder, what will the sky be like ten years from now?

Marc: ...Sir.

Marc: I want to fly in this sky for the rest of my life.

Marc: Because that is my dream.

Malt: Me too. I am still seeing that dream...

*You can only get this if you destroy the engines during phase 3
Post Stage Quotes


1 star:

I'm sorry…

I did terribly...

2 Stars:

I feel like giving up.

I have to work harder.

3 Star:

I can go on!

Okay, not bad.

4 Stars:

I did a good job.

I’ll make my next flight just as good.

5 Stars:


Nailed it!


1 Star:

That was horrible…

Worst job ever done.

2 Stars:

Far from perfect.

Oh boy.

3 Stars:

Well, that wasn’t bad.

Keep your guard up, okay?

4 Stars:

That was a nice job.

Keep up the good work.

5 Stars:

No complaints whatsoever.

Stage 1:


She was really mean to me!

She even beat my dad!


(Shot after surrender.): That damn girl shot me!

(Spared): You’re too trusting for your own good, li’l missus.


(Pirates spared in Tequila phase 3, didn't destroy Big Magnum): Here comes my time to shine!


(Low Ranking): This is why I told you to go home.

Stage 2:


You’re too reckless for that job. You’d better quit it while you can.


I’ll beat you next time for sure!


A little girl piloting a plane? What humbuggery.


(Low stars): You’re living on the edge. Don’t overdo it, okay?

(High stars): That was a fun ride. Give me another one some day!


(Shot out wings): Eureka! Inspiration just struck me!

Stage 3:


(High stars): You’re a pro now. I’m glad about that.

(Low stars): Looks like you have to work harder. Good luck.

(Got hit a lot): Oh boy, you’re the most reckless person I know.




I will not give in. No, I won’t!

Lone Rider:

Can you still run…?

Stage 4:


(Shot down): I hope you’ll find the answer you’re looking for.

(Spared): ...I can still fly. I have to go, too.


(High Rank): What a girl! What will you do about her, old friend?

(Low Rank): Look at how hurt she is. It’s gotta be her youth that keeps her going.

Guild Pilot:

What a big surprise! I can’t call you a little girl anymore.

Stage 5:

The little war is over now. Afterwards...
A month has passed since then.

The sky that can be seen through my skylight looks so peaceful, it feels like all that huge fuss happened a long time ago.

The flying castle came down right on the Guild’s headquarters.

The crash didn’t cause any casualties, as the whole town had taken shelter during the preceding confusion.

The Guild was dissolved afterwards, resulting in its staff and members having to find new paths in life.

Many of them gave up on their aviator careers. It was as though the incident had woken them up from a long dream.

No trace of the glory days of the Guild can be found anywhere in town.
Character Endings
Ending 1:

I was a little kid when I decided I was going to be a pilot.

Someone secretly let me on their plane, and the sky up there was so beautiful.

It was a place of dreams, freedom, and profound sadness.

That was the moment I made my decision.

Ending 2:

Even with the Guild gone, Blue Crow won’t stop bothering me.

He keeps adding more and more equipment on his plane…
I’m worried he might fall out of the sky due to the weight.
I pity Blue Crow for having an owner like him.

Ending 3:

I don’t know what’s happened to him, but Blue Crow often comes by and helps me with my business.

I’m still suspicious of him because of all those annoying things he did to me in the past. But maybe he’s actually a good guy.

Ending 4:

I heard the pirates are still plotting an invasion of the sky…
Right now, they’re running a trade business to raise money.

Will they be called sky pirates if they make it up there? Well, whatever they are, I’ll go teach them another lesson if they plan on misbehaving again.

Ending 5:

The young pirate girl from before is now really interested in airplanes and visits my place to help me service Red Barrel.

I’m happy for the help and all, but it must bother the captain that his daughter doesn’t seem to care about ships at all. Not that I’d know how a parent actually feels.

Ending 6:

One day, the pirate crew mutinied against their captain, and things got pretty crazy over there.

The captain reluctantly retired and is now working the fields with his daughter…
I wouldn’t say it to his face, but I hope he’ll keep at it and build a happy family.

Ending 7:

Today, I got my first letter in a long time from a friend. That took me back to the time when we used to exchange letters as kids.

It said that she’d started studying for a pilot’s license, but everyone else in her house objected, which had led to a big fight over it. I can easily imagine her butler’s troubled face.

Ending 8:

Today, I visited a friend’s place to hang out. I hadn’t had a chance to do that for the past year since I was always too busy working for the Guild.

I talked about my time at the Guild and she told me about her school. We may have taken different paths in life, but I hope we can still keep seeing each other like that every now and then.

Ending 9:

The scholar guy I worked with before is now researching something totally different. He often asks me to fly him to remote areas for his field studies.

He tells me he sometimes finds animal fossils by digging in the ground or carving up stones. Not that he’s constantly discovering something new, but he tells me he enjoys what he does.

Ending 10:

The scientist who built that weird plane is now hard at work on a new one. With the Guild gone, I often see him doing test flights right above the town as he pleases.

He says he got inspiration for the new plane on one of his earlier test flights… It just looks like a dinner plate to me. I wonder what it’ll be like when it’s complete.

Ending 11:

They say there are still armored wagons running in the desert. What’s worse, there are now even more of them than before…

Another rumor has it that a large motorcycle is always seen leading them. Maybe it’s where that man fits the best after all.

Ending 12:

The big motorcycle stopped showing up in the desert. Turns out that it had a bunch of fans, and they’re all very disappointed now.

I wonder if the rider has found something new to pursue? It was all his fault of course, but now I feel a little sorry about destroying his ride.

Ending 13:

The merchant who was illegally running his train in the desert still hasn’t mended his ways. He shows up out of nowhere and pushes other trains off-track so that he can make his deliveries faster than anyone else.

He added some modifications to his trains as he repaired it, too. I just hope he didn’t make it fly...

Ending 14:

Even after the Guild disbanded, White Cross still helps me just as much as she did before.

“You’re the spitting image of a sap I know,” she often tells me.

But I don’t take offense, because she always has incredibly gentle eyes when she says it.

Ending 15:

It seems like Windmill likes me after all, considering how often she asks me to help her with her work. She loves flying just as much as I do, so we get along great.

She’s usually a nice, easygoing lady, but when it comes to work, she can be a bit of a daredevil. People sometimes tell me I’m like that too...

Ending 16:

Ever since Gray Whale came back from repairs, I keep running across him in the sky. He talks to me casually without any hard feelings about what happened before between us.

The huge plane looks adorable to me now that it’s almost unarmed. It makes me feel safe somehow when I fly near him.

Ending 17:

As one of the people responsible for the incident, Green Frog is on trial now. It seems likely that he’ll receive a heavy sentence for his treason.

He said that he will accept any punishment, but many of the ex-Guild members and townspeople are defending him. Just like them, I want him to come back to us soon.

Ending 18:

After the fall of the Guild, all its right have been transferred to the nation. Ironically, the Guildmaster himself became the cause of what he’d been fearing.

I feel like he’ll probably cause another incident sooner or later because his dreams burn brighter than anyone’s. Even now, I’m sure that dream of his is yet alive.
Ending Cont...
After the incident, I’ve started my own independent “Guild.”

It’s getting well on track thanks to my friends and customers.

The Guild may be gone but my dream remains unchanged.

I love the sky and want it to be a place where everyone can fly safely, so today I fly yet again...

... in my “flying red barrel.”

All Endings
Does having a dream mean having a goal to achieve?

During my one-year career as a pilot, I’ve met all kinds of people and learned of their dreams.

They’re all working hard in pursuit of those dreams. But once a dream has come true, is that it?

Will they find another dream?
Or will they cease to dream altogether?
I don’t want to do either.

I want to fly up there forever.
My dream comes true every time I think about that. Every time I am the way I am.

I hope my dream will remain until the end of time...
2 коментара
bluetornado007 3 март 2023 в 20:46 
Amazing transcript, thanks so much.:sohappy:
HexNexusDan 3 авг. 2021 в 20:02 
Really appreciate the full transcript! It's great to look at all the dialogue to characters you'd otherwise recognize from 100% OJ but wouldn't know about, and the endings help out a lot.