Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Ei tarpeeksi arvosteluja
Destructible Tower
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Tunnisteet: v0.10.27
15.907 MB
25.6.2020 klo 13.27
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Destructible Tower

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Secawesome
Destructible Structures
12 luomusta
Hey guys this time the tower stays upright for a lot longer before collapsing at the cost of making it only 6 floors.

There is a computer on the second floor made by rainunder (at least that's what I think his name was. Correct me in the comments if I am wrong)

Hope you enjoy collapsing it, and remember to rate it! It is really slow though. Just letting you know.
29 kommenttia
articbear3 15.12.2022 klo 4.57 
how do you spawn it in
Secawesome  [tekijä] 2.7.2020 klo 8.02 
Komrade aka Würfel 2.7.2020 klo 7.04
This is the picture of the destruction.
Komrade aka Würfel 2.7.2020 klo 6.58 
Secawesome  [tekijä] 2.7.2020 klo 6.42 
Secawesome  [tekijä] 2.7.2020 klo 6.41 
Komrade aka Würfel 2.7.2020 klo 6.41 
No gaming pc is made for that.
Secawesome  [tekijä] 2.7.2020 klo 6.37 
Did your game crash?
Komrade aka Würfel 2.7.2020 klo 4.13 
yeah in like 300 parts
Secawesome  [tekijä] 1.7.2020 klo 8.32 
Did it collapse?