Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

295 人が評価
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Assets: Road
13.743 MB
2020年6月25日 13時23分
2021年3月28日 14時04分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking

Delta 5-1 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Vanilla+ Roads: Streets
56 アイテム
Vanilla+ Roads One Click Collection
160 アイテム
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces.

  • Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants
  • Painted median
  • Bus bays
  • All vanilla style

Width: 4 squares (32m)
Speed limit: 60

If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.

9 件のコメント
Eddy63 2020年9月21日 2時57分 
Could the median be modified for emergency vehicles to be used?
Sterls 2020年8月22日 23時40分 
Any chance you could make a 2 lane road with a double wide median and sidewalks?
Something that could accommodate the Elevated Metro station moved above the road would be popular I think.
Bp101697 2020年7月10日 21時30分 
Could you make the six-lane version?
sebesams 2020年6月28日 2時50分 
Actually, i like the broad sidewalk... For most roads i have to move the rows away from the street to create space for my shopping cims... Thanks for all your great roads Delta 5-1!
Delta 5-1  [作成者] 2020年6月26日 14時56分 
Interesting, thanks for pointing it out. I might revisit these roads at some point. I guess there is still an issue with gaps being created when arranged into a grid.
Delta 5-1  [作成者] 2020年6月26日 12時55分 
@macsergey Buildings and zoning only align with roads which have a width of 2/4/6... cells.

@Alezz1 Glad you like it.
Alezz1 2020年6月26日 12時00分 
love it!
macsergey 2020年6月26日 6時16分 
Why such a wide sidewalk? The road could be 3 cells wide