Albion Online

Albion Online

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Quick Guide to Getting Started in Albion Online
Oleh WeaponsGradeHumanity
Albion Online has an in-game tutorial which covers most of what you need to know to get started but there are a few other things you'll want to know that aren't covered and this guide exists to fill you in on those details.
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Do the Tutorial
Many people who take up Albion Online do so after having played classic themepark MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft. It's important to remember that Albion Online is not that kind of game. Your hand will not be held. Your dreams will not be fulfilled.

Do not skip the tutorial. Complete the tutorial and pay attention to it. If you already completed it but clicked through on the assumption that it's the same as every other game then go back and do it again. The tutorial teaches you just about everything you need to know to get started. This guide covers the last few things.

Once you reach the mainland, the tutorial extends in the form of a brief quest line. Complete these quests by following the instructions. If you're not able to follow instructions then you might as well stop reading here because this guide will be of no use to you. Once you have completed the introductory quests, your destiny is in your own hands.
It's always a good idea to check that a game is set up suitably so hit the cog in the top right and click "Game Settings". Look through the settings and make sure they're how you like them. Two settings of particular interest to new players are these:

Deny Invites

New players will frequently be invited to guilds but you're not ready to join a guild yet so go ahead and hit "Auto-Deny Guild Invites" in the General section of the settings. This will save you having to deal with being spammed with invitations.

When you are ready to join a guild, you can find one that suits you via the Guild Finder tool. Click the shield button to find it.

Control Scheme

Take some time to look over the control options.

For basic controls, you can choose 'Classic Controls' or 'RTS-like Controls'. In the Classic control scheme, LMB is for attack movement or action movement while the RMB is for neutral movement. If you select 'double press to attack' then the first left-click on a mob or player will select it and the second will attack. In the RTS-like control scheme, LMB is for selection and RMB is for attack movement or action movement.

For spell-casting you can choose 'Normal', 'Quick Cast on Button Press' or 'Quick-Cast on Button Release'. When casting a spell normally, you press the key and then click where to cast it. Quick casting will cast the spell at the mouse's location when the key is pressed or released.


While we're fiddling around with things, let's take a quick look at chat. By default, the chat panel has tabs set up for channels such as Help, Recruit and Trade. To customise your chat system, first hit the yellow arrow on the top left of the panel to open up the chat settings interface and then hit 'Advanced'. You can use this interface to lock the chat window open and to remove those pesky LFG messages from your general chat stream.


If you'd like to see your ping and/or fps, open chat and type /ping or /fps and the information will be displayed just to the left of the minimap in the bottom right of the screen.
If you need more information about any aspect of the game, you can use /wiki [subject] to look things up.
Use /rules to read the chat rules and use /? to see more of what you can do with chat.
As a newcomer to the world of Albion, your first priority is likely to be getting some money together so you can buy some decent clothes and get rid of that embarrasing donkey. If you're planning to do any gathering or merchant work then you're going to want to pick up a Transport Ox and if you're looking to pursue the path of the warrior then you'll want to get a Riding Horse. The most convenient way to get your first upgrades is to run Expeditions. In the cities and villages of the Royal Continent, you'll find big blue portals being held open by wizards. From your starting Cross, you can only access solo expeditions but once you get to a city, you'll be able to access group expeditions too. Expeditions are short, instanced dungeons with consistent payouts upon completion. Running expeditions will quickly earn you enough money to buy your first new mount. The first expedition you complete each day will also reward you with a bonus payout and a Sigil which you can sell at market or save for future armour upgrades.
Maps are essential for navigating the world of Albion.

World Map

Press M to open the world map. Have a look around. You'll see the Royal Continent in the South and the Outlands in the North. In the Royal Continent, you should be able to see five different 'Cross' villages, five royal cities and Caerleon the capital. You can zoom in to see individual areas and the connections between them. You can click on an individual area to see the local map of that area.

Local Map

Press N to open the local map of the area you're in. Each area is colour coded blue, yellow, red or black and this is indicated in the top left of each local map. Dungeons and Hellgates found in an area inherit the area's Tier and PvP rules. The resources which can be gathered in each area are listed in the top right of the local map view.
Zones and PvP
Albion is a full-loot PvP game so expect to see a lot of combat and expect to lose everything when you die. Technically you can be attacked anywhere and you can die in any zone but, in practice, combat works differently depending on what kind of zone you're in. While cities and villages count as blue zones, the only PvP that takes place inside them is consensual duelling. Apart from duels, here's how it works:

Blue Zones are the safest zones. Faction warfare can take place there but not normal PvP. They can be found around the edges of the Royal continent. If you are attacked and defeated, you will be knocked down.

Yellow Zones are also safe. They can be found between the Blue and Red zones of the Royal continent. You can't attack anyone unless you flag for PvP and others can't attack you unless they flag for PvP. If you are attacked and defeated, you will be knocked down.

Red Zones are dangerous. They can be found around Caerleon and must be traversed to bring goods there. You can't attack anyone unless you flag for PvP and others can't attack you unless they flag for PvP. If you are attacked and defeated, you will be killed.

Black Zones are dangerous. They are found only in the Outlands. There's no question of flagging or of faction loyalty here. If someone isn't in your party, guild or alliance then you are enemies. If you are attacked and defeated, you will be killed.

When you die, you lose everything you had on you at the time. This includes your equipment and inventory but not your silver or any untradeable items you may have been carrying. When you are knocked down, your equipment takes a 5% durability loss. If you're knocked down in normal PvP, you must wait a few minutes before you can get back up again unless you elect to die. If you're knocked down while faction flagged, you will be respawned at an outpost or zone exit. To unflag, click the symbol to the right of your nameplate. If the symbol is a round blue shield then you are already unflagged.
While it's entirely possible to play traditional tank, DPS or healer archetypes in this game, you're actually free to do whatever the heck you want. You can come up with weird new builds and combinations. You can swap from one 'class' to another on the fly. You can train up with literally every weapon or just focus on one particular thing. It's entirely up to you.

When you're new, it's a good idea to try out a range of stuff to see what you like and don't like. Don't worry about whether what you pick is going to be viable in the endgame. Everything is good for something and anything too strong or too weak will be adjusted soon enough. The goal is to spend your time doing something you enjoy.

You can repair your damaged equipment at a repair station in any town or city or at a repair table in any outpost. In villages, the repair stations and crafting stations can only help you with items of Tier I, II or III. To repair or craft weapons, armour, tools or other items of Tier IV or higher, you'll need to go elsewhere. Cities are easy to spot on the world map because of their shining pillars of light.

Note that gear can also be salvaged at the repair station or studied at the same building where it can be made.
A great way for new players to build up some starting funds is to gather Rough Stone and/or Rough Logs. These resources can be gathered virtually everywhere (even in cities) and always sell well in markets because of their value as building materials. Eventually, you'll want to move on to gathering higher tier resources which can also be used for crafting.

The five gatherable resources of Albion Online are Stone, Wood, Hide, Ore and Fiber. The distribution of resources in a zone depends on the tier and biome of the zone in question. You can read more about this in the wiki. While Tier I resources can be gathered by hand, you'll need appropriate tools for everything else. The tools are, respectively, Stone Hammer, Axe, Skinning Knife, Pickaxe and Sickle. You can also go fishing in most zones and for that you'll need a Fishing Rod. Whatever you decide to gather, you should always use tools of the highest tier available to you. Also note that you don't have to actually equip a tool as you would a weapon, your character will swap to and from the tool as necessary.

Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to gathering. You can either focus on one specific resource or you can diversify your skills and pick up everything an area has available. It all depends on how you'd like to spend your time. The advantages of specialisation are that you will benefit more from equipment-based gathering bonuses and you will progress more quickly up the relevant branch of the skill tree. The advantage of diversification is that you'll lose less time to competition from other gatherers; there'll always be something you can pick up and make money from. Whichever approach you decide to take, use the M-map and the N-map to check out the availability of resources in the areas where you intend to work. This will let you know which tools to bring and which to leave at home.
The Destiny Board
The Destiny Board is the tree which tracks the development and ability of your character. Press B to open it. Take some time to study it carefully. Adventuring experience begins in the center and moves up from there. Combat experience is on the left, Crafting on the right. On the bottom is Farming and Gathering. Each node provides important information about how to advance your development and what benefits you get as you advance. Whenever you have a question about how to craft something, what a certain weapon can do or when you'll be able to ride a fancy mount, the Destiny Board should be the first place you look for answers.
Be careful to note whether a node will make an item usable or craftable.
Albion is all about economy. The flow of goods and materials dominates gameplay.


Albion has a free market system. There are no vendors to dump your trash on. When you trade through the market, you trade with players using that same market. Different items have different values in different places. The market operates on a principle of 'orders'. An order is an instruction for the market to complete a transaction in the user's stead. When you buy an item at the market, you're fulfilling the sell order of another player. When you sell an item at the market, you're fulfilling the buy order of another player.


While the standard trading currency of Albion is Silver, the premium currency is Gold. You can buy silver with gold and you can buy gold with silver or with real money. The value of Gold fluctuates according to how much is in the system. Gold is generated when players pay real money to buy it. Gold leaves the system when players spend it on vanity items or on purchasing premium time.


The easiest way for players to control land on which they can build farms or other facilities is to purchase an island. Each character may own an island but only after that character has been used to purchase at least 7 days of premium time. There are detailed controls for sharing access to islands you own. Access to your island is not contingent on having premium status. To open the build interface, select the build option from your portrait menu or just hit 'H'.
Here are some default hotkeys you might find it useful to know about:
Open the Vanity panel
Open the Loadout panel
Open the Bank Overview panel
Open the Journal panel
Open the Guild panel
Open the Guild Finder panel
Open the Building panel
Open the Social panel
Open the Faction panel
Toggle Travel Mode

Hide the HUD
Hold Alt
Self cast (any ability)
Select self
Deselect a target
Stop (any action)
Additional Tips
  • 'Unrestricted' PvP areas still follow regular zone rules as far as death is concerned.
  • Since you can't drop silver or gold, there's no need to try to deposit them anywhere.
  • To see stats such as Item Power and Focus, hit the little arrow on the left side of your inventory.
  • Cosmetic skins appear in the consumables section of the marketplace.
  • The number on the bottom right of an item is the stack size. The colour of the circle indicates durability.
  • Creatures can't kill you, they can only knock you down. Of course, someone else could come along and finish you off.
  • Storage chests are not magically connected to one another and cannot be used to move items from place to place.
  • While City markets are linked to Portal markets, the cities and portals are not linked to one another. Every market trade is a local trade.
  • Maintenance happens every day at 10am server time (UTC) and usually takes less than half an hour but may take as long as an hour on Mondays.
  • It's much faster and cheaper to simply buy a mount than it is to attempt to raise one yourself.
  • Zones you enter from the overworld inherit the PvP rules of the zone you entered from.
  • You don't need any tools to gather Rough Logs or Rough Stone and they always sell well.
  • If you need to ask a question in chat, please use the /help channel.

Don't forget to give this guide a thumbs-up if it was useful for you.

To learn more about the game, check out the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Guides[]
34 Komentar
WeaponsGradeHumanity  [pembuat] 12 Feb @ 12:21pm 
Albion is designed as a full-loot PvP game. If you don't like those things then you should go and play something else. If you insist on playing Albion anyway, you don't then get to click right past all the warnings and pretend to be shocked when you die and lose your stuff. That's on you.
Sordros 12 Feb @ 10:18am 
played this many years ago and from what i see its still a p2w game which is so sad!!! makes it even worse when forcing pve players into pvp which they dont want!!! also the loss of items you spent hours aquiring in a pvp battle you didnt want to be in in the first place!!!:steamsad:
𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖆 22 Des 2024 @ 6:33am 
Qrakhen 2 Sep 2024 @ 3:13am 
What a read! I will share this right away.
Nitzumi 25 Jul 2024 @ 6:35am 
TSwordsman7 4 Mar 2024 @ 5:36am 
Geena 2 Mar 2024 @ 2:14am 
cmotes 18 Okt 2023 @ 7:30pm 
Legendary 26 Agu 2023 @ 11:06pm 
very nice
Albioff 6 Mei 2023 @ 3:31am 
Ya, 10/10. 5 star beginner guide for this game, very useful, especially the keybinds section :)