Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Leaderbord of Hearts of Iron IV speedruning (on speedrun.com
作者: Alesanri el Ioshisai
Hello :)
I need to create that principally because i can give you the leaderbord on PDF
Here is the leaderbord of Hearts of Iron IV speedruning on speedrun.com
About the leaderbord
You probably said, "How dare you create a leaderbord of the bests speedruners on HOI4, you are a simple player"
Listen, I have more than 600 hours in this game, and i am a speedruner, i have 6 runs and 2 world records, so i think i'm able to do that leaderbord.
Also you probably said "How did you choose who is the best ?", it's very simple
The 3 better runners on a category wins some points
I give 3 points at the first
2 points at the second
and 1 point at the third

If two runners has the same time in an category, (it's possible, especially in ANY%), the oldest run is the best (because the guys has been the first to submit his run), the other run is in second place... and i think you understand
IMPORTANT: I include the "Misc"categories
Here i think i can't give you the leaderbord here, if you want the leaderbord on PDF, go in the disord of the runners, the link is on speedrun.com
I also probably doing some errors, looks like forgot one or two point of an guy, i spend 3 hours for doing that at the end i am a little bit tired, if you find an error, please notice me that error to fix it.

And that all i think, but now i would like to talk about the future projects
About my other projects !
That's not finished, i also have more projects for complete that leaderbord.
You probably said "But your leaderbord is finished, why did you want to add something ?"
That's real, but i explain you why i do that.
Firstl because i didn't talk about the others runners, in this leaderbord you have the 23 best runners, but there is about 90 runners, it's a lot. I probably doing a leaderbord for them, but not now, probably in one or two months.
I also created somes interactives maps, for be more funny or simple to check the leaderbord or the other runners, when i write that, i have created 3 maps, you can upload then on the discord, (or in a link if i can make a link)

IMPORTANT : I udapted the leaderbord, because i had the newest runs and i fix some points errors, so the map are not udapted, i probably doing that during this week

For this map, i calculate the points of every runners in any country (i explain because the title on the map is strange)

For the others maps i think i didn't need to explain
