Titanfall® 2

Titanfall® 2

163 ratings
Titanfall 2 Understanding your Titans
By MadLad
This guide is to give a brief in-depth look into all the titan classes within Titanfall 2 to have a better understanding on how to use and approach other titans during combat.
General Overview
G'day fellow Pilots.

Welcome to a basic in-depth guide of understanding your each titan class in the game. This understanding may help you approach titan v. titan matchups much better. Giving you a better look into the titans you are using and how to use them properly!

Lets take a brief look into the titan classes

Titans are divided into three different variants:
OGRE Class Titan
ATLAS Class Titan
STRYDER Class Titan

Lets talk a bit more about them!


Ogre Class Titan is the heaviest class in the game, Although the titan is very slow and movements are limited, they usually armed with heavy weapons and a large health pool of 12,500. With only one dash but depending on the situation and titans on the field they can last for a long time if used properly and wisely. However if you reckless with them, it can essentially be a useless titan. Use them wisely!


Atlas Class Titan is the middle class. Balanced in all things: Average agility, Average health, Average speed. Armed with a variety of rifles for each class, having a health pool of 10,000. With one dash but upgrade-able to two. A titan you will see alot on the battlefield. Life expectancy is about average since you have alot of options to choose, good for about every situation.


Stryder Class titan is the lightest class in the game. Extremely agile and mobile, good for outmaneuvering every class however it is the weakest of all the classes. Sporting a low 7,500 health, life expectancy is short however if you play smart, this can last a long time. Being the most maneuverable class means your extremely mobile and have a lot of option to weave in and out of battle. Good for alot of situations!

Now why does any of these classes matter you might ask. All this info is basically from Titanfall 1 why does it matter?

Well, the game uses pretty much these sets as the base for all the titan classes in the game. Only difference between the 2nd and the 1st is that all the classes have a preset of weapons and abilities to use. Now lets go more in-depth for each specific class!
Titan Kits
Before we go into the Titans, lets go over an overview between the Titan Kits!

Each Titan allows you to equip a kit that boosts your titan ability, some are useful, others not so much.


Assault Chip
Basically allows you Auto-Titan to use abilities and behave a bit more when the AI is controlling your Titan. Pretty much useless against pilots and titans for the most part. Wouldn't trust an AI to fight a human player. NEXT

Stealth Auto-Eject
When your titan loses all health and reaches the DOOM State, rather than take the risk and keep fighting, you will Auto Eject immediately from the titan and be clocked for a short period of time until you land safely. It's a safety precaution really, if your not comfortable fighting in a DOOM state and would rather live to fight again, this is a decent option. However to more experienced pilots, they can predict your cloak and shoot you in the air if you don't maneuver properly. Decent kit nothing more.

Turbo Engine
This is one of the best Kits you can have. It does nothing fancy but give your Titan an extra dash. Means move agility and move in and out of a fight more often.
For STRYDER Class you get 3 Charges!
For ATLAS Class you get 2 Charges!
For OGRE Class you still get 1 Dash but Cooldown is reduced!
It gears more towards Stryder and Atlas, not so much ogre but it's useful still.

This is a decent kit, upon titanfall, your titan will start with 20% Core charge immediately throughout the whole match. Basically gives you a smoke charge on the spot to. Nothing fancy just a headstart to your Core ability.

Nuclear Eject
Unlike Stealth Eject, you will not Auto Eject. You have to manually eject. This can only be activated in DOOM state. While in DOOM state if you eject while having this kit on, you will have a delayed jump and explosion, rather than the average explosion that deals partial health, this will nuke your titan causing a massive AOE damage to the whole area killing anything including titans. Drawback is that the delay is a bit long so more mobile titan can move away. However if you are strategic and can pin a titan down in an area, you basically nuke em to death on the spot. Basically a forced retreat function for your enemies.

Counter Ready
Nothing Fancy just give you an extra Electric smoke kit when you unlock it at 15% Core charge, nothing fancy. Nice to have but you can prioritize other kits besides this one.

These are divided into two kits for you:
Dome Shield
Standard for all players. When you initiate Titanfall, the wait time is 4 seconds and your Titan will fall with a dome shield protecting it from all damage for 15 seconds until the titan moves.

Warpfall Transmitter
When you initiate Titanfall, the wait time is cut to 2 seconds and your titan will drop instantly. Nothing will protect it, if you need a quick drop this is your go-to. However you are open to damage so be careful.
Ogre Class Titan: Scorch


Scorch is an heavy class titan Armed with a T-203 Thermite Launcher.
It is a projectile based weapon that launches a single lethal shot of Thermite at an enemy.
It's Primary abilities are as follows:

Ordnance:Firewall: Launches a line of fire on the ground directly in front of you. Thats it...
Tactical:Incendiary Trap: Launches a flammable gas canister on the ground. Once it detonates it causes AOE ground damage to anyone caught in the fire.
Defensive:Thermal Shield: Deploys a fire shield protecting Scorch from any incoming attack and burns anyone close to the shield.
Flame Core: Upon reaching full core, Scorch slams the ground causing a giant wave of fire doing massive damage to anyone caught in the flames. It can be avoid but caution is advised.

Scorch is a close range fighter and trapper but is weak against anyone with long range capabilities. One of the more weaker of the titans but can be very powerful once Scorch gets upclose and personal. It's a very difficult titan to play as, won't see to many of these on the field but be careful regardless.

There are 3 kits in Scorch arsenal that are useful.
Wildfire Launcher: Increase Direct Damage with the T-203 and increases Thermite spread.
Tempered Plating: Removes Scorch weakpoints and eliminates self damage from your own thermite.
Inferno Shield: Increases Damage and Duration of Thermal Shield. Quite Useful!

Scorch is weak against the more agile titans and ranges: Ion, Tone, Monarch and Northstar, and Legion(at a distance).

Scorch is stronger against titans who are uncomfortable at CQC and CQC specialists: Ronin, Legion, Northstar, and Tone.

Not the strongest titan to run but if successful, can be a major player on the battlefield!
Ogre Class Titan: Legion


Legion is a heavy class titan that wields the Predator Cannon, basically a minigun.
It's Primary Abilities are as follows:

Ordnance: Powershot: While in CQC mode, this will fire a shotgun round of bullets at the enemy dealing moderate damage and a knockback effect. While in Long Range Mode, this will fire a Single Precise round at the enemy.
Tactical: Mode Switch: This allows Legion to switch between firing modes. Switch from CQC to Long Range or Long Range back to CQC. It is a two second animation switch between modes. While in Long Range mode bullet consumption will be two per shot.
Defensive: Gun Shield: A shield will appear around the Predator Cannon protecting Legion from incoming fire however it does not cover legion completely. Only the front portion.
Smart Core: Legion will instantly turn on Aim-Bot and lock on to all hostile forces and proceed to kill them. During this time you will have Infinite Ammo.

Legion is a powerhouse of pure bullets. Excellent fighter at close range but also excels at long range combat when it's necessary. Anyone caught in the crossfire will most likely be shredded. An Average Titan but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ when you need bullets, call a Legion!

Legion has three kits that are note worthy:
Enhanced Ammo Capacity: Will increase your ammo capacity from 100 to 140. That's It.
Sensor Array: Increase time Smart Core last from 12 to 18 Seconds. MORE BULLETS!!!
Hidden Compartment: Power shot will now have 2 charges. However Powershot Dmg reduced by 15%. Still Worth it!

Legion is weak against enemies that can block his damage and deflect it: Tone, Scorch, Ronin, Ion(DANGER!!!).

Legion strength is against anyone without proper defensive means and isn't comfortable at close range: Northstar, Monarch, Tone(CQC).

Atlas Class Titan: Tone


Tone is a Medium Class titan armed with 40mm Tracker Cannon.
A Projectile based weapon but it's damage doesn't come from it's Cannon but rather it's Missiles!
It's Primary abilities are as follows:

Ordnance: Tracking Rockets: Upon Achieving a full lock using the 40mm cannon, 5 rockets can be manually fired following the enemy!
Tactical: Sonar Lock: When fired will reveal enemies within the area the Sonar landed. Partial reveal to all cloaked pilots. Will also grant a partial lock on enemy Titans and Reapers.
Defensive: Particle Wall: Will Deploy a Force Field in front you and block all incoming damage but you can still fire at the enemy. Note that the shield will not move once you deploy it
Salvo Core: Will fire a barrage of Guided Missiles directly at where you are aiming at. So use it carefully.

Tone is a range fighter with a 40mm Cannon that tracks his enemies. Tone damage doesn't come from his Cannon but rather his Rockets. Upon firing at an enemy three times, you will achieve a full lock on allowing you to use your rockets. Note that the locks can be broken by electric smoke or to much time passing.Tone excels at range combat, however up close and personal is when tone will truly struggle.

Tone has three kits that I consider useful:
Enhanced Tracker Rounds: If you land a Critical Hit at an enemy, you will be given two partial locks instead of one
Reinforced Particle Wall: Increases the Duration and Health of Particle Wall, letting you stay behind cover longer!
Pulse-Echo: When you use Sonar Lock, after a short-delay a second pulse will echo revealing any new enemies in the area and grant an additional partial lock on an enemy titan.

Tone is weak against Titan who excel at close range and at extreme ranges: Legion(CQC/LR), Scorch(CQC), Ion(Shield), Northstar, Ronin(DANGER!!!)

Tone strength lies at those who can't protect themselves and bulky hostiles you can poke at: Legion, Scorch, Monarch, Northstar.
Atlas Class Titan: Ion


Ion is a medium class titan armed with the Splitter Rifle, an Energy based weapon. Ion is unique that this titan uses an Energy based meter that allows you to use your abilities.
It's Primary abilities are as follows:

Ordnance: Laser Shot: Ion will expend half of the energy meter and fire a extremely accurate laser shot at an enemy dealing moderate Damage. Note that you can cancel Laser shot by using a melee attack.
Tactical: Tripwire: Ion will expend a small portion of his energy meter and deploy a tripwire sensor that blows up anything going through it. More useful against pilots than titans.
Defensive: Vortex Shield: Ion will slowly drain his energy and deploy a shield, will absorb incoming fire from all sources(Except Energy Weapons) and return it back at the enemy.
Laser Core: Ion will immediately put his weapon down and after a brief delay, fire a GIANT F****** LASER that will instantly destroy shields and deal massive damage. While using this core you can still move around.

Ion is a medium range fighter which a variety of option in his arsenal. Unlike the rest of the titans, he relies on his energy meter to use his abilities. Expending to much energy can lead to some very bad situation so be careful. Unlike Tone and Monarch, Ion Splitter Rifle deal less damage than normal weapons. Making it very weak and relies alot on his abilities to make up for the damage.

Ion has 4 kits that increases it's utility for the better:
Entangled Energy: When the Splitter Rifle hits a critical zone, will give a small increase in energy restoration. Excellent if you expend energy quickly.
Vortex Amplifier: Increases Vortex Damage Return Output by 35%. A Massive Damage increase on enemies that shoot at you alot!
Grand Cannon: Increase the duration of Laser Core longer incase someone wanders in on your laser show!
Refraction Lens: The Splitter Rifle can now fire 5 shots at once while ADS. Note however this expends more energy than the standard 3 shots ADS.

Ion is weak against extreme ranges and those who can bypass his Vortex Shield: Monarch(Arc Rounds), Scorch(CQC), Northstar(Extreme Range), Ronin(DANGER!!!)

Ion Strength lie in his Vortex Shield and can return and block damaged from those who rely on burst damage: Legion, Tone, Monarch(Rockets).
Atlas Class Titan: Monarch


Monarch is a unique titan armed with a XO16 Chaingun, essentially a Assault Rifle. Unlike the other titans, Monarch is unique which it starts out weak however if you managed to stay alive for a while, you become extremely strong.
It's Primary Abilities are as follows:

Ordnance: Rocket Salvo: Fire a swarm of unguided rockets in the area where you are aiming at
Tactical: Rearm: Refreshes your Ordnance, Defensive, and Dashes from cooldown. Allowing you to use them again.
Defensive: Energy Siphon: Fire an electric beam at an enemy giving you small amount of shields and dealing tiny damage and a brief stun to enemies.
Upgrade Core: Unlike standard titans who have a massive weapon at their disposal, this ability instantly charges your shields to full and gives you a upgrade of your choosing prior to deploying the titan.

This titan is different as everytime to reach max core, you get to upgrade your titan to one of three abilities that you have preset before or during the match.

Upgrade Core is divided into three tiers. I will mention all of them!

Tier 1

ARC ROUNDS: Increases your ammo capacity and gives you bonus damaged against shields!
MISSILE RACKS:Doubles the amount of rockets your fire from your Rocket Salvo
ENERGY TRANSFER: Allows you to fire Energy Siphon at your teammates and give them energy. Note that this doesn't expend your shields if you have any.

Tier 2

REARM AND RELOAD: Increases your Reload Speed and Rearm Ability.
MAELSTROM: Deals massive amounts of damage when you deploy electric smoke to titans and pilots!
ENERGY FIELD: Energy Siphon now becomes an AOE effect rather than single target.

Tier 3

MULTI-TARGET MISSILE SYSTEM: Rocket Salvo can now lock on. Also has increase damage
SUPERIOR CHASSIS: Upgrades Monarch with more health and removes Monarch weapoint
XO-16 ACCELERATOR: Install an Accelerator mod which now spins up the XO-16 Rifle to build up it's Fire Rate from slow to stupidly fast. Also increase damage boost.

Monarch is a unique titan which starts off very weak, however if your able to get that momentum going, you can be a powerhouse. Monarch is a jack of all trades type titan, you can build him whatever way suits you, if you like the XO-16 get the upgrades for it, if not the Missile Racks could be your favorite. Precaution is advised that you can crumble with it due to it's weak starting point.

Monarch has two kits worthy of use.

Energy Thief: Core meter is earned 10% Faster but also replaces your execution with another that lets you steal a titans battery while performing a titan execution. A must have especially for the 10%
Rapid Rearm: Reduces Rearm cooldown by 5 seconds. Helpful kit.

While Monarch is weak he is susceptible to burst Damage: Legion, Tone, Ion, Northstar, Ronin.

If Monarch manages to get to his XO-16 Upgrades he is strong against: Scorch, Tone, Ion, Ronin(to an extent), Other Monarchs, Northstar.

If Monarch manages to upgrade his rockets, he strong against: Legion, Ronin(to an extent), Other Monarchs, Northstar.
Stryder Class Titan: Northstar


Northstar is a light class titan armed with a Plasma Railgun, essentially a sniper rifle for a titan. Does excellent at extreme ranges where most titans can't touch them. However crumbles under CQC and medium range pressure.
It's Primary abilities are as follows:

Ordnance: Cluster Missile: Fires a single missile at a target then proceeds to explode and fire off an AOE of explosions that last for a few seconds.
Tactical: VTOL Hover: Allows Northstar to take to the sky for a few seconds before landing.
Defensive: Tether Trap: A mine that locks enemy titans and reapers into place for a few seconds. Note that Titans can shoot it to remove the trap.
Flight Core: Northstar will instantly activate VTOL Hover and after a few short seconds fire a barrage of missiles at a target from above.

Northstar being the first "JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE" titan, is a sniper class titan dealing massive damage from range. However this require Northstar to charge the Plasma Railgun first before firing. The aim reticle will show you how fully charged you are before firing, also it will tighten up as you charge it making it more accurate and dealing more damage. Plasma Railgun is a projectile weapon despite it's stupidly fast projectile speed, requires you to lead shots at extreme ranges. Note that you should always fire this gun at full charge and aim for the enemy's weak zone highlighted in red. Also with Cluster Missiles, Northstar can pressure anyone who uses shields like Tone and Legion

Northstar has 3 kits worthy of mention

Piercing Shot: Allows your rounds to go through enemies. Excellent if Titans are bunched up together!
Viper Thrusters: Allows you to move faster while using VTOL Hover and Flight Core. Despite what others might say this has saved my bum many times. If you need to move in or move away, this is a helpful Kit.
Threat Optics: Highlights all hostile forces in red while zoomed in. It's an Eh skill if you need help figuring out who is who, this might give you an edge.

Northstar weakness lies in CQC and Burst Damage: Everything Except Scorch. (Ronin is a major threat)

Northstar strengh lies in his range and sniping abilites, strong against: Legion, Scorch, Tone, Monarch, Ronin(at Range), Northstar.
Stryder Class Titan: Ronin


Ronin is a light class Titan armed with the Leadwall shotgun. Ronin is a CQC specialist everything from his abilities and his core all scream "IM A WEEB COME AT ME!" Yeahhhh..... Still i consider it the best titan in the game.
Primary Abilities are as follow:

Ordnance: Arc Wave: Ronin Swings his sword in front of him causing electric wave to come out and hit enemies. If any titan gets hit by the arc wave, they will be hit with moderate damage and a slow effect. Especially strong against fleeing enemies. Note that it can bypass all shields and even destroy Tone Particle wall.
Tactical: Phase Dash: Ronin will phase out of existence for a short time while riding a dash on the direction Ronin was moving initially. You will be invincible during the duration until you phase in. Note that if you phase in an enemy titan you will instantly die so be careful.
Defensive: Sword Block :Ronin lifts his sword and blocks all incoming Damage by half. You can use this ability indefinitely.
Sword Core : Ronin sword becomes extremely strong and gives him a massive boosts to his abilities. First: all of Ronin attacks are all melee damage and has a massive increase to damage until sword core ends. Second: Arc Wave receives a damage increase and the wave will be much larger.
Third: Sword Block will now block all incoming damage by 90% during Sword Core Duration. Fourth: Will massively decrease the cooldown of Dashes allowing you to use it every second.

Ronin is a CQC specialist and one of the best at it. Ronin excels at attacking those who are weak at CQC and destroying fleeing enemies. Excellent at flanking and his whole kit is designed for it. Sword core essentially closes the gap and allows you to aim for Scorch and Legion while shredding everyone else.

Ronin has 3 kits that make it more dangerous:

Thunderstorm: Arc wave now has two charges instead of one. Excellent for fleeing enemies and those hiding behind shields!
Temporal Anomaly: Phase Dash cooldown is decreased allowing you to use it more often. Excellent Jump in or get out ability!
Phase Reflex: Sometimes when you jump in, the heat may be to much. When you enter DOOM state, you will Phase Out for a while(Much longer than Phase Dash) and appear shortly after. Excellent when combining it with Nuclear Ejection to get the surprise on people.

Ronin is weak against bulky targets and those that can stand toe to toe with CQC: Legion(to an extent), Scorch, Ion, Monarch(to an extent), Northstar(at range)

Ronin strength lies in those who aren't comfortable with CQC and without protective measures: Tone, Northstar, Monarch.

Despite his weakness and strengths: Ronin can overall do alot of damage if in the right place at the right time to any titan.
End & Sources
This has been an Overview of all the Titans and helpful kits for all of them. Thanks!

Images from:
Titanfall 1
Mario Odyssey
Team Fortress 2
Anime: Fist of the north star
Starcraft 2
Anime: Jormungand S1

Primary Source used:

gwolf7654 27 Feb @ 6:03am 
why no burst loader kit for tone?
AngryMagnets 4 Aug, 2022 @ 6:55pm 
Northstar can get the most out of nuclear eject compared to all the other titans when used in tandem with her tether traps (especially if you use twin traps).
Poccoio 18 Oct, 2021 @ 9:07am 
reply to bottom, no, melee for ronin actually deals more damage than any other titan. The difference is that his melee is slower and has less knockback than every other titan's melee.
Xerania 3 May, 2021 @ 9:00pm 
It's also very worth noting that Ronin's base melee outside of sword core is no better than any other titan. It does the same damage, has the same speed and same range. It's usually worthless to run into a Titan and spam melee because most of them will win due to having more health.
GlowDonk 19 Apr, 2021 @ 4:49pm 
I usually be Ronin if I wanna be Demoknight with a Shotgun, but I main Tone or Scorch because they feel like my type of style, either a Tanky Damage Dealer or a Destroyer of Worlds
pr0digy 17 Dec, 2020 @ 5:45am 
For Northstar's threat optics kit: Also worth mentioning it allows you to see enemies through smoke screens which I find is pretty useful
I Darkstar X 6 Oct, 2020 @ 11:53am 
@lylybeebee *laughs in tempered plating and throwing thermite barrels everywhere and flameshield eating of shotgun shells*
Lylybeebee 6 Oct, 2020 @ 10:06am 
Good guide but one thing: Ronin is not countered by Scorch. Ronin counters Scorch. Scorch has more DPS as Ronin with more health and favours the same close range, yes but Scorch has to commit to every fight he gets into to do his most damage (using his dash and his abilities) meanwhilst Ronin's primary job is to be able to disengage and never commit
space enjoyer 3 Oct, 2020 @ 10:47am 
thanks for the tips of titan fall 2 :D
Wayland 27 Jul, 2020 @ 8:10am 
Something you forgot to mention about Scorch's Flame Core, if someone is low enough it will straight up kill them through the doomed state, no chance to eject.