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LoW - Black Guard Legion
タグ: mod, Units
30.239 MB
2020年6月21日 3時30分
2021年7月21日 12時18分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

LoW - Black Guard Legion

"If you are called upon to fight directly for the lordly Malekith, he may deign to send you a contingent of his personal guard. These are the Black Guard, the soldiery of our capital Naggarond, and they are the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill. Wondrously ruthless and efficient on the attack, and immovable in defence, the Black Guard are the terror of our enemies. However, do not misuse their abilities, for they owe loyalty only to the mighty Witch King himself, and should they judge you to be at fault, you will answer to their deadly captain, Kouran. Such unpleasantness is to be avoided if you value your life and soul."

Hey it's me back with another themed army this time for the Witch King of Naggaroth, adding his own famed Black Guard to his faction and the major Druchii ones. You will get to a new type of lord, new units and a new building related to the Black Guard. Check down the lists for more details.

New Lord
Tower Master being one of the heads of Malekith's Black Guard, check this bit:

The barracks of the Black Guard are divided into twenty Towers, which compete against each other in contests of war and torture. The Witch King grimly encourages competition between the Towers, and each year, at the beginning of the Season of Blood, a tournament is held to determine which Tower will hold dominance over the others for the coming year. The leaders of these factions are the Tower Masters, veterans of the Black Guard so inculcated with death and battle that they choose to continue in Malekith's service after their two centuries of duty have been completed. These hardened warriors rule their underlings with a will of iron, determined that their Tower shall not be shamed by a lack of discipline — or worse, a glimmer of mercy — on the part of their charges.

As such Tower Masters have the following perks:
  • Exclusive to Malekith only, other factions will not be able to recruit them
  • Loyal, they won't be affected by loyalty mechanics, they will not betray you but neither will they get loyalty events so no items or various bonuses
  • Black Guard buffs, they can make the Black Guard even more effective and stronger than before
  • Bad and mediocre traits begone! The Tower Master has a selection of only the best traits available when recuitred and a bunch of custom made traits that are exclusive to them.

New Units
  • Infantry
    • Spearmen, Swordsmen, Executioners of Naggarond are the self explanatory melee infantry options
    • Blackshards and Shielded Blackshards are the ranged options, Blackshards have the same potential as Shades while Shielded Blackshards have less firepower for a better defensive option.
  • Cavalry
    • As cavalry the Black Guard has 2 variants of Cold Knights, equipped with Halberds or Swords they are anti-large and anti-infantry and don't suffer from their mounts goind on a rampage.
  • Artillery
    • Shadowfire Throwers, infused with dark magic they have better range and can devastate infantry units

New Building
A new building option is available only for Malekith, from here the Black Guard is recruited earlier than other factions giving him a boost, the building provides public order bonuses and the same effects as the Dark Elf Aristocracy chain.
A garrison is tied to the building and increases by tier maxing out at 4 garrison units.
The building doesn't replace vanilla chains in order to avoid too many compability issues.

As always for fairness everything is also enabled for the AI aswell, this can make your campaigns more challenging or easier depending on who you are playing as or against. You might see Malekith finally succesfully invade Ulthuan for once. The AI will try to recruit the units in dedicated stacks, it will also try to build the new building and avoid the redundant vanilla options optimizing it's slots, this is still highly dependant on the vanilla AI and all i can do is give it hints on what to do.
Only the AI for Malekith factions will use these new units and actually recruit them but you as the players will be able to recruit the new units for all the major Dark Elf factions playable in vanilla, you will not get the new Lord or the new building however.

Tech/Skills Notes
All the units will benefit from standard Black Guard red skills and other buffs or techs, skills added by the mod will also influence vanilla Blackguards. Missile units benefit aswell from Blackguards buffs but will also have only their missile damage, ammunition count and range scale with everything that would work on vanilla Darkshards.

All the units in the mod have officers accompanying them, just like in the tabletop! I think...
The lord isn't 2 times bigger than normal units and is instead normal sized like it should be.
Kouran Darkhand not included in the package

If you like this kind of mods check my other stuff too and leave a rating to help others see them aswell:

  1. No taking of any assets in this mod unless you ask for permission, it's kinda rude to take stuff without asking.
  2. I will not personnally make compability patches with other big overhaul mods, if you want to make your own patch feel free to contact me, i'm easy to reach.
  3. Translation mods are welcome just link and have the original mod as a requirement.
  4. The mod will work 100% of the time in vanilla, crashes when using other mods are not my responsability. I try to make the mod as compattible as possible but something can go wrong, if it crashes try launching the mod on it's own first and then see what mods you could be using that conflict.
  5. Mod works fine with my other mods from the series.

Compability Patches
SFO: patch made by Licker_ish here
Alternative Unit Cards made by Reanimator available here

122 件のコメント
Captain Spectacular 2023年10月27日 14時53分 
This mod would be perfect for ME in WH3. I often check to see if it has been made for WH3 <3
DoeToKnow 2023年5月11日 6時46分 
Looking forward to seeing this in WH3
InugamiRey 2023年2月18日 0時34分 
I'm really looking forward to this mod on W3)
LWH@sama 2023年1月3日 4時07分 
HK-9 2022年12月30日 1時17分 
i need you for wh3 :WH3_clasp:
Acronat 2022年11月22日 16時23分 
Update pls for wh3
dimburger98 2022年11月14日 10時19分 
I really want to see this mod in TWW3! Update Plz~
James Yan 2022年10月28日 6時36分 
Love to see this mod in TWW3
HIGHSCHOOLERJIM 2022年9月23日 17時55分 
love to see this ported my friend such a fun mod to use
Captain Spectacular 2022年9月9日 20時03分 
This is by far one of my fave mods. I would love to see it on WH3