Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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2020년 6월 19일 오후 1시 46분
2020년 6월 24일 오후 5시 45분
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A legendary hero descends from the Star Road to the world of Aether in hopes of restoring broken wishes...

My first workshop character! I really wanted a fully functional Geno so I picked up this project back in October and stopped at some point. I picked it up again recently and decided to finish it! All of his moves now function and he's ready to be released onto Aether!

(Neutral Secial) - Charge up your star power and unleash an array of attacks!
- Fingershot: Does pitiful ammounts of damage but isn't very hard to charge up.
- Hand Gun: Fires more powerful shots, unaffected by gravity. Cool!
- Arm Cannon: Fire your fist forward for a deadly attack!
- Geno Beam: Charge it all in one sitting to unleash a devastating beam!

(Side Special) - Throw a disc of light forward! If you're lucky, you might just land a critical hit...

(Down Special) - Call upon your friends to help you fight!
- Grounded: Mallow brings some shocking spike effects!
- Aerial: Bowser helps out by giving you a boost forward!

(Up Special) - Fire yourself like a rocket upwards! Ascend to new heights!

To Do List (In no particular order):
- Find the hand gun sound effect
- Add more recolors/skins
- Tweak/Balance
- Find or make a better animation for specials used while on cooldown

Known issues/bugs:
1.) The "Bowser Throw" is a bit wonky, for some reason when applying custom gravity, it would spawn 100 bowsers, so I decided to omit custom gravity for now, leaving it feeling a bit odd.
2.) Geno is a bit unbalanced. It's to be expected since I just made him, but I should be rolling out some balance changes some point soon.
3.) The handgun (Level 2 Star Charge) sound is wrong. I can't find this sound anywhere, seriously. So i just adjusted the pitch of the fingershot sound to be lower.

Shoutouts to Muno and Gadget, I referenced their code a lot while learning the ins and outs of workshop characters
Geno sprites by Geno Boost and blaner on projectcrusade.forumotion.com.
Mallow sprites by Ridge Troopa and Tonberry2k on spriters-resource.com.
Portrait by FoxMT on deviantart.
댓글 11
Batabii • RDR2 2020년 12월 30일 오전 11시 30분 
No preview?
andreiek 2020년 9월 7일 오후 4시 04분 
man we need mallow now
Toma_Strims  [작성자] 2020년 6월 27일 오후 1시 11분 
@realpichu1 I'm unfortunately not the one who made the sprites, so it'll likely stay that way. Its not ideal, but it works. It's possible that I may revisit the Geno sprites in the future and edit Blaner's sprites or just get some help redoing all the sprite work altogether, but I wouldn't count on that happening right now.

@Doctor Flux The preview image is just something I threw together in about a minute and it definitely shows lol. I know he's not a Smash character and I've played through SMRPG dozens of times now. The Smash font was just something I plopped on there because I couldn't think of a better dynamic font and I wasn't super concerned about the accuracy of a preview image.
Also for the given resources, I used what I could for Mallow and Bowser. There were certainly a lot of worse options out here. These ones just happened to fit the original Geno sprite best
Doctor Flux 2020년 6월 27일 오전 12시 29분 
reminder: Geno is a mario character from a mario spinoff game from over 20 years ago
not smash character
why is the "o" in thumbnail a smash logo
Fine mod for using SSBC´s sprites but mallow/bowser sprites dont fit together with geno at all
dubious little creature 2020년 6월 25일 오전 6시 37분 
dash attack and up air shouldn't be the same sprite and forward air needs some smear frames, otherwise this is an amazing geno.
Blaner (Monstiv) 2020년 6월 19일 오후 11시 41분 
why do people use my old ugly geno sprites <o<
Blaner (Monstiv) 2020년 6월 19일 오후 11시 41분 
Freshest squid-kid 2020년 6월 19일 오후 11시 12분 
this is a good geno, easy to pick up, easy to learn combos, a good character for someone to get if they just got the game, i mean that in a good way, great work on this geno, tho quick thing to say, could you lower the end lag on down tilt, it cant really do much in its current state and if lowered it could be a good combo starter, just saying, overall good geno 10/10
Zerks 2020년 6월 19일 오후 8시 22분 
Yo i made some recolors for geno, i thought the ones in the original were a bit bland so i made some new ones that could spice things up a bit! If you're interested you can just dm me on discord. I'm Zerks#8008.
webking321 2020년 6월 19일 오후 5시 03분 