Arma 3
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Zombie campaign part 1
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Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop
Scenario Type: Infantry, Vehicles
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
Nhãn: Tag Review
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19 Thg06, 2020 @ 4:15am
3 Thg02, 2021 @ 3:27am
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Zombie campaign part 1

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi KpoJluK
Кампания Живых Мертвецов
2 vật phẩm
Mô tả
Attention! / Внимание
The mission is done in Russian and localized in English / Миссия сделана на русском языке и локализирована на английский

I don’t know English well and that’s why all the text on the mission was translated with Google translator, if you found errors in the text or want to make edits, write about it in the discussions

- Кооператив для 1-7 игроков
- Реиграбельность(все миссии кроме первой и последней имеют рандомное место появления)
- Локализация для 2-х языков
- Миссия проверена и адаптирована для выделенного сервера
- Есть дополнительные миссии, результат их выполнения будет отображаться в следующих частях(сохранение результатов происходит при окончании миссии)

- Co-op for 1-7 players
- Replayability (all missions except the first and last have a random place of occurrence)
- Localization for 2 languages
- Mission verified and adapted for dedicated server
- There are additional missions, the result of their implementation will be displayed in the following parts (the results are saved at the end of the mission)

Описание на Русском(Description in English below)

Кампания живых мертвецов

В середине 2019 года случилась эпидемия поразившая большую часть населения.
Нашей группе удалось выжить, у нас есть вертолет но топлива для него не так много, нам повезло что у нас есть пилоты которые могут летать на вертолете. Но нам нужна база где бы мы могли чувствовать себя в относительной безопасности, и мы нашли такую, но у нас нету ничего что бы там закрепиться, Вашей группе предстоит найти ресурсы и зачистить район базы

Все без исключения носители вируса являются людьми. Вирус после гибели тела перезапускает ствол мозга, который отвечает лишь за ходьбу и инстинкт насыщения. После того как человек умирает, и после перезапуска ствола мозга завершается процесс превращения человека в ходячего. Из-за отказа лобной доли головного мозга ходячие не помнят кем они были, у некоторых особей остаются старые рефлексы, которые при жизни вмонтировались в "мышечную память" например: некоторые ходячие могут вернуться в свой дом. Процесс перерождения занимает от 1 минут до 8 часов. Любая смерть влечет за собой превращение в ходячего, если мозг человека не уничтожен во время или после смерти.

Установлено, что, убивая человека или животное, зомби поедают его, но со временем теряют интерес к трупу. Как только тело остывает, зомби его бросает и ищет новую жертву.

Campaign of the Living Dead

In mid-2019, an epidemic hit most of the population.

Our group managed to survive, we have a helicopter but there is not so much fuel for it, we are lucky that we have pilots who can pilot a helicopter. But we need a base where we can feel relatively safe, and we found one, but we don’t have anything to gain a foothold there, your group will have to find resources and clean the area of the base

Without exception, all carriers of the virus are human. The virus after the death of the body restarts the brain stem, which is responsible only for walking and the instinct of satiety. After a person dies, and after restarting the brain stem, the process of turning a person into a walking one ends. Due to the refusal of the frontal lobe of the brain, walkers do not remember who they were, some individuals still have old reflexes, which during life were built into “muscle memory” for example: some walkers can return to their home. The process of rebirth takes from 1 minute to 8 hours. Any death entails becoming a walking person if the human brain is not destroyed during or after death.

It is established that, killing a person or an animal, zombies eat it, but eventually lose interest in the corpse. As soon as the body cools, the zombie throws it and looks for a new victim.
Thảo luận nổi bật Xem tất cả (6)
5 Thg09, 2020 @ 11:05pm
ĐÁNH DẤU: Found errors in the mission
19 Thg06, 2020 @ 7:49am
ĐÁNH DẤU: Found errors in the test or translation
19 Thg06, 2020 @ 7:49am
ĐÁNH DẤU: Your suggestions for the next part
14 bình luận
KpoJluK  [tác giả] 8 Thg01, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
So, to revive team members you need a first aid kit or a dressing bag, there are also no respawns on the mission, but you can not turn off the bots, and in case of death, take control of them
beretdoggo 7 Thg01, 2021 @ 7:17am 
I can't revive my team mate or respawning, is it intended? please advise
KpoJluK  [tác giả] 6 Thg09, 2020 @ 12:48am 
Sorry, I misunderstood you. Everything per task accounts for about ~ 200 zombies, we divide it into players (the mission is extended for 7 players, or instead of players you can take bots) and ~ 29 zombies come out per player, if the total number is ~ 1200 and divided by 8 comes out ~ 180 , and so 29 zombies for a mission and 180 zombies for the whole game is that a lot? I did a mission not for one player, but if you play alone, it doesn't bother you to take bots to help
Sandman 6 Thg09, 2020 @ 12:17am 
I got off the helo and was on my way to the first task at the church, Find the car, and I heard the first groans. Climbed up on top of the first structure I could reach and started popping heads until they stopped coming. Got to the car. Went to find the truck. Same thing. Climbed up on top of a house and kept popping heads til they stopped coming. Fixed the truck and went to find the supplies. Wash, rinse, repeat. At the end, I checked the stats and added up all the zombies kills and it added up to a grand total count of 934, of 85 different types, for the whole mission.
Thought that was supposed to be a feature of something called a "Zombie Campaign. Now you tell me it's a bug.
KpoJluK  [tác giả] 5 Thg09, 2020 @ 11:11pm 
Whoa where these numbers come from) If you use the potential of bots, you will be able to carry out a task inside the city, and the bots will cover you, I don’t know where you got such numbers about the number, but in one city there can be no more than 30 zombies at the same time and the total number is 200, 200 * 6 = ~ 1200, given that you have a lot of cartridges, I don't see this as a problem
Sandman 5 Thg09, 2020 @ 8:56am 
Step 1) Move to objective.
Step 2) Occupy restrictive terrain.
Step 3) Shoot individual zombies each in the head until they stop coming.
Step 4) When zombies stop spawning, accomplish task.

934 total zombies for the mission, divided by 6 tasks = 155.66 zombies per task.
Mate 4 Thg08, 2020 @ 7:05am 
Thank you Rabbit have a nice day and a thanks for the made good mission !! ~
KpoJluK  [tác giả] 3 Thg08, 2020 @ 11:47am 
Mate, To complete the task, you need to go to the wheel of the truck and press "change wheel"
KpoJluK  [tác giả] 3 Thg08, 2020 @ 11:39am 
Сегодня - завтра выпускаю вторую часть
kak ⁧⁧kakat 7 Thg07, 2020 @ 4:17pm 
Мужик, еще миссии будут кста?