Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Neolithic, Bronze & Iron Age Structures
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Structures made inspired by the Northern and Central European Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age societies.

As featured in the Cuda's Valley Historic Let's Build series
Przedmioty (13)
Drying Rack
Autor: accospoot
Before the domestication and harvesting of flax, early prehistoric people relied upon hides and furs secured from hunting and slaughtering. A drying rack is the step between harvesting the raw skins and curing them into a workable textile, stretching the h...
Autor: accospoot
In order to urbanise, a group of people require the safe storage of goods susceptible to pests and other opportunistic scavengers. Elevated granaries provided one such simple solution, as pests would find it more difficult to raid the tribes storage, but a...
Autor: accospoot
Constructed from clay, a Bronze Age furnace could eadily hit the one thousand degrees centigrade required to alloy together tin and copper for bronze. Clay was used in almost every part of the production process, the crucibles which held the molten liquid ...
Autor: accospoot
A basic log fuelled kiln, used primarily in finishing clay wares, but also functional as a charcoal producer and pitch resin extraction. The kiln is constructed from arranged drystone, and is quite stable, the kiln is a highly versatile tool for the bronze...
Large Roundhouse
Autor: accospoot
Large roundhouses are too impractical to have been used for individual living, instead, it seems more likely that these were communal spaces, possibly related to early temple culture. The remains of one such structure uncovered in Ireland shows evidence th...
Autor: accospoot
This is a common posthole roundhouse, found across central and northern Europe, from the Bronze Age up to the late Iron Age. The internal layout features a central hearth, a dressing/storage area, and a sleeping area. It's not uncommon to also find meats a...
Autor: accospoot
The Iron Age bought with it a wider range of structures, whilst engineering had been limited to roundhouses, as an efficiently weight distributed structure, the longhouse represented an advancement in knowledge and labour. A longhouse could be more easily ...
Autor: accospoot
The preservation of perishable meat was necessary for the continued survival of advancing cultures. Smoked meats would last a lot longer and allow for a wider range to communal travelling. This asset will be useful if you're starting a historical series, o...
Tiered Roundhouse
Autor: accospoot
This is an example of a more advanced posthole structure than the common roundhouse. Such advancement in construction techniques is indicative of a growing elite required to finance such projects. This particular structure is modelled after a reconstructio...
Autor: accospoot
Barrows were a common form of burial, intended for each to contain the remains of an individual and perhaps their family, esteemed members of the community, such as hunters, leaders or builders were placed here. The curious facet is the evidence of multipl...
Autor: accospoot
The Dolmen are the earliest and simplest funerary practice of the prehistoric Britons, who placed a premium upon their funeral rites. A dolmen is a large stone slab, perched upon three plinths, into the single passage is then placed the cadaver, and the mo...
Long Barrow
Autor: accospoot
Long Barrows were intended to be a communal burial and rememberance space, the remains of far more individuals over a longer period have been discovered within. Judging by marks upon retrieved bones, it's suspected that individuals due to be interred in th...
Autor: accospoot
The earliest form of British domicile, as found amongst Skara Brae, the oldest sign of human inhabitance in the world. The Mound is made with a circle of drystone, on top of which is made a timber frame to support a turf roof. Inside there is a hearth, a s...