Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution

Resistance Mode: Encyclopaedia
作者: Ultra Gastro
The Skill Tree is vague and uses phrases like “Healing yourself takes less time”. Never actually stating percentage increases or decreases. If you have ever wondered, how much more or how much less? This guide is for you.
Where do these values come from, how did I get them?

These values are located in a file called hfperks.xml.

Gaining access to this file is a multi-step process.
  • First, you use a 'de.pak'er on the Homefront: The Revolution.exe, creating a directory called 'extracted', inside are numerous game files, such as textures, sounds and animations.
  • Finally, before hfperks.xml is usable, it needs to be decrypted, achieved using HappyXML, which requires certain Yarhl components.

Tools used

Want the .xml file for yourself? Here it is[www.filedropper.com].

characterparts decrypted.xml
Commented file of exact equipment stats Link[www.filedropper.com]

Change Log
This is where I will list recent changes to the guide.
  • Having recently purchased the Expansion Pass, I can now reveal without a shadow of a doubt the perks associated with the new G-Man, US Marshall and ATF Agent, which come from the DLC, The Right Kind of School.
  • I am currently working on making this encyclopaedia more accessible, through various TLDRs and shortening and reformatting existing content, as well as properly exploring the implications of various values.
  • Also, in future I will also separate builds into a separate guide, which will be shorter and only offer key information rather than information in a mind-numbing plurality.
  • Added access to commented hfperks.xml
Perk Limits
Before you read any other values it is important to familiarize yourself with the value limits, below reveals the maximum range in which stats can be affected. Either an increase, reduction, adjustment or multiplier.

Limit (Maximum)
Global Damage (Armour)
50% reduction
Max Health
50% adjustment
Revive Health (Own, upon being revived)
100% override
Bleed Out Time
50% increase
Crouch Movement Speed
50% increase
Walk Movement Speed
33% increase
Sprint Movement Speed
33% increase
Sprint Dash Move Speed
10% increase
Crouch Movement Speed (Critical Health)
50% increase
Walk Movement Speed (Critical Health)
33% increase
Sprint Movement Speed (Critical Health)
33% increase
Slide Max Distance
100% increase
Slide Deceleration
50% reduction
Climbing Speed
50% increase
Takedown Speed
30% increase
AI Player Detection (Stationary)
50% multiplier
AI Player Detection (Moving)
25% multiplier
Footstep Reduction
25% multiplier
Fall Damage Reduction
50% reduction
GTK Build Time
75% reduction
Weapon Customization Speed
50% increase
Heal Speed
66% increase
AI Vs Player Accuracy (Dodge)
15% reduction
Global Damage (Armour)
Incoming Damage can only be reduced by 50%, requiring +100% Armour, which can only be reached with full Bling Armour, 95% Armour, -37.5% Mobility. And Personal Shopper as your Background Skill.

Health can be increased to its cap of 50%, by using the following skills Tough (+10%), Grizzled (+15%) and Badass (+25%), gear can not be used to increase max health.

Revive Health (Self)
Functionally caps at +75% as even using all available methods of the Labourer Background (+20%), either the Desert Tactical Helmet or the Philly Hogs Tactical Helmet (+30%) and the Back from the Dead Tactical Vest (+25%) cannot reach the supposed 100% limit.

Bleed Out Time
Can be increased to its 50% maximum, using a combination of the following methods; Stevedore Background Skill (+20%), the Tiger Print or the Splinter Tactical Helmet (+30%), the Death's Head and Grizzly Tactical Vests for (+25%) or the Camo Flak Vest for (+20%), as an earlier alternative. Using the two armour pieces to reach 50% is preferable.

Crouch, Walk and Sprint Movement Speed will be explored all at once, as on gear the Mobility stat includes each of these, though I have reason to believe the displayed Mobility is 3 times greater than the movement speed buff actually applied. However with skills I have confidence in their exact values.

Additionally, Sprint Stamina includes Sprint Speed and generally has a 5% increase to Sprint Dash Move Speed.

In regards to gear, boots can increase Mobility from 10% to 22.5%, kneepads often directly target Crouch Movement Speed from 10% to 15% and vests can increase mobility from 7.5% to 15%, resulting in around +52.5% just from gear, which caps all forms of standard movement speed.

Crouch Movement Speed
Caps at 50% and is increased in the following ways, with skills Power Slide (+50%) and Fleet Footed (+25%), the Pharma Quickies (+15%), after a Pharmacist's revive (+33%) and Adrenaline deployable (+33%).

Walk Movement Speed
Caps at 33%, being increased by Fleet Footed (+25%), Pharmacist Resuscitation Buff (+33%), Adrenaline Boost (+33%) and Quickies Pharma (+15%), and is of course effected by gear.

Sprint Movement Speed
Caps at 33% and is increased by Fleet Footed (+20%), Pharmacist Resuscitation Buff (+33%), Adrenaline Boost (+33%) and Quickies Pharma (+12%), and is additionally effected by gear, presumably by both Sprint Stamina and Mobility.

Sprint Dash Move Speed
Peaking at 10%, gains (+5%) from Fleet Footed, (+10%) from Adrenaline, (+2.5%) from the Quickies Pharma and presumably increased with the use of Sprint Stamina on gear.

Slide Max Distance
Can be increased by 100%, functionally only 90% as Power Slide (+50%) and kneepads increase from +20% to +40% Slide Distance.

Slide Deceleration
Reducible by 50%, with Power Slide (30%), an exploration of characterparts.xml revealed kneepads have roughly half their Slide Max Distance as Slide Deceleration with 20% Slide Distance getting 10% Deceleration, 30% with 20% and 40% with 25% Slide Deceleration.

Climbing Speed
Can be increased by 50%, with the Parkour skill (+50%) or various kneepads which range from 20% to 40% Climbing Speed, so either get the Parkour skill or deal with a 10% reduction of Climbing Speed.

Takedown Speed
Can be increased by 30%, the Knife Fighter skill achieves a 25% increase, and various gloves provide a 10% to 20% increase, much like climbing speed a choice between the skill or using gear probably needs to be made.

While Stealth is undoubtedly broken in Homefront: The Revolution, I still want to explore what Stealth stats on your gear actually mean, analysis has revealed the displayed value is actually 4 times the actual applied, for example the Shadow Tactical Helmet says +60% Stealth, this instead results in a +15% to both Stationary and Moving AI Player Detection.

AI Player Detection (Stationary)
Presumably the rate of detection when stationary, can be multiplied by up to 50%, ie halved, being increased with the following skills, Camouflage (+40%), Concealment (+20%) and Pharma Cuttlefish (+10%).

AI Player Detection (Moving)
Multipliable by 25%, increase by skills Concealment (+20%) and the Pharma Cuttlefish (+10%).

Footstep Reduction
Referring to the 'noise' of your footsteps, which can be reduced to 1/4 or 25%. The skill Light Footed can be used effect the FootstepStimRadiusMultiplier by a scale of 50% and various boots can be used to reduce the FootstepStimRadiusMultiplier from 15% to 35%, creating the following calculation of FootstepStimRadiusMultiplier = 0.325 = 0.5 x (1-0.35).

Fall Damage Reduction
Can be reduced by 50%, the skill Tuck & Roll reduces Fall Damage by 33%, boots can be used to reduce Fall Damage by either 10%, 15%, 20% or 25%.

GTK Build Time
Can be reduced by 75%, with the Armourer skill giving a 66% reduction and various gloves enabling a further 15% or 25% reduction.

Weapon Customization Speed
Can be halved, with Armourer providing a 20% increase, and the Right Kind of School background of ATF Agent providing a +15%, while gloves can be used to gain an additional 10%.

Heal Speed
Improvable by 66%, First Aid skill provides +50% and gloves can provide either +15% or +30%.

AI Vs Player Accuracy (Dodge)
Maxes at 15%, the Background Skill Dancer reduces by 10% and the only other item with 'Dodge' the Tiger Print Boots provides the final 5%.
Background Skills
The first choice you will make when making a character in the Resistance Mode of Homefront: The Revolution is a Background; these encourage having different characters for different missions and give you flexibility with your play style. I will also reveal the actual percentages behind what they do.

Reduces gear rank restrictions by 1 rank.

Your hack devices last longer.
25% Hack Duration increase.

No starting skill thus an extra skill point to spend elsewhere in the skill tree however you like.

Small reduction to recoil when firing from the hip.
10% Hipfire Recoil Reduction.

With caches of gear hidden all over Philly, you're never without the essentials. Always enter a mission with at least 1 of each GTK item, regardless of inventory.

Years of working with fire means you know how to handle yourself around fire. Take reduced damage from fire.
+40% Fire Damage Reduction.

As a son or daughter of the revolution, your deeds speak louder. Receive 5% bonus on citation rewards.

Minor increase to weapon switch and reload speeds.
+15% Weapon Select Speed.
+5% Weapon Reload Speed.

US Marshal
Shoot first, shoot fast! Steadier aiming, faster aimed movement and quicker reload for the Pistol.
+15% Pistol Reload Speed Increase.
+20% Pistol Stability.
+15% Movement Speed, while ADS with the Pistol.

Note: Pistol refers to the standard Pistol (referred to as M9Base in the config) not the SMG or Pneumatic Pistol variants.

ATF Agent
Modifying weapons is quicker than normal
+15% Weapon Customisation Speed.

Personal Trainer
You know how to push through the pain, using it to your advantage. Move faster when on critical health.
+20% walk, crouch and sprint speed increase, while on critical health.

Cab Driver
Your RC Car is faster and has greater range.
+100% top speed increase, +50% range increase.

Slightly increases time taken to bleed out when downed.
+20% Bleedout Time.

Receive extra health after being revived.
+20% Revive Health (self).

Baseball Player
Throw further, toss some good cheese.
Thrown variants +25% Throw Speed, others +50% Throw Speed .

You have your own special mixture in those derms. Revived allies receive a temporary move speed bonus.
7 second duration, +33% Crouch Movement Speed, +33% Sprint Movement Speed, +33% Walk Speed.

Few people know that rat poison is an anti-coagulant. Make them bleed.. Explosive GTK items are more effective against infantry.
+20% Explosive GTK Infantry Damage .

A few tweaks here and there means that hacked drones receive a small accuracy bonus.
+50% Drone Accuracy Bonus.

Gas Jockey
A little bit of something puts more oomph into your concoctions. Incendiaries have a slightly larger radius.
+20% Incendiary Burn Radius.

Raised on the streets of Philly, you know how to look after yourself. Skills in the Survivor category cost less XP.
+10% Survivor Tree XP discount.

Auto Mechanic
You could take these things apart blindfolded. Scavenge more materials from drone and vehicle wrecks
+1 to 2 Material from Drone/Vehicles.

More effective with 'Homebrew' weapon class.
+15% reload speed, select speed and damage bonus increase for Crossbow, Blunderbuss and Flamethrower.

Postal Worker
Never one to shy away from ruckus, skills in the Fighter category cost less XP.
+10% Fighter Tree XP discount.

Cage Fighter
Hand-to-hand training makes you more resilient in close-quarter combat.
+75% Melee Damage Reduction.

Your natural smarts means skills in the Brains category cost less XP.
+10% Brains Tree XP discount.

Videogame Developer
Reduces all tier unlock costs by 1.

Your agile and lithe, making it harder to be hit by enemy fire.
+10% AI Accuracy reduction.

Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. Less likely to be targeted by an enemy.
+100% Target Chance reduction, likely not as OP as it sounds.

Meat Packer
You know where to make the best cut, increasing the distance at which you can initiate a take down.
+100% Takedown Range.

Trauma Nurse
Your first aid skills increase the distance at which you can revive a teammate.
+50% Revive Range.

Personal Shopper
A sense of style has its own advantages. Each vanity item [no bonus] worn adds incremental damage reduction.
Vanity Item = +1% Damage Reduction. Equates to 4% Global Damage Reduction

Warehouse Picker
A natural athlete, skills in the Brawn category cost less XP.
+10% Brawn Tree XP discount.

Increased chance of receiving materials when looting corpses.
+200% Material Scavenge Chance.

Note: Now possessing the Expansion Pass I can state ATF Agent is represented as #1 Background from Expansion Pack in the provided hfperks_decrypted.xml. With US Marshal and G-Man as #2 and #3, respectively.

Tier 1

Improve the time it takes to modify your weapons and build GTK items.
+20% Weapon Customization Speed
+66% GTK Item Craft Speed

Construct your own hack GTK devices on the fly from parts scavenged during a mission.

Your distraction GTK works for longer and at a greater range from enemies.
+75% Distraction Radius
+100% Distraction Duration

Single Minded
Increase objective interaction speed.
+20% Objective Interaction Speed

Revive team members faster.
+20% Revive Speed

Tier 2

Tactical Awareness
Tagged enemies show icons of their unit type (shared with team).

The hack GTK you deploy will control target drones for longer.
+50% Hack Duration

Healing Hands
Receive more health when being revived and provide more health when reviving others.
+40% Health on revive
+40% Health to others on revive

Tier 3

Your advanced crafting skills means that sometimes you can make two items for the cost of one.
+25% Additional GTK Item Craft Chance

Your incendiary GTK items are more effective.
+50% Burn Damage

Demolitions Training
Your explosive GTK items are more effective.
+33% Infantry Damage
+33% Vehicle Damage

Tier 4

Active skill which allows you to deploy a shared package that provides players with medical supplies when they interact with it. Skill can be activated once per mission.

Tier 1

Walls? What walls? You can climb much quicker.
+50% Climbing Speed

Power Slide
You move much quicker when crouched.
+50% Crouch Movement Speed
+50% Slide Distance
+30% Slide Deceleration Reduction

Tuck & Roll
Take less damage when falling.
+33% Fall Damage Reduction

Gain a small amount of additional health.
+10% Max Health

Knife Fighter
Increases melee takedown speed.
+25% Takedown Speed

Sprint at full speed for longer.
+70% Sprint Dash Duration

Tier 2

Tooled Up
Carry more GTK ammo.
+1 GTK ammo, for all types.

Prepared for the Worst
Carry more health packs.
+2 Health Packs

Gain a moderate amount of additional health.
+15% Max Health

You've worked on your strength and endurance. Heavy gear has less of an impact on your movement.
+50% Encumbrance Effect Reduction

Tier 3

Heavy Takedown
Takedown Heavy soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.

Gain a large amount of additional health.
+25% Max Health

Fleet Footed
Get around faster.
+25% Crouch Movement Speed
+25% Walk Movement Speed
+20% Sprint Movement Speed
+5% Sprint Dash Speed

Tier 4

Adrenaline Boost
Active skill which allows you to deploy a shared package that temporarily boosts movement speed and damage resistance for players when they interact with it. Skill can be activated once per mission.
+33% Global Damage Reduction
+33% Crouch Movement Speed
+33% Walk Movement Speed
+33% Sprint Movement Speed
+10% Sprint Dash Movement Speed

Tier 1

Construct your own incendiary GTK devices on the fly from parts scavenged during a mission.

Automatically tag targets whilst aiming through a sniper scope.

Quick Draw
Draw and change weapons swiftly.
+70% Weapon Select Speed

Spatial Awareness
A sense of your surroundings allows you to move speedily when staring down your sights.
+20% Movement Speed, while ADS (Aiming down sights)

A relaxed grip and improved breathing makes for a steadier aim.
+33% Stability (Sway Reduction)

Tier 2

Can hold breath for longer when zoomed.
+100% Zoom Stabilization Duration

Speed Loading
Faster reload time with all weapons.
+25% Reload Speed

Steady Aim
Recoil has less of an effect when aiming.
+15% Recoil Reduction
+ Misc. Recoil Decay Adjustments

Improved muscle-memory allows you to swiftly move your weapon from hip to aim.
+50% ADS Speed

Tier 3

Equip an additional weapon.

Bullet Mule
Carry more ammo for all your weapons.
+15 Pistol
+32 SMG
+5 Pneumatic
+30 Assault Rifle
+50 LMG
+3 Limpet Mine
+16 Shotgun
+6 Inferno Launcher
+32 Auto Shotgun
+30 Battle Rifle
+6 Sniper Rifle
+10 Freedom Launcher
+6 Crossbow
+6 Blunderbuss
+100 Flamethrower
+1 RPG

Auto Spotting
Automatically tag targets whilst aiming down iron sights.

Tier 4

Active skill which allows you to deploy a shared package that provides players with ammo supplies when they interact with it. Skill can be activated once per mission.

Tier 1

Enemies are less likely to spot you when you're not moving.
+40% Stationary Detection Multiplier

Silent and stealthy movement ensures that enemies quickly lose sight of you.
+100% AI Perception Decay Rate

Construct your own distraction GTK devices on the fly from parts scavenged during a mission.

Fast Aid
Healing yourself takes less time.
+50% Heal Speed

Scavenging is what you're good at and you can do it much faster than other folks.
+20% Scavenge Speed

Strong Will
It doesn't take much to get you back on your feet. Get revived faster.
+20% Self Revive Speed (meaning, you are revived 20% faster)

Tier 2

Greatly increases time taken to bleed out when incapacitated.
+35% Bleed Out Time

Light Footed
Your footfalls make barely any noise, making it tougher for enemies to notice your passing.
+50% Footstep Reduction

You're hard to spot, allowing you to sneak in closer to enemies
+20% Moving Detection Multiplier
+20% Stationary Detection Multiplier
+30% Passive Footstep Reduction

Find more stuff when scavenging.
+100% Looted Ammo
+100% Looted GTK Materials

Combat Awareness
A team-wide boost to the length of time enemies are shown on the mini-map. Stacks with other team mates if they have this skill.
+50% Mark Duration (can likely stack up to 200% with 4 man squad)

Tier 3

Glutton For Punishment
Can be revived more times in a mission.
+2 Revives

Automatically loot an enemy during a take-down.

Can revive yourself whilst incapacitated once per mission.

Tier 4

Active skill which allows you to deploy a shared package that provides players with crafting materials when they interact with it. Skill can be activated once per mission.

While, most of the percentages are available for these upgrades. I'm still going to reveal the majority of values, especially hidden changes which are not revealed within these descriptions.

For all weapons, the first two tiers are as follows.
Tier 2     +20% Reload Speed, +20% Weapon Select Speed.
Tier 3     +30% Stability (ie 30% Sway Reduction).

Assault Rifle Variants

Assault Rifle
Tier 4     +25% Bonus Minimum Damage, +62.5% Damage Drop (per meter) Reduction.
Tier 5     +70% ADS Speed. +30% Movement Speed, while ADS.

Light Machine Gun
Tier 4     +25% Bonus Minimum Damage, +62.5% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +50 Clip Size, +50 Capacity.

Limpet Mine Launcher
Tier 4     +40% Infantry Damage.
Tier 5     +40% Vehicle Damage.

Shotgun Variants

Pump Action
Tier 4     +25% Bonus Weapon Damage. -25% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +20% Sprint Speed. +20% Sprint Dash Duration.

Full Auto
Tier 4     +25% Bonus Weapon Damage. -25% Damage Drop Reduction
Tier 5     +120% Bonus Weapon Fire rate (likely equates to only +20%), +15% Recoil Reduction.

Tier 4     +25% Inferno Burn Damage.
Tier 5     +50% Projectile Velocity.

Battle Rifle Variants

Battle Rifle
Tier 4     +100% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +45% Bonus Weapon Damage.

Marksman Rifle
Tier 4     +100% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +30% Weapon Prime Speed, +15% Weapon Fire rate.

Freedom Launcher
Tier 4     +10% Infantry Damage, +10% Vehicle Damage.
Tier 5     +25% Charge Time Reduction, +3 Clip Size, +3 Rocket Capacity.

Crossbow Variants

Tier 4     +50% Bonus Weapon Damage.
Tier 5     +50% Projectile Velocity.

Tier 4     +50% Bonus Weapon Damage.
Tier 5     -50% Weapon Damage Drop Reduction.

Tier 4     +30% Flamethrower Burn Damage.
Tier 5     +50 Clip Size, +50 Capacity.


Tier 4     +30% Infantry Damage, +30% Vehicle Damage.
Tier 5     +50% Projectile Velocity.

Sidearm Variants

Tier 4     +100% Bonus Minimum Damage, +30% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +20% Sprint Speed, +20% Sprint Dash Duration.

Tier 4     +100% Bonus Minimum Damage, +10% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5     +8 Clip Size, +8 Capacity, +10% Reload Speed.

Tier 4     +100% Bonus Minimum Damage, +25% Damage Drop Reduction.
Tier 5    +15% Charge Time Reduction.
Gear and Clothing
The stats and values for gear are openly available, making this section very cut and dry.

The one exception to this is Armour, whenever you see an Armour Value, halve it and you end up with the real Global Damage Reduction it is really achieving.

Proof of this comes from the Red Rebel Helmet.

Which says it has +5% Armour. While, hfperks.xml, shown below, reveals Global Damage Reduction to equal 2.5%.

<Perk ID="GearPreorderHelmet" displayName="@ui_perk_gearPreorderHelmet" desc="@ui_perk_gearPreorderHelmet_desc"> <PlayerEffect name="DamageReduction_Global" scale="0.025" /> <InteractionEffect interactionCategory="Resuscitate" rangeMod="0.25" /> </Perk>
8 件のコメント
The Infamous Cloaker 2022年8月27日 0時28分 
Mainly wanted to know that specific as I am still dabbling with my personal favorite min/max build and there is still a few theoretical holes to fill in it
Ultra Gastro  [作成者] 2022年8月27日 0時20分 
Cheers for your question Infamous Cloaker, with no explicit limit to the Stealth Kill Range stated, the theoretical cap is 150%, with the Meat Packer background and either the Grizzly or Tiger Print Tactical Gloves.

In terms of viability. I will need to do some play testing. Though from memory, a stealth takedown leaves you incredibly vulnerable to enemy attacks, making Takedown Speed incredibly important, but something which falls short due to its 30% increase limit.
The Infamous Cloaker 2022年8月22日 7時01分 
Does the takedown distance stat from the gloves stack with the Meat Packer background or is 100% the max takedown distance increase?
Ultra Gastro  [作成者] 2021年3月20日 23時05分 
Massive thanks Grater
Grater 2021年3月19日 16時42分 
Incredibly useful for min/maxing your build. Thanks.
Ultra Gastro  [作成者] 2021年2月24日 22時20分 
Hey Griryu, it is a case of installing Visual Studio and running the HappyXml.sln (Visual Studio Solution file), then entering, preferably via clipboard or dragging, then removing the quotation marks of the file you want converted from CryXML to XML.
Griryu 2021年2月1日 15時48分 
do you have a copy of the compiled happy xml tool you can share? i am currently trying to figure out how to get it compiled myself but i have never done it before.
J_Frosty™ © 2020年8月14日 19時59分 
whut .. that was a lot of info