145 평점
First time setup guide
Tominka 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
This game is kinda clunky and needs some setting up first. Here's what to do:
즐겨찾기 해제
1. Barebones setup
1. Install the game from Steam
2. Open Settings
3. Max out resolution, antialiasing, refresh rate, color depth
4. Disable triple buffer, vsync
5. Enable Truecolor textures, disable low-res textures and compressed textures
6. Enable Truecolor shadows
7. Turn off EAX and turn off Software mixing
8. In advanced settings, turn on Hardware transofrmations, turn off the two middle settings.
9. Your settings should look a bit like this, but with resolution and refresh rate according to your own setup:
2. Game only opens settings bypass

1. On bottom left on your taskbar, open the search bar and search for cmd
2. Launch cmd as an administrator.
3. Copypaste the following line into the opened terminal:

REG COPY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Illusion Softworks\Mafia" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Illusion Softworks\Mafia" /s /f

4. Close command line and launch the game
5. If you are in the main menu, everything went well.
6. Close the game.
3. HD HUD, Better Draw Distance, and restored Music
1. Download the following file:

2. Unpack the .rar over your game's install folder (steamapps/common/Mafia/Mafia) and Overwrite All.
3. In steamapps/common/Mafia/Mafia/scripts, open Mafia_widescreen_fix.ini in notepad and replace everything inside with the following:

# Option will fix Field of View.
FOV Hor+ = 1
# Option will fix HUD scaling, 1 - 4/3 centered hud, 2 - widescreen hud.
Fix HUD = 2
# Option will fix black borders scaling during cutscenes.
Fix Borders = 1
# Option will fix map scaling. 1 - 4/3 centered, 2 - wide.
Fix Map = 2
# Option will fix text scaling.
Fix Text = 1
# Option will fix menu scaling.
Fix Menu = 1
# Option will fix video scaling. 1 - fill to screen, 2 - zoom to fullscreen.
Fix Movie = 2

[Draw Distance]
Change Distance = 1
New Distance = 4800.0
Skip Min Distance = 20.0
Skip Max Distance = 450.0

Write Log = 0
FPS Limit = 0
Ru Credits Fix = 0

4. Run the game from Steam and quickly jump into Free Ride.
5. If the speedometer in car is crisp and properly circular, and you can see far in the distance, everything went fine.
6. If you are experiencing bad framerates, lower the value in parameter "New Distance".
4. Czech Voice Acting
The english voice acting in this game is utterly atrocious, which diminishes the effect of this game's fantastic story. The czech voice acting is the exact opposite: Everyone delivers an oscar-worthy performance, blending themselves into the characters they portray, as if they were born for the role.

This section is for non-czech people who want the original czech performances, but also want to keep the rest of the game in their preferred language, so they can understand the story and quests.

1. Install the game from Steam in Czech (language settings can be found in Properties)
2. Download the following file:

3. Head over to your install directory (Steam/steamapps/common/Mafia/Mafia)
4. Unpack the downloaded rar file and overwrite all.
5. Congratulations, the game now has Czech voice acting, but subtitles and UI remain in English.
5. Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing
This section assumes you own an AMD graphics card. Everything mentioned in this section is possible even on nVidia graphics cards, but you will have to find the right settings yourself in the nVidia Control Panel.

1. Open your GPU driver settings
2. In the gaming section, find Mafia.

3. Set Anisotropic Filtering to On and turn it up to max. It barely affects performance.

4. Set antialiasing as high as possible. Supersampling 8x is the best, but if you notice substantial FPS drop, use a lower value and Multisampling.
6. CAN I PLAY YET??????????????????
Yes! You've done it! You can now hop into a New Game and enjoy the phenomenal story of Thomas Angelo!
댓글 41
TomcatCZ 2024년 4월 27일 오전 8시 24분 
Is the czech voice acting with english subtitles real? I don't wanna get a virus or sum.
Melber 2024년 3월 20일 오후 2시 52분 
"FPS Limit =0" Are you people stupid or just playing it? For old games need it FPS limit from 60-90 otherwise the game timetick & physics can break it. In 2002 the standard was 30 and nobody tested 90 or more.
Jason- 2022년 10월 13일 오후 11시 30분 
pretty helpful :steamfacepalm:
T1v 2022년 9월 10일 오후 12시 06분 
Helpful post,but I don't think the english voice acting is bad (ex.: Sam and Paulie are pretty good), and why would someone play this game with anything other than english dub? Its about the mafia in the U.S.A....
Tominka  [작성자] 2022년 9월 9일 오전 7시 22분 
I've updated the guide with the mod you linked, thank you ♥
JonPringus 2022년 9월 9일 오전 6시 56분 
I found a Czech voice, EN subtitle mod that works better than the one here
Have to switch to Czech language in the steam game options, but it seems compatible with the mods here, including the restored music.
Novinho Sigiloso 2022년 9월 8일 오후 11시 23분 
I admire the effort to make people play in the original audio, but americans will never accept that something created by them is worse than the other versions.
JonPringus 2022년 9월 3일 오후 6시 27분 
The Czech voice acting is broken with this download. The voice files are not placed properly or something. This is clear from the first cutscene where characters are talking over each other, and the waitress has a man's voice. It should sound like this:

Having trouble finding a better version for Czech voices.
Spjauk į šikną 2022년 9월 2일 오전 6시 59분 
do you speak czech to know how good or bad the voice acting is?
|LoA|Kidd91 2022년 9월 1일 오후 3시 31분 
Game is broken