Project Winter

Project Winter

33 ratings
The Big Brain Innocent's Advanced Strategy Guide (Build v1.2.15940)
By Comrade Chad
This guide is intended for experienced players who are looking to become even better. If you're jumping into your first few games, there are other guides out there. This is also only going to go into survivor strategy.

In this patch, survivors are incredibly strong. If you are a strong leader and have a good plan, you should be winning the majority of your inno games, often with 4+ survivors.

This is a sweaty guide. This is a playstyle for innocents who understand that their allies are dumb sheep who need to be shepherded and told what to do. You're going to have to be bossy. This is a sweaty, stressful playstyle that ain't for everyone.
Game Start
At the very start of the game (first few seconds), write your role into the chat. The best players use the chat to take notes.

If you're feeling real sweaty, ask everyone else to do the same thing. If there is a massclaim, then ID thief and traitors won't be able to claim later on.

This is great, since ID thief will almost never claim a role like medic, scientist etc. So if you scan somebody that claimed medic and they say they're ID thief when it comes up red, you know they're really a traitor.

Newer/bad players won't try next-level plays like fake-claiming soldier or defector, so you can trust them more. If a good player claims soldier or defector, they might easily be fake-claiming.

If people make claims but don't type them, type it out. Having notes is important, otherwise you will forget.
First Objective
While doing the 1st obj, hoard some greens if you have the space and it's not necessary for the objective. You can use these for trap disarms and radios.


The hardest of the three, you want to immediately rush the truth serum.

Once it's open, take note of the time. Subtract 5 minutes from that, and write that timestamp into the chat. That is when the next serum is available, you want to get there before anyone else does.

Make sure that YOU get the serum. This gives you more power. You know you're innocent but you don't know that of anybody else. If you can't get it, try to make sure that somebody you trust gets it.

Detective is almost always a legit claim, since traitors won't claim it very often. If you have the serum, try faking people out by starting the serum animation and cancelling it. If people run away and try to avoid being scanned, you've found a traitor without wasting a serum. Kill anyone who runs, chase them down if you can, exile them if you can't. If they're new, they might be running for no reason, so scan them when they're down.

Try to get people on your side prior to the scan. If you don't, you might end up getting killed, wasting the scan and making a traitor look good.

Sometimes you will get dumb survivors who kill you when you start chasing someone down. Try your best, but you can't win if your 5 teammates are bad.

The serum lab will often have everything you need. If not, continue bunker busting until your squad has enough stuff. Don't go too far from the cabin unless you are in a group of at least 5, or you are going with a confirmed good player.

Do not place resources into the obj until you are ready to complete it. Keep your resources on hand, or hide them somewhere and bring them in later.

Take stock of who helped. If anyone disappeared, or isn't immediately visible, exile them. If you exile a traitor, you are forcing them to go hot. If you exile an inno, no biggie. They can plead their case later, and you've gathered some intel. In general, exile very often. There is no real downside, other than the occasional braindead innocent who will accuse you of being suspicious because you are throwing shade. Everyone in this game is guilty until proven innocent.

Hide excess resources, so you can use them for crafting, or the 2nd objective, or repairing the 1st objective if it gets sabo'd.

Cipher Station

Squad up, get some fire kits, move around with the largest team you can. DO NOT SPLIT UP. If you split up into 2 teams of 4, you are just going to have 2 traitors kill 2 innos, and you'll end up with a team of 4 in the end.

Traitors will panic when they see an 8-squad, and will usually ditch or try to convince people to split into multiple groups.

Exile or kill anybody who ditches or doesn't come with. Be suspicious of anyone who advocates for splitting the group.

If people tell you "We'll be twice as fast if we split up", that's dumb and wrong. You're just throwing two survivors to their graves. The 2 traitors will always make sure they are together, and they'll get 2 picks.

EXCEPTION: if you are the hacker, you can craft 2 electronic, bail, and get some codes.

If someone claims to be the hacker and ditches, make sure they produce results. If they don't produce results, kill them or exile them.

Dig Site

If you do this one properly, you should win every time. Dig site is trivially easy in this patch.

Get your weapon, get your shovel, get the locations. Tell people where you're going, and go there. Get the two parts as quickly as possible. SOCIALLY DISTANCE. Don't let anybody close to you. Tell people to stay away, threaten to attack them if they get close. If they get close, down their ass and they can plead their case while they're down.

Other players who are socially distancing are paranoid, and innocents are paranoid. Remember who is freaking out and paranoid at this stage. If a good player is being really friendly, and you're not confirmed, that guy is sus.

After you have your two parts, you can either return to the base and hope someone brought the other two parts, or go to the other location and get the other two parts yourself. If the locations are far apart, I tend to return to the cabin. Else, I go for the next spot.

If you get duplicates, that's good. Hide them somewhere. You can use those parts to easily repair the objective if it gets sabo'd.
If you're defector, trap up the obj. If not, don't worry about it.

Sabotaging is incredibly weak, so just let it happen. DO NOT REPAIR UNTIL THE SECOND OBJECTIVE IS DONE.

If you repair too early, you're just giving the Ts the opportunity to re-sabotage it. Just accept the sabotage, it's usually veeery easy to fix if you're remotely prepared.

Kill anybody who goes into the obj without traps. Make sure they lay traps.

Look at the map and type out the 3 places it could be, so you don't forget.

If you haven't found the 2nd objective yet, scout it out. You can go solo for this and spread out, so long as you socially distance and trust nobody you shouldn't. Remember where you've already been, and don't scout there.

When you find the 2nd objective, either trigger the beacon (if you don't have a power squad with radios that you trust), or tell your teammates but keep it hush-hush so the traitors don't know where it is. If you hit a poison or bomb while touching the obj, the traitors already know where it is, and you can safely trigger the beacon.
Second Objective
This late in the game, you should be discussing with your team what you think about certain players, and planning ahead which of them you are going to KOS (kill on sight). You don't want to disagree once you see the guy, and he runs away while you debate it. Figure out who's sus enough to kill, and kill them. Better safe than sorry.

Learn your team's voices so you can coordinate over radio, or during bunnies.

If the traitors have been going hot for a while, they likely have trapped the objective up like crazy. A trap disarmer can be the difference between life and death, and you often have got 3 electric lying around after the 1st obj.

You can optionally leave a teammate behind at the first objective, to defend it (hide behind the building and murder the traitor when he hits a bear trap), and call in the rescue. I don't do this but some people do.


If you haven't already, go do the truth serum for materials. Hide resources, don't leave them in the obj to be stolen. Or just keep them in your hands until your squad has enough mats.

If you're having trouble coordinating with your team who has what resources, ask everyone to type into the chat how many of the relevant resources they're carrying.

Make sure you are stacking resources efficiently. If I have 2 green and you have 1 green, you can give me the green and have an extra spot.


If you have a decent number of living players, this should be a cakewalk.

Make sure you've got some bear traps, healing items, fire kit, whatever. You're going to be camping and fighting there for a while.

Call out and communicate animals when you see them.

PACE YOURSELF. If you keep holding the button while people are fighting, you are just going to spawn more animals and overwhelm your team. Once a few animals spawn, stop holding the button and help fight them off. Make sure people are ready to fight before you restart the button.

Be very suspicious about "accidental" friendly fire here. It is entirely possible to get 2v5'd during the combat, especially if you are low on resources. The name of the game is social distancing.


Stay together, get a TDK if the traitors are good since they will likely trap up the batteries. Pretty easy objective, just expect ♥♥♥♥ to be trapped and expect the traitors to trap the objective while you're gone getting batteries.

If you can, grab multiple batteries in one trip.
ID Thieves Are Your Enemy
Don't trust ID thief claims. Just kill 'em. If they're claiming that they used to be ID thief but aren't, you can sometimes get away with seruming them or something. But almost always, just kill 'em.

If an ID thief has already swapped to innocent, they shouldn't need to tell you that they're ID thief.

Some people don't like this and will freak out if you try to kill and ID thief. Try to get people on your side, or just assassinate the ID thief away from the base if you think you can.

ID thief is either already a traitor, will become a traito or needs an inno to die in order to become an inno.

When you kill a traitor, poison the corpse and/or hide it. Take note of people who interact with the corpse. They could be the ID thief that just swapped.

If they were looting the corpse, they should only need to interact with the corpse once. Make them say what's inside the corpse to prove that they looted it, rather than swapping role.

Better players tend to be more ballsy, and want to go for the traitor swap rather than the innocent swap. You can be a little more tolerant of newer/worse/less ambitious players since they often want to be nice and not murder the whole team.
Misc Tips
Here's some things that I often see innocents do, which is super irritating.

Don't be a charity

If you're innocent, you know you're good. You don't know that about anyone else.

As defector, hoard your resources and don't share unless you 100% trust people. As soldier, don't let people you don't trust into the soldier bunker. Don't waste your time producing things for other people, you could easily just be a traitor charity.

Get the truth serum

Try hard to get the truth serum. The more power you have, the more you can influence the game. If you trust somebody, give them the serum. This gives an innocent power, and means you've got a squad of at least 2 people who are going to back each other up and kill a traitor scan.

If you don't trust anybody enough to donate the serum to them, take it for yourself and try to get people on board.

Juke the serum

As I mentioned earlier, doing juke-scans is really effective. If you're innocent and you see somebody juke-scanning, don't say anything about it. Don't warn traitors that you are juke-scanning.

Don't run from serum as an innocent

For the love of God, don't run from being serum'd. It is extremely irritating to kill somebody because they ran away from a scan, think you've killed a traitor, and find out at the end of the game that you murdered a good guy. Just don't run, ever. If a traitor has the serum, you can make your case. But if you run, all you're gonna do is die and make the traitor look good.

Don't make the backpack/guns

This is a huge pet peeve. You need to be focused on the objectives, if you decide to split from the group, not go for objective and build a backpack or a gun, all you're accomplishing is:

a) Not being seen contributing (and being seen making your character more powerful), so you look like scum.
b) Not contributing, so the innocents fall behind.
c) Distracting your teammates by constantly saying "Who has gears? Who has furs? I want to make the backpack!"

This game is a race. By running off and spending ~10 minutes making a backpack, you're doing nothing. In that time you could have potentially killed a traitor and completed the first objective.

Be suspicious about players who make backpack

Traitors love backpacks. They love to collect traps and weapons, and they obviously don't want the objective to be completed quickly.

Be suspicious about backpackers, especially if they're a good player. Call them out and ask them to come help you.

Stick Together in the end-game

Later in the game, when you have a squad you trust, *stick together*! If it's down to 4 survivors and 1 traitor, you will kick his ass if you're 4v1. All that splitting up accomplishes is making it easier for him to pick you off.

If you've completed the 2nd obj and need to run to the cabin, go together. It's quite likely that you will be able to call it in before the traitor can get to the obj to sabo it, and it's no big deal to repair it if it gets sabo'd.

Splitting up just means that you're either not gonna get the call in (because the callers died), or the obj will get sabo'd anyways (because the defenders died).

This tip is context-sensitive though, there are (rarely) good reasons to split up in the late-game
Apophis 28 Sep, 2021 @ 5:58pm 
Traitors tend to act like bad players. I kill alot of bad innos due to this trend but I 'm right half the time. Better safe than sorry!
otter 9 Apr, 2021 @ 7:58am 
There are some decent general tips in there but not making a gun or backpack is simply a bad idea. It only takes like 2 1/2 minutes for the backpack +3 cooked meat.

Good traitors know how to play against people that rush objective. What are you gonna do if they start shooting at you with a sniper? Down people in the bunker, then use a smoke grenade to heal up? They could put in the wrong numbers for 5 minutes straight lol. Steal what they need out of bunkers. There is plenty of ways to counter what you propose.

As defector sharing poison crossbows with everyone is a really good play. It basically confirms you and either gives innocents a weapon against traitors or wastes a traitor's inventory slot.
And not trapping objectives? Lmao what, at least put poison on it.

Definitely not big brain.
Nick 6 Jan, 2021 @ 1:04pm 
@Comrade Covid Ah, true, I didn't notice the authored date.
Comrade Chad  [author] 5 Jan, 2021 @ 12:11am 
@Nick Guns have been pretty substantially buffed since I wrote this guide.
Nick 3 Jan, 2021 @ 1:14am 
The only point I disagree about is not making a gun. You'll miss out on many opportunities to kill a known traitor if you don't have one in your squad. PVP is an important aspect of this game that shouldn't be overlooked.
Nick 3 Jan, 2021 @ 12:59am 
It's funny. We've developed pretty much the same strategy. I play like this instinctively, most of the time. Especially the note-taking part. Almost no one does it, but it's extremely helpful for keeping track of people you've already mentally cleared.
Jorb 23 Oct, 2020 @ 7:53am 
I remember someone who played like this.. He was very easy to kill as a traitor because no one wanted to work with the overbearing player hah. This strategy works, but it's an extreme method definitely used for herding newer players. Other experienced players might fall under your "suspicious" category as they don't follow like sheep, which could conflict with the group's assessment on who's the traitor.
`sixilli 22 Oct, 2020 @ 7:03pm 
This shit slaps
ObsidianSexsmith 3 Oct, 2020 @ 1:13pm 
a guide on how not to have fun and lose all your friends in the process
F1end 23 Jul, 2020 @ 4:57am 
Lovely guide