Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

62 beoordelingen
How to win in ntw multiplayer
Door Fanish en 1 bijdrager(s)
Simply describes steps how to win in Napoleon Total War-muultiplayer.
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Step one- Choosing nation

Step 1

Choice of nation
This is the most important part of game. First of all you must find best country, that will counter any other nations with range, mobility, mechanics, morale.
  • Highest morale: France
  • Highest range (artillery): All nations with rocket forces, All nations with 12 Pound artillery, Russian 20-pounds unicorns
  • Highest range (infantry): All nations with skirmishers
  • Highest mobility: 1-st Turkey (but it sucks so much that don't take it) 2-nd France, 3-rd Russia
  • Best mechanics (best quality of moving and speed of auto-shooting of the units): Great Britain
It's good to know when choosing nation:
  • -Russian's and French max range is 100
  • -Spain has units called guerrillas (DLC-pannisullar war) that are allowed to place anywhere on map, so when sb takes Spain be aware of your artillery.
  • -Turkey Sucks
  • -Portugale is very hard
  • -Russia has the most over powered artiller (unicorns 20-pounds)
  • -Prussia has very good skirmishers (Silesian shooters)
  • -France is the "most fat"(tanky) nation so counter it with Russians and howitzers
  • -Netherlands sucks
Basing on the text above you can win any battle using brain and countering enemy nation before the battle starts.
Step two- Starting a battle
Step 2
Starting a battle
Battle starts after setting units phase. If you want to place units in a good way you must look at the battlefield as an idiot and see only objects from the list:
  • Forest
  • Moutain/Hill
  • House
  • Wood
  • Bridge
  • Forest use- hide always not more than half of your units (best is 1/3) not to let your enemy know you did it.
  • Moutain/Hill use- Just place infantry on the sides and artillery on the top of the hill. Never leave artillery alone so behind your howitzers set cavlary and use only half in battle, half to defend artillery.
  • House- when enemy has much cavlary enter the houses with skirmishers, and when enemy wants to attack your inafamtry you will be able to create a square formation. Capture only buildings that you wil use in later game.
  • Wood- simply use to defence
  • Bridge use- don't let ememy pass it and never pass it when the opponent will attack you after your movement.
Now you are well prepared to battle.
Step three- Battle
Step 3- Battle
If you did well previous steps it will be the easiest part of game. Just use brain. You must find the most important strategic points and capture them(pic1), use squares(pic2) to defend when enemy cavlary attacks. Don't let ememy outrange you, ex: when loghts attack your line push forward before he shoots and use artillery to make him scream and run. Light infantry is very useful when it stands behind your line infantry. Hint: "You can use mounted riflemans to aid the line infantry." Never forget about your artillery use it and protect with cavlary. If you understand how to backdoor enemy arts you will win the battle. Pic3 shows effect of good backdoor, and pic 4 presents technics of ass-side attack. Read about backdoor in section "Step four".

Picture 1-strategic points capture
Picture 2-square effects
Picture 3-effect of backdoor
Picture 4-backdoor technics

Have fun!
If you are polish you may visit:

To find more about tactics check next steps.
Step four -Backdoor and flanking
At start a simple plan of backdoor
It is only a general plan. You always should modify it (different maps, different nations and different playres ). But the most important thing is that enemy do not notice your tactics. So if player is a noob it will be easy, if enemy is not a noob it will be more difficult. Why do backdoor? Usually to destroy an enemy artillery or general.

You should look at this photo for a moment. I've put my cavalery on my right side and the rest army on left. It's good but you can put your cavalery with main part of army and later move them on right or left( but it is important to move them on the other side than rest of troops).

Sometimes you can't use this tactics. The main causes are:
- enemy put his troops on all maps(his defend is good but not concentrated)
- enemy put a lot of units to defend his artillery or flank
- you can not afford to cut your army on to parts

But don't worry, really often when i was figthting using my main forces, enemy forgot about defend. So if your strike(he move reinforcements to make his defend stronger) or defend (he move more units to break this) will be really strog in one or two places (but defend must be strong on all line, becouse if it wouldn't be enemy will attack in the other place) enemy can move his reinforcements to fight and forget about flank. If he don't move you can win in center of battlefield and later all battel.

Sometimes you can simply pass his troops. It can happen when enemy is busy in center of map. It's some luck but you make him busy so it is your reward.

So what if you are at back of enemy?

You should answer on one question: What do i need?
If enemy's artillery is too strong you can destroy it (it's the best idea), you can flank enemy's troops, kill general. Remember never attack only infantry. At first you should attack artillery, later general and finnaly attack infantry. And be careful on infantry it can kill a lot of your soldiers during backdoor.
Step five-Tactics and Strategy
Spanish lake shore 2v2, simple sample of tactic. If you want to be do like blue does.

Tactic is the hardest part of gameplay, not whole battle, just thoose tactics. 1st of all use all the terrain of map, but capture only strategic points. Never defend your ground like idiot or noob, always push forward. Use potential of your army, (unless you took Netherlands). Plan your tactics before the game starts and change it only if obligatry. Focus on enemies infantry and of course backdoor, cavlary is not a problem and artillery is jus long time killing ♥♥♥♥♥. In situation when enemy as better unit than you the best thing you can do is to fall back or if he had already shot attack it with swords. Hint: Want to win? Take min 1 Elite Unit.
Strategy is not only your problem when you play 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. Communication is very important, never talk about ♥♥♥♥♥, concentrate on pushing forward and always help your teammate(s). Never do other thinks, if one of you attacks the second must do the same, of third wants to defend, tell him to go behind your units, and aid where needed.
The next problem is this squalid ♥♥♥♥♥- THE NOOB, never leave when you have 1 star man in your team, just tell him what to do, it is never lost. You may say him: "hey noob, go and read 3 1st steps of How to win in ntw multiplayer by Vaneesh and HanyS. Do it fast and do all my orders." He will listen trust me, you were also noob some time ago, remind your first mp game and eremind the man that played with you. Now short note to nooobs: "1 star is not a shame, it's reason to be proud of your purchase, of having Napoleon Total War in your directory. And never give up."

Appeal to all multiplayer gamers: "Don't leave the games! Your enemy may wants to see statistics! If you dan't want to, just go make coffe, but it will be great loss only for you. Do you know how much information is idden in stats? Do the ♥♥♥♥♥ you now? If you leave lost games it means that you are an stinking idiot(or as says my master slimed orphan)."
Step six- Flame
Step 6-Flame
Flame is the basic part of the game, but never flame your allies. Appeal to gamers being flamed by your teammates: "If you are being flamed do one of two options:
1- Say:"you flamed and so i leave" and than leave the game
2- Do everything you can to make him loose the game."

Coming back to the FLAME, we should know as much flame as possible. So Let's lear int in 4 languages:
English choosen flame texts:
  • -I hope you die soon
  • -Get........ (ex: cancer)
  • -(place damn as verb) (next damn as verb) (next damn as adverb) (next damn as adjective) you noob
  • -You are stinking orphan (as my master says)
  • -You (damn as adjective) Polish noob
French choosen flame texts:
  • -Mourez lentement en soufrant!
  • -Vous etes merdre comme putin!
  • -Stupide, vase orphelin!
  • -Mourez pour faire La Terre plus bonne!
Polish choosen flame texts:
  • -Wyjedź do Polski stara szmato!
  • -Zamieszkaj w Polsce na całe życie ścierwo!
  • -Zdychaj w męczarniach!
  • -Twoja stara!
Silesian choosen flame texts:
-none because Silesians are polite!
Responses for idiots!
Idiot nr 1:
If it's so hard for you i will explain. Highest morale in theory thats true about russia and england but in practice french troops stay the longest on battlefield, and cavlarian moralde does'nt caount why? because you make square and all cavlary dies, doesn't matter if they have 1000morale pts.
Highest range, 125 lights 100 skirmiskers in all nations so i don't see any problem
Highest mobility again speed is same in theory, in practise every nation army has other mobility and speed of moving units!
Best mechanics, it's not only speed of reloading, but also shoot accuracy, formations, defence, attack... To make it easier for you i can give you other name for it "most comfortable use of units" and i remind you that again in practice every nation has other "animation" and in consequence speed of auto-shooting!
Tell me please what rules are set in battles? Rules are created in chatroom not in guide or after start of a battle so nothing that i have add. That's true i haven't got addons to napoleon but still i play against players with penisula in their directory so i know what is in the pack. Database editor is not important, same pack file menager it's not objective of this guide!!!
Campaign in MP, thats good idea to add it, but still mp campaing is like playing vs expert on SP so get the ♥♥♥♥♥ out! And if you don't know i will remind you guide is only to help not to learn, if you are stupid after reading any guide you will get more and more stupid. I never write to idiots, but to normal players to improve level of multiplayer and share my experience.
Diagnosis- Brainless Kiddo
32 opmerkingen
LMS Deathsure 17 nov 2019 om 8:15 
I find Portugal to be in the top tier of Nations, they only lack good artillery (which i dont use that often anyways).
Never lost with Portugal, they are the Kings of Grassland Plains. (Yes, even better than british and Prussians).

Also i have played them little but Ottoman Infantery and cavalry are both very effective.
Fanish  [auteur] 20 aug 2016 om 4:21 
True notginh prevents me, but why would i even think about guide if all my gameplay would lead me to defeat? Okay there are people who are shit and make guides okay, true but i personally would not do it unless my goal was to troll people, and this is not the aim of the text above. Your opinion about the guide might me different from mine, there is liberty of speech, but what is wrong about sharing ideas that seem to cause good effects such as winning maps? I hope you disliked the guide if you dont agree. For me thoose stars show the truth about what i wrote. The guide has 3/5, it seems nice for me, i take it as "your guide is not perfect, did not work in all other player's cases they did not like it but you can also find some good hints what places it somewhere about the average" what for me having 200h in napoleon total war is decent. Maybe there is a better one on steam, go ahead read the better one, but i personally did not find more effective one.
Cwater 19 aug 2016 om 16:19 
I would just like to point out one flaw in your logic, after this I will most likely cease commenting on this guide. What prevents you, if you indeed sucked, from writing a guide? I have seen no Valve-enforced limitation preventing those who are not experienced enough, or not qualified, from writing a guide.
Fanish  [auteur] 19 aug 2016 om 15:07 
Mhm, if i sucked i would not write guide, it is true that i am not pro like guy who lost 10000h for this game but seeing results of my tactic and confirmation of my thoughts about the game in ranking matches i decided to write it. You may like or not but in my case all what was presented here in this guide did win matches i played 9/10 i think.
Cwater 19 aug 2016 om 11:33 
When 2 individuals with less combined experience than a 3 star command general attempt to write a guide...smh
Fanish  [auteur] 16 feb 2015 om 9:06 
Spanish has the least units, so that may be true. However ottomans arenot recommended.
Fanish  [auteur] 9 jan 2015 om 8:47 
In ym opinion Ottomans are just specific and as all nations [/b] in good hends will conquer their enemy. Any nation in good hands is good enough to win with other nation. It is my opinion that they suck, you can agree or not. Howewer it is confirmed by some facts such as their statistics.
Razee 9 jan 2015 om 8:31 
The Ottomans are probably the best country in othe game when used right, although in the hands of a bad player they are borderline the worst.
Fanish  [auteur] 1 dec 2014 om 9:04 
thank you, but you were laughing because it was stupid or because it was good and funny?
[HMG] Santa Claus 30 nov 2014 om 11:31 
I always read this kinda guide when I feel down, thanks for brightening my day, cant stop laughing +1