The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Thief/Warrior hybrid class
By Engraphos
A hybrid class mixing the tactics of the thief and warrior.
The Lord Stone [50 points to your armor rating and 25% magic resistance]
Magicka 100/ Health 470/ Stamina 250/
Till lvl.20 i level up Alchemy, Sneak and Archery.
After lvl. 20+ i concentrate on Light Armor and One-Handed, Smithing and Enchanting [making iron daggers and enchant them with Banish, give me a lot of money profit beside the experience gain]
Right now my char is level 53 with all the perks and skills i need, i probably get few more levels but i do not intend to go higher than 60-65

One-Handed: Armsman 3/5

Light Armor: Agile Defender 3/5

Sneak: Stealth 3/5, Muffled Movement, Backstab, Deadly Aim

Restoration: Novice Restoration, Respite, Regeneration

Lockpicking: i level up the skill till 100 but i never feel the need to invest in perks, i learn to open master or expert locks easy by sound, so yeah i am good at this minigame.

Pickpocket: Light Fingers 3/5, Night Thief, Cutpurse, Misdirection [so i could get two Blade of Woe from Astrid Dark Brotherhood]

Alchemy: Alchemist 5/5, Physician, Benefactor, Poisoner

Enchanting: Enchanter 5/5, Fire Enchanter, Frost Enchanter, Storm Enchanter, Insightful
Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect.

Smithing: Steel Smithing, Arcane Blacksmith. [no need for other perks, this is not a heavy knight class or barbarian]

Block: i did not use this too often so is low level, sometimes i feel the need to protect myself with Spellbraker.

Two-Handed: Barbarian 3/5

Speech: lvl. 100, after i got all the perks to help with merchants i reset to legendary and got back the perk points.

* i still have unused perk points, but so far this class is working so well that feel nothing is missing.
- Battle Cry: Targets flee for 30 seconds. Nord racial power, once per game day.

- Resist Frost: 50% resistance to Frost. Nord racial resistance

- Agent of Mara: 15% Resist Magic.

- Ancient Knowledge: Knowledge gained from the Lexicon gives you a 25% bonus when wearing Dwarven Armor and Blacksmithing increases 15% faster. I am not using Dawarven armor but that boost in smithing was usefull.
Starting tools lvl. 1-20
- Bloodthorn
- Froki's Bow
- Poacher's Axe [for fun i use it to chop wood and sell, like a peaceful npc]
- Notched Pickaxe [it was a pain to climb the mountain to get it without the dragon quest, but i was happy when i get my hands on this unique tool]
- Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls
- The Longhammer [was a pain to get it at my low level char, but i use few invisible potions and poison arrows and i manage to get this weapon. I use it without enchanments till i get my Alchemy and Enchanting at max level]
- Valdr's Lucky Dagger [25% chance of a critical hit. I love this dagger, i use it a lot from the beggining till now at lvl 50+]

I wish i could get Ebony Blade, but in my Thief class i did not start Dragon stuff quest, so no giant lizards flying around.

Mid levels tools lvl. 20-30
- The Longhammer [Shock damage + Absorb Health]
- Volendrung
- Mehrunes' Razor
- Mace of Molag Bal
- Spellbreaker
- Ebony dagger [Fiery souls + Absorb Health]

High lvl. 30- 50+
- Ebony sword [Shock damage + Absorb Health]
- Glass sword [shock damage + Paralyze 2sec, one alternative to Chillrend]
- Steel dagger [Fiery souls + Absorb Health, i wanted to make a better version of Bloodthorn]
- Hunting bow
- Deadric bow [Absorb Health + Shock damage]
- Dawnbreaker [i get it after 46+ lvl. so is that max power version. Also i used the
trick with fireball scroll spell and i get two swords Dawnbreaker, fighting undead dual
Dawnbreaker is fun to have giant explosions all over the place one after another]

I do not care about overpower chars, or max stats so my armor choices are more for
fashion reasons. And i did not feel the need for more protection as i died very rare
and it was from my tactical errors not from lack of protection.

So far i only use :
- Saviour's Hide [Resist Magic, 15 pts, Resist Poison, 50 pts]
- Diadem of the Savant [Spells in all schools cost less magicka to cast, 5 pts each school + 7 pts Light Armor]
- Thieves Guild Armor [Carrying capacity increased by 20/35 (improved) points]
- Stormcloak Officer Bracers [Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Archery/ looks good with Savior's Hide, i kill that impostor at first sight for these... you know who i am talking, if not go Skyrim wiki]
- Imperial Light Boots [Muffle + Stamina regeneration]
- Amulet []*
- Ring []*
* Fortify Destruction is there to cut the cost for weapons recharge, less soul stones to carry...more space for treasures to pillage and carry.
- Volsung mask [Prices are 20% better, Carry 20 points more, and can breathe underwater]
- Krosis mask [Lockpicking, Archery, and Alchemy are 20% better]

For roleplay and lore resons, in towns or in guild quests i was wearing always Thieves Guild Armor and Volsung mask/or Krosis mask. For exploring and fight in other quests i was using always Saviour's Hide and Diadem of the Savant.
Gloves and boots remain the same for both roleplay outfits, Thief and Warrior-Thief.

Potions used:

Lingering damage health
-Imp Stool
-Mora Tapinella
-Orange Dartwing
-Slaughterfish Egg

-Chaurus Eggs
-Ice Wraith Teeth
-Luna Moth Wing

-Briar Heart
-Canis Root
-Human Flesh
-Imp Stool
-Swamp Fungal Pod

Also potions for fortify enchanting and smithing.
And aditional health and stamina potions to survive in critical moments. But the more i get use with this class the less health potions i was carrying around.
I could not come with a good story to write 'cos is none. I made my own story just living in that world like a simple thief, stole everything i could and sell.
Thieves guild... I join them only after my Sneak/Pickpocket/Lockpick skills where high enough. And i waited to pass lvl 46+ so i could get max power version of Chillrend sword.
As a tresure hunter i did only deadric quests or side quests with some unique rewards.
No story quest, i am more interested to explore and build good equipment and be a simple thief making way to the top of the guild.
I always love Conan comic book stories and the lore behind the character, and base on comics and movies i beggin to think that in term of RPG he was a hybrid class.
Some mix between a sneaky thief and a sword warior with light armor.

So i start this mix class to build a good thief but also with some good warrior skills.
That did not work too well till i decide to invest in crafting skills too.
Smithing, enchanting and alchemy make you have a better equipment and i think alchemy is vital for a sneak thief. Many time i was save by the potion for invisibility that i was keep crafting when i head the ingredients.

This was my first time playing a thief and warrior class, i play always a pure mage without armor or a nightblade magic assassin, so i had a hard time to adapt playing without magic.
I was tempted to level up Illusion so i could get Invisibility spell and cut the cost of potions. But that will transform this class in a light nightblade and not a thief anymore.
For fighting, well...sneaky sneaky till the s..t will hit the fan, than hack and slash anyone.
Too strong enemies or stubburn to die... no problem, run to live and fight another day.
I play mostly like a guerrilla warrior with the sneak mixed with the hit and run tactics.
Bow from distance, up close i pickpocket all i can and kill them with a dagger. If are aware of my presence and attack in grup i use a shield or left hand restoration heal and a sword in right hand. I hit them and run around, hide if i can to lose them in ruins.
AI has a hard time to navigate in debris so geting behind ruin walls or mountain rocks make them lose me.

For higher dificulties i plan to build a classic style RPG small gang with:
- The Thief [bow, dagger/ aka my character A.U.]
- The Warrior [sword, shield/ aka Mjoll the Lioness*]
- The Mage [spells, staff, dagger/ aka Brother Verulus*] i did not start his quest yet, so he is still alive...

* both folowers are immortal, so they do not necessary need better equipment, but giving to Mjoll the Lioness a very good armor and shield, upgrading her glass sword will help the team to beat the c..p all the enemies.

I was thinking at Barbas too but he is so annoying with that constant pushing, he is a good companion for a druid or hunter class role-playing build.
Closing notes:
Been use only with characters base on magicka, blasting fire around i did not enjoy the beggining of this build.
But little by little raising the skills and constant alternating in between stealth and open fight i got the rhythm and flow of this class.
I like it and i will keep playing for more houndred hours with this Thief-Warrior.

Have fun guys!
