Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Warhammer 40k - Imperial Memorial Map
Type: Map
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
タグ: Large Map
1.213 MB
2020年5月26日 17時40分
2020年6月20日 12時40分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Warhammer 40k - Imperial Memorial Map

It took way too long to make this. This is a work of autistic levels of dedication.

The "deepest lore" behind the battlefield/diorama is that the Imperial Guard on some holy planet were tasked with defending a memorial dedicated some Hero of the Imperium (idk who it should be. just use your imagination). They were eventually killed/driven off.

Questions, comments, compliments, and criticism are all equally worthless to me and will be ignored.
I am never putting this much effort into something like this ever again.

I tried my best to balance out the map for large 1v1 or 2v2 battles (at minimum you're going to want to have a 1500pt Army, preferably with some vehicles).

This map has a good mix of urban and open terrain. Decide for yourself how best to play it. Don't be a brainlet.

Also, the raised hill locations near the narrow edges of the map, the ones that are blocked off with the concrete pyramid tank traps, are meant to be INFANTRY units only beyond those points (any unit without the INFANTRY keyword beyond that point is not intended to be there and you're a cheating loser for trying to meta game).

This is to maintain balance on the map and prevent some clown from dumping Leman Russ tanks, Titans, or Riptides on a hill and sniping other units with impunity. Stop being a coward and advance those units.

Thanks for playing, unless you play Tau. If so then uninstall Table Top Sim and go back into the space neo-communist cespit that you crawled out of (which is probably reddit, 9 times out of 10).
13 件のコメント
foster 2023年6月17日 7時51分 
For anyone looking into how to mute the god-awful sound effects (which bypass muting in game audio :) because ofc they do) then you need to downscale parts of the map where the fire is present until you see the "Fire" or "Steam" effect and then just delete it. That'll get rid of the horrible sounds so you're able to play finally!
Otto The Enclave Trap 2022年9月22日 16時44分 
good map shitty effects
Saint 2021年10月22日 5時16分 
Great looking map - Obnoxiously loud sound effects. Unplayable unfortunately.
Psiikix 2021年8月15日 10時53分 
i did mute the effects. and it was still there. youre the one that designed the map. you chose the annoying effects.
Fuccboii Eternal  [作成者] 2021年7月31日 8時32分 
Bruh, do I look like a game dev? If it's so bad then mute the in-game audio. It's not like there's anything important playing. It's not that hard.
Tankripper475 2021年7月27日 11時07分 
How do I remove the sound effects?
bezverhniy777 2021年3月5日 9時29分 
Psiikix 2021年2月5日 15時36分 
super annoying fire effect. way too loud, have to constantly be zoomed out.

id give this a solid rating, if i were able to actually play it.
Raelius 2020年10月14日 2時10分 
loud sound effects with no clear way to disable
Fuccboii Eternal  [作成者] 2020年6月9日 19時44分 
It's not my problem that your anti-virus thinks that loading images and textures from the internet is an attempt at phishing.

If you want to be paranoid about someone trying to super-hack your bitcoin wallet through Table Top Sim of all things, then just unsubscribe from this mod.