PAYDAY: The Heist

PAYDAY: The Heist

180 ratings
Overdrill Guide
By Ghost (Timelost) and 1 collaborators
This is a guide on how to complete overdrill in Payday The Heist.
What you need
But, before you start Overdrill, You will require some things.

First, and most importantly, you will need 4 human teammates. Bots cannot do the positions and you wont get anywhere with that. These teammates should also know the positions, because it can be hard to teach them the positions on the spot. Try to show them a picture or something.

Second, You will need someone who can do the code. This is vital at the end.

Third, you will most definetly need time. It is no good if half your squad leaves midway. Everyone should be prepared for the long haul.
Starting the Heist
Start the heist just like you normally would for First World Bank. Walk around, find the manager, take the key, get the drill and thermite and set it up. There are lots of rumours about whether you do or don't shoot the cameras, and from my experience, you can shoot the cameras in the bank area, however once you pass the gate, it becomes a different story. Hold out just like in a normal First World Bank heist and wait for the gate to open.
Once the gate has opened, enter the hallway and dont shoot the cameras. If you time it nicely, you can do the positions for the drill during assult waves, so your not being attacked by Police. You can set up the Thermite or go straight to the positions, from what I've seen, you can do it either way. Once you are ready, you can begin getting into positions. Below, is an image of what I usually use for the positions, where once person stands at the desk facing another person who is againts the wall in between the doors at the entrance. The other people are at the elevators, one facing the opposite elevator, while the other faces a wall which usually has a painting on it. From what I've seen, you do not have to have the person with the drill behind the counter. It is sometimes easier to place someone who does not know the positions behind the counter, as it is an easy position.

In order for the overdrill vault wall to be uncovered, you must do these positions. However, Overkill doesnt want you standing there forever being Cop-bait, so when you hear the sound of C4 ticking, you have completed the positions and the wall is ready to be drilled.
Holding out
Now that you have heard the C4, set up the drill and a timer should start counting on the drill, from 2000 seconds, which equates to 33.3 minutes. It seems like a long time, but usually is worth it. There are many places to Hold out, depending on your options. You can make a run for it and try to use the C4 glitch, by placing 2 of the 3 C4 Charges on the wall outside teh server room (I have heard that 1 also works, but I have not seen it myself). This stops Police from exiting the elevators and helps with setting up a defencive position at the Vault hallway gate. If not, You can hold up at the top of the vault stairs, facing each side and stopping the police when the come through. One other posiible defensive area are the rooms next to the drill. These rooms provide excellent cover, however, one can be swarmed quickly if not carefull and pretty much, overrun by Police. This also opens the problem of the de-coder taking fire while trying to put in the code. Choose the area that best suits you and your teammates.
Don't forget to also empty the normal vault at some time, you can do it as it wont affect the outcome of the Overdrill.
Code and Money
Once the 33 minutes is up, You may enter the next room where there will be the vault door at the end of the room and some interactive tiles. I would recommend only the person who is doing the code to enter at that stage, while the other 3 stay outside and protect.
The code itself is not hard, however, ensuring you are interacting with the right tile is. It is best to crouch right above the tile you are planning on interacting with and looking straight down onto it. I have done this many times and failed quite a few times from pressing the wrong tile by being too far out. It is not fun and a massive waste of 30 minutes :/

The code is a 2 on a 45 degree angle to the right, as seen above. The first tile at the top is in line with the centre of the two vault doors, shown by the line in the image and one tile back. The next tile is to the botom right of the 1 tile. The third tile is exactly behind the first tile, and so on. Once you have completed the code successfully, the door should begin to open. If however, you have incorrectly imputted the code, then a green smoke goes off and access to the vault is impossible. The smoke is also toxic, so try to get out ASAP. There, unfortunately is nothing you can do about this and you just must leave the usuall way. If you did complete the code, the vault will open and your characters will have lots to say about it. The vault contains $70 Million (thank you Payday Wiki), which usually will allow you to rank up quite a bit.

Code completed, ready for a Payday!

Sometimes, it is good (this also counts for the normal vault) for two people to stay out and defend the area, while two go in and take the money. This is a bit slower, but helps by not needing to kill massive amounts of Police to just get out of the Vault. The two can also take the money in peace, without being shot at (which is a pain). Exit the usual way, running through the lobby and placing the C4 (only 1 if you used the the glitch) and escaping through the second building. Congratulations on completing Overdrill.
Pros and Cons
> Overdrill is good fun and helpfull at ranking up fast
> Is usefull for getting that pesky new weapon you want but are still to get
> Good time waster if you have nothing good to do
> Can make heaps of friends if your like me and live under a rock

> Time waster
> If you fail the code, then its even more annoying and time wasting

It is ultimately, your choice, however, if you love this game like me and many other people, Overdrill is really fun and a great way to rank up and make friends :)
Something else...
Special thanks to The Brave Little Templar, doyouhavecheese and badassbrendan for the latest Overdrill Heist that allowed for those pictures :)
batsky 30 May, 2015 @ 9:27am 
verry good tactic
ThatMongolianNextDoor 28 May, 2015 @ 9:04am 
Very good guide i did this and it worked its just hard to fine people to do it with who know it.
TopOnPC 20 Mar, 2015 @ 1:17pm 
I need help add me if u wanna help Ples!
Ghost (Timelost)  [author] 1 Nov, 2014 @ 3:04pm 
Cheers mate
Altruistic Muffin 1 Nov, 2014 @ 12:27pm 
nice work on the guide
Ghost (Timelost)  [author] 28 Oct, 2014 @ 4:47am 
Cheers man :D
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 28 Oct, 2014 @ 4:46am 
Good guide ;D
Ghost (Timelost)  [author] 26 Oct, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
Cheers Batsy, its great to hear!!
Batsy 26 Oct, 2014 @ 10:48am 
Did it like 6 times now, 3 of them being me doing the code. Thanks to this, i haven't failed overdrill once and i'm level 145 but just yesterday i was like 30 or something.
ZombieToxicity 26 Oct, 2014 @ 9:34am 
me and 2 others are going to do this need a 4th player to join anyone up to help?