Golf With Your Friends

Golf With Your Friends

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Hole In Ones - Worms Classic Mode
By GonzoGamesAU
A Compilation/Guide to the Hole In Ones available on the Worms Course in Classic Mode.
Hey Everybody.

I spent some time making this compilation of Hole In Ones available while playing Classic Mode on the Worms Course.

The video was made by splicing together numerous attempts. I haven't been able to make all of these shots in one round. My best in one round is 6 HIOs.

I think it is possible to get a Hole In One on 11 holes on this course, more details will be below.
The Video
Hole 1
Method 1
For this method, you want to go Full Strength towards the bounce pad on the left. Let the bounce pads do their thing, and BOOM, Hole In One!

Method 2 * See Notes
Go dead straight, and just a tick UNDER 3 for the strength, roll over the hills and in the hole.
If you are exactly on 3, it wont work you will get a bad bounce off the hill and not make it in.

Method 3 * See Notes
Once again, just go straight. This time just a bit OVER 3 strength, and there you have it.
If you are exactly on 3, it wont work you will get a bad bounce off the hill and not make it in.

Hole 2
Ok, so this one probably has a better solution, and once I get that solved, I will update the guide.

For now, you need to go JUST under 2 strength, and aim JUST to the right of centre.

The ball should come to a rest on the mine. When the mine explodes you will bounce over towards the hole and hopefully in.
Hole 3
Method 1
Just go straight and full strength. Use your Jetpack to fly towards the hole. It's as simple as that.

Method 2
Pretty much the same as Method 1, but this time just user 3.5 strength. This is my preferred method as you can use the Jetpack for more control and less chance of over shooting the hole.
Hole 4
This is a really simple one and makes for a quick hole in one.

Aim just to the left of the closest mine explosion area with full strength. The ball will bounce off the back wall and in the hole. 6 Seconds and you're in the hole!
Hole 5
Ok, so this hole requires a little bit of luck with the wind (or some nice timing, but I usually just go with the luck).

Aim 3 squares forward and 2 squares to right, swing your club with 3.5 might. With a bit of luck you'll land in the zone, and your little ball with go in its home.
Hole 6
Method 1
I know i put this in the video, but just don't. It's ugly and not reliable. Go straight to Method 2.

Method 2
So here is the proper way to get the Hole In One.

Aim through the bottom right corner of the toolbox (when it's on the ground, if you're aiming at the bottom right when it's in the air, you will be no-where near the target).

Use just over 3.5 strength and release. You need to be quick and start using the Jetpack straight away.

Fly OVER the rocks, there are two lots, and then drop down where the planks are.

Once you are through the planks, start using the Jetpack again so you can maintain some momentum to get up the hill to where the hole is, and you're in! Well Done.
Hole 9
Originally posted by Monty Python:
LAUNCELOT: We have the Holy Hand Grenade.

ARTHUR: Yes, of course! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! 'Tis one of the sacred relics Brother Maynard carries with him! Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade! [singing] How does it, uh... how does it work?

LAUNCELOT: I know not my liege.

ARTHUR: Consult the book of armaments.

MAYNARD: Armaments, Chapter Two, Verses Nine to Twenty-One.

BROTHER: "And Saint Atila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, 'Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin, and people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large --"

MAYNARD: Skip a bit, Brother.

BROTHER: "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out! Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.'"


ALL: Amen.

ARTHUR: Right! One... two... five!

GALAHAD: Three sir.

ARTHUR: Three!

[angelic singing]

Ok, now that is out of the way. Yes, this is the HOLY HAND GRENADE Hole. No I haven't gotten a Hole in One on it (See Notes).

I believe it is possible, and have finished right next to the hole a couple of times, just haven't been able to get it in.

There is no video for this, but so far I've been going with weak (1.5) power and at an angle, releasing when the Hand Granade is about in line with the flag. The hand grande will explode and shoot your ball towards the hole.

If I manage to get it in, I will upload a video and edit this section.
Hole 10
Another hole that requires a bit of help from the wind, and a bit of a lucky bounce at the end.

Full Strength, aiming at the crate on the right. You want to be aiming just to the left of the 2nd screw on the bottom.

The ball will bounce back, and then get blown towards the hole by the wind. Sometimes you will get a bad bounce off the sandbag at the end of the straight section and end up OB, but this doesn't happen too often.
Hole 11
I can't really explain how I did this, because I haven't been able to get it in again. Just watch the video and you'll see how damn near impossible it actually is.

In this attempt, the camera angle was lowered as much as possible, and then aimed 4 squares forward and ½ a square to the left with full power.

The ball will bounce off the back wall, and then into an exploding barrel. The barrel will shoot the ball in the general direction of the hole.
After some lucky bounces around the Czech hedgehog[] (Metal Barricade), you will start going straight towards the hole.

I've had the ball go in once, and skim the edge of the hole a couple of times.
Hole 12
Baa Baa Baa. Baa, Baa, Baa Baa Baa.

No successful Hole in One yet, but I will keep trying.

The general idea is to get the first sheep to headbutt you towards the hole and in. The closest I've been is having the ball land near the hole (just outside of the basin) and then bounce up on to the platform.

I think that depending on the timing it may be possible to get it in. I'll keep trying, and if I manage to get it, I will post an update with the video.
Hole 13
Method 1
Aim straight with full power. Using the Jetpack us need to fly between the rocks, dropping down to top-up your Jetpack fuel, and then keep flying towards to hole.

You'll bounce off the back wall and in.

Method 2
This is my preferred method, because like Hole 3, it's a lot safer to use less power originally, and maintain the required speed by using the Jetpack.

Using the same strategy as Method 1, you want to aim straight and flying between the rocks. The only difference is that you only want to use 3.5 strength.
Hole 1
I realised while typing up this guide that I stuffed up when making the video, and labelled the different Hole 1 Methods out of Order. I have done these instructions to match the labelling in the video, not the play order.

Hole 9
I know there is a glitch where you can get a hole in one by playing towards the flag on Hole 4 (Behind where you start). Although, I am not counting this shot, as I want to get it in using a legit shot,
Thank you for watching the video and reading the guide. Hopefully it will help you bring your Worms Classic score down.

Good Luck, and Keep Gaming!