War Thunder

War Thunder

43 ratings
[OUTDATED] Properly angling your Tiger for German players
By Toser
In this guide you most of you will learn how to not die within the first 2 minutes of the battle.

Keep in mind, this is my first guide, and any criticism is welcome.

Short introduction
"But author, why would i ever need to angle muh superior german steel??? it's so dumb???!?!!?" ; Well, my dear player who just unlocked Tiger H1, angling is important on almost every tank, hence that's why ricochets happen! Physics!

yeah that's it, hell else did you expect
Here comes the fun part: THE ANGLES;

Most actual people who can think argued on which angle is the best for the Tiger. Some said 45, some said 25; in the end it's an in-between - almost 40-degree - angle.

Remember this one: 38.8 degrees. Most people find out about it too late, hence that's why this guide was created in the first place; to shorten the pain and give you knowledge.

This is how you start out, everything and everyone can penetrate you; your vision port is your main weak spot for lower-caliber guns.

This is a close-approximate to 38.8 degrees, and how it should look like. This angle is by-far the best angle, since armor gets evenly-boosted, and you can bait some shots for your teammates, or yourself. Keep in mind, most people will still try to shoot your vision port, or other weak spots, but we'll talk about that later

Try to imagine a protractor from where you gun is pointing and try to make the center of the hull 35 - 40 degrees. yeah, i kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up, that's on me

Common mistakes and weak spots
The most common mistakes are underangling and overangling; here's how they look like:

If your brain isn't the size of Guderian, then you noticed that left is underangling, and right is overangling. Underangling means you have a higher chance of getting shot through the vision port, while overangling just exposes your sides almost completely

Another common mistake is, believe it or not, not angling your turret:

Despite having some protection, as per usual for all tanks, your turret ring is still a weak spot. If you engage in close combat, many people will just shoot you there, or in the vision port; if not, then right through the sides of your frontal turret.

This is, possibly, the best angle you can do with your turret. You can also bait shots like this, as with your hull. The spot i put a red circle on is pretty important, as the max armor can reach up to 180mm, if angled correctly. (P.S: it's also pretty big, I just put a small circle)

Now, if you still consider yourself invulnerable, that's not what you should do, you still have 2 weak spots that can get you down.

These weak spots are not known by many, and some acknowledged people will use them to send you back in the hangar. There are no known ways of actual resistance upon firing at the weak spot; however, from my small theory, you just need to move your hull constantly, favourably from left to right.
Uptiers and most dangerous enemies
If you're not a mental person and played 5 games with the Tiger, you could've noticed the amount of uptiers you're gonna face. Usually you'll get uptiered to 5.7, but in some rare circumstances - 6.3. Yes, you've heard me right, 6.3 at max.

Usually the signs of 5.7 are pretty easy to distinguish, as they have proper tanks corresponding to their BR; these are:

  • Tiger E
  • Panther A or D
  • Waffenträger
And many more.

Now, if you still, somehow, think that you're invincible - you're still wrong. Tiger has some enemies it can't counter with armor, MOSTLY can't. These, in no particular order, are:
  • T-34-85 (D-5T)
  • T-34-85
  • IS-1 and 2
  • T-34-57
"But author, why can't my armor stop stalliminium shell???? this is russian bias again/?!!?!?!?!?!?" No, infact, not russian bias at all. Russian guns are good, and i mean super good, against angles. God forbid you meet a good T-34-85 player.
"But author, why isn't biased jumbo on the list!!?!?!??!" Because you just shoot the machinegun port on it's hull; and it's gun kinda sucks.
Finishing with angles
Now, if you've read through everything, good job, you now own knowledge that needs good execution.

If you don't use it, you might see this image constantly

If you practice and use this knowledge, you might end up having a round with no crew casualties.

But on average, you'll have 1 crew member lost, rarely 2.

That's all for this guide, I hope you learnt how to actually angle your Tiger and not die within the first 2 minutes of the battle. alternatively just use the panther lol
paraphid 21 Nov, 2020 @ 5:52am 
Overangling isn’t a huge problem when dealing with anything American. While sometimes you can be penned from the side, at that angle you still bounce most of their 76mm rounds. It’s really inconsistent; I have carefully aimed at the sides of Tiger players angled like that and somehow gotten a ricochet or non pen actually pretty often.
Akat 9 Aug, 2020 @ 4:05am 
Nice guide, good for beginners.
But I wonder why you used a sentence like "If your brain isn't the size of Guderian,..". Couldn't find any meaning in it.
chino 3 Jun, 2020 @ 8:16pm 
i angled with a hellcat and now i died!!1 scam!!!
Gragha 2 Jun, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
Please Do everytime i see a Tiger shoving his flat armor in my face i kinda just feel bad penetrating them with my SA50 cannon
Tactical Dick 2 Jun, 2020 @ 4:01pm 
so i come from WoT and i thought angling would be way less important in WT, thanks for the guide, this will be very useful
Namikaze 30 May, 2020 @ 6:34pm 
Thanks, quick article and a good read with helpful information.
Ge0#FreeIBP 30 May, 2020 @ 2:10pm 
But Author This Works just for the Tiger ?
Toser  [author] 30 May, 2020 @ 4:21am 
Ye, blackcat's right, i forgot to write about it. I think the track well is the biggest weakspot
TheCarDemotic 29 May, 2020 @ 11:47pm 
I hope that the Newer Tiger players read this so they stop complaining about how good the Sherman is. Pretty much none of the Tiger players know what they're doing and constantly get the Shermans moved up in BR to "Balance" it.
~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat 29 May, 2020 @ 9:49pm 
Another big weakspot is the Track Well side armor if i remember correctly, much thinner then the upper side armor the lower side armor is.