Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy

Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy

232 평점
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Achievements Ultra Neo Guide
MrVerite 님이 작성
Half-Minute Hero as if not being hard enough also has some rather hard, long or poorly explained achievements. This guide will explain every nook and cranny of every single achievement this game has to offer.
즐겨찾기 해제
  • Solo achievements: 29
  • Multiplayer achievements: 6 (Online multiplayer only)
  • Time needed to 100%: 30 to 50 hours
  • Missable achievements : None, the whole game is cut into many levels with each level being replaybale.
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: Technically 1, but there are many levels you'll need to replay a few times.

Half-Minute Hero is not that popular of a game as of today, but I really like it. I'm also an achievement collector, and I had some very toughs times trying to get all achievements. As of today, I still haven't unlocked multiplayer achievements. I think though that one of this game's achievements problem is a lack of a complete guide and the fact that a lot of these achievements are actually awfully described. I'm trying with this guide to bring both of these problems to an end at once.

This guide WON'T feature a complete walkthrough of any Half-Minute Hero level except for Hero 3, but only the how-to of each achievement.

Hope you enjoy this guide!
1. Hero 30 - Global achievements
Hero 30 is the basic game mode of Half Minute Hero, where you'll need to beat up some evil lord whose ultimate desire is again destroying our poor world. Problem is, they can do this in 30 seconds, so you'll have to be fast. The very first level of this game will serve you as both a tutorial and scenaristic introduction.

Gone in 30 Seconds
Record a time on the leaderboards.
This is with certainty the first achievement you will earn. After completing level 1 "Hero's Departure", the time it took you to beat the level will be uploaded to the internet, and then you'll be awarded your very first achievement. Congratulations! All it requires you is have an internet connection! But you wouldn't get any achievements at all if you hadn't no internet connection, so, anyway.

First Praying
Prayed to the Goddess for the first time in single player mode.
After you beat the first level, you'll be awarded this very peculiar skill to go back in time, at the cost of praying for 100G (+ an additional 100G for every time you prayed) at most towns. Just do so on level 2 "Continental Bridge" and you'll get this achievement.

McHero's Navy
Ride a ship.
There are some levels in Half-Minute Hero where you'll be able to ride a ship, and there's actually very few levels where you'll be forced to ride one, only on alternative pathes. You can earn this as early as level 3 "Lord Hadears" where you can ride a ship for the price of 200G. For this, you must cross two bridge with a Danger mark.

Forever Alone No Longer
Get a companion to join you.
There are many companions you will meet on your journey. Each one of them will help you in fights one way or another for the specific level they've joined you. The very first level you can get an ally is level 3 "Lord Hadears". On the very first village of this level, there's a soldier named Yohei with an exclamation mark above his head. Talk to him and he'll offer his services for the ammount of 1000G. Go south and get the Red Diamond. Bring it to him, and he will join you for free.
For a complete list of allies you can have on which levels, see part 3. Hero 30 - Multi Ending Master, Charisma Hero

Ned Kelly's Revenge
Obtain Barrel Armor and Barrel Head
Barrel Armor and Barrel Head are both piece of equipment you can earn in level 5 "Fire Starter". You will get Barrel Armor no matter what happens once you finish the level. The Barrel Head can be bought in the town near which you begin for the low price of 150G. You don't need to equip them both to get the achievement, just to have them both.
For a complete list of equipment you can have on which levels, see part 4. Hero 30 - Title Master, Equipment Collector

Amateur Evil Slayer
Beat the first 9 levels of Hero 30.
Straight-forward. Nothing too hard, as the beginning of the game is rather easy. The description is a bit misleading though: you will be awarded this achievement after beating level 10 "Beautiful Evil Lord"
NOTE: On level 5 "Fire Starter", there are two pathes you can take. This achievement will be earned no matter which path you chose.

30 Second Moobs
Eat 10 types of food.
Again, straight-forward. In every levels, you will be able to heal in some towns after buying a meal in a store. Just eat 10 differents meals to earn this achievement. This is cumulative and is obviously not to do in a single level, as a single level will never hold more than 2/3 different meals.
NOTE: Herbs are NOT considered as food for this achievement.

Warrior of the Goddess
Offered a total of 3000G to the Goddess in a quest in single player mode.
Every time you pray, the cost will go up. You have to waste an actual, total ammount of 3000G in a single quest, without restarting or leaving the said quest. You may get this by chance on a long level or a level you have troubles completing. If you don't, you can just farm monsters to get lots of gold and pray every time the timer is close to 0 until you get it. The last time you pray, the cost of praying should be of 800G.

Hero 30
Cleared Hero 30.
Just beat the main game mode. This achievement don't require you to do anything peculiar except beating one of the two final level of Hero 30 and that no matter which pathes you took, even if you don't complete every single level on alternative pathes

Legalize it Already
Beat Hero 30 without using herbs to heal.
Not that hard of an achievement, but it can be pretty long. This achievement description is misleading: you don't have to do this all at once, you can replay any levels you didn't clear without herbs and do it again. Thus, I reccomend to play each level as you normally would, then play it again but try to beat it without herbs. You'll HAVE to keep count of it manually, because the game has no way to keep track of whether you've beaten a level without herbs or not. It is not particularly difficult, but in many cases you'll need to farm monsters to get as much XP and gold as possible and thus not need to use herbs.
NOTE: The one level where this can be hard to do is level 23 "Fire Mountain" as there's no town selling any meal, so you'll have to beat the whole level without healing at all. For this, never dash. Go to the north caves and enter the one on the right to fight a few bats. Because you can't run, you should get there after one or two fights. After you've beaten the bats, go to the cave on the left to fights a giant mole. By then, you should be around level 7/8/9. Go back near the starting town and keep farming until you're something like level 20. It's okay to die as it would give you back 10HP, enough to beat the boss if you're level 20+

A Real Hero and a Real Human Being
Beat every level under the target time.
Again, a very misleading achievement description. It's actually probably the hardest part of this game. Contrary to what it leads you to believe, you need not to get a gold medal like you'd think you'd need, but actually, to get under the target time of 30 seconds per level. Just forget about the goddess statues (though you may need to use it in a quest or two). There's no easy way for this, you can come back to any level at any time to try to beat. Some levels will actually be surprisingly easy, some will need some really though training.
You can also use this video to guide you as on how to beat each specific level in less than 30 seconds:

Youtube Playlist created by MyBlackHill on Youtube
2. Hero 30 - Levels specifics achievements
Do You See What Happens, Larrie?
Defeat Larrie and beat Level 4 in 27 seconds or less.
This achievement description is misleading and actually reffer to level 5 "Fire Starter". For this, you'll have first to equip the Flyswatter you can get in level 4 "Caves and Forests" (see below achievement "Oy, to ne vecher" for how to get it). As soon as the level start, get in the town you start next to and buy an herb. Make sure you DON'T use this herb until you're up against the evil lord. Dash to the western forest of the map and kill bees until you reach level 7 or 8 but make sure you keep a few HP. When you've reached level 7 or 8, use what is left of your HP to dash to the nearest town. Here, heal up, buy the weapon and talk to Cecillia the Elf. You should have at least 15 seconds left. Get out of the town and rush to the cave in the north, get in it and keep dashing until you beat Larrie, then dash back to the town. Heal up, talk again to Cecillia the Elf and she will become your ally. Finally, dash to the castle and dash to the evil lord until you beat him. When your HP reach too low, use your herb to keep on fighting.
It's not that hard but may take a few takes.
The "Western forest" refers to this area:

Kind Hero
Cleared "Cursed Hero" without defeating Sasha.
This achievement refers to level 30 "Cursed Hero". For this achievement, DO NOT equip your Duel Greaves as you won't be able to flee from battle if you've equiped them. During this quest, you will meet a girl in the first village. Talk to her. Then, head to the north. After a battle where you'll meet her again, get back to the town where you first met her. Then, she will guide you through the level. Follow her and do as she says until she finally confess she's not human and neither are the other villagers. You can then tell her she's still your friend. Say she is your friend and break the monument, then head to the town in south. You will fight against a few zombies. Most of them will just come to you, but one will stay back. Once you've killed all of those trying to kill you, use the flee command to stay away from this last zombie but don't really get out of fight. Do this for some time until a cut scene takes place. You'll be then awarded the Hero Sword and the girl you met earlier will leave at peace. You can then finally kill the demon lord of this level to be awarded this achievement.

Oy, to ne vecher
Defeat any five Evil Lords with one hit.
Some evil lords are weak to specific kind of weapons. These weapons will usually kill them in a single shot. That's what this achievement is all about: killing five of them in a single hit. The levels where this is possible are:

Level 3 "Lord Hadears": Once you have access to the boat, you can use it to reach a tower just south of the town where you got the boat. The tower has a single floor which, once completed, will give you the Boom Sword. Once equipped, go to the evil lord and dash to one-hit kill him.

Level 4 "Caves and Forests": Get in a fight and directly get in the town right next to where you started the quest. Buy a horse and dash to the south-western part of the map, go into the town and talk to the guy who will give you the Bug Swatter. You can then just go to the demon lord and dash to one-hit kill him.

Alternative path Level 14 "Dragon Island": Spend the whole fisrt day farming XP so you can have more HP to dash. When there's almost no time anymore, get to the first town, heal up and pray. Then, dash into the cave south, get the egg, and bring it to the town south before the time gets below 20 seconds left. You'll get a nice ammount of money, enough to buy the Dragon Lance in the first town. Get to it, heal up, pray, buy the Dragon Lance, and dash to the demon lord to one-hit kill him.

Level 24 "Golem Valley": Equip yourself with the Beast Lance before getting in the actual quest. First, grab some xp and gold near the first town. Heal up, pray and dash to northern part of the map, go into the big hole and bring the screw you found to the cave in the middle of the map. Once you're out of the map, move around a bit to get a golem as ally. Go against the rock to the right of the town where you started and let your golem destroy it. Then, against the evil lord, let your golem block the rocks the evil lord send you, and dash into him when you have the opportunity before your golem hits him.

Level 30 "Cursed Hero": Equip yourself with either the Silver Sword, the Silver Lance or the Silver Hammer and the strongest armor you have. Farm XP at spawn until you're level 10-15, then you can go the north. You'll have a forced fight at the swamp entrance, where you'll meet Sasha. Crosse the bridge even if she stops you. Break the grave, then go back to the first castle to deal this boss the blow he deserves.

The Body is the Ultimate Weapon
Defeat any three Evil Lords wearing no equipment.
Yet another misleading achievement. Though this achievement asks you to defeat any evil lord wearing no equipment, it actually means to end a level with no equipment. In most levels, when you're done, you'll be awarded and will automatically wear some piece of equipment. You have to beat three specific levels that don't actually awards these kind of equipements while being naked from start. Before you start the level, unequip everthing you have.

Alternative path Level 15 "Lord's Counterattack": Just beat the level as you normally would. Farm a bit more than usual to make sure you don't die against the boss and you should be fine.

Alternative path Level 16 "Twin Valley": Refer to previous level

Alternative path Level 17 "Ancient Riches": Beat the level as you normally would, but don't get the third godess treasure (only the two first ones). You'll probably need to grind some XP to beat the boss.

Alternative path Level 33 "The Hero Of all Time": You could also do it on regular path level 31 "Last Batle" but I actually find it easier to do on this level. From where you start, dash to the eastern part of the map to save to first beast. This beast is special and will HEAL you as you fight. You should have 1HP left after you have saved the beast, but as soon as you enter a fight, stay back and let it fight for you. Fight a few time to gather XP and gold, and go on on the level. Never dash or flee from a fight, take all the fights you can and save ALL the beasts one after the other. When all of them have become your ally, keep on training until you reach level 99. Then, buy an herb and go fight the evil lord and it should be a piece of cake.

A Poor Carpenter Blames the Tools
Beat the final boss of Hero 30 using the Wood Sword as a weapon.
Exactly the same as The Body is the Ultimate Weapon except you can wear all the equipment you want and your only limitation is to hold the Wood Sword. Just do again what you did previously for The Body Is the Ultimate Weapon in Alternative path Level 33 but with the wooden sword equipped.
3. Hero 30 - Multi Ending Master, Charisma Hero
Multi Ending Master
Reached every ending in Hero 30.

There are actually a few ending in Hero 30, and you can beat the game very early on. But in fact, only one single ending is the "true ending", the others being "bad endings" that won't award you the "Hero 30" achievement. For this achievement, you'll have to see every ending this game has to offer.

1. Level 31 "Last Battle" or alternative path Level 33 "The Hero Of all Time": just beat one of those two levels for the true ending.

2. Alternative path Level 9 "Change the Current": In this level, there's a bandit in the northern cave of this level. Don't beat him yet beat the evil lord for a first bad ending

3. Alternative path Level 16 "Treasure Island": In this level, there's a special riddle that will lead you to a pirate hat. At the very beginning of the level, head on the dead tree on the main land where you started when the time is between 30 and 20 seconds. Then, take the boat and go on the grave in the north-east island below where you started when the time is between 20 to 10 seconds. Then, finally, using your boat, go the southern empty boat at west from where you started between 10 and 0 seconds. Go back to the town where you started and talk to the old man twice. Heal up and pray, then head up on the main land until you see a cutscene with a cave entrance opening up. Go inside of the cave, beat the bandit and take the hat. Then, go confront the evil lord. He will tell you about a treasure. Say "Yes" when you're asked if you want to take the treasure to reach a second bad ending.

4. Alternative path Level 17 "Ancient Riches": In this level, the goddess asks you to find ancien treasures for her to conjure your curse. Simply beat the evil lord WITHOUT finding enough treasures to get a third bad ending.

5. Level 18 "Grail and Evil Lord": In this level, you're told about a legendary treasure: the Grail. You'll have to find the true Grail in order to beat the evil lord of this level. This time, beat the Evil Lord either with no grail or with a fake grail to get a fourth bad ending.

6. Alternative path Level 22 "The Have-Nots": Complete tasks until you reach level 20, and talk to the bandit in the south-eastern town. He will then open up the way to the evil lord castle for you for free. Beat the evil lord this way and you'll get the fifth and last bad ending.

Charisma Hero
Allied with all available NPCs.
Like I already stated in the "Forever Alone No Longer" achievement, there are given characters that can become your ally during given quests. To earn the "Charisma Hero" achievement, you'll need to become ally with every NPC there is at least once.

1. Level 3 "Lord Hadears": Yohei can be found in the first town. You can either gather 1000G or go find the Red Diamond in the south cave to recruit him

2. Level 5 "Fire Starter": Cecilia can be found in the second town. She asks you with another man to beat Larrie in the north cave. After you've beat the bandit, come back and talk to her to recruit her.

3. Level 6 "Through the Forest": Richard can be found in the first town. You can recruit him simply by paying him 300G

4. Level 8 "Infinite Desert": Barbara can be found in the second town. You can recruit her simply by paying her 250G

5. Level 11 "Bandit Valley": Donovan can be found in the cave near the center of the map. You can recruit him after beating him and his mates. This can easily be done after reaching level 10.

6. Level 14 "Nun and The Devil": Elena can be found in the second town, the one in the north. Get some XP and gold until the night fall, then, near the end of day, pray and heal, enter the cave on the left of the town. You'll be asked which directions to take: answer "No, Yes, Yes, Yes" and get the Dranium. Bring it back to Elena so you can recruit her.

7. Level 15 "Mummy Desert": Dain can be found in the second town. Go the place where there are many graves. Use the action button on the right one and the down-left one to make the castle appear. Go back to the town where Dain is, and talk to him to recruit him.

8. Alternative path Level 16 "Flower in the Dusk": Natalie can be found in the first town. Fight until the timer reach below 10 seconds. A sparkling area will appear in the swamp. Go to this area to get a flower. Bring that flower to Natalie to recruit her.

9. Alternative path Level 14 "Battle Ocean": Hank can be found in the second town, on the south part of the first island. You'll recruit him immediately, but to keep him with you, you'll have to help him clean a cave near the center of the map.

10. Alternative path Level 15 "Lizardman Nation": Rex can be found in a tent in the northern island. There are three tents. Pick the middle one and defeat the lizard knight so that Rex can join you. Then, get back to the main island and enter the King's castle. Talk to him to recruit Rex.

11. Alternative path Level 17 "To the Snow Country": Karen can be found in a cave. When you reach the second village, take the down-right cave path. At the end of the path, you'll find Karen in a cage guarded by knights. Save her and she'll join you.

12. Level 22 "Giant Evil Lord": Sebastian can be found near the Evil Lord castle. He will automatically join you when you get near the castle for the first time.

13. Alternate path Level 24 "Golem Valley": Slowpoke can be found in a cave. After you've found the screw in the hole in the northern part of the map, you can go to the cave near the center of the map to unlock something. Once out of the cave, take a few steps and the Golem will join you.

14. Level 25 "Swamp and Witch": Catherine can be found in a the northern woods. In the northern part of the map, there's a dead tree among normal trees. From this tree, go down once and left five times to find and recruit the witch Catherine.

15. Alternative path Level 25 "Treasure Land": Scorpio can be found in a cave. In the south-east part of the map, there are multiple caves. Scorpio is held prisonner in the middle-left one. Save him to recruit him.

NOTE: There are other levels with the "Allies: OK" or "Allies: Incomplete" mark on them such as level 20 "Great Plains" or level 31 "Final Battle". These levels don't count as you need to recruit only once each allies and the allies you can find in these levels are only the ones you already recruited at least once.
4. Hero 30 - Title Master, Equipment Collector
Equipment Collector
Got all available equipment in single player mode.
Equipment is the stuff you can get in quests and latter on use to protect yourself. You can unlock equipment either by clearing a quest, finding it, doing special events during quests, or buying it.
Getting the "Equipment Collector " is not that hard as something like 95% of this game's equipment will be earned by completing a level or buying it, so basically, checking every town of each quest is enough to get almost every single piece of equipment. There are some harder ones though that can only be earned after special events. You can easily keep track of each level Equipment: if the quest summary state "Equipment: OK" you've got them all in this specific quest. If it says "Equipment: Incomplete" then you still have some work to do here. You can replay every single quests to get missing equipment. Sometimes, equipment would be earned by a choice: you may have two distinct ways to clear a quest with either one giving you a different piece of equipment, so sometimes you may be forced to clear a quest at least twice.

Title Master
Received every title.
Titles are like mini-achievements awarded to you for doing some specifics things in each quest. Each quest has two, and it ranges from clearing the quest in a certain ammount of time to killing something or not getting a piece of equipment that would make the quest otherwise easier, for example. You can easily keep track of the state of your titles in the main map quests summaries, where the titles you've earned will be highlighted. Contrary to the Equipment, on some rare occasion the titles would either be obvious or it will be earned nearly automatically, and most of the time it will require some specific actions that may not appear clear from just the title's name alone.

I reccomend reading this guide made by Shiftie for both Title Master and Equipment Collector achievements as it is VERY complete. [www.xboxachievements.com] It was my personnal source while playing this game and it's basically the best one you can find out there. :D

5. Evil Lord 30, Princess 30, Knight 30 - Alternative game modes
Hero 30 being the main game mode, after beating it once, you'll unlock additional game modes. You'll need to beat them in classic mode for these achievements, that is with retro graphics. You can beat Hero 30 with any kind of graphics, it won't change anything, but you'll have to beat these specifics modes using retro graphics.

These achievements are basically free because you don't have to worry for things such as time for specifics achievements like you do in Hero 30.


Evil Lord 30
Love the Smell of Evil in the Morning.
Beat the first five levels of Classic Evil Lord 30

Diablito Supreme
Beat Classic Evil Lord 30
A mi-strategic mi-action game style, you'll have to use specifics kind of monsters to beat specifics kind of enemies. It's a bit awkward early on, but as you go on, it becomes easier to understand. There are 30 levels in this mode, but you only need to beat the main quest levels to earn this achievements, that is levels 1 to 15 and level 30

Princess 30
A Peach of a Player
Beat the first five levels of Classic Princess 30

Strong Female Role Model
Beat Classic Princess 30
A classic shoot'em'up game style, there's a few level you may have to restart once or twice but nothing too hard, just shoot everything you have at your enemy and earn all the time you can on red carpets. There are 30 levels you'll need to beat in order to earn this achievement.

Knight 30
Squire? I Hardly Know Her!
Beat the first five levels of Classic Knight 30

Alignment: Lawful Good +30
Beat Classic Knight 30
You'll need to beat Hero 30, Evil Lord 30 and Princess 30 before you can unlock Knight 30. Then, you'll have to beat this weird game mode where the prupose is to keep the priest alive. There are many ways to do this for each level, but the best way is often to either find a place where only he and you can go so that monsters won't reach him, or stay near him so you can defend him when monsters get too close. The controls are a bit odd and will take time to get used to, but once you are accustomed to it, this game mode should be completed in no-time. There are 30 levels you'll need to beat so you can unlock this achievement.
6. Hero 300 - 300 seconds should be easier than 30, shouldn't it ?
After you've beaten both the main game mode and additional game modes, you will unlock this one. Unlike Knight 30, Evil Lord 30 and Princess 30, achievements can be earned on either Neo cartoon or retro graphics. Note however that, to unlock this mode with Neo cartoon graphics, you'll have to beat the additional mode again but Neo Cartoon, so beating it retro should be a large time-saver.

Hero 300
Cleared Hero 300.
Basically, this is exactly like Hero 30, but this time, you'll have 300 seconds and not 30. That comes up with two counterparts: you can't get back in time using the time goddess, and this level is cut between a few continents. You'll need to beat each continent in less than 60 seconds to continue on. The experience you got from Hero 30 will serve you right on this game mode as it's basically the exact same thing. Accumulate money and XP to get the best stuff you can find, and reach the final boss in time. It's not that hard, I actually got it on my first try.

Hard Hero
Cleared Hero 300 in Hard Mode.
You'll unlock hard mode for Hero 300 after beating it once in normal mode. This is pretty much the same as Hero 300, except that time won't stop when you're in town. So basically, you'll have to go as fast as possible whenever you stop in town. If you're good enough and know what you want to buy where, it will change almost nothing.
7. Hero 3 - Never thought 3 seconds would give you so much fun
This last additional game mode will be unlocked once you've beaten Hero 300. This time around, you only have 3 seconds to beat the evil lord in this one small level. You'll encounter an enemy every two steps you take and time won't go on when you're in town. Only one single achievement will be awarded in this game mode, and that will be for beating it. You should try to beat it on your own, but if you can't and get despaired, then you can try it the way I did it.

Hero 3
Cleared Hero 3.

How to beat Hero 3:

NOTE: Dash EVERY TIME you're in a fight to get out of it as fast as possible
1. When you start, walk left twice. This will get you in a fight. As soon as you're out of it, go right twice to get back where you started and start another fight. Go to the town right next to you as soon as you get out of fight before you run out of time. You should have 700G. Heal, pray and buy a sword. You should have 100G left.
2. Get out of town and head left twice to get in a fight. Head left twice again to get in another fight, and rush to the town on your left. You should have 1300G then. Heal, pray and get a shield. You should have 100G left.
3. Get out of town and head right twice to get in a fight. Then, go down once and then left to get in another fight (snakes can only be found in deserts and give more money/xp). Rush back to the town on the left. You should have 1900G. Pray.
4. Get out of town and again, head right twice to get in a fight then go down once and then left to get in another one. Rush to the town on the south part of the map. You should have 3400G. Get the sword and pray. This should leave you with 1000G
5. Get to the desert next to the west town, get a single fight and rush back to the west town. You should have 1900G. Heal and pray.
6. Get twice right to get in a fight, then twice right to get in another one and rush to the east town where you started the quest. Pray. You should have 1800G left.
7. Head up twice to get in a fight with a crab, then go up once again and go back down to get in another fight with a crab. Rush back to the east town. Pray. Heal if needed
8. Repeat step 7. as many time as needed to get at least to level 15. Keep an eye on how much gold you've got and how much gold it costs you to pray. Keep at least 1000G + the ammount of gold needed to pray.
9. Once you're level 15, rush to the north town. There, buy the armor, heal and pray.
10. Rush to the castle and run the whole fight. If done right, you should beat the boss with a bit more than 0.5 seconds left.

Congratulations! A Winner is you !
8. Multiplayer - Must be fun. If you have someone to play with.

They ARE easy but you will require someone to play with for you to unlock them, and that must be the real hard part about these achievement. Note that they may also take some time, if you're not boosting them.

Not Just a Series of Tubes
Play online multiplayer.
Just have an online match

BFFN: Best Friends For Now
Play a multiplayer match with a friend
Just have an online match with someone from your Steam friend list. Because of the current state of Half-Minute Hero's multiplayer, you're probably bound to get both "Not Just a Series of Tubes" and "BFFN: Best Friends For Now" at once.

Synchronized Slaying
Play a multiplayer match with 3 other friends.
Exactly the same as "BFFN: Best Friends For Now" except you'll have to play with three friends at once: just have an online match with three people from your Steam friend list. You need to be FOUR in a single match, all of the players being in your friend list.

Second Place is the First Loser
Win a multiplayer match.
Just be better than the people you're playing with or ask your friend to let you win :D

Victory 30
Became 30 times the True Hero in multiplayer mode.
Becoming "the True Hero" is synonym of winning a match, so this achievement is basically the same as"Second Place is the First Loser", except it will take much more time. Farming it up with your friend(s) is the best way to do this (replaying the same level again and again with your friends letting you win on purpose), or you can simply play it cool and casual with your friend(s) until you unlock it.
9. The One
That Took More Than 30 Seconds
Get all achievements in the game.
That's what you get for catching'em all. And I can assure you it's more likely to take you 30 hours than 30 seconds :D
댓글 49
Akay4444 2024년 9월 29일 오후 6시 42분 
The get all achievements one isn't unlocking for me despite me have all the other ones, any ideas?
MrVerite  [작성자] 2023년 10월 1일 오후 3시 49분 
Thank you for the link, I've replaced the old videos !
The Green Dragon 53 2023년 7월 27일 오후 1시 53분 
I actually just went and downloaded those videos.
If they ever get taken down, by the original maker, or by YouTube; I can try re-uploading them to protect the guide.
_galaxy 2023년 7월 21일 오후 10시 25분 
should probably go and archive those videos as well.
The Green Dragon 53 2023년 7월 20일 오전 5시 23분 
Good news: IncomprehensibleSlur wasn't the only one who made a guide on how to get the "A Real Hero and a Real Human Being" Achievement.
As long as you don't mind the text being in German, you'll still see the optimal equipment and steps to take to dominate each level.


Special thanks to the_spensa, one of my Synchronized Slayers, for finding this guide who was only lost to obscurity, but not to the void.
The Green Dragon 53 2023년 7월 15일 오후 5시 38분 
The video explaining how to beat each level in 30 seconds was taken down.
I do not know what to do for that one...
Luz Ancestral 2022년 11월 12일 오후 4시 58분 
With "A Poor Carpenter Blames the Tools" actually the game collapses in Neo Graphics mode. You MUST do it in Retro Graphics mode like Alternate level 26: "The Return of Hol".
Goti Sánchez 2021년 11월 3일 오후 3시 42분 
awesome guide, thanks
pokemonfan1937 2017년 2월 12일 오전 2시 35분 

Yeah this comment was pointless
MrVerite  [작성자] 2017년 2월 12일 오전 1시 27분 
As far as I can remember, it did include alternate paths.