Human Fall Flat

Human Fall Flat

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Good maps to try out with a friend(s)
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Y'all should try these maps out. These are mostly parkour maps that range from easy to hard but the other maps are puzzles. :) Download the Google Translate app and use the 'camera' option to help you translate the Japanese/Chinese characters.
Itens (67)
Adventures of Gromp 0.6?
Criado por KaptainKumKakes
this ones for da gromps...
Criado por r24r
Duck Play...
Criado por 阿挺真帅
此图为解谜类型,需要比较有耐心才能进行下去。 This figure is a puzzle type, which requires more patience to proceed....
Enjoy the trees...
Island Resort
Criado por Blasphemy
IMPORTANT! This level is designed for co-op (2 or more players) and CANNOT BE BEATEN IN SOLO. This is my first level also my entry for the competition. I worked hard so any feedback would be much appreciated. Many of the puzzles are difficult and require c...
Lava Lake
Criado por Gotcha
Make it through lava lake collecting power gems to find the temples jewel! Some may find this level difficult, some won't. Regardless, it will be enjoyable. #GiveDogsJobs #UnionizeThoseDogs Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates!
Criado por Talmo
Enjoy climbing the beautiful landscape of RedRoofs! Bug: at the end of the level, you will get teleported to the last checkpoint. (Im allready working on that) RedRoofs 1.0 NEW INDUSTRIAL UPDATE! Please give me some Feedback :) and if something doesn´t wor...
The Golden Temple
Criado por Syrt
Single and Multiplayer 3 course map Difficult course - and might take some time Feel free to leave a comment, let me know what you think! TIPS: If you keep falling off the edge when you respawn - try grabbing the floor as you land. Avoid reloading checkpoi...
The Portal
Criado por Pirate_90
Description: Solve puzzles and find ways to reactivate a portal that will lead you to another world. Music by: Secession Studios Warning: The portal can glitch. To reduce the risk, make sure not to grab anything and don't jump during transport. Updated Jan...
Criado por Święty Krab
Deep in the frigid mountains lies a hidden mining complex only waiting for meddling adventurers to venture into it's depths. Will you be able to uncover what lies ahead? Just to clear things up, make sure to play the official version of the map in the extr...
Criado por 电脑玩家佩奇
UFO重制版v10.22 ...
彼方为谁,无我有问 九月露湿,待君之前...
Criado por 小泽
由于第一张图:你的故事 是我最开始萌新的时候出的图 现在会做图了 感谢了很多人的支持和鼓励 但凡有故事的人,心中都充满了故事 不言即语,何必解释太多的误解呢!...
太空冒险(Space adventures)
Criado por 小凯丽0v0
已更新!!!!BOSS关卡更新!!!! 尽你所能,到达基地! Do your best to reach the base! 这两天收到很多吐槽、建议、谩骂之类的……所以我修改了一下……TAT 1、增加检查点(降低第一关的难度 ) 2、背景音乐声改小声了(毕竟我爱电音,没电音我过不来关) 3、增加通关示范视频(由里逸倾情主演) 3、转盘降低,弹跳板距离缩短,鲸鱼机器人距离缩短,四人合作关卡距离缩短(至于小机器人有不明椭圆空气墙我是不会改的因为我觉得很酷) 4、新增打BOSS关卡,拯救世界的任务就靠你了! P...
Criado por 小团子Dumpling
Criado por 大刀 X
图有点儿大,大概314M,要加载良久 适合1-3人玩耍,划重点,1-3人 本图为萌新进阶图,死亡点颇多,请严格按照路线走,不要想着偷那两只鸡 如有bug敬请留言...
Criado por 小凯丽0v0
将将将将!<密室2>新鲜出炉! 喜欢此图的朋友麻烦帮点点赞点点涨分啦~拜托拜托QAQ (友情提示:在图里找到我,就能得到提示) Have a good time! by: 小凯丽0v0 斗鱼4647664(咳咳-.-)...
小布点宇宙冒险3-行星(Cosmic adventure 3- planets)
Criado por 小布点的布-okk
地图难度:简单 宇宙冒险3来了,相比其它关卡要简单很多。 穿梭于各星球之间,用你最擅长的操作过关吧 游戏愉快! Map difficulty: easy Cosmic adventure 3 , much easier than the other levels. Shuttle between the stars and do what you do best Have fun!...
Criado por 空白Kong Bai
至少8个人游戏,以后会改单人也可玩,背景故事完善中。 音量请调大,亮度为中间位置,房主请不要载点否则房门会永久关闭,需要退到大厅重开,请注意各种提示。...
Criado por Huir
简简单单 作图不易 大佬轻喷...
Criado por Huir
好像是萌新图 挺简单的 作图不易 不点涨分也不要点降分 大佬轻点喷...
共50关城市闯关,此图难度适中,并不属于萌新图,但难度逊于自闭图,需要较多技巧才可通关,不会爬墙的先去学了爬墙再玩,此图并不故意搞心态,没有捉弄人的地方,只有少许防偷鸡,但过多爬墙比较影响心态,所以心态容易炸的还是慎重游玩! 不是连跳图,不是自闭图,猫妖,糖宝,残羽,小乔,桃酥,葵宝,猫妖,木头,木白,小柒,电瓶,梓逸,橘生,呆呆,里逸,柔柔,懵圈,一琳,逸晨,十三姨,火舞,屠夫,莎莎,乔治呐,江流儿,神临,月光,苏冷,安静,薄荷,该隐,燃燃,沐沐,江齐,溪风心动,花裙子,皮皮等人应该会喜欢玩的! ...
22日大更新:1:碗关卡优化中间无洞。 2:迷宫减负,玩偶娃娃就在通往出口的路上,顺路拿即可。并且增设两块超大地图! 3波浪关卡取消,没有意义,更改为滑冰板。 4最后一关开车车路更改,现在需要好好开车才可以! 作者大大一点心里话:下面几条,从上往下看咯,看完吧! 你们这一堆臭弟弟们,这么简单的关卡,能不能像我一样,秀一点咯,秀一点你不就过去了吗?你摸跟我说秀不起来呀,练呀,两耳莫问窗外事,一心只玩 虎门 佛尔 福奈特 ,看我,老李(李先森),500个小时的萌新,啥子为萌新?我跟李先森就是萌新,这就是我跟李先...
洞旅(上)/Cave trip(The first part)
Criado por Watermelen
洞穴之旅。 Cave trip...
洞旅(下)/Cave trip(The last part)
Criado por Watermelen
进入洞穴深处了!你准备好了嘛? Deep in the cave! Are you ready? 建议多人游玩本图,单人游戏难度相对较大。 ...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 1
Criado por CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 1...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 4 森林(Forest)
Criado por CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 4 森林(Forest) ...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 5 城市 City
Criado por CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 5 城市 City...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 6 太空 The Space
Criado por CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 6 太空 The Space 跳板按键教学视频: jump pad tutorial:
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 7 村庄 The village
Criado por CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 7 村庄 The village 跳板按键教学视频: 萌新大佬通关视频: jump pad tutorial:
神偷跑酷1(running thief 1)
Criado por 喵OWO喵
part1 of running thief 神偷跑酷第一部分...
Criado por 你比风还会吹
作者:只带月饼的美团 更新版本:10.8 完整版! 1.优化了部分掉帧卡顿 2.新增指示牌(文字提示) 3.优化cp6的矿镇模型碰撞 4.修复莲花卡脚 5.新增悬浮岛 感谢- 只带萌新的大佬 的指导 (某人对我放养式教学可还行~) ...
Criado por 艾恬
本图是观赏萌新图 贼简单贼简单贼简单 Y频:2148欢迎您...
Criado por 去去去qqq
Criado por MY
Criado por o蜗居达人o
不一样的萌新图,图中有问题和BUG 欢迎留言评论,一定尽快修整。...
Criado por 脸红
此关卡需要两个或两个以上玩家游玩 且在游玩过程中一定要开语音!!!开语音!!开语音!!!!!!!!!!!关卡是复刻的we were here系列 希望大家能看得到这个比较小众的解谜游戏...
实物解谜,略有难度,过不去的话可以看提示 实在不行再cp 因为关卡太少了。。 鉴于挺多人都喜欢上次的保存点,这次就没换(翻译:偷懒) bgm详见评论区 slightly harder puzzle map. have fun...
Criado por 龙龙
龙龙第一个烧脑解谜图 开黑Yy453097每晚都有小姐姐开黑...
Obstacle Course
Criado por Methamphetamine
Medium/Hard map, hope you like it!...
Criado por Mildred Bumble
This level has been created in Unity using ProBuilder and the Human: Fall Flat Workshop prefabs. It gives an example of how the prefabs can be manipulated to create unique levels. This level has a totally different aesthetic to the levels in the core game,...
Criado por PrinceS
DISCLAIMER: Please turn off your Music Volume in Options > Audio when playing this Dream, as it features a custom soundtrack. Thanks! golf. noun. a game in which players use a set of sticks to hit small, round, hard balls into a series of holes on an area ...
Island Hopper
Criado por gulpethedemon
A short map where there is a different challenge to get to the next island....
Space Mountain
Criado por Gotcha
Start at the bottom and utilize the space base's heavy machinery to climb to the top of space mountain! #DogLaw Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity before making ...
Criado por
很简短的一张小图 更新剑刃加了死亡点,可以互相伤害 把死亡点改小了...
Criado por Gotcha
The long-awaited sequel to Space Mountain! #GiveDogsVotingRights Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates!
Criado por 只带、柔柔
难度系数:0 Difficulty coefficient: 0 专门为萌新们做的一个萌新图~ A very simple map~ 有什么难度可以随时问我!! If you have any difficulty, you can ask me at any time!! 很感谢一路支持的小伙伴们,感谢~ Thank you so much for your support. Thank you~...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 2 (Svartalfheim)
Criado por VodkaZombie
If one wishes to journey to Valhalla without being slain, one must first overcome all of Odins challenges. Odin tasked the dwarves of Svartalfheim to craft these challenges. Each realm has its own unique challenge you must complete, starting with Svartalfh...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 3 (Muspelheim)
Criado por VodkaZombie
After Svartalfheim, the dwarves decided to increase the danger. The next challenge they created is in Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Avoid the dangerous lava while jumping from rock to rock, performing difficult jumps and acquire Surtr's fiery sword to pro...
What did it cost? Everything.
Criado por Gotcha
A truly difficult obstacle Course. Can you beat it? #MyDogsVoteMattersMoreThanMyOwn Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity before making these levels, it's possible ...
Criado por ice
第二张图辣 点点涨分爱你们yo~ 想一起玩的宝贝可以来yy721401 欢迎打扰o...
Ninja warrior
Criado por gulpethedemon
Based on the tv show ninja warrior. Complete the sets of challenges to get to the end, there are some easy, medium, and hard challenges. Race against your friends to see who is the fastest. thank you gotcha for some of the tutorials on Youtube. https://www...
Get Hurled
Criado por Gotcha
Get Hurled! Lots of high velocity adventures are in store outside the castle doors. Remember to hold on with both hands! Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity befor...
Death Run easy level
Criado por HYDRA__ZX
-map all about to survive from trap i made it just for fun :3 - there is 6 checkpoint and last point is end of the map - if there any bug please tell me i will try my best Good Luck Have Fun <3 just subscribe to download map ...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 5 (Alfheim & Vanaheim)
Criado por VodkaZombie
Next up are the realms of magic and mystery. Enter the worlds of Alfheim and Vanaheim. Magic is a dangerous thing. Use the magic of the elves to progress in the level, but watch out for the dangerous magic winds. This is the fifth part of my series, which ...
The Leap Of Faith [PART 2]
Criado por Buler
The adventure continues as in this dream you still struggle to overcome the fear of falling! Thank you everybody for amazing feedback on the previous installment of this series, I will work on more parts SOON! Let me know what you think of this episode, al...
Criado por VFHolloway
Level Design Test for No Brakes Games (28/07/2019)...
Space Station
Criado por Gotcha
Explore the Space Station while collecting the batteries to escape! This is a difficult and puzzling level, completing it will may be hard. After you find and install all the batteries, pull the heavy door open to the party room! *Obligatory seizure warnin...
Copper World
Criado por VodkaZombie
*This is my original version of the now official Copper World level* Welcome to the fantastic world of copper, where everything is copper and copper is everything. Make your way through this copperful environment, where you need to solve puzzles, play with...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 4 (Niflheim)
Criado por VodkaZombie
After the realm of fire, the dwarves decided to cool off by making the next challenge in the coldest of all the realms. The next challenge was made in Niflheim, the realm of fog. Don't fall into the endless fog as you traverse the challenge. Solve puzzles,...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 1 (OLD)
Criado por VodkaZombie
**THIS VERSION IS OUTDATED. I HAVE RELEASED A REWORK OF THIS MAP** Valhalla is the most glorious achievement any viking can achieve. Seek the glory of Valhalla, as you venture through the north to find a way into the majestic hall of the slain. Travel thro...
Criado por 小泽
向日葵不喜欢太阳 月球不绕着地球转 海太平洋被晒干 星星出现在正午 你喜欢我!!! 有任何问题联系我 Qq:982097675 小萌新娱乐地图~...
Criado por BC
Criado por Jaspo
Activate a time machine and warp to the castle age. Can be completed by one player, also fun with more. Has a mix of puzzle and platformer elements. Made by Jason Gieske for the fantastic machines workshop competition. Be aware that this level has technica...