Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

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Hosting Dedicated server
By Ultimate Kamahl
How to host server and what you need to do before and after.
Basic files and most needed commands.
Basic files
First download dedicated server in steam under tools section!
Copy and paste all in txt or cfg file and rename it how you want.
Under is listed all the basic settings needed
Survival config file:
prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = "Survival Server";
prj_uwPort = 27015;
prj_iDedicatedFPS = 128;
prj_fVoteDuration = "45";
prj_ctTimeBanMinutes ="40";
ser_iMaxClientBPS = 20000;
gam_ctMinPlayers = "1";
gam_ctMaxPlayers = 8;
gam_idGameMode = "TeamSurvival";
gam_strLevel = "Content\SeriousSam3\Levels\Z5_Other\SV_Canyon.wld";

Versus config file:
rcts_strAdminPassword = "";
gam_idGameMode = "Deathmatch";
ser_iMaxClientBPS = 50000;
prj_iDedicatedFPS = 144;
gam_ctMaxPlayers = 8;
prj_uwPort = 27015;
prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = "DM";
gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 1;
gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1;
gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1;
gam_bWeaponsStay = 1;
gam_bAmmoStays = 1;
gam_bArmorStays = 1;
gam_bHealthStays = 1;
gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1;
gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0;
gam_strLevel = "Content\SeriousSam3\Levels\Z5_Other\CairoCity.wld"
prj_fVoteDuration = "35";
ser_strBanList = "1100001080d216b; 110000100ab5cd9;11000010b6f41b2;";

Campaign config file:
--This makes server campaign for serious x62 difficulty
prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = "Server";
prj_iDedicatedFPS = 128;
prj_uwPort = 27015;
prj_fVoteDuration = "45";
prj_ctTimeBanMinutes ="33";
ser_iMaxClientBPS = 50000;
ser_strBanList= "";
gam_ctMinPlayers = "1";
gam_ctMaxPlayers = 16;
gam_idGameMode = "Cooperative";
gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 1;
gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 1;
gam_bPowerupsStay = 0;
gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 0;
gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1;
gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1;
gam_bWeaponsStay = 1;
gam_bAmmoStays = 1;
gam_bArmorStays = 1;
gam_bHealthStays = 1;
gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0; --score +10
gam_gdDifficulty = 5; --serious diff +40
gam_strLevel = "Content\SeriousSam3\Levels\01_BFE\06_Pyramids\06_Pyramids.wld";
gam_bRespawnCreditsPerPlayer = 0; --Used in standard mode
gam_iRespawnCredits = 100;
gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 10; --score will be reduced by 1 if it is anything other than 0
gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0;
gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 25;
gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 30;
gam_bRespawnInPlace = 0;
gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0;
rcts_strAdminPassword = "password";

Game can read LUA script directly from your survival config file.
So you can do autochat by just adding few lines on the last lines of survival.txt file:

chatSay("Hope you are having fun on the server!")
chatSay("Here are some rules though: Wait! There are no rules... ")

Keep in mind that you can only type about 80 symbols per line, spaces counts as well. Then you need to do another Wait(Delay(3)) chatSay("
Starting the server with bat file or command line
Easy way to start up server is to create server.bat -file and paste this to it (this example uses Steam default install location, change path if you have it elsewhere):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Sam3_DedicatedServer.exe" +exec "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Serious Sam 3\Content\Config\survival.txt"
You need dedicated server tool installed and survival.txt file on path show above.

Alternative way to start SS 3 server:
Paste this in to commandline:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Sam3_DedicatedServer.exe" +gamemode TeamSurvival +port 27015 +sessionname Survival +fps 128 +minplayers 1 +ser_iMaxClientBPS 20000 +prj_fVoteDuration 35

SS TSE HD server .bat file:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter\Bin\SamHD_TSE_DedicatedServer.exe" +gamemode TeamSurvival +maxplayers 8 +ser_iMaxClientBPS 20000 +prj_fVoteDuration 40 +fps 128 +port 27015 +sessionname "Survival server" +level Content\SeriousSamHD\Levels\Z5_Other\SV_BearCity.wld +prj_strDisabledVoteTypes changegamemode +prj_ctTimeBanMinutes 33

.bat file or survival.txt file works on SS 3, Fusion and TSE too.
Opening ports
You need to open ports 27015-27016 in your internet router as TCP/UDP, it can be tricky depending on your internet model.

Here is few steps to get you started:
1. press windows+R and type cmd to open console
2. in there type ipconfig and look for default gateway adress and copy that (example:
3. paste it on your internet browser to get in
4. check what router model you have and default password for it (usually admin, admin. Sometimes it can be admin,1234 or user, user)
*5. Go to firewall settings
*6. Add new firewall rule, External AND internal port 27015-27016 as UDP (you may need to add both individually), internall adress: place your Ipv4 address here (example: 192.168.161)

* all router models have own style GUI and navigation bars might be named differently
You can ask me for more info.
Admin login and commands
Enabling telnet:
You need to use windows telnet remote connection (Rcon as referred on server readme) to give admin commands. It may be disabled by default.

Go to "add or delete programs"
side bar should have "disable and enable windows features"
check Telnet Client

Sure you can use some other programs too but dunno if they work since SS 3 so old, at least telnet command works even on windows 10.

You can just do command on run prompt (win+R) :
telnet *IPv4 address* *port*
check your IPv4 address with ipconfig command.
telnet 27015

if you get error, you have not enabled telnet or you have wrong IPv4 address, port or some extra letters.
if server window closes immediately, you are not opened needed ports.

if you did all right and you have setup rcts_strAdminPassword = "password"; on survival.txt file, it will ask for login password.

Admin commands
Here are some usefull commands to use:
chatSay("Press F3 to ready up!")
Ultimate Kamahl  [author] 11 Jan, 2022 @ 5:52am 
@alexandr yeah it work exactly as SS3, you can even use same files and commands. Just change path where it loads. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Serious Sam Fusion 2017\Bin\x64\Sam2017_DedicatedServer.exe"
Notice one folder more, 64 bit version^
Alexandr.Volkov 10 Jan, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
Ultimate Kamahl, i can doing dedicated server in serious sam fusion 2017 (Beta)?
ajaikumar162 7 Aug, 2020 @ 8:56am 
well of to go ther
Ultimate Kamahl  [author] 6 Aug, 2020 @ 6:26am 
Well you can just type "serious sam" on steam game search -bar in your library and it should also show dedicated server tool.
ajaikumar162 6 Aug, 2020 @ 12:23am 
how to go to under tools

Ultimate Kamahl  [author] 28 May, 2020 @ 8:19am 
Hi Nigmas, I updated answers to your questions on the guide
Nigmas 28 May, 2020 @ 1:09am 
how do i write from server window? and how to set up autochat?