175 ratings
Farming covenant items
By quacksouls
Tips, strategies, and routes for farming covenant items.
When farming from PvE, have as high Item Discovery as possible. Reallocate your stats with Rosaria to get as high Luck as possible, preferably 99 Luck. Use Rusted Coins if you can purchase them or ask someone to drop you stacks of Gold Coins. Equip these: Symbol of Avarice, Crystal Sage's Rapier, Gold Serpent Ring+3. Having at least 465 Item Discovery would give you decent drop rates. At least 500 Item Discovery is better.

This guide describes how to effectively farm covenant items by yourself. Note that you can farm all covenant items while playing offline. When you have the required number of covenant items, e.g. 30 Pale Tongues, play online and turn in your covenant items for covenant rewards. For those who enjoy playing online while farming, refer to these for how to protect yourself from cheaters:


Refer to the guide below for how to obtain equipments necessary for farming:
Farming covenant items should be done in NG+0 and after you have defeated all bosses, including DLC bosses. Once you move on to NG+1 and beyond, enemies would be more difficult to kill. After you have defeated all bosses and levelled up, your character should have a decent pool of HP and enough Vitality to equip an armour set having decent damage absorption. Furthermore, if an area boss is dead, other players wouldn't be able to invade you while you're farming and playing online in that area. The only exception is Halflight in the Ringed City, who can be revived after his defeat.

Before I started farming in NG+0, I killed all bosses. Then I reallocated my stats with Rosaria to get 99 Luck, 30 Vigor, enough stats to wield the Lothric Knight Greatsword even when 1-handed, and enough Stamina to perform at least 4 swings of the weapon with R1. The rest I dumped into stats that can boost my damage absorption, such as Vitality, Stamina, Strength, and Dexterity. If you want, consider equipping the Ring of Favor+3 and/or Havel's Ring+3 to boost your Vitality and enable you to wear a heavier armour set. Both rings are found in the Ringed City even in NG+0. Experiment with Souls Planner


and reallocate your stats with Rosaria to see which distribution of your stats works best for you. In any NG cycle, you have at most 5 chances to reallocate your stats. If you want, use the infinite reallocate glitch. As of 2020, the Rosaria glitch still works on PC and PS4:
I now describe how I gathered data for my discussion in the sections below. After killing an enemy, e.g. Silver Knight, I wrote down whether or not it dropped a covenant item. If I obtained a covenant item from the kill, I would know how many of those enemies I had killed one after the other to get one covenant item. If I didn't get a covenant item, I would move on to the next same type of enemy. For example, if I want to farm Pale Tongues, I would focus mainly on killing Dark Wraiths and ignore all other types of enemies.

During any farming session, I equipped the Gold Serpent Ring+3, Symbol of Avarice, and Crystal Sage's Rapier for a total of 465 Item Discovery. You might be surprised why I got 465 Item Discovery instead of 464. My base Item Discovery is 100 and I have 99 Luck, so my Item Discovery is now 199. The Gold Serpent Ring+3 and the Symbol of Avarice add 115 and 100 points, respectively, to my Item Discovery. Finally, the Crystal Sage's Rapier adds 50 points to my Item Discovery. So in theory I should have 199 + 115 + 100 + 50 = 464 Item Discovery. Where does the extra 1 point come from? This extra point comes from stacking the Gold Serpent Ring+3 with the Symbol of Avarice, the stacking being multiplicative instead of additive.
Sunlight Medals
Sunlight Medals can be farmed through jolly cooperation as well as invasion. To farm Sunlight Medals through jolly cooperation, equip the Warrior of Sunlight covenant badge, use your White Sign Soapstone to place a gold sign, be summoned as a sunbro, and help your host defeat a boss to obtain a Medal. Check the forum for help requests. You can also summon a gold phantom to help you fight a boss. In both of these cases, the sunbro must survive the boss fight long enough for the boss to die.

You have 2 ways to farm Medals from invasion, where in both cases you must equip the Warrior of Sunlight covenant badge. First, use the Red Eye Orb or Wex Dust mod


to invade a random player. Earlier versions of Wex Dust would result in your Steam account being banned. Later versions of the mod are safe; check the website of the mod for more details. While equipping the Warrior of Sunlight covenant badge and invading using the Red Eye Orb or Wex Dust, your phantom appears as gold-ish red. Kill the host to receive a Medal. For this method to work, you must be comfortable with PvP. Second, enlist the help of another player to summon your red phantom. Use the Red Sign Soapstone to write your gold-ish red sign, be password summoned as a gold-ish red phantom, and kill the host to receive a Medal. This trick is best done at a bonfire located near a cliff, preferably the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, the Undead Settlement bonfire, or the Anor Londo bonfire. Having summoned your phantom, your host should wait until you are in their game, then the host should suicide by jumping off a cliff.

To farm Sunlight Medals from NPCs, kill the Lothric Knights in Lothric Castle, before the Dragonslayer Armour boss. Lothric Knights are vulnerable to stun lock. Use an ultra great sword with a thrust fully charged R2 to stun lock them. These weapons include: Astora Greatsword, Lothric Knight Greatsword, Cathedral Knight Greatsword, Fume Ultra Greatsword, Profaned Greatsword, and Lorian's Greatsword.

You can farm the 3 Lothric Knights near the Lothric Castle bonfire or the 6 Lothric Knights from the Dragon Barracks bonfire onward. In general, I recommend you avoid using a straight sword to fight a Lothric Knight. The easiest way to cheese a Lothric Knight is to 2-hand an ultra great sword having a thrust R2; use a fully charged R2 to stun lock the knight. My preferred weapon is a Lothric Knight Greatsword+9 for cheesing. Lothric Knights who wield great shields are more difficult to cheese, but can easily be guard broken if you 2-hand a straight sword and spam R1. Below I discuss a farming route that starts from the Dragonslayer Armour bonfire.

The best route for farming Sunlight Medals starts from the Dragonslayer Armour bonfire. Kill the lone Lothric Knight near the Warrior of Sunlight covenant statue. Make your way down the staircase and kill the cleric as quickly as possible before he has a chance to buff the nearby Lothric Knight. Once the cleric is eliminated, it's easier to fight the knight because the cleric wouldn't be able to buff and/or heal the knight. Next, dispatch of the second cleric before you deal with the spear-wielding Lothric Knight. This knight can be difficult to fight as he tends to turtle behind his great shield. An effective strategy against such turtling is to 2-hand a straight sword and spam R1 until his guard is broken, followed by a riposte. Another option is to 2-hand a Lothric Knight Greatsword+9, tank his hit, and trade with your R1 or R2. Now head through the shortcut gate, turn right and make your way to the hollow who throws Undead Hunter Charms, and kill him. Beware of the nearby crossbow hollow who fires Exploding Bolts at you. Next, dispatch of the 3 nearby hollows before you proceed to deal with the 2 kneeling Lothric Knights, one at a time. Finally, fight the Lothric Knight who kneels near the Dragon Barracks bonfire. The above route is shown in the following video.

I now discuss the drop rates for Sunlight Medals if you use the above route. According to the table


the true drop rate for Sunlight Medal is 2% per Lothric Knight in Lothric Castle, which also includes the area before the Dragonslayer Armour boss arena. With 465 Item Discovery, my chance of a drop is 9.3%. The experimental drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many Lothric Knights must be killed, one after the other, in order for a Sunlight Medal to spawn. The vertical axis shows the chance of receiving a Sunlight Medal after successively killing a certain number of Lothric Knights. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 5 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 Lothric Knights in a row to obtain a Sunlight Medal. The second bar represents the cases where 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 Lothric Knights must be killed in succession to get a Sunlight Medal. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped 5 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 1,240 Lothric Knights were defeated to obtain 120 Sunlight Medals. On average I killed approximately 10 Lothric Knights in succession in order for a Sunlight Medal to spawn. Of the Lothric Knights who were killed, approximately 9.7% of them dropped Sunlight Medals. This proportion is higher than my chance of receiving a drop. The graph shows that there is over 6% chance to obtain a Sunlight Medal after killing between 1 and 4, inclusive, Lothric Knights in a row. This is the best case scenario. The worst bad luck was the time I had to successively defeat 83 Lothric Knights to receive a Sunlight Medal. As the graph shows, there is a chance of less than 1% that I had to successively defeat between 80 and 84, inclusive, Lothric Knights in order for a Sunlight Medal to spawn.
Pale Tongues
Similar to the invasion methods for farming Sunlight Medals, but do not equip any covenant badges. The first method is to invade as a red phantom using either the Red Eye Orb or Wex Dust. Defeat the host to receive a Pale Tongue. The second method is to ask another player for assistance. Put down your red sign and be password summoned as a red phantom. When you're in the host's world, the host should wait a few seconds and then suicide off a cliff. The second method should be done near a bonfire located next to a cliff, e.g. the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, the Undead Settlement bonfire, or the Anor Londo bonfire.

Kill the Dark Wraiths in Farron Keep. From the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, kill the 3 Ghrus nearby. Then head to the Abyss Watchers' boss arena, keeping to the right. Once you see a Ghru mage sitting, kill it and stay near its sitting spot and let the 2 Dark Wraiths kill the other Ghrus. Sometimes one or both of the Dark Wraiths would die to the Ghrus. You want this to happen because the Ghrus are easier to fight than the Dark Wraiths. The Dark Wraiths would drop Pale Tongues, while the Ghrus would drop Swordgrasses. Rinse and repeat.

The 2 Dark Wraiths near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire are the ideal enemies for farming Pale Tongues because the general area around this bonfire is the only location in the game where you would meet 2 Dark Wraiths who are near each other. Each Dark Wraith has immense poise and is not easily staggered even if you're using an ultra greatsword. I recommend you to use a weapon, upgraded as high as possible, that can kill a Dark Wraith in at most 2 hits. Never fight 2 Dark Wraiths at the same time. Use bow and arrows to lure one Dark Wraith away from the other and eliminate one at a time. The following video shows the farming route for Pale Tongues.

I now discuss the drop rates for Pale Tongues. The drop rates for Swordgrasses are covered in the section on Swordgrasses. The drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many Dark Wraiths must be killed, one after the other, to get a Pale Tongue. The vertical axis shows the chance of receiving a Pale Tongue after killing a certain number of Dark Wraiths. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 5 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 Dark Wraiths in a row to obtain a Pale Tongue. The second bar represents the cases where 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 Dark Wraiths must be killed in succession for a Pale Tongue to spawn. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped all 5 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 631 Dark Wraiths were defeated in order to obtain 120 Pale Tongues. On average I killed approximately 5 Dark Wraiths for each Pale Tongue. Of the Dark Wraiths who were killed, approximately 19% of them dropped Pale Tongues. The graph shows that there is over 10% chance to obtain a Pale Tongue after killing between 1 and 4, inclusive, Dark Wraiths in a row. This is the best case scenario. The worst bad luck was the time I had to successively defeat 18 Dark Wraiths for a Pale Tongue to spawn. As the graph shows, there is a chance of approximately 1% that I had to successively defeat between 15 and 19, inclusive, Dark Wraiths in order to obtain a Pale Tongue.
Farming Swordgrasses cannot be cheesed in the same way that you can summon cheese Sunlight Medals, Pale Tongues, and Vertebra Shackles. Here is one way to cheese the farming of Swordgrasses. Equip your Watchdogs of Farron covenant badge. Ask another player, say B, to help you. Player B should have a character of similar soul and weapon levels to your character. B should have lighted the Crucifixion Woods bonfire, but leave Crystal Sage and Abyss Watchers alive. Ask B to be embered and wait while walking or running around in the swamp near the Crucifixion Woods bonfire. Being in the water of the swamp would trigger Watchdogs of Farron to invade, so ensure B is in the water and not waiting by the bonfire. Ask B to use the Dried Finger to get invasion faster. Once you have auto-invaded B's world, B should suicide their character for a fast kill and you would get a Swordgrass.

Alternatively, player B should have setup a character with as low soul and weapon levels as possible, preferably SL1 and weapon upgrade level +0. B could also have levelled up 5 times with Yoel to be at SL6 and weapon level +0. By the time B reached Crucifixion Woods, Crystal Sage and Abyss Watchers should all be alive. B should ideally have a reserve of approximately 125,562,533 souls to be able to level up to at least SL350 or any soul level below that. Furthermore, B should have enough upgrade materials to level up a regular weapon to +10 or any level below that. How would B obtain a Titanite Slab without defeating Crystal Sage and Abyss Watchers? Use the Crystal Sage skip to bypass the fight against Crystal Sage and head to the Cleansing Chapel bonfire.
Light the Cleansing Chapel bonfire, talk to Gael, accept his quest, and be transported to Ashes of Ariandel. Head to the Depths of the Painting bonfire as soon as possible. From there, unlock a 2-ladder shortcut leading to a Titanite Slab.
The above methods are not guaranteed to give you a higher chance of auto-invading as a Watchdog of Farron. Auto-invasion can take a long time to occur so be sure to farm the Ghrus in Farron Keep while you wait to auto-invade.

See the previous section for a general farming strategy.

The 3 Ghrus near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire are ideal for determining the drop rates because the enemies are close to a bonfire and the 2 Dark Wraiths wouldn't be triggered while you're near these Ghrus. If you use the Ghrus in front of the Abyss Watchers' arena to determine the drop rates, most of the time the 2 Dark Wraiths would interfere with your farming because they tend to fight the Ghrus. You should have a weapon, upgraded as high as possible, that can one-shot each Ghru. The above route is shown in the next video.

The drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many Ghrus must be killed, one after the other, to get a Swordgrass. The vertical axis shows the chance of getting a Swordgrass after killing a certain number of Ghrus. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 10 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 Ghrus in a row to obtain a Swordgrass. The second bar represents the cases where 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19 Ghrus must be killed in succession to get a Swordgrass. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped all 10 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 2,365 Ghrus were defeated to obtain 120 Swordgrasses, averaging about 19 Ghrus per Swordgrass. According to the table


for the Ghrus near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, the Ghru who wields a dagger has a true drop rate of 2% so my chance of a Swordgrass drop from it is 9.3%. Each of the other 2 Ghrus has a true drop rate of 1%, which translates to my chance of a drop as 4.65%. Of the Ghrus who were killed, approximately 5.1% of them dropped Swordgrasses. This is worse than my chance of a drop from the dagger-wielding Ghru, but slightly better than my chance of a drop from each of the other 2 Ghrus. The graph shows that there is 4% chance to obtain a Swordgrass after killing between 1 and 9 Ghrus in a row, inclusive. This is the best case scenario. One time I was extremely unlucky and had to dispatch of 101 Ghrus in succession to receive a Swordgrass. As the graph shows, there is a chance of less than 0.5% to obtain a Swordgrass after successively defeating between 100 and 109 Ghrus, inclusive.
Vertebra Shackles
Same as per farming for Pale Tongues, but you must equip the Mound-makers covenant badge.

One shackle is a guaranteed drop by Hodrick after you killed him near the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, where he invades you as a purple phantom. The second time you meet him is near the Crucifixion Woods bonfire, where you can summon his purple phantom. Summoning Hodrick and killing his purple phantom here does not give you a Vertebra Shackle.

You can farm Vertebra Shackles from the large skeletons in the catacombs, preferably using a Blessed infused weapon. I farmed only the large skeletons that wield either great curved swords or shotels. My weapon of choice was a Blessed infused Cathedral Knight Greatsword+9. While 2-handing the weapon, an R1 would knock a large skeleton down. This would guarantee you a kill because, while the skeleton is on the ground, another R1 or two would kill it. Each of these large skeletons can bleed you with its weapon so ensure you have a bunch of Bloodred Moss Clumps handy.

Starting from the Catacombs of Carthus bonfire, head right to the 2 greatsword-wielding skeletons and kill them. These 2 skeletons are the most dangerous enemies in the route because they tend to stick together and gank you. If any of them is blocking with a shield, an R1 from a Blessed infused Cathedral Knight Greatsword+9 is enough to guard break and a riposte would kill it. There is a 3rd greatsword-wielding skeleton nearby; kill him as well. Then follow the path of the nearby giant skeleton ball down to where the rats are. Kill all 3 rats near the foot of the staircase. There is a 4th rat hiding somewhere to the right. If you don't kill it, it would sneak up on you while you're fighting the large skeleton at the end of the hallway. Kill the 4th rat and then fight the said skeleton. Find the illusory wall nearby, ascend the stairs and kill the 2 large skeletons that wield shotels and the large skeleton archer. Now head down the stairs and take the path where you would find the Crystal Lizard. Kill the greatsword-wielding skeleton standing at the edge of a cliff. If you're standing at some distance away from the skeleton, using a Throwing Knife against it would often trigger it to roll off the cliff. If you get close to the skeleton to trigger it and immediately run away, the skeleton would sometimes roll off the cliff. Get close enough to the skeleton to trigger it and then slowly retreat to lure it away from the cliff. The above route is shown in the next video.

The drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many large skeletons must be killed, one after the other, to get a Vertebra Shackle. The vertical axis shows the chance of obtaining a Vertebra Shackle after killing a certain number of large skeletons. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 10 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 large skeletons in a row to obtain a Vertebra Shackle. The second bar represents the cases where 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19 large skeletons must be killed in succession to get a Vertebra Shackle. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped all 10 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 3,166 large skeletons were defeated to obtain 120 Vertebra Shackles. On average, 26 large skeletons were killed in succession to obtain a Vertebra Shackle. Of the large skeletons eliminated, approximately 3.8% of them dropped Vertebra Shackles. The graph shows that there is over 2.5% chance to obtain a Vertebra Shackle after killing between 1 and 9 large skeletons in a row, inclusive. This is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario was the time I had to dispatch of 152 large skeletons in succession to receive a Vertebra Shackle. As the graph shows, there is a chance of less than 0.5% to obtain a Vertebra Shackle after successively defeating between 150 and 159 large skeletons, inclusive.
Proofs of a Concord Kept
Farming Concords cannot be cheesed in the same way that you can summon cheese Sunlight Medals, Pale Tongues, and Vertebra Shackles. However, you can make your farming easier by asking another player, say B, to help you. Equip your Blade of the Darkmoon covenant badge, or the Blue Sentinels covenant badge, and ask B to equip the Way of Blue covenant badge. Player B should have a character of similar soul and weapon levels to your character. B should be in an early-game area such as Undead Settlement or Crucifixion Woods, where enemies are weak. Ideally, Crystal Sage and Abyss Watchers should still be alive. Once B is invaded by a red or purple phantom, a Blade of the Darkmoon (or Blue Sentinel) would be automatically summoned to help B fight the invader. You or the host do not need to defeat the invader. The host can simply run to the fog wall of the boss room, enter the boss room, and you as a blue would receive a Concord.

Alternatively, player B should have setup a character with as low soul and weapon levels as possible, preferably SL1 and weapon upgrade level +0. B could also have levelled up 5 times with Yoel to be at SL6 and weapon level +0. This setup is the same as per the setup for cheesing Swordgrass.

Note that being auto-summoned as a blue can take a long time because a random player is chosen and the chosen player is usually someone who has a good connection with the host. Once a red is in a host's world, a blue would normally be summoned within a few minutes. For hosts, they seem to be getting lots of blues, but those who really want to be summoned as a blue must wait a long time for the auto-summon. The host should be using Blue Sentinel mod and block blues other than yourself to give you a higher chance of being summoned. Blue Sentinel mod works well with the blocking feature of Steam because once a profile is blocked, the blocking takes effect immediately once the corresponding player is out of your game. For the above cheese to work in your favour, you must devote a few hours to this method and farm the Silver Knights while waiting to be auto-summoned as a blue.

Farm the Silver Knights. From the Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire, head to Anor Londo. On your way, kill the bunch of deacons near the 2 dormant giants and head up the buttress. The buttress has 6 Silver Knights, 5 of whom are archers. Kill them and ascend the circular staircase to Anor Londo and kill the 3 Silver Knights outside of Aldrich's boss room. Go inside Aldrich's building and kill the bunch of deacons there. The deacons drop Human Dregs. Rinse and repeat.

The 3 Silver Knights in Anor Londo are easy to cheese. Lure each one at a time to the bridge of the circular staircase. Stand halfway on the bridge and a Silver Knight wouldn't be able to enter the bridge. When the knight starts to block and slowly retreats, break his guard and riposte with a Fire or Chaos dagger. All Silver Knights can be parried. Consider using a parry shield such as Buckler or Iron Round Shield. If you want reaction parry, a (Blessed infused) Caestus equipped in the left hand should be good enough. The area after Pontiff Sulyvahn is an invasion hot spot. If you don't want to be invaded while farming, you might want to play offline.

The 6 Silver Knights on the buttresses above the Water Reserve bonfire are a good source of Concords. The main reason is that there are 6 there, whereas you would find only 3 outside of Aldrich's boss arena. Each knight can easily be staggered with an R1 of an ultra greatsword. If you want, cheese a knight by using a fully charged R2 of an ultra greatsword to stun lock. I farmed these 6 Silver Knights. The above route is shown in the following video.

With a Knight starting class, consider using the SL114 build below when farming the Silver Knights, but each Silver Knight can only be staggered via 2 hits with R1.
20 Vigor 10 Attunement 15 Endurance 15 Vitality 13 Strength 13 Dexterity 9 Intelligence 9 Faith 99 Luck Symbol of Avarice Left hand: Crystal Sage's Rapier Right hand: Raw infused Claymore+9, 2-handed Rings: Chloranthy Ring+3, Sun Princess Ring, Ring of the Evil Eye+3, Gold Serpent Ring+3
You don't need to meet the stats requirement of the Claymore to wield the weapon. You only need a minimum of 13 Strength and 13 Dexterity to wield the Claymore 2-handed. You must equip the Symbol of Avarice as a head piece. The chest piece, gauntlets, and leggings can be any that suit your fashion taste, but ensure you are below 70% weight ratio.

I now discuss the drop rates from farming the above 6 Silver Knights. The drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many Silver Knights must be killed, one after the other, to get a Concord. The vertical axis shows the chance of obtaining a Concord after killing a certain number of Silver Knights. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 10 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 Silver Knights in a row to obtain a Concord. The second bar represents the cases where 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19 Silver Knights must be killed in succession for a Concord to spawn. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped all 10 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 2,336 Silver Knights were defeated to obtain 120 Concords. On average, 19 Silver Knights were killed in succession in order for a Concord to spawn. According to this table


the true drop rate for Concords is 1% so my chance of a drop is 4.65%. Of the Silver Knights who were killed, approximately 5.1% of them dropped Concords, which is higher than my chance of receiving a drop. As the graph shows, the best case scenario is where I had to kill between 1 and 9 Silver Knights in a row, inclusive, for a Concord to spawn. The chance of this being the case is 3.5%. The worst case scenario was the time I had to dispatch of 81 Silver Knights in succession to receive a Concord. There is a chance of less than 0.5% that between 80 and 89, inclusive, Silver Knights must be killed in succession for a Concord to spawn.
Human Dregs
Human Dregs cannot be summon cheesed in the same way as per Pale Tongues, Sunlight Medals, and Vertebra Shackles. However, it can be invasion cheesed similar to how you can trivialize the farming of Swordgrasses. Equip your Aldrich Faithful covenant badge. Ask another player, say B, to help you. B should have a character with soul and weapon levels similar to yours. B should be embered while in the courtyard after Pontiff Sulyvahn's boss room and await your invasion as an Aldrich Faithful. Once you have auto-invaded B's world, B can use a nearby cliff to suicide their character and you would receive a Human Dreg.

Alternatively, player B should have setup a character with as low soul and weapon levels as possible, preferably SL1 and weapon upgrade level +0. B could also have levelled up 5 times with Yoel to be at SL6 and weapon level +0. After reaching Irithyll and defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn, B can proceed to light the Anor Londo bonfire but must leave Aldrich alive. B should ideally have a reserve of approximately 125,562,533 souls to be able to level up to at least SL350 or any soul level below that. Furthermore, B should have enough upgrade materials to level up a regular weapon to +10 or any level below that. How would B obtain a Titanite Slab? Complete Siegward's quest line:
The above methods are not guaranteed to get you auto-invasion any faster. Farm the deacons after Pontiff Sulyvahn's boss room or in Anor Londo while you wait.

See the previous section for a general farming route. The 9 deacons after the Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire, and before the Water Reserve bonfire, are a good source of Human Dregs. The reason is mainly due to their number; there are but 8 deacons outside of Aldrich's boss arena. Of these 9 deacons, only the fat deacon has immense poise, but can still be staggered with 2 hits using the R1 of a Lothric Knight Greatsword+9 and is killed with 3 hits. Each of the short deacons can be one-shot. A tall deacon can be dispatched of using 2 hits with R1 or 1 backstab. At first when you encounter them, the 9 deacons are separated into 3 groups of 3 each. In general, for each group consider luring a member away from the group and eliminating one at a time.

With a Knight starting class, consider using the SL114 build below when farming the deacons. This build can also be used to farm the Silver Knights, but each Silver Knight can only be staggered via 2 hits with R1.
20 Vigor 10 Attunement 15 Endurance 15 Vitality 13 Strength 13 Dexterity 9 Intelligence 9 Faith 99 Luck Symbol of Avarice Left hand: Crystal Sage's Rapier Right hand: Raw infused Claymore+9, 2-handed Rings: Chloranthy Ring+3, Sun Princess Ring, Ring of the Evil Eye+3, Gold Serpent Ring+3
You don't need to meet the stats requirement of the Claymore to wield the weapon. You only need a minimum of 13 Strength and 13 Dexterity to wield the Claymore 2-handed. You must equip the Symbol of Avarice as a head piece. The chest piece, gauntlets, and leggings can be any that suit your fashion taste, but ensure you are below 70% weight ratio.

Starting from the Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire, use the nearby elevator as a shortcut to the 9 deacons. Once you're at the very top, send the elevator down for the next round. The very first group of deacons consists of a fat deacon, a short deacon, and a tall deacon. Stand near the entrance that faces these deacons and wait for the fat deacon to descend the staircase in the distance. Doing so would separate the first group of deacons from the rest. If possible, eliminate the short deacon as soon as possible, followed by any of the remaining two. Use a pillar, tree, or lamp post to block fire balls while you heal. The next video shows the farming route.

The Murkmen in the Dreg Heaps drop Human Dregs. Kill as many Murkmen as you can, but ensure you dispatch of the angel first. The Murkmen are weak against lightning. Note that farming Human Dregs in the Dreg Heaps is far more dangerous than doing so in gank city and Anor Londo.

Any place in the Dreg Heaps where you have a bunch of crawling Murkmen and Murkmen mages can, in theory, be used as a farming spot for Human Dregs as long as the Murkmen mages are alive. Here are some of those places:
  1. One place is near the first steep, long drop near the first Harald.
  2. The second place is where you would drop through the roof. This place can be dangerous for farming because some Murkmen can transform into giant monstrous humanity sprites that nuke you.
  3. The third place is the room above where you would pick up the Silver Serpent Ring+3. This is the most dangerous room for farming because all the crawling Murkmen can nuke you. I wouldn't recommend this place for farming Human Dregs.
  4. The fourth place is the rooms adjacent to the third place. This area can be difficult for farming because the corridors are rather narrow.
  5. The fifth place is after a steep, long drop near the second Lothric Knight who wields a great shield and spear.
In each of these places, as long as the Murkmen mages are alive you can farm the crawling Murkmen. The crawling Murkmen are easy to kill, but the fight can be dangerous when Murkmen mages can spam magic at you and hit you with their staves. My own experience with farming the Murkmen is disappointing. I have only ever gotten 1 or 2 Human Dregs and a Deep Gem from them in my whole farming time at the Dreg Heaps. My experience is not surprising. According to the table


the true drop rate from the Murkmen is 0.3%, which is worse than the true drop rates from the deacons. After spending an hour farming Human Dregs in the Dreg Heaps, I find that the area is more dangerous for farming. Gank city and Anor Londo are far better for farming covenant items because the deacons drop Human Dregs and the Silver Knights drop Concords; hitting 2 birds with one stone.

I now discuss the drop rates from farming the above 9 deacons. According to the above table, the tall deacon has a true drop rate of 2%, and the fat and short deacons each has a true drop rate of 1%. My chance of a drop is 9.3% from the tall deacon and 4.65% from each of the fat and short deacons. The drop rates are summarized in the histogram below. The horizontal axis shows how many deacons must be killed, one after the other, to get a Human Dreg. The vertical axis shows the chance of obtaining a Human Dreg after killing a certain number of deacons. Note that each bar in the graph lumps together 10 categories of kills. For example, the first bar represents the cases where I had to kill 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 deacons in a row to obtain a Human Dreg. The second bar represents the cases where 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19 deacons must be killed in succession to get a Human Dreg. Instead of having a separate bar for the category of 1 kill, or 2 kills, or 3 kills, etc., I lumped all 10 categories of kills into one bar.

In total 1,678 deacons were defeated to obtain 120 Human Dregs. On average, 13 deacons were killed in succession to obtain a Human Dreg. Of the deacons who were eliminated, approximately 7.2% dropped Human Dregs. This is worse than my chance of a drop from the tall deacons, but better than my chance of a drop from each of the fat and short deacons. As the graph shows, the best case scenario is where I had to kill between 1 and 9 deacons in a row, inclusive, for a covenant item to spawn. The chance of this being the case is over 4%. The worst case scenario was the time I had to dispatch of 50 deacons in succession to receive a Human Dreg. There is a chance of less than 0.5% that between 50 and 59, inclusive, deacons must be killed in succession for a Human Dreg to spawn.
Filianore's Spear Ornament
Farm the Ringed Knights[darksouls.fandom.com]. All Ringed Knights are vulnerable to stun lock. Use an ultra greatsword with a thrust R2 to stun lock them. The easiest way is to kill Halflight[darksouls.fandom.com] over and over again. After you kill Halflight the first time, go to the statue of Velka[darksouls.fandom.com] or the Purging Monument[darksouls.fandom.com] and revive him. Then head to his boss arena and kill him again. Rinse and repeat. Search youtube for strategies to cheese Halflight. One cheese tactic is to stand by a pillar, use the weapon art of the Storyteller's Staff[darksouls.fandom.com] on Halflight, and also cast toxic. You can farm the Storyteller's Staff from the Corvian Storytellers[darksouls.fandom.com] in Road of Sacrifices, before the Halfway Fortress bonfire. Or cast poison and toxic on Halflight instead.
Count Grustula 6 May, 2020 @ 7:05am 
You can farm 1, or 2, if you are a mage, Lothric Knights in roughly 15 seconds each, near the Lothric Castle Bonfire (the first after Dancer).
Anri's Straight Sword works well with luck-builds as you can R1 spam most enemies while still maintaining a high DPS (since it scales with Luck) and stagger-mechanic.
ffarty boom boom poopy haha 4 May, 2020 @ 3:02pm 
good stuff