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Farming souls
Tekijältä quacksouls
Tips, strategies, and routes for farming souls.
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18 kommenttia
Nikki 22.12.2023 klo 13.38 
just git gud duhhh nah but serios as a starter tipp level health bc u only get late some good weapons so why bother upgrading str or dex :bonfire2:
belisarius 27.3.2022 klo 19.12 
my lazy way is just go to the infinite spawning knight on archdragon peak 2nd bonfire and just backstab him for 8k and repeat
0BSCURlTY 11.8.2021 klo 15.38 
Amazing guide, thank god honest merchant exists
quacksouls  [tekijä] 5.7.2021 klo 22.38 
Thank you for the information. I didn't know about that route and strategy for farming the lone Dark Wraith. I focused on a melee character and have never done a sorcerer playthrough. Good to know other ways to farm souls.
SC Tacitus.Æ 5.7.2021 klo 22.23 
Alright, I don't know if you'll find it useful or anything. But I wanted to share something I discovered in Farron Keep. I'll put a video I just uploaded a little bit ago in
here , if you want to see it in practice.

But to describe it with words, the Darkwraith who protects the Sage's Coal, when killed, will always drop 2.5K souls every time. On your first trip, get the Golden Scroll from the Basilisk cave, and give it to Orbeck. Buy the Hidden Body and Spook Spells. Go to the Darkwraith with both of those spells equipped (I started as sorcerer for two attunement slots, but rings are useful here too I suppose, consider the Slumbering Dragon Ring to save FP) kill the slug nearby him first, else he'll aggro to it when you damage him without being detected. Follow up by backstabbing him to death, he'll drop 4.1K souls. Each round takes a little under/over 2 minutes, meaning within 10 minutes you can get 20K with just the baseline ring and Symbol.
TerryCropTop 9.1.2021 klo 14.30 
Just wow ! Thank you for those precious information !!
quacksouls  [tekijä] 17.6.2020 klo 12.37 
@stacysix Step 1: Get a friend to drop a bunch of souls for you.
stacysix 17.6.2020 klo 12.35 
Step 1 :

Install cheat engine

Step 2:

Find tables

Step 3:

Jim Crow 1.6.2020 klo 23.45 
good shit dude
Gokan the Husky 13.5.2020 klo 19.40 
You get bonus souls for on e shotting enemies? ...I never knew that...