Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Fire Emblem - Pyrathi
7.643 MB
26 เม.ย. 2020 @ 12: 36am
1 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
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Lead the Kingdom of Pyrathi as the Wyrm-King Mannu!

UA: The Pyrathi Dragon
+2 Happiness and +2 Faith for every Civilization with whom you do NOT have war, open borders, or a Declaration of Friendship with. Caps at 20 Happiness and Faith

UU: Salamand Manakete
Replaces the Great General for Pyrathi. While in human form, provides the normal benefits of a Great General while also being able to construct a Holy Site. Can choose to transform to Dragon form for 2 turns, in which the Salamand Manakete becomes a powerful unit that gains faith when killing an enemy unit. Combat Strength scales with eras. (Last transforming unit for a while, I swear it)

UI: Temple to Salamand
Provides +2 and Culture. Provides a +50% bonus to defense to units on it. Can be built anywhere, but does not improve any resources. Takes slightly longer to build than most improvements.

Mod Support:
The Emblem Project
Fire Emblem Weapon Triangle
Fire Emblem 11/12 OST Mod
Fire Emblem Affinities
Civ IV traits in Civ V

Peace: The Ancient Mage Dragon
War: Stalwart Opposition

Join the Fire Emblem Modders Discord here:
1 ความเห็น
L3xandr3 15 พ.ค. 2020 @ 4: 14am 
"... Provides +2 and Culture..."

I think you missed the Faith part.