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How to setup Face-Rig in StreamlabsOBS
By Holy Patience
Here I´ll show you step by step how to setup your Face-rig character in slobs
Setting up Face-Rig Drivers
The first thing we must do is to install Face-Rig´s drivers.

1 - Go to file explorer

2 - Go to the location of your Steam

3 - Click on Steam yours might be on program files (x86)

4 - Go to SteamApps

5 - Head to Common

6 - Find Face-Rig

7 - Go to Bin

8 - Head to prerequisites

9 - Install the FaceVirtualCamDriver and FaceVirtualMicDriver (The second one only if you plan to use the in-built voice effects)

10 - Choose the corresponding software version with your Windows version

Setting up Face-Rig Configurations
For this part we need to open Face-Rig and tweak some things there

1 - Choose and Customize your Avatar (Also disable the retargeted option)

2 - Go to enviornments and choose the green screen

3 - Go to the Advanced UI

4 - Toogle Broadcasting Mode (Always toogle if you want to stream it!)

Now minimize Face-Rig and make sure it stays open!
Setting up Face-Rig on Slobs
The last part to this guide essencialy is how to have Face-Rig running on Slobs and how to make the green screen work and give the transparency effect most of us want

1 - Open StreamLabsOBS and Create a new Scene

1.1 - Name that Scene In-Game or Whatever you want (I´m assuming it´s your first time setting up slobs)

2 - After the scene was selected go to sources and add one

2.1 - Choose Video Capture Device

2.2 - Name the Source Face-Rig

2.3 - Select the Device : Face-Rig

3 - In sources Right click on Face-Rig and go to Filters

4 - In Filters hit the plus icon

5- Choose Chroma Key from the Filters

6 - On Key Color Type choose Green

7 - This should be your result

My Stream Link
I´ve started streaming very recently (2\3 weeks ago) and found its really hard to grow nowadays on the community , so I´m posting my link here so if you decide to join me one of these days I´ll be more than happy to welcome you! I still make some rookie mistakes but I´m starting to get the hang of it.

I haven´t defined a fixed schedule but during quaranteen I´ll be streaming from 4:00 PM to 10:00 \ 11:00 PM CET 4 days a week depending on how well I´m doing.

I mainly play CSGO because I pull some insane plays sometimes :D but that´s not the main objetive of the stream , I leave that for those who want to find out.

My Stream Link : https://www.twitch.tv/morpheusdidacus

I hope the guide helped you somehow , cheers and good games with your lively cartoonish characters!